Relative Db Location(from Global.asa)

I'm using a segement of code in my global.asa to open a db connection check a users ip address against those i have in a recordset and then take the appriopriate action, very handy for banning bad bots who ignore my robots.txt and users who abuse my system.

Anyways the connection im using is Code:

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I have created a global.asa file, but somehow it doesn look like it is working...I have only one simple sub-routine in it.

Is the name case-sensitive? I have placed it under [ www/myfolder/global.asa ]

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Global.asa An Error Referring To A File That Is In A Different Location

i have two sites on shared NT hosting and

both sites have their own global.asa files and both appear to be throwing up an error referring to a file that is in a different location

anyone know whats happening?

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Keep Relative Links Relative!

I have an email application that builds an email body; I got it from IE's online tutorial with the whole "" thing. Basically my email body is held in a DIV tag, nicely name "oDiv", and then passed to another page for processing.

I send the email using CDONTS.NewMail object. Basically it's a long email and I need a way to hyperlink to the next section. The problem is when I recieve the email, all the relative links are now absolute links. I've tried playing with ContentBase, but nothing is working. Any suggestions?

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Relative Dates In ASP

I am editing a script that requires me to output:

Today's date
1 week from today's date
and 4 weeks from today's date.

I am quite new when it comes to ASP programming, could I get some assitance? I need it in MM/DD/YYYY format .

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Relative Paths

Our web application is currently using relative paths in various places throughout our code. im working on eliminating this, but not sure of the best way to go about
it. i want to avoid hardcoding the path to make migration easier and more manageable. i thought there is a way to user the request object?? request.servervariables or
something -

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Relative Paths Solution

Can anyone help me find a solution to quickly working out relative paths to
a folder in the root of my server...

Although it easy when you go - say - two levels down:


it becomes increasingly difficult to ball park the folder when you go deeper
and wider down:


....How do you guys get a quick fix on where the hell the folder or file is
and use that path in asp?

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Relative Paths For Include

i have about 5 files included in all scripts how do i give relative paths to them?

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SaveToFile Relative Path

Is there a way to save a file to disk using objStream.SaveToFile using a relative path instead of an absolute path?

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Relative Addressing For URLs

Anyone know of a site that gives all of the syntax of relative addressing for URLS?
for example: /, ./, ../, etc.

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Vbscript Src Does Not Load From Relative Path In IIS 6.0

I am loading a vbscript source file on the client. Here's the code:
<script language="VBSCRIPT" src="../vs/systableEdit.vs">

This code worked on IIS 5.0, Windows 2000 but doesn't work on IIS 6.0, Windows 2003. This is client-side vbscript. I have the parent paths enabled but that only applies to server-side include files, I think. Anyone know why the src does not load and what I should do to fix?

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Relative Reference To Parent Folder

I have a rather large classic ASP application that uses relative references like


all over the place in about 60 pages. The application works OK on my XP Pro machine but does not work on a Windows 2003 Server. Is there a way to set the server to accept the reference to the Parent folder? Does it have something to do with IIS lockdown? Or IIS Version 5 instead of 6?

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Uploading Files Absolute & Relative Paths

I got a problem when I uploaded a file with the input tag of type file "<input type=file.." using the FileSystemObject where The page not opens and there is no any respond, but I tried to see if the folder that is already exists xan I see by that object I discovered that it is not exist.

The main problem I put my files in a folder that I dont know its absolute path , just a relative that always not exist.

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Check If A File Exists - Relative Path

ive got a bit of code to check if a file exists and it works if I use the full path ie "C:Inetpubwwwrootfile.txt" can someone advise me how to get it so I can use the relative path ie "file.txt" where the file and the code are in the same directory? Code:

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Global.asa :: Assign Diffrent Global.asa To Each Application

I have one application folder containing all ASP code files. I want host multiple sites pointing to same code. Can I do this ? If YES then how I can assign diffrent global.asa to each application...

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Global.asa :: Combine Many Global.asa Files

I have added a db driven marquee to my site and need to combine the global asa's to 1 global asa file. Code: ......

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Location Thru IP

I want 2 know how can I pinpoint the location of a visitor to my site thru his IP addr or is there some way else 2 do that??

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Cannot Use Web Services From Another Location

I have a client application that uses web services. When the client application an web services are in the same machine, they work fine. But when the application call the same web services hosted in other server, the server return: Code:

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Redirect Location

I am using frames in html.
How can i redirect to an asp file in a new browser window.So that the redirected page opens in new window instead in a frame..

Response.Redirect "../pm/scriptlogon.asp"

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Word's Location

If there a scriptfunction I can find a word placement in ASP? I mean, like I give a string, and it returns and word's placement

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File Location

Is there a way to set the location where the input type="file" option gets its files from. I know you cannot set a default file, but is there a way to set where it starts looking.

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Location Finder Over WAP

tell me anything they know about locating WAP users. I assume that there must be some information on their current cell sent in the WAP request headers, but i'm not sure. I want to make a WAP site that appears differently depending on the users cell location.

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Cookie Location After Being Set?

I attempted to find the cookie 'Prospect' in my Temp Internet Files in IE6
after I had set it in ASP:

Response.Cookies("Prospect").Expires = Date() + 2
Response.Cookies("Prospect")("u_id") = u_id
Response.Cookies("Prospect")("u_name") = sName
Response.Cookies("Prospect")("VisitorIP") = VisitorIP

....However, it does not appear to be there? Am I looking
in the wrong physical location?

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ASP OpenTextFile Location

This is a dumb question but i am just starting out with ASP. I am working in vbscript and i am trying to do a OpenTextFile the problem is that i am editing my page on a different computer from where the server is. I know that if i were trying to open the file from the server i would type:

filesys.OpenTextFile("c:inetpubwwwrootfolder namefile name")

but i am writing this file to a server and i don't how enter the location, it is not on my c drive.

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Using Access Database On Different Location For .NET 2.0

I am use to the include file on classic asp for maintaining MS Access
database location. On using Visual Web Developer Express, I can only use the
MS Access database if it is located on the same folder with the web app. Is
there a way that I can locate MS Access as my database but the location is
not located on the web application?

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Geographical Location Of Incomming IP

We have special kind of service that covers just north on America (US and
Canada), so we want to redirect users comming from another country to
another page.

I am looking for a web service or similar thing that tells me the country
and state/province of incomming IP address. I am sure it is possible but i
don't know who sells that service.

Could anyone refer me to any resources related to that ?

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Included File's Name And Location

Is it possible to get the filename, and more importantly the path, from inside an ASP file, when that file is included? I know it can be done for the base file using Server variables, but I can't figure out how to do that for an included file.

I need to write an application that uses include files, and that may be moved to another folder on the server...

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Resolve IP Address And Get Location

I have been unable to find any code that will allow me to resolve an IP address then determine which country the IP is registered to.

I've seen it done all over the net, even resolving it down to the town I am located in.

I am hosting on GoDaddy, so I can't install any componants (I did find a couple that could do it). So I'm looking for a code only solution if that is possible.

If anyone knows of any Perl or PhP code that can do it, please post a link and I'll port it to ASP if possible and post it.

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I want to redirect to other page using document.location.href on Button click and pass ID to that page e.g;

<input type="submit" value="Submit" ONCLICK="document.location.href='mergestatus.asp?projectid= <%=selRs("projectid")%>'">

Please help.I am not able to pass projectid to 'mergestatus.asp'

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I have 3 includes in 1 asp doc-left,header,main. header contains my menu. I want to click the menu and change the main incude file, but I don't know how to. I though a window.location.replace line could work. what should i do?

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Application At Multiple Location

i m developing General Ledger application in company is located head office at south and is branch office in west so i have to developed an application that data related to south they can post there as well as problem is that what techniquei should use.

In my opinion i can create administrator login form where person in south can log on with it and enter his data while same as person in west. or what should i use.

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Cursor Location Issue

I have a recordset connection in asp that I am using to search records.If I use the client side cursorlocation (rs.cursorlocation=3) then it takes really long to return back the records due to which a timeout occurs.If I change the cursorlocation to adUseNone(1) or adUseServer(2) then the search is faster and without any problems. But the sort on records cannot be done if I use adUseClient(3).

I need to have sort on these records. I am using dynamic server side cursor.Also my result set is not huge ..just 80 records.One more thing that is wierd is that the result set comes back instantly for the first search,but takes forever when searched again for the same criteria. Eveytime I logout and login and do the search for the 1st time the search is quick and takes forever for consequnt searches.

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How To Change The Default Location For IIS.

how to dirrect the IIS installation to an other drive or how to manually move all related files to an other drive? I think I can menage the sites, but NNTP and SMTP I can't see where.

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