
response.Write("<form action=""addtobasket.asp"" method=""post"" name=""buyitem""><input type=""hidden"" name=""songID"" value="""& objRs(TUNE_ID) &"""

/><input type=""submit"" value=""Buy"" />")

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ASP Form Reponse

I have a form on a page; when that form is submitted, it fires an ASP script (using Persits MailSend) to email the form's contents. Right now, the response comes in the form of a new window, and the user would have to hit Back to get back to the site where the form (and the rest of the web site) resides.

Here's my dilemma:

I'd like for one or the other to happen, in order of preference:
1. There's a hidden field on the form; I'd like for the response to be displayed in this field (i.e. Message Sent or Message Failed, etc.)
2. Open a pop-up window of specific size and position with the response.

I'm pretty sure #2 is doable, but not sure of the syntaxes necessary but I'd really like to do #1. Code:

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Asp: Write From Db1 To Db2

I have 2 MS Access databases DB1.mdb and DB2.mdb.

In DB1.mdb there is a table named table1 and in DB2.mdb there is a table named table2.

How do I write query in ASP to write the records from table1 in DB1.mdb to table2 in DB2.mdb.

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Getting The ASP To Write.

i am having a problem with ASP not doing the requestion action of Response.Write based on conditions of a code entered on a first page. The codes are below. I made the second page from template of another that yall helped me with and it aint working.. Code:

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Write Value

Was curious if someone could help me out. I'm setting up a website and using Server side includes to make it easier for maintaining. I've got a contact form that will be included on several pages and I need to know from what page the forms is getting posted from. If I can figure out how to pass one value to a hidden field I can use the form as an include instead of hard coding the whole form into each page.

Ideally the value to be passed could be coded into each page then asp could pick it up and insert it into the hidden field. Any one point me in the right direction for accomplishing this. I don't have a clue about asp other than the basic include statement.

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Write Db Value To A Cookie?

I select 'name' from the customer table.

Is it possible to write it into a cookie?

Response.Cookies("customer")("firstname") = '" & objRecordset(NAME) & "'

when I try to write the above using

Response.Write (Request.Cookies("customer")("firstname"))

i get the following ....

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Can Use Asp Write Automail?

May i know isit can use asp to send an automail when customer fill up the registration form. i need to send a automail to his email verify the customer details. is it any free source code to write?

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Response.Write Containing %>

I writing code that will create asp pages using the file system object.

'other code here

Response.Write "<%sName=" & Var & "%>"


How can I do this?

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If my recordset is empty I want to write "Not Complete" and if there is
a value, I want to write the value. Can someone tell me what I am
doing wrong?

If IsEmpty(rsa.Fields.Item("reclaima")) Then
Response.Write("Not Complete")
End If

Also tried....

If rsa.Fields.Item("reclaima") = "" Then
Response.Write("Not Complete")
End If

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When To Write <%@ Language

Since ASP server scripts use VBScript by default, does it mean it is
redundant to put the following in ASP page? Then when do we need to use
this? In client-side VBScript?

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How To Write Subroutines In ASP?

I have a script in ASP:

If strReport = "OrderDetail" then
strReport1 = strReport & ".rpt"
End If

If strReport1 <> "" Then
strReport1 = strReport & Year(strPeriod) & ".rpt"
End If

Now based on the kind of value in strReport1, I would like to do 2 different set of work.... Like for instance,

If strReport = "OrderDetail" then
call SubReportDB
End If

If strReport1 <> "" Then
Call SubOrderDetail
End If

Is that the right syntax?

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While doing a response.Write,

I would like to display the text as array item wrapped in quotes. How can I do that?

I write the code as:

'Now get all the sub-reports names to pass the log-on information
For i = 0 to UBound(aSubRpt,2)
Response.Write "webSource0.AddParameter " & u0 & " & " & aSubRpt(c_SRName,i) & ", " & dbd & "<br>"
Response.Write "webSource0.AddParameter " & p0 & " & " & aSubRpt(c_SRName,i) & ", " & dbc & "<br>"
'Response.Write aSubRpt(c_SRName,i) & "<br>"

While seeing the results in the browser, I would like to see


which is primarily


How can I wrap the text in double quotes within a response.Write?

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Write Gifs

I want to be able to write a gif in my ASP app. Not even sure if it is possible with response.write. I want to replace the 'Member Log In' text with XXX.gif, and still have it linked to login.asp....

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I am trying to retrieve info from database and display it in the form. The problem I having is when I try to change the info in the form, it is not changing and I don't know why.
table.fieldname = payroll


payroll = rs("payroll")
If payroll = "something" Then
payroll = "Some Payroll"
End If

In the form table:
<input type="text" name="payroll" value=<%response.write(payroll)%>>

I want "Some Payroll" to be displayed in the form instead of "Something".

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I need to put this whole line into a response.write statement:

field delimiter = """

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Redirect Than Write?


username = Session("username")
if ("" = username) Then
Response.redirect "login.asp"
response.Write("Sorry, you are not logged in.")
End if

How do i write that Sorry, you are not logged in ... to the login.asp?

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Cannot Write To LPT2: From ASP

I've tried using a FSO to write to it directly. I've even managed to write a script for windows scripting host and invoke it from ASP, using standard output redirection (">") to redirect output to a file with no problems.

However, I can't seem to send writes to LPT2: from ASP, even through the other script.

It works perfectly fine if I invoke the WSH script at a command prompt using precisely the same command line, but when I do it from inside an ASP page, I get nothing.

Are there some permissions for the port I have to set or some such? I honestly have no idea how to get it to work.

If it is relevant, LPT2: is a mapped port for a network printer.

Yes, this is related to my previous thread, but I'm down to a much, much more specific problem.

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Why do I get an error on executong the following code:

Response.Write" <script language = ""vbscript""> "
Response.Write" res = MsgBox (""Do you want to edit appliance?"",4,""Edit Appliance"") "
Response.Write" if res=7 then"
Response.Write" window.location.href= ""Appliance.asp"" "
Response.Write" else"
Response.Write" window.location.href = ""Scenario.asp"" "
Response.Write" end if"
Response.Write" </script>"

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Response.Write URL

What is the right syntax, to make that a hyperlink?

Response.Write("<TD>"<a href=""rst("Kotisivu") & ">" & "</a"> & "</TD>")

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Write Strsq

I am trying to check for the final sql statement before passing it to a
database. I want to build the statement using user input in three text boxes.
However, the sql statement does not give me the right statement. Instead it
gives the following message:
Error Type:
Request object, ASP 0102 (0x80004005)
The function expects a string as input.
/sailors/loginverification1.asp, line 14
strSQL = "select PeopleNameFirst, PeopleNameLast, PeopleClubCode from People
where " & _
"PeopleNameFirst ='" & Request.Form(txtFirstName) & "' AND " & _
"PeopleNameLat ='" & Request.Form(txtLastName) & "' AND " & _
"PeopleClubCode ='" & Request.Form(txtPassword) & "'"
Response.Write strSQL

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Write Positioning

Does any one know how I can position the output at certain point? Such as If I want to print "hello" starting at position 50 from the left in the file.

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How to use Response.write to Output the following Code:

Type id="1"

I tried this one but not working Code:

Response.Write( "Type id="" & "0" &"")

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I am creating html string in a component that transforms xml into html.
Works o.k. with small html strings, but takes forever to response.write
big html strings. Is it possible to speed it up?

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Using Binary Write

I am having trouble trying to output an image using Binary.Write. I have a page which displays a record. One of the fields is an image and I want to display this on the page.

My question is this: Is it possible to use the Binary write command i.e. Binary.Write("MyDatabaseField") on the same page that I want the image displayed on?

If not Is there a way to nest it inside an image tag as follows:

Response.Write("<img src=" & binaryWrite("mydatabasefield" & ">")

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Can't Write To Database

I have an asp page created in Dreamweaver with a form that is supposed to write to an Access database. It redirects to a formmail.asp that sends the info to my email. Everything works except the fact that no new info is written/inserted into the database.

I can connect, read, etc, it just doesn't write anything new. I get the email just like I'm supposed to only it has old entries and nothing new. There's nothing new added to the database when I check it. I've tried about everything I can think of. I've checked and double checked that the file can be written to, added all the default users, etc. Moved the file around, recreated the database, etc. I'm using DW 8, Access 2003 and Windows Server 2003. Code:

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How To Write In A If Loop

Now i have this part of the code . below in the code i should not call Sp_Getattachment if the Id = 0

but sme how I am gettin an error if I insert the If statemnt.
This is the part of the code:

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Response.write As URL

I have a specific access db field that holds visitor website url's and I am currently displaying it onto a page as text but instead I need it to be displayed a clickable hyperlink.

The field datatype within access is set to url but when the entry is written to an asp page it doesn't bring the hyperlink properties with it.

I think I should be enclosing the RS within an <a href=''></a> type tag but can't seem to get it right.

Current code: Response.Write RS ("website") & "<BR><BR>"

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Response.write ASP

Example 1 don't work:

title = rs.("title")
response.Write title
' this will show title= "the 100 Club"

SQL2 = "select * from events where (venue = '"&title&"');"
rs2.Open SQl2, Conn

' Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted.

Example 2 it work fine

title = "the 100 Club"
SQL2 = "select * from events where (venue = '"&title&"');"
rs2.Open SQl2, Conn

it work fine, so what I hove done wrong with the first one it seam strait forward..

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How To Write Cookies

I'm just getting started in ASP and would like to better understand how to write cookies with ASP.

Most of the examples I've worked through involve collecting user info from a form and then using response.cookies (cookiename)=" some value"

What is the best way to write a cookie to the client if you're not collecting user data from a form?

What information is possible and most useful to obtain from the client if they haven't filled out a form?

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Via FSO ASP, With Write Permission

1. Files to be browsed
2. Anonymous upload to this directory
3. Allow uploaded files to over-write the existing file

I use the following to create new folders, but all above options are off.
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set b = fs.CreateFolder(newFolder)

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Write Classes/com In Asp

I write classes in php, beans in jsp, what "modularity" does asp have? Can I write classes? Or "com" what can I do? which advantages exist with these paths: classes, com, etc.

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Response.write (&quot;%&gt;&quot;).can any one tell me how to do that.y can i not do this?

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trying to display a memo field using response.write but it truncates it. Is there a size issue with response.write? If so how do I get round it and to be able to display the whole memo field.

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