Request.ServerVariables With A Variable.

If Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") = "12.5.14.%" Then

does anyone know how i can make my page only show info if they come from
a certain ip RANGE? not a static ip?

is there a wildcard i can put above instead of % to make that work for all 255 choices of

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Request.ServerVariables(&quot;HTTP_REFERER&quot;)can that be spoofed?

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I am trying to use Request.ServerVariables("SCIPT_NAME") - this is
ok normally, but when I try to use the script behind SSL - it does not
pick up the full path to where I am - eg:

Request.ServerVariables("SCIPT_NAME") in this file, would show:
Which makes all my redirects etc - not work!
Is this a known feature of SSL, or has it just been setup incorrectly?

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Our intranet was running on a Windows NT4 server using IIS4. We have just upgraded to Windows 2000 & IIS 5 but we are now having a few problems.
A lot of our code uses Request.ServerVariables("auth_user") to get the users logon name. This used to work fine but now it doesn't work at all. We don't get an error, just a blank value.
I have searched around for help but it seems that there is no reason why it shouldn't work, which makes me think that maybe it's not the code that's the problem.

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I have a asp page that use the request.ServerVariables("Logon_user"). I'm used fine but then i need to restart the web server. After that request.ServerVariables("Logon_user") has no value, a null string.Why?and How can resolve this problem?

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I have had issues with Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") because it seems that in many cases it returns an empty string or NULL value. I use it when it works correctly to enable my scripts to be somewhat universal, not requiring hard coded values or "email an associate" scripts etc.

I just noticed that a script I'm working on does work in FireFox but not in IE. I've run the script in XPPro as well as Win2K Server to rule out it being a local setup problem. It seems that if I use Javascript to open an new window FireFox recognizes the referer but IE does not.

I realize this is probably a difference in the way IE handles the Javascript function of opening the window but as it is a Request.ServerVariable that is not being passed maybe someone else in ASP-land has run into it and knows a fix.

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i want to know the usage of Request.ServerVariables.I'm not sure this is really a ASP question,so redirects to a more appropriate newsgroup are welcome.

I have a variable that is being passed to me through HTTP headers "Test."I am able to see this variable and its value when I use Request.ServerVariables("ALL_HTTP").

when I iterate through Request.ServerVariables using a "For Each key in Request.ServerVariables" the key of "Test" comes up.However, when I use Request.ServerVariables("Test"), the value returned to me is always empty.

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I am trying to ensure that Request.ServerVariables can not be spoofed. Does anyone know?

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Is there a way to find the url of a page, in html page, and not in asp page? Anything like Request.ServerVariables("URL") in jscript?

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I want to have one of my asp pages ONLY load if someone reached it by my main page. I am new to ASP, but I think I have the theory down, I just need help with the actual commands, syntax, etc... Here is what I got so far, any suggestions?

If ref= then goto continue
Else goto end

..... run the code on this page .....

Response.Write "You Have Not Reached This Page From Our Main Site"

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I have an ASP page which collects the "logon_user" and assigns different permissions based on their "names". It is working properly under Windows 2000/XP, but Windows 9? is NOT recognizing. Could anyone tell me what I have missed? Updating new versions or changing my code?

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I have written an application that catches the logon user's name in order to assign different levels of permissions, but the users logon under different OS (Windows versions).

the "logon_user" is recognized under Windows 2000/XP but not Windows9x. The server is under Windows 2000 which connects all kinds of workstations with different OS. Do I need to update the pathes of Windows9x or I need to use different Server variable to catch up the logon user's name?

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I am using Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") to refer back in some pages but on clint side some pages refered back and some show error page not found. I dont know whats wrong with code.

retstr = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
if instr(1,ucase(retstr),"STEPPAGE") > 0 then
end if


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We have the Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") used in a classic ASP page using IIS 6.

It used to return our website name: when using IIS 5, now it is returning the IP address when we type the full www. url.

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Request.servervariables Question

i know that HTTP_REFERER will grab the referring page, but here is my question. say someone has clicked a link from google to get to, how can i get this url instead of the refering google page?

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Request.ServerVariables Issue

I am running Server 2003 and ASP. I used the following code to loop through the variable collection:

for each obj in Request.ServerVariables
response.write "Object Name: " & obj & "<BR>" & "Object Value: " & Request.ServerVariables(obj) & "<BR><BR>"

I got the list of all the possible objects as expected, but the majority of the values were blank. I am designing my site so that there is a seemless login capability. When you log into the domain, your credentials are verified through NT. I was going to use one of the available server variables to grab the user name for login purposes, but found all the values blank.

Is there a known bug/issue? Is there a configuration setting in the IIS MMC that I have overlooked that will allow those values to be tracked by the server?

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ServerVariables - Request Only Part Of The URL

I am coding a login system with login form etc. and when users are denied access to a secure page within the secure area, I want to obviously send them to the login page to check who they are and check they are allowed to view the secure content of the site.

The problem I am having is that currently, if a user is denied access to a secure page, they are sent to the login page. Once they are granted access, they should be sent back to the page they were originally trying to view and not to the main menu.

(The secure area has lots of pages and users would not be happy if they had to trawl through hundreds of pages to try and find what they wanted.

I know I need to use the ServerVariables collection to retrieve the ("URL"), but I dont want to just use this as a querystring parameter when I send a user to the login page.

This would be insecure because someone out there would find my little login script and start using it on their own site by sending users to my login script to login, and then using the querystring parameter to redirect the user back to their own site.

All I want to do is select the part of the URL after the part. I cannot use a Left select or right select option because my login script will be put onto lots of different websites, and I would have to change the Left select on each different site.

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Similar To Request.ServerVariables

Is it possible with 'classic' ASP to find out the SERVER_SOFTWARE of a remote server.
I wish to have a form where people can enter their domain name and then have a page that based on the form post determine what type of hosting the domain is using.

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Request.ServerVariables Coming Up Empty?

A few days ago all my Request.ServerVariables began coming up empty. I was using Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER") for basic authentication but now its useless. Our server administrator tells me he installed some "patches" last week but doesn't think he caused the problem. All I can say is that before the patch they worked fine. Anyone have any ideas on where to look for a solution?

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Detecting Firefox With Request.servervariables

Can I use request.servervariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") to determine if the user has Firefox or Internet Explorer? Is the return string differentiated enough?

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Request.Servervariables("HTTP_REFERER") Versus BACK Button On Browser

When my webserver does not process a user's change because of an invalid password, I inform the user and I want to present them a button for a retry:

<TR id=continuebuttonrow>
<td width="05%">&nbsp;</td>
<TD width="90%" align=center valign=middle colspan=2>
ONCLICK="location.href='<% =Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") %>';"
class=btnParms name=btnContinue ID="Button3">Try Again (Back)</BUTTON>

Yet if this button is clicked, they go back to the server and the page is refreshed with original values.

If I click the browser's BACK button (rather than my button above), I go back to the page (from cache I guess) I want (because it contains the user changes). Here I can correct the password without having to rekey the changes.

So, what is the Request.Servervariable needed for the equivalent of the BACK button?

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Possble To Retain Orig Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") Thru Svrl Refreshes?

I have a "Email this page to a friend" form that submits to itself and contains the hidden input value="<%= Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") %>".

The value="<%= Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") %>" is to obtain the URL of the page that the person wishes to send.

The problem is, if someone creates an error in any of the input fields, the page submits to itself again and displays the errors. When this happens, the original HTTP_REFERER url address is lost and now replaced with the url of the "Email this page to a friend" page.

Is there a way to retain the original HTTP_REFERER value even though the user refreshes the page?

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Not Displaying Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")

Found this funny error on a clients computer the "request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")" does not show any information on the previous address of the last webpage visited. The computer does how every show the details of "request.ServerVariables("ALL_HTTP")".

I can't seem to be able to duplicate the problem on my computer. Does any one have any ideas why this might be happening?

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Can Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") Fail And....?

Can Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") fail and catch the address of my
default gateway in my local network? What should I do?

Sometimes brings address of my default gateway) instead the
remode IP address:,, etc....

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if i am using https, will this work the same as if i were
using http?


returns for http.

what about https?????

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"Request.ServerVariables" Question

What's the difference between





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I am trying to write a small banner system and I am trying to get the page from where the banner is displayed. I have tried this piece of code:-

page = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")

however with IE6, it does not work and gives me a blank variable.

Is there a way round this?

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Request.servervariables("Logon_USer") is working perfectly well for one asp page returning the NT userid as expected but returning an empty string for another asp page.Both the asp pages are in the same directory.This directory have both Anonymous Access and Integrated Authentication enabled att IIS.

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I'm trying to determine whose looking at various pages on our intranet and wanted to use


but it just gives me a blank value.

I'm thinking its got something to do with Authentification in IIS however when I turn Anonymous users off and use domain users instead it prompts me for a username and password when viewing the webpage ...

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Can You Put A Variable In A Request.Form Object

Can You Put A Variable In A Request.Form Object I'm looking to do something like this:

variable = Request.Form(RS("ID"))

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Request Retrurns Empty Variable.

On my asp form I have the simple code as below. The idea is that I check the client browser version and store it in BTYP. If I make BTYP a text input I can see the value OK.
When I submit and request BTYP from l0008ps.asp I get an empty variable. How
do I hold my mouth while doing this....

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Why The Request.Form Variable Shows A 0?

This is ASP and JScript.

I request a form variable:

var sReviewID = formatUndefined(Request.Form("ReviewID"), "");
Response.Write ("sReviewID: " + sReviewID + "<br>");

Function formUndefined is: Code:

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Request.BinaryRead :: Request Object Error 'ASP 0104 : 80004005'

Why does the error below occur whenever the statement Request.BinaryRead Request.TotalBytes) is executed for uploads larger than 100K? I thought the 100K limit applied only to Request.Form. This does not occur with smaller uploads. This is running on an IIS 6 server with full FP2002 extensions.

Request object error 'ASP 0104 : 80004005'
Operation not Allowed

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