Reporting On Unclosed Connections...

Any one know if there is any way in asp to create a way to report information on any unclosed recordset instances or unclosed database connections etc...?

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I have recently developed a web application across my clients intranet. We used ASP with Interdev 6.0 and SQL server as the backend.

They have now come to me asking me to develop some reports that can be accessed via a drill down within the app. They don't have Crystal Reports so this is not an option. Can anyone suggest an alternative to using crystal reports to publish dynamic reports via the web and ASP?

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Reporting In ASP

What is the best option for report in classical asp.

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Reporting Options

I need suggestions to allow my users the ability to print reports from my ASP application that will be quick and easy setup. I need them to choose an option such as

Print all checks for the current week

and receive an output of 1 page per employee . Currently I have the page so someone can view 1 employee on the screen and manually print. But I am looking for some web based report delivery method that will be quick to implement so the user can preview the batch of reports and then print. Similiar to if you were running a report in access.

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ASP Reporting Application

I have a need to develop a reporting application that has static and
parameterized reports that I want my users to be able to access and retrieve
through a web interface.

I'm trying to find out the standard/preferred way of displaying reports. My
original thought process pointed me towards generating xml files for the
static reports and having standard xsl files to display them.

How should I build the form-submitted report requests using asp? Should I
generate xml from asp and have standard xsls for displaying them? Or should
I iterate through the result recordsets and just build html with

Essentially I'm just looking for a high level summary of how ASP reporting
applications should be developed, and I feel confident that I could go from

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Crytsal Reporting

i want to use crystal reports in asp application
how to do it
and can anybody tell me resources on this

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Using Sql Reporting Services In Asp

Can i make us of the sql reporting services in asp? If so then how do i make
a call since what i know is that sql reporting services are available as web

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Error Reporting

is there a way to turn on error messages from the server without having access to the server? When I get an error on my webserver all I get is a page that says "HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error" without giving me any details about the snafu.

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Reporting From ASP Pages

I am looking for a way to create reports using ASP pages or some third party component. I am taking a look at crystal enterprise 8, but I am not sure about the licencing etc. I have used this to create a web report, but the 5 user licence seems to restrict you for just having 5 explorer windows open.

I.e. it doesn't seem to be 5 concurrent users and to have more would get very expensive. Has anyone done any reporting with ASP pages? Ideally, using barcharts, pie charts etc.etc.

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Reporting Services

Has anyone constructed a SOAP request with Classic ASP and sent it to SQL Server Reporting Services to render a report formatted as PDF to a browser and dealt with the SOAP response?

I'm not talking about URL access, but accessing the SSRS web service directly with SOAP passing credentials, parameters, format, etc. There seems to be nothing out there for ASP 3.0 - it's ALL .NET.

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Classic And SQL Reporting

i am working on a project and client just decided to use SQL Reporting Services 2000 for reporting but his application is developed in Classic ASP and SQL Server 2000.

how to view parametrized report in classic asp page and i want these paramters to be sent by URL not in report manually.

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Need Reporting Capability

I am using ASP and I need the ability to make several dozen reports. I get the feeling that trying to produce somewhat attractive-looking reports in HTML and ASP code would not only be hair-splitting, but quite possibly could be impossible as well.

Does anyone know of any software/tool/package that would be compatible with ASP and allow me to retrieve reports from data that is stored in a database and called in the ASP page?

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Which Reporting Tool Goes Well Is ASP

I am building a ASP financial reporting application. Here the user inputs
quarterly financial information. The data obtained is being used for
uploading a separate in-house application. The end-user should be in a
postion to run reports on their own based on the quarterly information they
furnish via the web applciation.

My question here is what is the best way to devleop reports in the asp
applications so that users can view their own report online? Somebody
suggested pure html reports. However, I believe there should be better ones
which would be web based.

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Crystal Web Reporting ASP Issues

I'm having an issue with my Web application. It's deployed
using Crystal Reports 8.0 Developer edition.

I have an RPT file with a relatively large number of
formulas (30+). I did not create this RPT file and I
loathe to change it as I am not very well versed in the
field. I also did not create the ASP to generate reports,
but inherited it too, so I am really speaking from what I
have gathered at looking at the code.

The Report designer wanted a switch to determine if they
should show a certain field as an average or a total.
Instead of making this switch a parameter as I was
expecting them to, they made it a formula, which stumped
me for an hour or so. As the product shipped, this formula
is set equal to false, which means the user always
generates this field in Averages. If the formula is set to
true then the field will be set to Totals.

Now the problem has arisen that there are a large number
of formulas in the Report, and when you use Crystal 8.0
with ASP you must reference the formulas by their index
number as opposed to by the formula name or id. I have no
idea what this formula number would be. Code:

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Error Reporting In Intranet

I am trying to setup an error reporting system for our Intranet. We have a
Windows 2000 Server with SQL Server and we have an Exchange Server 5.5. I
need to set it up so I can use CDO mail. I have used CDO before, but have
never set it up to work. I built a small little page with some CDO code on
it, but I get an error when I try to run it. How can I set this up to send
mail from the webserver to people in our facility?

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Configure Error Reporting

Reading te article about sql injections and sanitizing I found that one of great recommendations is to "Configure error reporting" to do not allow public to read the entire sql statement. How can I do this? Can I do this if I keep my websites on hosting company server?

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Generate PDF Reporting File With ASP From SQL Server Datas

I'm looking fo a solution to generate automaticaly a PDF file.

My aim is to use a template define by a user and to insert dynamicly
datas form SQL server in this document.

Can you tell me if it exist PDF template like .dot for word ?
If such file exist is it possible to generate list of information like
aacount report with datas coming for Database like Sql server.

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Problem With Error Reporting When Executing Multiple Sql Staments In Asp

I have a problem with running multiple sql statements using asp.
Basically if there is an error with any of the statements inside the
query a rollback is done. the sql and rollback work fine, But on the
actual asp page no error is detected unless it occurs in the first
statement in the query. heres an example

If Err <> 0 Then

Response.Write "error"

Response.Write "<p>Data has been added!<p>"
End If

in that example if theres an error inserting into Testing the page will
display 'Data has been added' even though it hasnt.

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Connections DSN Less

I have a problem with DSNless connections. I used the code below but doesnt works.
An error message appears in browser...

conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection");
conn.ConnectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c:path odatabase.mdb";

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DNS-less Connections

I'm trying to make the following asp code work using a DNS-Less
connection on a windows 2000 server running IIS and ODBC 4.0 driver.

The Access database (odbc_exmp.mdb) was made using Access 2002. The
code works if I set up a DNS on the server under the ODBC drivers.
What I'm I doing wrong and what do I change the code to, to make it
work using DNS-Less connection? Code:

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DSN Or DSNless Connections...

Right, which do you use? If your using DSNless, then STOP! It's SLOWING down your code and making it UGLY!!

Why? Lets look...

Which looks better
"DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & server.mappath("./data/vote.mdb")

Its also easier to manage and will cause less typing errors. Think about it, it makes sense!

Everytime you run a DSNless connection inside an ASP page the connection string needs to be verified,but a DSN connection is only verified when it is created! Meaning the DSN connection is indeed faster.

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DSN Less Connections Problem

I am not sure what is wrong with this code. I have tested it at home, used in on previous webpages, and with previous employers. But I am getting this error at my current employers server: Code:

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Multiple Connections

I've been using ASP.NET for a couple years now and I'm trying to fall back into ASP for a new position I've acquired...and I'm having a bit of trouble remembering. I'm running to a problem where the basic logic is as follows:


Do While Not rs.EOF
Query based on value in rs
Another query based on value in rs

There is no explicit connection object, they all use the same connection string however. When I limit myself to one query within the Do/Loop, I don't have any problems. However, when I add another query in there, it bombs with: Operation is not allowed when the object is open.

I'm assuming it's referring to the connection string being reused, but why would it allow one additional connection, but not two. I can't really close this connection before needing to requery. Is there anyway around this, or am I missing something entirely?

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Implicit Connections

i am maintaining a system that was developed using dream weaver. a lot of the asp ado code looks like this:

set sp_yellow = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
sp_yellow.ActiveConnection = MM_MHR_CONN_STR_STRING
sp_yellow.CommandText = "Sp_HPMSQ007_GetSystemConstants"
sp_yellow.CommandType = 4
sp_yellow.CommandTimeout = 0
sp_yellow.Prepared = true
sp_yellow.CreateParameter("@RETURN_VALUE", 3, 4)
sp_yellow.Parameters.Append sp_yellow.CreateParameter("@P_NAME_TXT",
129, 1, 17, "MLSTN_YELLOW_DAYS")
set rst_yellow = sp_yellow.Execute

someone on another forum expressed that dreamweaver "tends to drive the programmer to creat implicit connections and their effect on performance".could someone explain this to me? a provide some better code? (we no longer are required to use dream weaver to develop code for the app).

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Open To Connections

in my main page i need to retreive record set from the database as well as search for products. but the recordsets i need to retrieve are located in a different table then the products i need to search. is this possible to do ?

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Active Connections

I am programming a rather large site which will hopefully attract thousands of visits per day. I have been told by other people that MS access begins to struggle once it has about 15 active connections.

Since I am currently using MsAccess to test my scripts along with IIS 5.0 or whatever it is, I guess that at some stage I am going to have to convert all my stuff so that the data is in an SQLServer Database, and that the scripts can read and write to it. could anyone tell me what the transition is like. should I consider using SQL Server from the beginning or will I just have to change a few lines on each page.

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Multiple Db Connections

On my website, I want to provide 3 pieces of statistics that will require 3 queries to my SQL database. As much as I'd like these to be live, they are part of a footer that will load each time for about 10 pages on my site. I am thinking that, although they are simple queries, it may be just too much.

What do you recommend? I could open the connection, run the query and then close it, each time. Would this be a recommend plan? Or, should I create a daily task that builds a simple text file with those query results and just pull those in each time the footer is loaded? This would not be live, but I can deal with it.

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Limited Connections

I get somthing like "Max Connection limit is reached" error msg when trying to access a page. I wonder it is got to do with winxp pro sp2 patch which only limit 10 tcp connections? Running ms access as database and IIS 5.1.

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Close ALL Connections

how to close all open database connections without referring to each connection by name across an entire server?

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Multiple SQL Db Connections

I use a global.asa file to connect to SQL Databases. how would I go about connecting to multiple SQL Databases within a global.asa file?

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Closing Connections

What's the proper syntax for determining if a connection is open before closing it?

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Port In Connections

i have a connection string (this all in asp )

tCSCst = Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=test02x2;Port=1444;Initial
Catalog=<cataloge>;User ID=<id>;Password=<password>

Set testCaseServerConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
testCaseServerConn.Open tCSCstr

but i get the following error

An error occured:-2147467259 - Invalid connection string attribute

the problem seems to be the port itself, if i use 1433 then it works fine.

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Open DB Connections

how I might go about displaying all current open db connections in ASP, either for a particular web app/page or hopefully all of IIS ? We are having a few issues with IIS hanging and we feel that it is related to db connections that were opened and not closed. I would like to be able to write an ASP page that could show me the current amount of open db connections from IIS.

I need to do this from the IIS side not the SQL Server side. I can already see the number of sessions in SQL Server but I am more interested in trying to find asp pages which have opened a connection to some db and not cleaned up properly afterwards.

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