Remote Database

IM trying to put up a small database in my website and having my visitors to search it. A record of this database will have four fields: The first one will hold a number, the second one a Street name, the third a City, and the fourth a picture. The database will be searched either by the number or by the city.

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Why I Can Not Access Remote Database

I have asp page needs to access remote database, I got error"The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'Unknown'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data. "

Could anyone show me the steps to configure permission (I tried creating IUSER_DBMACHINE local account on the database box, give this account full permission on the database folder, doesn't work.

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Database On Remote Server

I try to get data from a database which is on an other server. I can view the files on this server via the directory "t:" from the machine the ASP pages are on.

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=t:database.mdb"

't:Database.mdb' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.

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Remote Access Database

I am connecting to remote access database through my asp script. The Access database is on a different domain and my webserver(where asp scripts reside) is on a different domain.When i ran the script i got this scary error message:Code:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x3a8 Thread 0x7c4 DBC 0x2770ff4 Jet'.

i think this is related to some permissions issue, but not sure how to correct it.

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Connect To A REMOTE Database

In my latest school project, i would need to use ASP to connect to a remote database that is NOT located on the ASP server. I was wondering if this is possible?

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Connection To Remote Database

Is there a way of making a connection to a database on a remote server? The intention is not to hack, but I have a customer who would like to perform a search in several identical databases on different web servers (with the owners permission) and show the result on the customers own web page.

Could this be done? Of course there must be some level of security, the db owners will if necessary give permissions to our customer.

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Connec To Remote Access Database

What I am trying to achieve here is a connection to an access database on another server on our network. Every method that I try I get SQLerrors or DNS errors nothing seems to work. Does anybody know a solid method I can try to gain the connection i require?

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Remote Editing Of A MS Access Database

I'm new to programming databases with MS Access. I'd like to know how I get user input for a database, in a form, read from it and do "if" statements. Does anyone know how to do this? I've tried ASP approaches (with the FSO function and .txt files) but none are as effiecient and organized as databases appear to be.

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Connect To A Database On A Remote Server

I have my access database on a xp workstation setup as a web server using IIS. I am trying to access the mdb from another web server, but when I run my code below I keep getting :

Microsoft ADO/RDS error '800a20ff'

Internet Server Error. Code:

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Can Connect To A Database On A Remote Server But With An Error

I eventually managed to create a connection between my IIS LocalHost ASP WebPages and my database located on a website on the net. Here is the solution:

Dim conn, connect
set conn=server.CreateObject ("adodb.connection")
connect = "Provider=MS Remote; Remote Server=; Remote Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & server.mappath("database_filedatabase.mdb") & ";"
conn.Open connect

When I point my connection to my database on the net like in the code above I get the following error:

Error Type:
Microsoft ADO/RDS (0x800A2011)
Internet Server Error: Object/module not found.

Any Suggestions?

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Access A Remote Database On A Local Harddrive

i want to run a website on a server with an sql database ( that in itself is no problem, i've done this before) but with a possibility to update the sql database with data stored on a local harddrive in an acess database, can ianyone give me some hints or websites with
related info ?

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Access Remote Access Database From ASP

I have an ASP page needs to access a remote MS Access2000 database, I got error "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'F:Collect.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data. ".

The 'F:' is a mapped drive from remote machine where the access database loactes. If I copy the database back to local box, no problem.

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Remote ASP

I have an application i am creating that will require the ability for a remote site to access some of the abilities of the program.

For example: Program will have a product manager and the webmaster will need to be able to place the product information on his/her remote site.

another funtion: the remote site will need to pass variable data back and forth between the application hosting server and webmasters site.

I have thought about using cookies or XML but cookies are kinda limited in respect to what i need and XML requires an XML enabled browser like IE 5+.

Am I missing something? any ideas on how i can accomplish this

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Remote Name

I was wondering if it's possible to get "the name" istead of ip from a user that runs a asp page? istead of 231.13.434.23

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Remote IP Address

I'm trying to get remote ip address and local ip address
of the user (i.e. machine name) but i couldnt find out it.
however i can see the public remote ip is
the little code that i have written..

For Each Item in Request.ServerVariables %>
<td><%= Item %></td>

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Remote DB Access

If I have the line adoCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("produkten.mdb") to access an Access Database local to the site, is it possible to have something like adoCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" To allow the site to connect to a db on another site/server which also belong to me?

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Remote Scripting ASP

I use the RemoteScripting with the rsproxy.class within my asp pages.
I don't have problems except, when the Java console is not active in IE.
Is there a way to detect from asp, if the java console is active or not ?

or, how to do remote scripting without the rsproxy ?

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Remote Server

i want upload a txt file to remote server

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Remote Hosted Asp

i have just completed the charity web site (please give
your support) and i have the news system that they can update hosted on
shared hosting on a sub domain of one of our core domains on
the main sites home page i have a scrolling news ticker in an iframe that
calls a page from the 'news server' and whenever you click on a news item it
pushes you onto the news server to deliver the pagesonly it keepstiming out.
anyone have any suggestions? the host say 'because we host many asp sites we
have a lot of traffic hitting msaccess databases, some of which do not
properly close their connections' basically tough luck. is there any way i
can make this site more efficient and make the news system work?

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Remote Server

I work with dreamweaver 8. I use the tools provided within dw to create my asp features etc. I downloaded a news script to save time since its a very low budget site, but I need to customise how its displayed.

The news script connects using a Server.MapPath connection. I would like to be able to work locally using a dsn. dsn=nwnews; but I would like to be able to change that connection to work on the remote server for testing etc.

This is Dreamweavers Connection file: Code:

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Remote Scripting

I have a Web application that uses Remote Scripting to provide dynamic data to a web page.I am testing the application in Internet Explorer 6 SP1 running on Windows XP Professional.
When I use the Microsoft JVM,the application works without any problems.However, as a result of future withdrawal of support of the Microsoft JVM as a result of the settlement with Sun, I need to ensure that the application works okay with the Sun Java plug-in for Internet Explorer.
This component is no longer available,and clicking on the OK button only reiterates this message. When I click on the Cancel button instead, the Remote Scripting functionality fails to work.Is it possible for Remote Scripting to be configured to work with an alternative JVM, such as the Sun Java Plug-In, or is it entirely dependent on the Microsoft version?

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FSO On Remote Server

We're wanting to upload files and save them to a different server on the network (Windows 2000) from the web server. The upload works fine but we cannot copy files, using the File System Object, to this other server folder.

what is required in terms of mapping and registering the folder so that the web server can link to it?

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Remote Server By FSO

I just want to delete a file in a server by FSO. My code is:

Set objFSOD = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSOD.DeleteFile Server.MapPath(".") + "Greetings" + sFileName1,
Set objFSOD = Nothing

When I check the code locally, everything is fine. I have two remote servers. When I check the code in each servers, one is fine and other is thrown a error. But the error msg is in Korean language while I'm not korean, that is why I can't read the error
msg. What would be the error msg about? The sFileName1 was always correct every time I checked.

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Remote Server

Currently we have a site that allows users to listen to mp3 files. It is creating bandwidth issues. So we want to move the mp3 files to an ISP that caps bandwidth usage. Ours is currently burstable.

Now I am able to do the following:

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fs.fileExists(music_file) Then
'show music file
'do not show a link for file
End If
set fs = nothing

Is it possible to do the same thing, but on a remote server?

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Remote MS Access DB?

How do I connect to a remote Access DB from my desktop? I have a MS Access DB online adn wish to hook up to it from my desktop absed DB?

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Remote DB Access

I have a access database on my server which my users can download it from my website. I have update.asp file which will update the database on the client. So say if there are 2 users each will download a copy of the database on to their machines.

When they run the update.asp file, the information will go to their respectively database(the one's on their machine). The architecture of the DB's remains the same but each client will have his only data. Is this possible? IF yes then, why do I get this error...

Microsoft JET Database Engineerror '80004005'Could not find file C:Test.mdb.

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Remote File

How to include remote file in an asp file? Anybody woh know about it.

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Remote Truncating Of Logs

Every so often my database log files fill up and i have to truncate the file.

BACKUP LOG [database_name_here]

Any idea how I could run this? From an asp page...?

View Replies View Related Not Working On Remote Server

Localy along with VS2005 when hitting ctrl+f5 the asp application server get's launched, and the whole site works fine, now on my windows 2003 server i installed IIS, it also has apache running and that works fine but the IIS part, i cant get it to work.... i have my inetpub filder on c which has a www folder but when i copy my project to there it tells me it's unable to process the page (aspx), can somebody help me out here please.....

I did the configuration and rule statements in the server manager which now displays working and active, but it does NOT work at all....

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Mapping Remote Machine

I was susseesful in mapping remote machine with vbscript. Now I am building the same tool with ASP .I am using the same code but its not working. Below is the portion where I am mapping the drive: Code:

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Execute A Remote Command

I have a shell script that needs to be executed on a unix machine on our network and text output needs to be retrieved How can I make a page do it ?

is there a way to batch execute the command that I execute in the command prompt and just retrieve the outoput.

Here is what I am manually executing currently from the dos command prompt

Step 1. telnet <unixmachine>

Step 2. login <login name>

Step3. I Provide the password

Step4. once logged in to the machine I Provide the <shell script command>

The results of the script get displayed on my command window. I copy and paste the result

can the above be done through asp/ page

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Remote Scripting Vs XMLHttp

I have a form where I want to be able to validate a field against a DB
*before* the form has been submitted.
After doing a bit of homework, it seems there are two general approaches:
1) Remote Scripting [using RSExecute/RSGetASPObject]
2) Using XMLHTTP/XMLDOM objects
I have no experience with either, so I though I'd see what my peers are

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ASP Read Remote File

If ASP can read remote file like php does.I am trying to read this weather forecast page, and only output certain line from it.I only know how to read a local file using server.mapPath()

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