But as i carry some data from previous previous page, when i use (window.opener.location = window.opener.location), it can't capture my data as it just load the page. It will pop up error as no data captured :
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: '[string: ""]'
I have an asp page (parent) which opens a new window (child) with "window.open()". What i want is, when the child window is closed with "self.close()" then the parent window has to be refreshed. Any of you guys know how to do this?
I have one asp file including another asp file in a seperate folder. The file of the parent is in a read only, but the child is in a write and read file. If i run the child alone you can write with it no problems, but if i try to write with it calling it through the parent it tells me that permission are denied.
So my question is: are file permissions inhereted by the child from the parent? Is there any way of getting around this besides moving the parent into the same folder as the child?
i have 2 asp pages. the parent and the child. the parent has has a value doc_id which is null. and a button to open the child window. it has other variables and input fields.
the child window creates the doc_id.
Now heres the problem. I want to close the child window, and send the doc_id(created in the child) to the doc_id(in the parent). and close the child window.
But keep the original variables in the parent id. (e.g if the user entered their name in the parent window, then opened the child window, then created the doc_id, then closed the child window, i want to parent to have the user name, and the new doc_id)
I am trying to redirect back to a child form after a submit with a file upload and verification of file data. I would like to go back to the form and display a message returning the status of the data. Is that possible? Any suggestions on an alternate? I am using classic ASP, javascript and vbscript.
When a user clicks in the text box, by using the onclick event, i am opening a popupwindow with a list box. Now when the user selects a value in this list box, i want to pass that value to the parent window and populate the parent textbox.
I have two menu form elements that need to refelect a parent child relationship. There are 85 zones and 2200 zone-network combinations.
I want to bind the networkid element to an xml datasource that contains only the networks related to that zone. I have read about something like this before but have never implemented it.
I have two dropdown boxes, one is a state dropdown (statedrpdwn) and the other is a city dropdown (citydrpdwn). I want the values in the citydrpdwn to be dependent on what is selected in the statedrpdwn.
So when the user selects a state, I want the city drpdwn to only display the cities in that state. How can I do that? I also need to save this information to a database and retrieve it back correctly from the database. How can I do that?
I have a cross-reference table already set up that contains the information about programs that run in our database. It contains the program name, the tables used as inputs and the tables used as outputs. There is a row for each input to a program and a row for each output from a program. Code:
(I include a bmp file to make sure u all understand what my problem is)..as U all can see from the bmp I supply with this message.. I got 2 Table which is Master and Child table...the problem is I kindda want to make it like a Parent Child Relationship like In ms Access.
i have a form that pops up based on a click. the popup opens up correctly. now what i want it to do is this.
1. submit the data to an asp page. that part i got working 2. close the popup box. have that working as well. 3. after processing the data on the asp page, direct to and refresh the parent page that the popup was created from.
to be more specific....
i have a bracket page, where you click on the winners name to move them over. works fine. that sends variables to a pop up box, where you enter a score. that works fine. now when i submit, it only sneds the data to the asp page, and even though the bottom of the asp page redirects it to the parent page, it doesn't. it seems like it is trying to redirect to the popup that doesn't exist anymore, so it does nothing.
I encounter a page reload situation in ASP. It is I need a way to differentiate whether the current page - "Application_Result.asp" got reloaded itself when user click on the browserRefresh button or is requested by the previous page "Application_Form.asp".
I tried using <%if Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" then%> <!--it is requested from "Application_Form.asp, do something--> <%else%> <!--Application_Result.asp refreshed itself(such as user clicks on the browser Refresh button, do something else--> <%end if%>
However, in both cases, the IF statement above all evaluated as true. how to differentiate this two different behavior (Page Refresh versus Page requested by another Page) ?
I have a page with 2 frames. The first one has a link that loads a page in the second frame. This page has a button on it. When the button is hit, the page does some processing and loads another page in the same frame (the second).
I use ASP and response.redirect or javascript in the onclick event of the button to do the redirection. When I refresh the page by clicking the button on the browser (IE), the second frame becomes empty. Please note that the src attribute of the frame is not set.
If I set the src attribute of the second frame to some asp page and then navigate to another page inside the same frame, when I refresh the page, the initial asp page is loaded in the frame regardless of the asp page currently loaded into the frame.
It seems that when you refresh the page, the frames are reinitialized no matter what pages are currently loaded in the frames.
I solved the problem by redirecting to the main page in the top frame, passing some parameters and resetting the src of the frame to the desired asp page. Thus, when the page is refreshed, all the frames are properly refreshed too.
I have a page (with a form on it) and when the form is submitted, if there is an error the page is redirected to an error page (i.e. your attempt was unsuccessful..etc) Once the user is redirected to the error page, after a few seconds the page automatically takes him back to the previous page he/she was on.
This is exactly what I want, HOWEVER, when the user is redirected back to the previous page, I would like for the page to be refreshed so the form can be cleared without the user having to click a reset button or anything like that. Does anyone have any clues to how may be able to go about achieving this?
I'm using Windows 2000 Pro SP4 and Office 2000 Pro Sp3.
I have some dynamic database pages that I do not want a user to see from their local cache of pervious visits to this page.
When these individual pages are called, I would always want them refreshed from the server. This is no matter what setting is used by the local browser.
The closest KB article I found was Q200131, but that was not helpful to me.
If a page by page determination of an automatic server refresh (rather than local cache refresh) is not possible, may I just set my entire web to be a forced server refresh for every page, thereby superceding the user's local browser settings.
I have an asp application where in a certain page you have to enter a PO number, if you click the search it will bring up the 15 most previous PO number w/some information.
I want to be able to have those PO Numbers to be links, that when you click them it closes the new window(I have this) and the parent page can grab the PO number clicked and display that in this text field how would I go about this?
I want to pass a variable or value from the pop up page to the parent page. how do i do that? Another approach i was thinking was dragging and dropping the selected variable from pop up page to the text box in the parent page. but i dont know whether ASP has any drag and drop module or something.
I have a datagrid displaying data. There's an "edit" button, which I use Javascript to create a popup window where I can change the information. There's a "save" button on the pop up window.
Currently, I have to click the save button, and the the close button to close the pop-up window, go back to the calling page and refresh it before the information is updated in the calling page.
I would like to be able to use the "save" button on the pop-up window to close the pop-up AND reload the parent page. Is that possible?
I have a page(1) inside a frameset. The frameset opens from another page(2). I want when I change something on page 1(inside the frameset), the page 1 to be reloaded.
I have a popup from the parent window which allwos the user to add in new location. when the lcoation has been added succesfully. then thewindow closes and the parent gets refreshed. In particular, just the location listbox gets updated with the new value. the location listbox i generated from the database using asp.
When a link on page A is clicked, a window is popped open through javascript and this window contains page B. After doing some modifications in page B(in the popup-window), the user hits 'submit' (in page B) and then the page B window is closed.
Right before page B's window is closed I'd like page A to be refreshed because the modifications the user performed directly modifies the information visible to the user on page A.
My question is divided into two parts:
1 - is it possible to do this? Can the error be detected? 2 - if the answer to 1 is yes, then question 2 is: how?
I want to insert the selected name in my action list. for that first add the person name & then select the name & then want to inser them. but i am getting problem here ...
In Asp I have opened a popup window, from current window. And on closing that new popup window I have to refresh the current window ( parernt window from which i open this pop up window ) It is Refreshing but I am facing one Problem. that Windows Retry Option of Refreshing is Coming...
i want to remove this option & let the page auotomatically refresh .. but how ..?
I have a simple page that has a dropdown and I need to populate a textbox with the onchange event. How can I do that? My page refreshes, but I don't know how to 'get' the value of the dropdown. Here is some of my code ....
Your place changes all the time as users set up their pages.
I have a default.asp page that populates info depending on the directory name.
To get the directory name I use FSO
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Path=request.querystring("") Set ts=fso.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("")) Set folder = fso.GetFolder(Server.Mappath(""))
Set subFolders = folder.SubFolders For Each folderObject in SubFolders strDirectory = folderObject.Name 'make dir name string for db
How can I get a form to refresh a page.I want to add a login script as an include file on all my pages.The script needs to reload the current page that the visitor is on.
I have a form in an ASP page wich later connects to a database, but before that i need to refresh the page so a mandatory function can work (by mandatory i mean, "the refresh function has to be there just because I say so"). But the problem is, when the page is refreshed I loose the data that so far has been written by the user. How do i refresh a page without losing data entered in the form.
I'm doing a page which gathers some text in the form of a text box in a <form>. This text is saved to a text file, notices.txt and I want to be able to display the saved text on the page, as soon as they click the SUBMIT button - is this possible?
At the moment I have a hyperlink called "back" which, once they have entered the text and they click SUBMIT, the "back" hyperlink will refresh the page and it displays the newly entered text. However, I want to avoid them having to press two things in order to see the text they have entered..i.e., can the submit button also totally refresh the page and display the newly entered text?
I am working with asp 3.0.i am getting data from the databse but whenever I view the page,it does,nt show me the latest data from databse rather it shows the page last viewed.i have to click the refresh button in the browser to view the latest updates?
I have a page which contain 2 frame. On the 1st frame which contain a header and a drop down box and the 2nd frame contains information. I would like to know how to refresh a whole page from a click of a button which will then refresh a new value base on Session ID?
I have a pop-up window that allows editing of items displayed in a frame on the parent page. When the user edits or deletes an item in the pop-up window, I'd like it to automatically refresh the frame in the parent page so that the change is more real time and the user doesn't have to refresh to see their changes. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
Is there a way to determine if a page was refreshed? I have a function that is called when the page loads, but when the user refreshes the page it calls the function again. Is there a way to call the function only when the page initially loads? I don't want it to load when the user clicks the refresh button.