Redirect To Results Page

I have a ASP page that triggers a db-side stored procedure.At the end of the procedure, it spits out a log file, that this ASP page reads and displays for the users.

But the problem is that the database-stored Proc could take anything between 10 secs - to - 10 mins. I dont want the page to time out [But I dont want to increase the time out in the IIS webserver]. Is there a way, like the airlines websites do, where I can just show an animated gif while the procedure runs and redirect the page to results at the end of the procedure run.

ex: like orbitz or hotwire.... or anything like that, but not as complicated as them.

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Best Way To Page Thousands Of Results

I've got a product database with some pretty heafty table joins. At the moment if I return all products, the script often times out since there can be 10,000 + products per search result.

What is the best way to retrieve only, say, 100 results per page?

I currently have a script which loops through the entire recordset and only writes the appropriate records (say, records 300-400) but it would be nice only to pull the correct records from the database as people page through. Basically I need to have the least amount of memory usage during pulling these results from the database.

Does that make sense? What do you guys suggest?

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Maximum Of 10 Results Per Page

I'm doing pretty well with my SE and getting all my results but I'm trying to come up with a way to have a maximum of 10 results per page. Code:

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Printable Results Page

I have a page with some search criteria at the top. On submit, I am displaying my query results for this criteria. I need the user to just be able to print the results without the search criteria. Whats the best/easiest way to achieve this? Frames? Printable version?

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Search Records And Get Results On Same Page

how to create a search option that would search the recordsets in my database table.

I would be allowing users to search by name or date. I'd like the results in the same page. Any suggestions or tutorials?

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Creating Search And Results Page

i have been trying to create a search and result page. - (The same page if possible) using both Dreamweaver and Frontpage. But keeps returning a provider failure code. i know want to just code it to see if that will work but am a newbie when it comes to coding. I wish to do a search on 1 field in a SQL database if at all possible using a trusted connection, but return more fields from various tables.

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Meta Refresh Results In Blank Page

I am trying to debug a problem with some ASP pages when accessed via IIS on
Windows 2003 Server SP1.

In summary, the pages are structured as follows:

Root page
Page loaded via IMG SRC

Root Page extract Code:

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Having A Problem With Creating Multiple Page Results

I am attempting to only show 10 results per page in my results page. I keep on getting the following error. Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'MoveFirst'
Does someone know where i am going wrong? Code:

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Displaying Quiz/test Results On Same Page

I have created a quiz with 14 questions that the user can click a yes radiobutton or no radiobutton. In the code-behind I have set a varable to store the selected items.

What I have taking place is if yesRadiobutton is selected the variable is incremented by 1. then after all the radiobuttons have been added up. i check the variable using an if statement. Code:

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Index Server And PDF - Results Show In Admin Console But Not On ASP Page..?

I have set up Index Server in IIS to search my intranet. I've installed the Adobe PDF filter so that words from PDF files are included.

I can get results from PDFs when querying the catalogue in the Windows console. However, I have tried various ASP Search pages and they all ignore PDF files from a browser (even though the scripts include the pdf extension).

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Page Redirect

One of the features on my site is to allow my customers to upload photos and text files.
The script does not come with any instructions to allow the page to redirect to a Thank You page. How can I accomplish this?

The second question is how can I email the images or the text to my email after the images have been uploaded to a specific folder on the server? Code:

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Redirect Asp Page

From my asp page, I insert a row into a database. Once the row is inserted, its value for the 'status' column of the table is automatically entered as 'in progress'.
This table is then updated by another script (out of my control). This script changes the 'status' value to 'processed' once it has copied the row to another table. The script runs every 5-30 seconds I've been told.
What I want to do is give the user a 'processing data' kind of message until the value of the 'status' column has changed to 'processed', for the data the user has entered.
I'm not sure how to poll the database every so often to check for the 'processed' string. Then, once it has changed to 'processed', just give a message to the user.

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Redirect Page

i've used flash to set up a menu on a website, but have since lost the work in progress flash file, and my menu points to the wrong link on one of the buttons.

is there a way through asp i can redirect to the *right* link when this button is pressed. (i.e. instead of going to default.htm it will go to index.php)?if there is it seems a lot easier than having to recreate my flash file

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Redirect To Other Page

How to redirect to another a page if the target url is not on existence.

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Redirect Page

how do i redirect to another page if the first page im accessing cannot be displayed.

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Redirect To Another Page

I am trying to deal with session. In sites that I see, when my session timesout, I am usually taken to another page right away or taken to another page when I click on a link or something.

Now, I managed to get the timeout part, but my page is not being redirected anywhere even when I click on a link. I tried using Response.Redirect("timeout.asp") in Session_onEnd, but I don't think it is working.

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Redirect From Asp Page To A PDF

I am having an issue with Mac IE users that come to an asp page on my site. The page does a response.redirect to a PDF page. the PDF is downloaded onto the desktop and saved as the name of the ASP page. The PDF is then displayed in a separate window.

If I maunally type the URL to the PDF then everything works like it should. The PDF is displayed inside the browser window and the downloaded file is the correct name. I would appreciate any insight into . how to fix this.

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Page Redirect

i have a page that after pressing a link it goes to this page is only really used to perform calculatiosnn etc. and has one word like "you have been successful, you will now be redirected to"

at the moment it goes to fast and i have put a link on the pae so the person nows it worked and then needs to press the link to move on. is there away that i can put a delay into the html so that it displays the sentence for about 5 sec ect then redirects rater than have them press a link.

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Redirect To Registration Page

how to force users from a common asp page to the registration page. Example:

Joe blow goes to abc.asp and has a look around. He never registers because there is nothing saying he should register before browsing. I want to force joe blow to register before browsing some pages.

What would an If statement look like in that case? On what object do you perform the check?

I know how to use a redirect statement, I don't know how to perform a check for prior registration or login. I would imagine the check should be the first call of the page?

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Custom Redirect 404 Page

I am trying to do the similar to mod rewrite and use the custom 404 rewrite
page to handle the table look up, so
will redirect to for the detail pages.
Will google see this forwarding in the 404 redirect page and ignore the
links?Also, how can I make the URL of
appear in the users url window instead of the

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Timer After It Redirect The Page

if there is a code in ASP that any user that comes to my website after so many mins of being on 1 page it redirects them some where else?

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ASP (Yuck) Redirect Page

I've never used ASP before and I'm sure the answers are in here, so I'm expecting to have rotten tomatoes thrown at me... Sorry, this is the only ASP page I ever hope to write...

I have a page called intranet.asp All it needs to do is look at the remote_addr variable and depending on what it sees redirect to one of two places.

The logic is as follows, and if this were PHP or Cold Fusion, I would be able to do it.

IF (remote_addr == "") {
redirect to
} else {
redirect to

The xxx's in mean that it can be any address inside the 192.168 tree.

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Redirect To Correct Page

I have a few pages that require login to access. Assuming a user clicks a
link containing a variable trying to access a password protected page. That
user is redirected to the login page. After login, he's brought to a "logged
in" page. How do I retain the original link he clicked and instead of
redirecting to a logged in page, he's redirected to the page he originally

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Error 404 Redirect Page

how can i turn the error 404 page into a template of my choosing in asp microsoft server hosting?

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Redirect To Https Page

I have a login page that's https and after logging in should redirect to the
home page

<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">

No matter what I've tried it tries to redirect to

Exact error is:

The page cannot be displayed:

500 Internal Server Error - The network logon failed. (1790) Internet Security and Acceleration Server

Does anyone have any clue as to what's going on here, and how to fix it?

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Redirect User To Another Web Page

Is it possible to redirect a user to another web page using ASP code located in page body?

I have some ASP code that runs after generating some output to the browser.It checks for a condition that can only be calculated using the values produced in the output, so redirecting the user before the <html> tag isn't possible without running the code RESPONSE.REDIRECT "url" won't work.

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Redirect Html Page

Here is my code:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content=http://mysite/sample.asp>

The above code isn't working. What am I missing?

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Redirect To A Web Page If Logged On

This is the code for my default asp page.

'Check if user is logged in
if Session("name") = "" then
'If not, go to login page
'If, build page
Response.Write("<title>ASP Page</title>")

end if
%><body leftmargin="100" text="#004080" bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><p><font size="6">

I want users that have been logged on successfully to be redirected to a website address that I specify.

Any Ideas?

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Redirect To Previous Page

What is the code for redirecting the page to the previous page from which we have come to the present page.

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How To Make A Redirect Page

I need to make a redirect page in ASP using VBScript. It should display a message like "Redirecting, please wait . . ." & after some time it should redirect to any other page.

Example of this is in sitepoint itself. When you login in sitepoint it shows you a page for some time with message "Thanks for logging" & then redirects you to home page.

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Redirect To Previous Page

The users of my website can request to login from different pages. after login they are redirected ro index.asp but I want them to be redirected to original page where they came from

I tried to use

Dim backpage
backpage = ServerVariable("HTTP_referrer")

with this code I get NOT FOUND PAGE ERROR.

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Response.redirect To Whole Page Rather To A Frame

I am having one asp page(i.e home page) which has two frames in it. Left frame contains menu and whichever option is clicked in it that corresponding page is shown in the right frame. In those pages i am checking for sessionid and if it is different from what is there in the table i want to show the login page.

The problem is that as i am using response.redirect in the pages shown in right frame to go to login page but then the login page is shown in just the right frame but i want to show the login page on the whole page.

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Page Redirect For Browser Width

Does anyone know of any ASP code that would redirect a page that has a small page width....such as a mobile phone, Blackberry, Sidekick, etc to another page designed for the width.

I have one with Java script but many of these devices don't handle Java too well.

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