Remove Title And Location From Print Out

if there is a way to remove from a page printed of the net the title, page x of x, and the location from the page. If it can be done in ASP that's awesome 'cause that's what I'm semi-used to, but any language would do fine.

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How To Remove The Title Bar From A Page?

I just made a link that opens up a new page. I have it to where it will not show the address but Is there a way to get rid of the title bar?

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Print An ASP Form By Clickng Print Button On Same Page

i make a data display page, its showing all records, now i want user just press print button, and that print all data on screen, secondly user input 2 dats From ..... To......, so data in between that day will print,

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Wscript.Shell Run PRINT And NET PRINT Returns Nothing

No error or any feedback that I can work with.

set objShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

objShell.Run "%comspec% /c NET PRINT GarchiveISLaser[color=blue]
>c:WUTempPrinter_Status1.txt", 0, True[/color]
objShell.Run "%comspec% /c PRINT /d:GarchiveISLaser c:WUTemp est.txt",
0, True

Set objShell = nothing

I can run these commands successfully from the command-prompt on the server
but from an ASP page, I get nothing not even an error. The Text output for
NET PRINT is a blank text file.

I feel something is different on the permissions side because this
code/approach use to work fine.

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Self.print Without Browser Print Prompt

When I use self.print the browser launches the print prompt, then I have to manually press print... DOes anyone know how to get around this.

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Location Thru IP

I want 2 know how can I pinpoint the location of a visitor to my site thru his IP addr or is there some way else 2 do that??

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Interchangebale Title

if it's possible to use sql or asp when calling a page the header title changes for the same page? Have anyone ever done this or know if it's possible.

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Document Title

I am writing a little ASP script that reads the URL and generates a navigable breadcrumb trail from it. It is highly dependant on the filename and folders being named appropriately and consistently.
However, what would be prefereable is for the file that you are currently reading to be generated in the breadcrumb base on the document <title> instead of the actual file name.
Is it possible in ASP to read a <title> attribute?
Naturally, the ASP script would be in the <body> of the document and as such the <title> would already have been written to the client.

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Page Title

can i send my page title to another page.... like this response.redirect

mytitle= what can bee... i dont want to write manually my title

any method to learn title in asp

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I am working on an asp page, where I need to set the title to a variable. I have tried
<% document.title = variableName %>
I even tried

<% response.write "<title> " & variableName & " </title>" %>
That doesn't work either. I need to set the title to a variable on a dymanic ASP page

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Icon In Title

My concern is that I want to add the logo of the company in the title
bar. For more clearification one can have the example of an explorer.
that we see the explorer icon in the most left side then the title is
displayed and after that "-Microsoft Internet Explorer" is written.
so does any body knows the code in ASP that how can i replace the
explorer icon with my company logo.

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Cant Set Title With App/

I have been experimenting with viewing excel spreadsheets through the browser using

Response.ContentType = "application/

But I observed that in place of the title is the url to the page. Is there a way to get around that when using

Response.ContentType = "application/"

I have already tried setting a var to my desired title before calling Response.ContentType = "application/ excel" and then in the title tags <title><%=var%></title> Still, I just get the url in place of the title.

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Reading Title

i dont know that is this right to put the question in this forum or in html forum.
anyways, the question is how can we read/find the value of title tag of html page using asp or any scripting langauge.if any one has idea, please do share

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To Add An Icon In Title

it can be done in Visual Basic thats why i want the same title in ma web page.

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Title Tag Changing

I run a site using a blog script (dblog) where if you want to open an article from the homepage, it links to a page called article.asp. For example if I want to open article 101 the link goes to article.asp?article=101 but the title (the metatag) is always the same.

What I want to do is having the title change from article to article, retrieving it from the database. So if I open article.asp?article=101 the <title> displays the title of the article 101.

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Change The Title

I want to dynamically change the Title of the webPage according to date, month and day thru a Database.

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Cannot Use Web Services From Another Location

I have a client application that uses web services. When the client application an web services are in the same machine, they work fine. But when the application call the same web services hosted in other server, the server return: Code:

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Redirect Location

I am using frames in html.
How can i redirect to an asp file in a new browser window.So that the redirected page opens in new window instead in a frame..

Response.Redirect "../pm/scriptlogon.asp"

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Word's Location

If there a scriptfunction I can find a word placement in ASP? I mean, like I give a string, and it returns and word's placement

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File Location

Is there a way to set the location where the input type="file" option gets its files from. I know you cannot set a default file, but is there a way to set where it starts looking.

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Location Finder Over WAP

tell me anything they know about locating WAP users. I assume that there must be some information on their current cell sent in the WAP request headers, but i'm not sure. I want to make a WAP site that appears differently depending on the users cell location.

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I have created a global.asa file, but somehow it doesn look like it is working...I have only one simple sub-routine in it.

Is the name case-sensitive? I have placed it under [ www/myfolder/global.asa ]

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Cookie Location After Being Set?

I attempted to find the cookie 'Prospect' in my Temp Internet Files in IE6
after I had set it in ASP:

Response.Cookies("Prospect").Expires = Date() + 2
Response.Cookies("Prospect")("u_id") = u_id
Response.Cookies("Prospect")("u_name") = sName
Response.Cookies("Prospect")("VisitorIP") = VisitorIP

....However, it does not appear to be there? Am I looking
in the wrong physical location?

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ASP OpenTextFile Location

This is a dumb question but i am just starting out with ASP. I am working in vbscript and i am trying to do a OpenTextFile the problem is that i am editing my page on a different computer from where the server is. I know that if i were trying to open the file from the server i would type:

filesys.OpenTextFile("c:inetpubwwwrootfolder namefile name")

but i am writing this file to a server and i don't how enter the location, it is not on my c drive.

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Copy From Body Into Title

I need some asp which I can use to put between some words within the
body of a page which takes these words and places them inbetween the
title tags.The idea is when an editor changes these tagged words (with
Contribute2), it will also change in the title tags of a page.

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Displaying Pdf Document Title

Does anyone know how to display the Document Title of a .pdf file onto a webpage and make it as a link using I don't want the filename, but the Title of the Document that you can set when you open up the pdf file, then "File/Document Properties/Summary".

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ASP Dynamic Meta Title

Is there a special way that I can write in keywords from the dynamic query parameters into the Meta Title, Description and content of the page?

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Url Appears In Title Bar When Refreshing

I have ASP page. I dont want to show the address of this page. so I have opened the ASP page in a window which dont have the address bar. so the problem is apparently solved.

but when I press F5 for refreshing the page the address of the page appears on the title bar for sometimes.

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Current Page Title

I am trying to display the current page that is being view with asp.The line i am tryng to add is "You are editing: CurrentPageName".I can't find any code examples to help with this.

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Assign The Title With The Help Of Tooltip

I'm setting the title attribute of an input box to assign a tooltip. If I assign title the value "Agent does not exist", when hovering over the textbox the tooltip will only display "Agent" it's the same with all my tooltips (only the first word is displayed).

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Data Align With Title

I am paging through recodset but the data isn't align with my title. How can I correct that problem? How can I make the tickect number display into link?

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Dynamic Page Title

I'm trying to give each page the title of whatever is in my first <h2> header tag. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Title Of Parent Window

is there anyway to get the title of the window that opened a new window? in javascript it would be window.opener.document.title but is it even possible to get that with asp?

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