Refresh Just Part Of The Screen?

I can come up with a page that displays some information. The information will always be displayed on specific part of the page, with auto refresh. But he doesn't want the whole page to be refreshed so that buttons and images around the information do not get
reloaded each time. Is this really possible?

Other pages on this site don't use frames, so this page can't use frams too. Creating an ActiveX control is also not an option of us ...

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Part Of Webpage Not To Refresh

i have a site that has a header include file, i don't want the header to refresh as i navigate through the site. Is this possible?

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Frame Doesn't Refresh Properly When Manually Refresh Page

I have a page with 2 frames. The first one has a link that loads a page in the second frame. This page has a button on it. When the button is hit, the page does some processing and loads another page in the same frame (the second).

I use ASP and response.redirect or javascript in the onclick event of the button to do the redirection. When I refresh the page by clicking the button on the browser (IE), the second frame becomes empty. Please note that the src attribute of the frame is not set.

If I set the src attribute of the second frame to some asp page and then navigate to another page inside the same frame, when I refresh the page, the initial asp page is loaded in the frame regardless of the asp page currently loaded into the frame.

It seems that when you refresh the page, the frames are reinitialized no matter what pages are currently loaded in the frames.

I solved the problem by redirecting to the main page in the top frame, passing some parameters and resetting the src of the frame to the desired asp page. Thus, when the page is refreshed, all the frames are properly refreshed too.

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Using Refresh Button On The Menu Bar To Refresh Two Frames.

I have an ASP site that uses frames two frames. (yes I
should be using include files, but we started ou using
frames so we have been stuck with frames.)

When I get a page expired warning (I am not caching pages)
and a user clicks refresh from the menu bar the user is
taken back to the home page! The home page is a frame with
a top frame that is repeated on each subsequent asp pages

The lower half of the home page is a login screen.

After login the next page is shown in the lower half of
the frame. Refreshing within the individual frames is ok.

But when the Refresh from the menu bar is used the home
page is returned any ideas why?

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Screen Capture

In my ASP application, I have a chart that will popup in a
new window. From the opener window, I want to add a button
that will capture the chart to the clipboard and be able
to paste it to other application. I just want the client
area and don't want to include menu bar, address bar and
so forth.

Can I do that with pure asp without a component?

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Screen Scrape

I want to take the HTML source of a page and validate it and do certain things with it (all for good reasons!) much like W3C validators and such like do.
Trouble is:
* screen scrapes normally require 3rd pary component, and my host will not allow this
* my host does not support .net (which can do screen scrapes without a component)
My host does have cgi/perl support, so I was thinking I could:
* do a screen scrape using a simple perl script (suggestions please!)
* somehow get that to be submitted to an ASP page as form data
After that I can hack about with it as I see fit using the ASP.

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Screen Resolution

I'm trying to replace a JavaScript that checks screen resolutions with an ASP dito
I've tried the HTTP_UA_PIXELS (servervariables) but it doesn't seem to work. I haven't found how to do this anywhere and I guess it's simple but please tell me how to do this

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Screen Scraping

I need to write an application (VB script/ASP) that programmatically
operates a web site. In other words I would like to create my own interface
and use data from existing web sites. For example, the application will have
"to","from", "departaure" and "return" date fields that will be filled out by
an end user. The application then searches, grabs results, and
displays it on my own screeen. Then a user selects flights and the
application routes the request back to expedia to book flights. The
confirmation number generated by expedia is displayed on my screen, etc.,

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Screen Dimensions

This is going to sound like a really basic question, but at the moment my mind is running a total blank and i can't seem to find any reference to how to do it - but how, using VB Script, can I determine the height and width of the screen?

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White Screen

My site seems to preload everything prior to displaying itself. I get a white screen for a couple of seconds and then, bam!, its all loaded and displayed.The same happens when the user navigates around the site. In between each page there is a white screen and a there anything I can do to minimise this white screen delay?

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Screen Resolution

Is it possible to determine a user's screen resolution?

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Screen Resolution

what i need to do is when someone hits my site, it must detect what that person's screen resolution is and according to that include a specific navigation.

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IE End Up With A White Screen

There is a problem which confused me for a long time. I have a web application built by ASP running on IIS, and most time it's OK.

occasionally when IE send request to IIS and then receive HTML from server it will stop with no reason. IE shows a white-screen and then I check the HTML source and find that only partially received. After I press F5 everything is OK again...

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Get Screen Size

I'm looking for way to get the users screen size in asp. Including something like

If screensize=800x600 Then
varscreensize = "800x600"

Is this possible with asp?

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Full Screen Image From DB

I am not sure that asp is a right place for that question, so gurus will move it to proper section. But as soon as I display images using aspupload the solution probably will be also in asp. I do not have problem to show them on asp page, so it is not a problem of aspupload. Its just a general asp question:

Do you know any techniques how to display full screen images without using popup window?

I would like image to take all the full screen without any browser menues or explorer menu bars. Something like you see when screensaver turn on.

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Screen Resolution In Global.asa

I use a little asp script to get some site statistics ... essentially logging each session into a database using global.asa.

How do I capture the screen resolution in this setup ?

I know how to get the screen resolution in JavaScript ... but how do I combine javascript and asp within global.asa ? Or is there another way in asp to get the screen resolution ?

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Writing   To The Screen

How do I write " " to the screen? Here's my code:

string(right_array.count, "     ")
It keeps printing like this: &

I've even tried this:

server.htmlencode(string(right_array.count, "     "))
I just can't get it to work.

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Auto Screen Scraping

I was wondering if there is any possible way to do this:

I would like some application on my server go out to a certain page at specific time intervals and scrape some data from it.

I imagine it would work similar to grabbing an updated RSS feed...except without the RSS. I would then like the scraped data to be stored in a database, or a text file, or an html page so the data can be pulled into another page.

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Split Screen Options

I have 10 athletes i will be testing and displaying their information

so there will be two split screens the bottom screen where the user enters the data and the top screen where the data will be sorted to show the ranking of the athletes Code:

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Get A Screen Size Without A Component Using ASP!

Ive been looking for ways on how to do this for a long time. But ive never found a way to do it without a component! So i made a combo of asp and javascript to do it, heres how you do it: Code:

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Screen Resolution Strategy...

I'd like to hear your opinions about screen resolution strategy...

Actually, we have sites which consist a set of pages...

If I decide to use code for detection screen resolution like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
var wid = screen.width; //Get the screen width
var hite = screen.height; //Get the screen height

var qs = "?width="+wid+"&height="+hite; //Create a querystring

self.location.href = "yourASPpage.asp"+qs; //Redirect to the ASP page with the Width and Height as querystring values
</script> Code:

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Screen Resolution Assign To Asp

I'm retrieving the screen resoltion with javascript code, but i can't assign the correct value to asp. the response.write is displaying zero (0) for screen res., although when i do a document.write in the javascript part, then my screen res. is 1004 ...

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Screen Flow Design

My coding experience comes from mostly application development instead of web coding. In the application world, if the user receives a system error, a new form would display the error, with any helpful information for the user and the application administer. This way there is a systematic way to handle errors. In the web world, how is this done?

For example, if I have a form where the user is entering data to be inserted into a DB. Is this the correct flow of pages?

-On submit of Entry form, an ASP page is called to insert the data -If insert successful, take the user to the next logical page -If insert not successful, display an error.htm page.

Basically, the entry page does not have the insert SQL and if there is an error in the insert (not because of missing fields because those are handled with JavaScript before submit), the error is displayed on a completely different page. Is this correct flow?

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How Do I Command A Browser Screen To Front From Asp?

Our application launches a webbrowser window with a command to (more than
one) asp's on the host. The window is reused for subsequent commands.
Unfortunately, the old window is usually underneath some other window and
unaccessable from the application.

Is there (preferably) a browser-independant method to command the window to
front from the asp?

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Setting The Value Of A Form From A Parent Screen

I have a screen, screenA, from which I call another screen, screenB, with a form on it. ScreenA has an ID that is captured in a variable called strShortName. (That variable is defined in another file called into ScreenA via an include.) I want to write that name as the value in a hidden field in the form on screenB. How can I do that?

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Creating Picture Box For Print Screen

How could I create a input area where a user could paste a printscreen into the area or press a button to grab the item from the clipboard?

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Acquiring User's Screen Dimensions

Using JavaScript, I'm able to get the user's screen dimensions with screen.availWidth and screen.availHeight. But if I want to store this info in the database using ASP code, how do I go about doing it?

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Detect Screen Size & Redirect

is there any asp that detects the screen size and then redirects to another page depending on the size of screen that they have?

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strSQL = "SELECT user_name, password FROM [tblLogin] WHERE user_name = '" & Request.Form("user_name") & "' AND password = '" & Request.Form("password") & "';"

Is using AND the correct way to use 2 comparisons in the WHERE part of the SQL??

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I would like use the Print Screen Button to copy a part of page using ASP.

En fact, I use a data access page of a chart (pivot)created by access. And I would like copy only the chart.

I think the easiest way is to use a Print Screen Button of keyboard.

Some body could help me to found a solution to control this button using ASP.

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Sort By Part

I have a database table, that I need to sort by PART of the contents of a field (named rFieldName in the table):sample contents of this field are:Code:

qid_6_question_2I need to sort his field by the value that appears AFTER the 3rd underscore, and if applicable BEFORE the 4th underscore
Is this possible - can you help please - I have no idea where to start on this as I've never had to try to do something like this before.

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Use Only Part Of Field

I would like to use the last 10 characters of a Session object. Is this possible in active server pages. I am familiar with the user of Right$ in visual basic but I after trying serveral conatations I have had to give up.

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Selecting Tables From A Drop Down Box With No Fixed Position On Screen?

i am designing a search engine, you select the search options from five choices in a drop down box, each option reveals a table, but the tables have fixed positions on the html page.

i need it so that if only one option is picked to search and it is the last option on the drop down list, that it will appear at the top of the page? i dont have a clue what type of function to write to do this or what techniques will be involved!

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