Refresh A Frameset

My frameset has three frames, header, navigation bar and a main page.
I can tell when the server has timed out because the session variables have
been reset but, when that happens, how do I refresh the frameset and all the

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Frame Doesn't Refresh Properly When Manually Refresh Page

I have a page with 2 frames. The first one has a link that loads a page in the second frame. This page has a button on it. When the button is hit, the page does some processing and loads another page in the same frame (the second).

I use ASP and response.redirect or javascript in the onclick event of the button to do the redirection. When I refresh the page by clicking the button on the browser (IE), the second frame becomes empty. Please note that the src attribute of the frame is not set.

If I set the src attribute of the second frame to some asp page and then navigate to another page inside the same frame, when I refresh the page, the initial asp page is loaded in the frame regardless of the asp page currently loaded into the frame.

It seems that when you refresh the page, the frames are reinitialized no matter what pages are currently loaded in the frames.

I solved the problem by redirecting to the main page in the top frame, passing some parameters and resetting the src of the frame to the desired asp page. Thus, when the page is refreshed, all the frames are properly refreshed too.

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Frameset Value Set

I have 2 framesets:

A.asp (parent frameset)

In my A.asp form I have input textboxes. I am doing my query in B.asp.I want to post the result of my query in A.asp.

How can I do this?

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I am trying to set a url in a frameset asp page, so that it goes to a non-frame asp page.Is it possible?

my example code is below:

<frameset rows="*" cols="180,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
<frame src="Softwarelist.asp" name="leftFrame" scrolling="Yes" noresize>
<frameset rows="80,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
<frame src="Topbanner.asp" name="topFrame" target="_blank" scrolling="No" noresize>
<frameset rows="1100,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
<frame src="Risk_info.asp" name="MainFrame" scrolling="Yes" noresize>


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Using Refresh Button On The Menu Bar To Refresh Two Frames.

I have an ASP site that uses frames two frames. (yes I
should be using include files, but we started ou using
frames so we have been stuck with frames.)

When I get a page expired warning (I am not caching pages)
and a user clicks refresh from the menu bar the user is
taken back to the home page! The home page is a frame with
a top frame that is repeated on each subsequent asp pages

The lower half of the home page is a login screen.

After login the next page is shown in the lower half of
the frame. Refreshing within the individual frames is ok.

But when the Refresh from the menu bar is used the home
page is returned any ideas why?

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Cookie From Frameset

I have developed a site that uses cookies for a low-security login system, which works fine. The client now wants to put the entire site inside a frameset, with the parent page on another server, but when we do this the cookies are set (i can see them in netscapes cookie list) but then cannot be read. is this a domain problem? is there any way around this? I've been seeing a few things on p3p that might make this hard...

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How To Set Unknown SRC In Frameset

I have two pages of aspx one is content.aspx and other is framing.aspx

I want that I have 3 diffrent link on my content.aspx


and on framing page there are only frame on top my header, on bottom my footer:

but i want that when i click one of the link on content.aspx it must be opened in middleframe of framing.aspx

I have created link using <a href="">yahoo</a>
same like this for other 2 .

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Secureserver In Frameset

I am using secure server in my site for payment process. the site is divided in three frames top, left & main. For jumping between http and https I made the links hardcode. When I click on the shopping cart button from the menu in left frame it shows the page in main frame and change the URL from http to https in address bar.

But the problem is when I click on any other button URL does not change from https to http while all the links on buttons are hardcoded. The page displayed in main frame is actually changing between http and https but URL Displayed in address bar is not changing.

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Frameset And Border

I have a frameset with a nested frameset, like follows:


I set the border, frameborder and framespacing to zero, I still see borders. I have images in each of the frames that, put together, comprise a single image. I ensured that there is no white space in the images' borders. How can I make it so that there are no borders at all?

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Can ASp Be Used To Close And Reopen A Frameset

I have a system of pages set up on an intranet that uses a top frame and left frame for much of the navigation. But I would like to allow the people viewing the pages to close and reopen the frameset thus allowing more room to view the content. Is there a way that I can make a button either close or just resize the nav frames without losing the content page...

I think that a resize option would be the best that way I can just put a link on the frame and resize it to where only the link is viewable.

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Frameset Problem With Some PCs Running IE6

We're just in the process of setting up a small intranet site running
on a W2K server. Our home page has a basic frameset with a main window
which displays information depending on the link selected in the left
hand toolbar. It all works fine on most of the PCs on the network. All
the left hand toolbar links have a target="main" attribute in order to
display the information in the main window within the frameset.

However, on a couple of PCs, when you click on a link, the information
is displayed taking up the whole screen (i.e. as if the target was
"_top"). The setup of these PCs is no different from all the others.
They are all running XP and IE6. Is there an IE setting that could be
preventing these particular PC's from using the frameset properly?

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Frameset Or Include Files

I'm going to revamp an intranet for a company... which need further maintanence in the future but I got a doubt.Should I use Include Files method or Frameset Method to design?

If use frameset ,the design has 2 frames which are a top frame and bottom frame and the critical(other programmer could add and delete links in the future) links are all in bottom frames. If use table ,only have to include files on the 1st row & 2nd row.Which is better to maintain ?

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New Session On Page Inside A Frameset

I have been using session variables to pass a user name from one ASP
page to another inside framesets for 9 months and it stopped working
this week. I have made no code changes but there was a "security
update" installed on the server a few days ago but I can't find out
exactly what it was.

In the research I have done I found many articles on the subject of
session variables in ASP pages inside framesets. From what I read a
new session will be started every time a new ASP page is accessed
until a session variable is set, once a session variable is set the
session will stay the same from page to page, even when using frames.
It is possible to start a session by setting a session variable in the
global.asa file.

My page 1 sets the session variable "username", this page calls page 2
which then uses the "username" variable. This still works on the two
test servers I have where no upgrades of any kind have been done. I
changed the code to display the Session.SessionID in both page 1 and
page 2. On my test systems I get the same session id number, on my
production system I get two different session id numbers and when I
turn on prompting for all cookies I get the session cookie prompt when
the second page is called. The two test systems are on the same
network as my workstation, the production machine on the internet at a
hosting site.

I have cookies enabled in my browser, session state is enabled in IIS
and there are no special characters in the domain name of the web
site. I did not have a global.asa file so I added one and I set a
session variable in the global.asa just to get the session started.
What I find interesting is if I display the variable I set in the
global.asa file I can see it on both page 1 and page 2 but on page 2
I can't see the variables set on page 1. I am completely stumped.
Does anyone have any idea what I can do to get this working again? .....

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Passing Form Data Into Frameset

I have a page "entry.asp" where a user enters data into a form (named "form"). I want to submit the form and have the data passed to a frameset with two frames (frame1.asp and frame2.asp). I need the posted data from the form to be accessible to frame1.asp and frame2.asp.

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How can I refresh one webpage from another?

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How can I get an ASP page to automatically refresh on load.

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Why do I need to close and open my browser to see the changes made to the code(javascript)?? How can make the page refresh without closing the browser.

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Do I Have To Refresh Every Second

I have this asp page called create project . In this page, there will be a list of clients (pulled from db) for the user to select.

User could also click on the create client button to open up a seperate page/window to create a new client. After they have created the client, the page will be closed. How do I tell my create project page that a new client has been created and so, refresh the page? Do I really need to set my Create project page to refresh every second?

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I have a asp page where i display all the records i create a hyperlink with that records and when any one click on that link a popup window will appear where user enter the new data and click on update button then i update the fields and the popup window will close but my problem is that when i click on update button i also want to refresh the parent(previous) page please tell me how can i refresh that page ....

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My page uses code like this to redirect to other pages for the purpose of allowing errors and confirmatory statements to be seen by Administrators and Users alike.

Response.Write("<meta http-equiv=""Refresh"" content=""4; URL=AdminSelectAction.asp"">")

The problem is that this does not allow the refresh button to be pressed because it does not change the address in the address bar in Internet Explorer. Response.Redirect does change the address. Is there a way to make a pause before changing the page that WILL change the address in the bar?

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On my form,the user puts in ref no,and clicks submit. a new window gets opened. but when I click on refresh on the browser. the same action takes place(new window opens). whats going on. i dont want this to happen. the page should reload.

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im trying to create one page. which let user to fill in data... then when click on submit button. it pop up one "small windows", which content are:"Thank you for fill in...". den when the user close da window. the parent window can refresh itself automatically.

how to write the codes of once close da "small window", the parent window itself can refresh?

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I've just uploaded a new ASP web site for a client. Some of their customers are still seeing the old .htm web page. I know it's obviously been pulled from the cache. How do I get the browser to pull the new page and not the cache?

I've now added this code to the top of the index page...

Response.Expires = 60
Response.Expiresabsolute = Now() - 1
Response.AddHeader "pragma","no-cache"
Response.AddHeader "cache-control","private"
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"

...but will this code force customers browsers to fetch the new page?

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How To Refresh A Page?

When a link on page A is clicked, a window is popped open through javascript and this window contains page B. After doing some modifications in page B(in the popup-window), the user hits 'submit' (in page B) and then the page B window is closed.

Right before page B's window is closed I'd like page A to be refreshed because the modifications the user performed directly modifies the information visible to the user on page A.

My question is divided into two parts:

1 - is it possible to do this? Can the error be detected?
2 - if the answer to 1 is yes, then question 2 is: how?

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Force Refresh

My main page shows a table to which a user can add data to by clicking on a button, this in turn loads up a pop up window where the data to be entered is typed. Once the data is submitted the popup window is closed via Close button, but the table on the main IE page only shows the updated information if the refresh button is clicked.

All i want to know is, is there a way of forcing refresh of the main page when the close button in the popup window is clicked. Code used for the close button:

<TD><a href="javascript:self.close()" title="Close"><IMG align="center" src="http://localhost/***/close.gif" alt="Close Window"></a></TD>

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Refresh The Page Value

I want to insert the selected name in my action list. for that first add the person name & then select the name & then want to inser them. but i am getting problem here ...

In Asp I have opened a popup window, from current window. And on closing that new popup window I have to refresh the current window ( parernt window from which i open this pop up window ) It is Refreshing but I am facing one Problem. that Windows Retry Option of Refreshing is Coming...

i want to remove this option & let the page auotomatically refresh .. but how ..?

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Refresh And Session

If I logout of my websie I run the session.abandon command that is supposedly gonna destroys all session variables. Then if try to access a private asp page it actually shows up despite me having :

if not Session("login") = "true" then response.Redirect("login.asp") at the start of every private page.

If I hit refresh on the private page I do get redirect but I dont see why it doesnt happen straight away.

Another thing, kind of the same problem, when I add record to my access database then I goto the page that actually shows does record I sometime need to hit refresh for the new record to show up. Code:

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How To Refresh Page

how can i actually refresh a page after a successful addition of record.

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Unwanted Refresh

I have a page that update an Access db. When I operate on this page, randomly the screen is refreshed and I loss the data that I have eventually digited and not saved.

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Drop Down Box Refresh

i am having one application for the i need help like in my application i have one form and that have one drop down box and beside that i am having one more link if i open that link and if i add text that must came to the drop down for that i dont want to loose the preves valuse witch enterd in main window for that i need to refresh only that drop down not all the fields in that form any body.

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Can someone explain to me why the META Refresh doesn't work in an ASP.NET page? It works just fine in my old asp one! Content value has to be in quotes if not otherwise I get a warning. Code:

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Form Refresh

I'm having a small problem with refreshing my form after saving data in my database! here's what i'm trying to do:

* In my UpdateDB.asp form i display my database records and the user can make changes on whatever record he wants;

* after he'll have to save changes by hitting the save button on the form;

* when i receive the "save" action, i update the database; set a session variable that i'll use later to true ( Session("UpdateDB")= TRUE) and DISABLE the Save Button.

*once i'm done with it i reset my session variable to false ( Session("UpdateDB")= FALSE); and WOULD LIKE to "ENABLE" the save button; but i can't.

Everything works just fine but i can't "ENABLE" my save button? how can i refresh the page and get back the save button? i thought that after resetting my session variable to false would help me but i don't know how to use it?

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Page Cant Refresh

I trying to refresh the page after 6 second after the Name is displayed. But doesnt seem to refresh after 6 seconds. Code:

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