Remove Text Box Lines

Is there a way to remove text box lines so that a user doesn't realize that information is sitting in a text box?

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Asp (visual Basic Script) Break Long Text Lines Into Several Lines.

asp (visual basic script) break long text lines into several lines.

This line of my guestbook (visual basic script) - response.write "message: " & Recordset ("message") & "<br><br>" displays access database field "message" in one line in web browser.

How do I break this text line into several lines? I know in there is datagrid. Is there something like datagrid in asp. Or perhaps this problem can be solved with htm?

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Remove Multiple Lines?

i'm creating an app where the user will copy/paste BIG word documents into a textbox to save into db. problem is -> some of the documents have a lot of whitespace which needs removed.

anyone know of a script / method to remove multiple lines of whitespace? i.e. if i come aross a large portion of whitespace (extra lines) i want to remove them and leave only one <br /> line in it's place.

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Merge Lines In A Text File

I am working with an old line-feed printer text file. There are characters in the first position of each line that tell the printer what to do, i.e. print this line and advance paper, print and do not advance. when processing this text file for conversion to another text file I can't seem to work out the code for merging two lines. For example,

Type: Location: Quantity:
+ 123 London 45000

After processing the line should look like this:
Type: 123 Location: London Quantity: 45000

I understand the concept but have no idea how to actually merge the two lines with code.

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Loop Over Text File Lines

I have just registered as I have found this very useful saveas asp script but I want to modify it to read in a list of image url's from a text file and save them automatically
Can anyone help me with the looping code to do this?

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Deleting Blank Lines From Text File

I have a text file being create with the FileSystemObject. It's being
built based on results from a SQL query. All this is working fine, but
so that I have a carriage return VBCRLF at the end of each row, I have
an empty row at the end of my text file. How do I delete this last line?


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Last 30 Lines

Got a total blank on this one this morning, could anyone point out how I read a specified number of lines from a textfile, the last 30 in this case. (I know I'm gonna have to use the fileSystemObject before anyone mentions it.)
I'm guessing I could use a for i = 1 to 30 loop but I'm completely at a loss this morning if anyone has a nice efficient way of doing it

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Black Lines

I'm butchering up the top part of my site so I can make it percentages and make it the same size on every browser.

If you go there you'll see a black line that disects mario and ninja gaiden. I don't want that line there but I want those to be seperate images.

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Blank Lines

I am creating a directory of suppliers.I have a form that collects data - business name, address1, address2, town, city, county, country, postcode.
The data is stored in separate fields in an Access database. Another page is used to display the data, one field per line. However, if some of the fields are blank, I want to suppress the blank liens as at the moment I am getting:

My Business Name
1 High Street

Any Town

Any County
United Kingdom

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Erasing All Lines

I know how to read a text file in ASP, I know how to append lines to a text file. How do I simply erase all lines from a text file?

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Retrieving Lines From Other ASP Pages

I have been asked to design a ASP page that retrieves the URL and a line of text that contains the version number from a number of pages in our software.

The idea is that if we get a email to our support dept we can check to see what version the client has to ensure that they have got the updated versions instead of getting the client to search through for the Version No.

What I need to know is if I can retrieve a line of text from all our asp pages and then populate it into a table with the page URL and the Version number using ASP.

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Splitting Lines Of Code

if i wanted to split the below SQL statement on two lines, what would the
syntax be....

SQL = "UPDATE gallery WHERE g_id = " & Request.Form("g_id") &
"SET g_name = " &
Request.Form("g_name") &
"g_add = " &
Request.Form("g_add") "

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Question About Split And New Lines

This code works great unless the data strValue doesnt have any new lines or no data... i get the error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a005e'

Invalid use of Null: 'Split'

is there a way to allow it to return null or something? Code:

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Display Multiple Lines

Can anybody give me some tips on the best and/or easiest way to display
multiple lines in a field. The data is collected from a "textarea" field
when the form is submitted, and I want to display all of the data (multiple
lines) in a resulting HTML page. The data displays on a single line
(obviously) and does not wrap without manipulation of the string variable.
Is there an easier way to display the data?

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Execute Command Lines

I need to be able to execute DOS command lines via ASP. This would include running an .exe along with passing commands/switches.The platform is Win2k/IIS.Is this easily accomplished with ASP?

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Record Lines Without Tables

I regularly code in standard asp with MySQL. I have a page which displays records with the background colour of each record table row in a different colour. There are 2 table rows per record. The problem is that at the end of each field in a row, the background
colour stops and then continues in the next field, i.e. the rows look like a brick wall design.

Is there anyway I can adjust my designs so that no matter how many fields or rows I have, the background colour is seamless and the visitor cannot see the start and end sections of each field ?

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New Lines From Database To Browser

I entered the data in the database table but, when I print this data on html page thro' asp script. I don't see my new lines. I tried by storing <br>(html new line tag) in the database. Then I am getting only 1st word of each line.

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Count Lines In A File

is it possible to count the number of lines i a text file, whith the filesystem object. is it just stream.countlines ?

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Writing Multiple Lines Into A Database

When inserting multiple lines into a database asp removes the whitespace so:



hello all

is there any way to detect the return and inset it as intended ie:


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Putting One Line Of Code On Different Lines

I know this is Visual basic code, but the response should be global. I one line of code that stretches from here to Mars. Infact, it was used to guide the last probe there. How do I make it go over seperate lines? Code:

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Print From ASP How To Break The 400 Lines Page

I have to make a print page that have 400 lines. How to break it in few pages? How to contrl it?

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Display Data 20 Lines Per Page

how do i display data retrieved from a table 20 lines per page giving a 'next ' button at end of each page.

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Blank Lines When Writing To A File

When writing to a file, is there an equivalent to the HTML non-break space character? Using “ “ works okay if there are other characters on the line, but when you want several blank lines in a table, if you use “ “ these blank lines are ignored. Code:

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Need To Remove DAY Name

I found a simple date script, which is this:

var_date=date() 'get the current date

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

How can I get this to not display the day of the week, I only want - September 29, 2004

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Remove DAY Name

I found a simple date script, which is this:

var_date=date() 'get the current date

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

How can I get this to not display the day of the week, I only want - September 29, 2004.

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Remove Dot

i have a variable which holds a value like this


response.write stramount

the output sometimes is

50.00 or
50 or

if it is 50.
i want to remove the (dot) at the end. can someone tell me how to use the instr function to see if there is a dot at end and if it is there then remove it.

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Remove The Gap

i have problem in removing the gap between two images, pls see the attached image. coz my item name is quite long, i dun wnat it display in horizontal, i want it display as vertical. so i create the images for the character and use ascii to recognized it.

my code is as below:

<td align="left" class="BorderLeft" width="1%">
<%dim word, pic, word1
pic = ""
for i = 0 to len(word)-1
word1 = cstr(right(left(word,len(word)-i),1))
pic = asc(word1) & ".gif"%>
<img src="../images/<%=pic%>" border=1 vspace=0 hspace=0>


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How To Remove Cookie?

How can I remove a cookie from the client in ASP? I'm not talking about setting the value to a blank string and I've tried this:

Response.Cookies("mycookie").Expires = Now()
Response.Cookies("mycookie").Expires = Date() - 100

Neither of which work.

Is there any way to completley remove the cookie?

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Remove Header

can anyone temme the script or style sheet to remove the hearder and footer url address of the web page when printing the pag

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How To Remove Duplicates

How to write asp code to remove duplicates in an array.

For Eg: A()=(1,5,10,15,10,20,5)

After removal of duplicates it should be


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Add Remove Button

The main idea goes like this: I have a textarea, on the right I have a listbox whose elements are loaded from an Oracle Database, I want to have an "Add" Button which when pushed will insert in the textarea the value selected on the listbox between "{ }" (ej, The {white} cat), you can add as many values as you wish and also manually edit the text, and a Submit button which open another ASP page that will check the sintax of the textarea and insert it on the Database.
So far I already have the part which checks the sintax and inserts it on the db, and the listbox with the elements you can insert on the textarea, but my boss really wants the "Add-Remove" feature and I need to finish this for Tuesday

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Remove Underline

I have image icons that are clickable. I want to remove the hyperlink from around the image.
I tried the STYLE="TEXT-DECORATION: NONE" tag but thats not working. How should I remove the underline from the hypelink.

strImage = "<A target=""_blank"" href=""document.asp?job="
strImage = strImage & jobid & "&doc=" & filename & """ STYLE="TEXT-DECORATION:NONE">"
strImage = strImage & "<IMG SRC='" & GenerateIcon(rs("filename")) & "'/></A>"

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Remove Left Of ,

Would search for this but forgot what its called? I wanna remove everything from the left of the camma in a variable:


to 7-3-05

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