Refreshing A Page Without Going To Top Of The Page

I currently have an automated-refresh classic asp page at interval 3 sec, but I found some problem when I have a long page down to look, the page keep going to the top after refreshing.

I want the page to maintain its position after refreshing lets say Im at the bottom of the page, the page should be at the bottom as well after refreshing.

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Page Refreshing

How to refresh page ASP page after certain seconds. Is there any other way than <META> tag?

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Refreshing The Page

I am creating one website using ASP. there r various users, who logs in & access the page. for this i m storing userid in session using session("userid")=username, & according to that i am giving access. in every page i am checking , if session("userid")<>"" then response.redirect("login.asp") end if.

when user clicks on logoff link i make session("userid")="" & response.redirect("login.asp").

In this case if anyone click on back button on browser, it is showing previous page,if that user refreshes that page then it is diverting to login page. i want to write such code so that if anyone clicks on back button after logoff then that user will be diverted to login page. can anyone tell me how to do? i ve tried using metatag , but it is refreshing the page after certain interval, so not useful to me.

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Refreshing A Page

I have a menu that calls a specific asp page and passes a variable


where the value of the year variable is determined in code.

This works fine the first 2 times I call the page but after the second call, all future calls get the data for the same year as in the 2nd call. If I click on "Refresh" and then try a different call, it works as expected. I suspect the I am getting a cached page (why?).

How can I execute a call with a forced refresh and/or how can I prevent the called page from being cached?

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Refreshing A Page Of Its Own

I have this page where I have some text boxes and also a dropdown list. My plan is to refresh the page automatically when an option is chosen in the drop down list. After refreshing, there will be a set of digits that will be shown, and the digits come from a database.

Code: ....

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Refreshing A Page

I have an ASP Page where a user can update their account info.Having updated their account details I do a Response.Redirect to the same page in order to refresh the details. However, I want to display a message on the page that their account has been updated successfully.How can I do this and also refesh the page without clearing the message?

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Refreshing The Page

I have to refresh a page for 5 seconds and then load a page called Dsp_FavAddOption.asp
I am getting an error page cannot be displayed. What i am doing wrong.

<meta http-equiv=Refresh content="5"; url="http://Dsp_FavAddOption.asp"> .

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About The Refreshing Of A Page.

I have developed a page which is refreshing once a second thru the meta tag. It is working if the page is in maximized view. If i minimized, it stops to refresh the page. How can i do it while the window is in minimized state.

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Page Refreshing

How to refresh ASP page after particular time intervel? Is there any way other than <META> tag?

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Refreshing Page With Result Set

My web page is calling a result set that is displayed on the page. If I click refresh, it pops a warning saying, "The page cannot be refreshed without resending the information." I then have to click RETRY in order to refresh the page.

Is there anyway to automatically perform that action so that my users will not have to be prompted?

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Refreshing A Page In A Frame

I have an application that displays messages that are stored in SQL server
The application uses frames

In the vertical frame along the left side of the page, I enumerate the
current messages. This frame is named "SELECT"
Clicking on a message subject causes

In the main frame, named "BODY" I display the message that is retrieved from
SQL Server in a textarea.

When a message is displayed, I also display a prompt ro delete the message.

The delete prompt works just fine except that I need a way to update the
enumeration of messages in the "SELECT" frame.

Is there a practical way to force the page in the select frame to refresh
itself when I delete a record?

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Stop Refreshing Page

I have an asp page which when loads, sends notification emails and adds data to a Mysql database.

What i want to stop happening is people refreshing the page or when navigating back to the page using the browser, this script is run again.

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Validating And Refreshing The Page

I am having a serious doubt in the following issue. I have written an asp page to enter the user info like the userid, passwd, address, phone no. This page first checks for the existence of userid and gives an alert message in java script saying that the userid already exists. but when the page is refreshed, once the alert box appears, all the other fields entered previously gets lost.

the page is directed to the original screen and the user ends up typing all the fields again. how do i direct the page to store all the data that was previously typed and still give an alert message? can i get some examples on how to do this?

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Automatically Refreshing A Page

I have an ASP page that displays random facts. Data is stored in a database. Everytime user hits on refresh, randomize function shows a new fact. I would like my asp page to refresh automatically every minute or so and run the randomize funtion and show a new fact. Is it possible with ASP? I have seen it done with Flash.

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Page Auto Refreshing

we built a dynamic shopping cart inhouse using ASP and VB SCRIPT. however when it wants to load in (IE only) the page keeps auto refreshing or should i say looping. We have checked the scripts in and out and their are no errors, timeouts, EOF or BOF, or any on error resume next. Is there a reason or way to debug this ? it only loops in IE, as other browsers are fine.

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Page Refreshing Incorrectly

I have an asp page that gets populated from a SQL Server database. Normally
when the page gets displayed it displays the current record from a select
statement that can return lets say seven records.

The problem I am having is when I click the refresh button in IE, the page
displays another record instead of the record it was displaying before I
clicked on the refresh button.

I cannot figure out why it is doing this. Has anyone experienced a similar
problem? If so, what solution did you come up with.

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Refreshing Page On Load

i need to know how to refresh my page after it loads but only one time. don't ask why
also is there a asp command that displays current url?

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Altering/refreshing A Parent Page

I have an asp application where in a certain page you have to enter a PO number, if you click the search it will bring up the 15 most previous PO number w/some information.

I want to be able to have those PO Numbers to be links, that when you click them it closes the new window(I have this) and the parent page can grab the PO number clicked and display that in this text field how would I go about this?

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ASP Page Not Refreshing Recordset On Post

I have an VBScript/ASP page that lists bikes that are checked out. For each checked out bike, there is a button to check it back in to the system.

Problem is, that when a bike is checked in, it is properly removed from check out in the database but will still appear in the recordset when the checked out bikes are re-listed.

Recordsets should be destroyed after a page is rendered -- correct? I've tried multiple methods of forcing a refresh to no avail.

I included the following (and multiple incarnations of it) at the top of the ASP page just below the language declaration. Code:

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When Refreshing The Page Data Goes To The Database

how to stop sending data to the database when refreshing the page,i use access database with asp,all the time that i refresh the page same data goes to the database again and again

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Response.redirect And Refreshing A Page?

I'm trying to build a tray for users to download their selected items. I was wondering if anyone knows how to response.redirect a file (for the user to download) and check to see if the download was successful/unsuccessful, then have the asp page reload itself based on the result?

e.g. something like this:

if Session("FileName") <> "" Then 'a file is ready for download

response.redirect (Session("FileName"))

** check if download successful, then set
** the tray info accordingly and...

response.redirect thispage.asp
end if

Of course the second response.redirect never gets called, is there any other way I can do this?

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Uploading Without Refreshing/updating Whole Page

How do we update a single entry on a forum page without refreshing the whole page as we do on this forum with quick reply; When we type some data and press quick reply, only the text written is added to the page and none of the existing page contents are updated.
I hope my question is clear.

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How To Make A Hierarchial Tree Of Option Buttons Expand Without Refreshing Asp Page?

I have a list of broad categories. For example:


Each of them are preceded by an option button. After the text, there is a plus sign. (this means that I can click on the + sign and then drill down further). For instance:


Similarly, if I want I can drill down California, if I want to.

Now my question is:

How can I drill down each of them without refreshing the page ? Every time I click on the + sign, the whole page refreshes and then I have to scroll down to see the break down list of the hierarchial tree.

Please suggest ways of doing this dynamically. How can I expand my hierarchial list without having to lose the focus on my hierarchial option tree?

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ASP Read The Execl Cell's Data, Web Page Created From Excel2000 -- Save As Web Page

I created a web page from Excel2000, using "Save as web page..."...Publish
function. then, I moved htm file to my IIS web server. Then I added a form control, and submit button.

How can get the data on the excel file using ASP from server side?
For example, the value of Cell(1,2), Cell(2,3)....

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Display Aspx Page Or Reporting Services Page In User Control

What I want to be able to do is create a user control that will display an
entire page page within it. Does anyone know how to do this or better yet
have any same code?

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How To Transfer A Data Display On 1st Page To 2nd Page Upon Clicking On The Link

I like to know how to write this specifc function on ASP where the user eg: display a set of records on the webpage. Example the data are ID, Name and address.

Lets say i display the data on the webpage and i set the Name as the <a href>. So when i click on the name, it will move to another page with the id of the specific name. Code:

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An ActiveX Control On This Page Might Be Unsafe To Interact With Other Parts Of The Page ...

I have an ActiveX control in my ASP page that has not been signed yet, so currently just for testing I set the Security for Intranet to "Low". When I run the ASP page on my machine (the IIS is in my machine), I have no problem, except the page prompted me with "An ActiveX control on this page might be unsafe to interact with other parts of the page. Do you want to allow this interaction?"

But, when I run the ASP page on another machine (even though the other machine is also a development machine that already has the ActiveX control and I set the Security for Intranet to "Low"), it did not prompt me the above message, and I got an error when accesing any method of the AX control (e.g Object doesn't support this property or method 'myAXControl.method').

Is this because I have to create a CAB file and mark the AX control as safe for scripting ?To create a CAB file for this AX control, do I need to create my own VB AX
Control project that contains this control and then create a cab file for this VB project ?

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On Session_OnStart() Getting Fired When Going From Page To Page At The Same Level As The Global.asa

This is a standard ASP application that has several pages at the root
withthe global.asa. I set a session variable session("accountid") =
"123456" within an asp page and then response.redirect to the next page and
immediately response.write session("accountid") and I get back nothing.

But if I set a session variable session("accountid") = "123456" within an
asp page and response.redirect to a page in a sub directory and immediately
response.write session("accountid") I get back 123456 on the screen.

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Including Inverted Commas To Specify Page Elements While Page Is In ASP

I am having a problem with a site that I am developing - my aim is for it to validate as XHTML Strict however, I am running into a couple of problems validating it; in my Response.Write ASP script, I am not including " 's to define page element tags as they keep throwing up errors in the page. Code:

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Blank Page Running ASP Page On Windows Vista

I've a strange problem with Windows Vista, running an ASP page on local
machine (http://localhost/test.asp), the page does not give me any error but
the asp code is not executed (simple code : <% response.write("hello") %),
it show me a blank page, I think I've put all the setttings correctly, but
maybe I must do something obvious to fix that.

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Differentiate Page Requested Versus Page Refresh

I encounter a page reload situation in ASP. It is I need a way to differentiate whether the current page - "Application_Result.asp" got reloaded itself when user click on the browserRefresh button or is requested by the previous page "Application_Form.asp".

I tried using
<%if Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" then%>
<!--it is requested from "Application_Form.asp, do something-->
<!--Application_Result.asp refreshed itself(such as user clicks on the
browser Refresh button, do something else-->
<%end if%>

However, in both cases, the IF statement above all evaluated as true. how to differentiate this two different behavior (Page Refresh versus Page requested by another Page) ?

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Page Can't Directly To Login Page After Session Expired

I have page for user to update his/her details. What i want is after idle for more than 20 mins, the page will redirect to login page automatically. So that the user knows that his/her session already expired and need to login again.

But it doesn't working. This is because if he/she update the details (after idle more than 20 mins), and click the Submit button, it will go to login page and all the data will be lost. Code:

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Can An ASP Page Read A Cookie Written By A PHP Page?

I am working with a developer, on two portions to a site, he is working in PHP and my work is done in ASP.

Is it possible for my pages to request data from a cookie that was written by his pages that are PHP but residing on the same server? Just want to make sure before I spend too much time planning out the development on my end.

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