Redirects And Closing Connection

If I use response.redirect, is the entire page read before the page is redirected? For example, assume I have this code where the response.redirect is located before the objConn.Close line:

Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "sampleDSN"


Set objConn = nothing

Will the page be redirected before the database is closed?

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Redirects And Closing Connection

If I use response.redirect, is the entire page read before the page is redirected?

For example, assume I have this code where the response.redirect is located before the objConn.Close line:

Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "sampleDSN"


Set objConn = nothing

Will the page redirect before the database is closed?

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Closing Of Connection

for readability purposes,I plan to standardize all my asp pages to always open connection at the beginning of the page and close the connection at the end of the page

If in the middle of the page I issued redirection,does this mean the connection will not be closed?

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Closing DSN Connection

I just want to close my dsn connection. I cannot seem to find it. is it Set conn = Nothing?

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Automatic .ldb File Deletion After Closing Connection To The Access DB From ASP Page

I created connection to the Microsoft Access DB using DSN from my ASP page.

Set vpconn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
vpconn.ConnectionString =
"File Name=c:inetpubwwwrootDBDNAME.dsn"
' Close connection immediately after opening for testing
Set vpconn=Nothing

The Microsoft Access, for every database opened for shared use, creates an .ldb file to prevent users from writing data to pages that other users have locked. Whenever the last user closes a shared database, the .ldb file should be deleted.

It is working; the .ldb file is deleted immediately after closing connection
but not if you open/close this connection from your ASP page.

What I found, the .ldb file is deleted with about 70 seconds delays after closing connection from an ASP page.

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ASP Redirects

In using a page with IFrame, I woudl like to write a line like this:
If (certain criteria met) then
end if

Pretty simple, except that I would like to make it to the full page. In
other words, if it were a regular HTML hyperlink, the code would be
<a href=somepage.asp? target="_parent">

Is there a way to specify targets in ASP redirects?

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ASP Redirects

Hey there. Is there any reason why redirects in my code would cause the error:

"Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked."

If that is whats causing the problems? My code has been uploaded to

instead of filling this post up.

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Querystrings And Redirects

I currently have been using something like this:

It worked fine because I didn't need to pass on any other values from the querystrings. But now, I need something that will redirect the page and pass all querystring values. I tried this:

response.redirect(request.querystring("page") & "&" & request.querystring)
But it brings me to something like this:
instead of what I would like for it to say:

Now.... I know that I could have written:

response.redirect(request.querystring("page") & "&id=" & request.querystring("id"))
But that won't work because I actually have many querystrings and I won't know which ones are used, etc. I want it to just transfer all the querystring data.

Oh, and if the redirect could take out the "page" querystring.. that would be great. Because I don't need it.. it is only used to know what page to go to. I just need to keep all the other querystrings.

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Redirects To Another Page

What would be the best way to build a little asp page that:

waits for 45 seconds

loops forever

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Redirects To Adminlogon

i have a session variable that is set to 1 when the admin logs in and on the admin page i have this code . Code:

<%If Session("admin") <> 1 then
end if

but it redirects me back to adminlogon even if i put the right password in, what going on.

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Redirects To Home.aspx.

I' currently making a time and movement site for our department.I would like for the user to use a login page,once they log in I want them to be directed to a personnal home page that allows to add and view their current week movements.How would I proceed
I built a login page, once the login is validated it redirects to home.aspx.
In the home aspx what would the coding for the home page to retreive the date related to the particular employee without having the employee to retypr his login information in a search form.

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Framesets, Redirects, And URL Address

I have my entire ASP-driven site in a one-frame frameset to preserve a static URL in a browser's address bar. I also have a customized 404 page to redirect a visitor to the top, default frameset.

The redirect works, but the called, nonexistent URL remains in the browser's address bar. Is there any way to refresh a browser's address in the address bar to that of the site's default, frameset address? I tried using a window.location-type javascript, but the redirects get stuck in a perpetual loop.

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Redirects To The Right Page Pasing Login Section

On allot of professional web sites, i have notised that When you are looking for something on the site and it needs you to login first
before you can see the content, when you do login it knows exactly where to take you before you loged in, how do they do this???
what type of code do they use??? i would love to apply it to my site.

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Cross Domain Cookie Handling - No Redirects

Does anyone have a successful experience in using XMLHTTP or ASPtear to read
a cookie on another domain? Can it be done at all using these or similar
technologies or can it only be done using the redirect trick?

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Recordset Closing

today i got an error from my site

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_DBC failed
it got error when i tried to update.then i checked all my files which has database stuff.i did not see any close statement for recordset & connection.we used DSN for connection.this site was build my someother firm.when i asked to my boss he told me they kept connection open purposely becoz they had uesd connection pooling.they said using connection pooling can utilize less memory resource.should i close each & every open recordset & connection

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Closing Recordsets

I realize that sometimes you can use recordsets that were never opened (like when you're adding a record to a db) and I realize that you cannot close a recordset such as this.

But for the ones that ARE open, should they be closed first and then set to nothing?

Also,I'm trying to create code that checks if a recordset is open. If so, I wnat to close it. How would I do that?

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Closing Pop Up Window

In my code I am opening a new window through javascript which opens upon submitting a form. The form collects certain information from user ; and this information is used to create a file.This file is created after the page is submitted and just after the file is created I want to destroy the window and then give a link on the page to download the file.

Is there any way to do this. The problem I faced was upon submitting the page I loose the window object that is returned by method.

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Self Closing Windows

I have a page on a server (not under my control) that can't have scheduled tasks running on it and I need to hit the page once a day. I am currently doing this through a .bat file on our server which runs iexplore.exe and hits the page. Is there anyway I can get this window to close? either though the .asp page or in the .bat file.

This is becoming more of a problem as there is the likelyhood that within a month or so, I may have more pages requiring this same operation and it isn't very good to have to log on to the server each morning just to close these windows.

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Closing ADO Recordsets

I have in the back of my mind and knowing the importance of using close(rsname) to close a recordset once it has been finished with, is whether any recordsets have been left open accidentally.

Is there, therefore, a way of listing all open recordsets, without specifiying the name of the recordset? ie. "For each key in recordset". Do recordsets get closed after a period of non-use?

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Closing Browser

Is there anyway to close a browser without getting the "Do you want to close this window" pop up? I intend to launch a browser using the windows scheduler. And auto close it itself. I tried using self.close() ...but got that pop up confirmation. Anyway?

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Closing Connections

What's the proper syntax for determining if a connection is open before closing it?

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Closing Page

I have a button that goes to a new page - if a person clicks on the X in the right hand corner - I want it to go back to the previous page. How do I set this - I can't set the target to blank.

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Closing Unwanted Pop Ups

My website has been targetted by a web scam. They have sent out an email, which looks as if it's come from me (the email tells them that they must update their information). There is a link in the email which, when clicked, opens up 2 windows: my site in the background and a small window on top with form. This forms asks the customer to submit sensitive information. Is there any script I can use to close down other windows when my site is opened? I can't think of any other quick solution at the moment.

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Closing An ASP Application

how to close an asp application. What is the ASP code i should use to close the browser Is it something like "window.close".

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Closing Window When The Jobs Done

How can I close the window (DownloadCSV.asp) automatically when this has asp page (GenerateCSV.asp) has finished loading. The asp page, GenerateCSV.asp is called in the onLoad event when it has finished it pops up the download dialog box, when that happens I want the page that calls it to close, how do I do this??? Code:

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Closing Recordsets Set The Code

Is it sufficient to Set a Connection or Recordset to Nothing, or ought they
specifically be closed first?


Set rs = oConn.Execute(sSQL)

'Do stuff

Set rs = Nothing
Set oConn = Nothing

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Closing Command Object

I am trying to close a command object after executing a command text and getting an error message as:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'close' /data_usage_guide/workplansystem/ProjDataLoad.asp, line 67

The reason I want to close the object is to use it again for executing another commnad text as shown in the code below. Could any oen help why I am getting this error message and/or is there a better way to do this , i.e. posting data to several diferent tables one after the other. Code:

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Closing Child Window

I have a submit button which opens a child window,and submit parent window to itself and then begins some processing on parent window. On completion there appears close button on parent page.

Can anybody suggest me how to close the child window on the click of close button on parent window and then redirect to other page?

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Releasing / Closing Objects

I realise that all database and recordset objects must be closed and set to nothing, but I also use other objects but I can not find any mention anywhere whether it is important to somehow close and set these objects to nothing. The objects I am reffering to are the aspupload object (, the command object and the parameter object that you can create using a command object...

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Block Closing The Window

if i run my project IE will open and output willl be shown. my need is u can able to see three butons(minimize,maximize,close) in yhe right corner of the IE window, me need is that should not be appear so only screen will be displayed.why i need this requirement is user cannot close teh window using any method, one method is this pressing this close button, i need to block this

my second need is if try to use alt+f4 to close the window i shouldn't close for ten minutes,after ten minutes he can use alt+ f4 to close so please give me coding for this also

third way is if he tries to use windows+d or windows+m or alt+tab it should not work,i need to block this way also

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Research About Closing Windows

i'm tring to solve out how can i pick the moment when user shot-down the window and to do some operation. i made a real research and tried all kind of stupid creative crazy and long ways to do this. the solution got to run on average pc with internet explorer 6+ and with popupblocker.

i'm running my files on do not support scheduale tasks.

-global.asa ,session_onend never shoots... disqualified!
-popups blocked... disqualified!
-schedualed stored task not supported... disqualified!

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Opening And Closing A Window

When i select a order ,a new window opens up .I select the name from the new window .This window also has a submit button(there is a insert statement which gets activated on submit).

wht i want to do is when i hit submit ,the window should get closed and should be redirected to the previous page from where i actually got this window i.e by clicking on the order at the start. how should i attain this?

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Opening And Closing A Section

I have a question regarding opening and closing a particular section in a web page. I have done that in .net using panels, but, I dont know how to do it in ASP (using VBScripting, JavaScripting).

I have a table with long list of users and every user has some info attached under them. My table looks too long. I wanna give my users a functionality in design so that they can close and open each section. Is there a way to do it in ASP?

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