Relational Database Fields

Is their a way to check with asp-code if a database field is relational with another field (from another table)?
For example:
If fieldname = relational Then...
End If

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Multi-Relational Database

I have a table (Software Table) in a database that is linked with a many to one relation to another table (Computer Table). I wrote a simple ASP page to return the records for the software table which shares a one to many realtion with the Computer Table.

One (Software Table) to Many (Computer Table)

At persent the only records that are returned are the ones from the software table. Is there some way to return or display the many computers (one to many) for each record.I cant think how to start to do this. Can I link to computer table and have a drop down that lists the many computers?a better way to display this information?

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Connecting Relational Database

i have been thru a couple of books on ASP working with IIS 5.0 but still havent figured out how to connect to a MS Access database. the problem is with the SQL which i dont know well. My database has 6 related tables.

It's for inventory control. The 1st table has the catagort the 2nd has the machines per category, the 3rd has machine parts per machine and so on. what I have been trying to do is to view the database for the latest updates per machine (which for now i am updating manually for the time being ) but the code dosent work and i get some errors one of which is " use an updateable qurrey" and others are related to SQl with every modification i make.

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ASP And Relational Databases

What i need to do is build 2 tables below with the following fields:



Now i need to build a relation between the two id fields but what i relaly need to know is how to retreve the data in the tblUsers from the id in the tblShop through asp. This is like for a shop

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Designing Relational Databases

I have an interview for job which requires following:
1.Modeling and Designing Relational Databases
2.Database applications for the web
3.Server side Programming using PHP
4.Macromedia Flash and Dynamic Data
5.Internet and Web Protocols
6.Installing Apache Web Server, PHP and MySQL
7.Authentication and Security
8.Integrating Streaming media into web development
9.Understanding Mobile Communications
can anyone pls suggest me what Dynamic Data in point 4 means?Also what is Integrating Streaming Media of point 8?and when it says mobile communication.

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Adding A Relational Table

I have a database which contains 2 tables. One which contains standard information (which every record has) and then the other, which is a relational table and is just a long list of records with different attributes that apply to various id numbers found in the first table. Both tables are contain records with the same ID number.

Now, I have an ASP file that accesses the MDB file and displays it in XML format. I have it working for only the first table. However, I was wondering how I would go about getting entries from the second table entered.

So it would display the items from the first table on 1 line - and then add on anything from the 2nd table that applies to that ID - all on one line. Code:

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All Database Fields Search

I am looking for an ASP script that let me to serach all database contents with only one textfield in search page. eg: I have a database with five columns for lessons: Mat, physics, geography, history and sport. Each field have numbers 1 thr 5. I want to search only those students have number eg:3. with entering the number in textfield in serach page. I have no problem in result page.

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Empty Fields In Database

I'm trying to set up a quick if/then/else statement for when the database field returns no results. I'm not getting an error but when the field is EMPTY it still executes the ELSE statement.

If rsOffice("FloorPlan") = Empty Then
Response.Write ("Not Available")
Response.Write ("<a href=" _
& rsOffice("FloorPlan") _
& ">View</a>")
End If

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Calculating Database Fields

At the moment in time I have a product database being displayed. I could do with including another column to the database which allows me to enter a specific quantity for that product line. All the quantitys fields need to be calculated to their specific product cost value.

Finally all the sub totals need to be calculated together to give a grand total, which will be displayed on another page.

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Comparing Database Fields

how to compare one Database field against another which both have a date and time in them (DateTime format) using VB in WebMatrix. or just comparing Database fields of DateTime aginst each other in VB.

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Populating Form Fields From A Database

i have a form with fields that contain data from a db. the fields can then be edited, and on the click of the "submit" button, the updated information is returned to the database, replacing the old. a bonus would be arrow buttons allowing navigation from one record to the next, with the information populating the form each time. i'm having a hard time with this.

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Retrieving Database Fields Problem

I'm trying to retrieve information from a field in a database, which contains data, some of which are the same. ex:

let's say the table is called "Person_info" and there are 5 rows of info with a different person's info.

let's say i want to display the info in the fields called "City" but there are duplicates ex:

New York

I'd like it to display all the cities in there on a web page, but, I don't want it to display the same city twice:

so it'll display this:

New York

I just can't get it to work? it keeps displaying duplicates.

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Adding Database Fields And Displaying Them

This code has worked in the past on this same page, and for some reason it doesn't want to calculate the numbers anymore. Anyone see anything that is out of whack?

Basically I am taking the input numbers for each field and adding them up on one column, then taking the totals of all of those columns and adding it up to display as an overall total. Code:

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Database Fields In A Input Form

How can I specify formatting restrictions for special fields like Postal Code
(format X1X 2C2) or date input field MM/DD/YYYY? I have Acces DB with these specs, but when I used FP2002 Database Interface Wizard, it ignores these. Also I am unable to "edit" any of the records utilizing pages generated by this wizard.

There is an error that it will not accept empty fields. I have no problem adding data (even if some fields are empty) or deleting records.

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Creating Database Fields Dynamically

I am using a repeated field to bring in to my page repeated records, and I have been able to retrieve values that are entered into text boxes that are associated with these repeated fields. I would like to post these values into a database, but I'm not sure how to set up my table as I know that each employee's values as well as number of fields will be different.

I thought about setting up two tables. One that houses the dynamic question and the other to house the answers, but I'm not sure if that will work. I could really use help as to the syntax to write a loop statement that will insert my returned variables and create the field names dynamically into my database table. I believe this is what i need to do.

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Sum Form Fields Add Total To Database!

I have a an issue that I would love to solve. The below code adds 111111111111111111 to the field when I want it to sum the amount which in this case totals 18 and then add that total (18) to the field! Code:

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Retrieving BLOB Fields From A Database?

I am currently working on a document management system for my company's Marketing department. They wish to be able to upload files to the server.

Rather than deal with the many permissions issues we have had in the past with saving and deleting these files to the server's file system, this time we are trying to use SQL server BLOB fields to store the files.

The premise is simple -- a user clicks on the link and the file is then shown in the browser. The documents are mostly word, Quark, and Adobe Illustrator documents. I was thinking the code would go something like this: Code:

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Show Only If Data In Individual Database Fields

I have announcements down the left hand column of a site and want to display contact info if it is available - if it is entered into the database. So I only want to display a space plus the data if there is data in the field. Code:

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I Need A Code For Uploading Files Into Oracle Database In Blob Fields Through ASP

I don't know how to upload word doc, images and other files into Oracle Blob fields with binary format.

I tried with the following code, normally it's inserting, suppose if i try to convery binary. Code:

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Database Update On Fields With ""

im trying to build a custom webBlog interface with asp language and javascript embedded htmleditor. im using htmlTextArea to permit user to edit html code onthe fly (with IE 6+)

the address to the current site is URL you can check out the admin interface by clicking on login and validating with pass***

you can try editing an existing record in the first table (you click on the [...]to open the table) Code:

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2 Fields

I have 2 fields in my database. One is startDate one is endDate. I want to display records according the current date. So far I can select all records where the startDate is greater or equal to now by using

FROM items
WHERE itemDateStart >= now

It seems the BETWEEN claus only accepts value, not fields.
So basically I want to select * from items between itemDateStart and itemDateEnd

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Key Fields

I have a need to be able to identify which fields within a database are key fields.I did find the Attributes property of the Field object contains information for a field in a recordset. One of those values for the Attributes property is identified as adFldRowId which should identify whether the field is used as a key, but it doesn't seem to work. I'm currently reading off an Access database.Does anyone have any insight in being able to identify key fields within a recordset?

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Getting The Sum Of 3 Fields

I have set up my database with 4 fields (num1, num2, num3, sum), and have created a form with 3 fields to insert 3 numbers. That part is easy.My problem is when i submit these 3 numbers (5, 7, 6) i want the form/script to add these numbers together and insert it into the 4 field "sum".

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Using Two Fields

I have a database table and I am building a search-like page which is supposed to pull information from the database based on the following. "Get records where field1 is 30% (or more) higher than field2 within a specific time period". Should these records be chosen by the SQL query itself?

Or should I get all the records within the time period using GetRows, and loop through them checking whether or not it fits the criteria? While I certainly feel more capable of the second approach than the first, I am not sure if its the best way when large numbers of rows are involved.

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Creating Fields

I want to create an order form for prints online... I will have up to 200 prints to be selected. What I am thinking is that I will have an HTML Form that has all the 200 thumbnails with a check box next to them. They select the ones they want and push next. Then I would like it to create a set of options for each one they selected.

That basically says the image name then has a check box for 5x7, 8x10 and a text box for the amount for each... I do I create the page what creates these selections and how to I incorporate that into a mail form going to the next page?... it seems like a simple enough idea. Am wondering how the reality of it will be.

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Adding Different Fields

Say I have to different recordsets that have the fields:
rsA.Fields.Item("A").Value ,rsB.Fields.Item("B").Value

How would I add those to fields? It may be my inexperience but when I
tried something like

rsA.Fields.Item("A").Value + rsB.Fields.Item("B").Value

didnt work because one of the fields was a empty value. I have about
6 fields i need to add together if a value exists in any of them.


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Displaying Appropriate Fields

I have a loads of records in an Access database relating to publications. The publications come in 3 forms, pdf, Word or .htm so I have fields for each called PDFurl, Wordurl and Publink. What I want to do is, if any of those fields contain a value then display an appropriate icon (which will link to the publication).

I'm ok with the latter part but how do I determine if any of the fields have a value and if so display the relevant icon? Rather than do a load of if then statements I was wondering is there a quicker way of doing this, perhaps using a Case?

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Joining Two Fields

how would you join the two felds from a table in the database so it can show the image from joining the two fields to know wherethe image is coming from
<img src="<%=(rs_lprojects.Fields.Item("image_folder_path").Value)%><%=(rs_lprojects.Fields.Item("image_src1").Value)%>" />

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Skipping Fields

I have been writing out the general steps
I want to do in plain english before writing ASP.
The values come from a customised data grid (not in .NET) that is
generated according to what fields need to be recorded for that record.
What I want to try and do is as follows:
- Read form fields into input array (skip first three values :
savevalues, userid, productcode) - Save last value of every row (add to
quantity for extra info) - rest of processing
Is the first one even possible using plain ASP? I remember being able to
do it using Javascript, but I couldn't get it to work properly.
I have tried to use Arrays in ASP before, but without much success.

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Insert Into All Fields

is there a way to write a insert statment with out typing out all of my field names? i want to do an insert in every field but i don't want to have to write them all out.

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Copy Value From Fields

is it possible to copy the value from fields in form1 to fields in form2 without submit the form??form1 and form2 are in the same page. if it's possible hoe to do that??

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Populate Other Fields

I have an ASP web form that I want to populate fields based on the first
field choice. Example I have 4 fields item, price, delivery, availability. I
have all these items setup in an access table. When a user chooses an option
from the item drop down, the price, delivery, availability will then
populate. I have already made my connection to the database, and created the
drop down for field one from the choices. How do I now populate the
corresponding fields.

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Sorting On Fields ?

I created a script which suppose to sort on 2 fields. Everything works fine with no errors except when I click on the field that suppose to sort the data it does nothing.

This is the code: Created on test table name Reports2 3 fields id, r_date, r_doc_title


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