Requesting Data From An IFrame

How do i request data from an iframe during a POST .I have an ASP page with a dynamic iFrame in it and need to be able to request.form data from the iFrame's form.

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Read Data(html) From Iframe

My application requires reading data(html) from an iframe and push into a div tag. 'innerHTML' property of the div tag allows to push data into it. Can anybody tell me how to read data(html) from an iframe.

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Requesting URL

Does anyone how to get the url in e.g. http://localhost/dev/a/test.asp?id=1 (so I get test.asp). I've tried <% request.ServerVariables("URL") %>but it returns/dev/a/test.asp, so far I've also heard to use InstrRev, but I don't know how to use it.

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Requesting The Url

if it is possible to request the url of the current page the user is on? i.e. is the current page index.asp or is it home.asp, for example?

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Requesting Cookies

I am trying to make it so that after a user logs in once I store their UserName and Password in cookies on the browser but I am having no luck getting the to pull back after they have been written. My login page looks like this
<card id="Login" title="Login Page">
Welcome to the J.C. Evans WAP Site<br/><br/>
UserName:<br/><input type="text" name="strUserName" emptyok="false" value="<% Request.Cookies("cksUserName")%>"/><br/>
Password:<br/><input type="password" name="strPassword" emptyok="false" value="<% Request.Cookies("cksPassword")%>"/><br/>
<do type="accept" label="Login">
<go href="login.asp" method="post">
<postfield name="strUserName" value="$strUserName" />
<postfield name="strPassword" value="$strPassword" />

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Requesting A Form Field

I'm trying to make a simple Feedback Form using that CDONTS thing I read about (in that "How to use CDONTS" thread). Every works like it should until I try to step it up a little and get the information from a Form... Code:

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Requesting Many Looped Fields From A Form

I have an asp form page that has alot of textboxes on it and are displayed in a looped table, meaning that the number of fields submitted will vary each and every time the form is submitted.

I do not know how to pick up these fields on my submit page. Normally I would just use request.form("fieldname") but since i dont know how many fields will be submitted, its hard to bring in the field values that way.

there is only 1 field on my form but there could be alot of that 1 field because of the loop. I managed to name each field txtEmail1, txtEmail2, etc... Code:

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XMLHTTP Through Login But After Requesting Next Page - Kicks Back To Login

I am building a website to pull data from a remote https site using xmlhttp. The data from the https site is behind a login screen. I can successfully get through the login screen with:

set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objXMLHTTP.Open "POST", "", false
objXMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
objXMLHTTP.Send "Username=uname&password=pwd&company=O"

That works great - but then, when I try to go to the next page (where the data is that I want to pull) - I use the same process and I get kicked back out to the login screen? Could there be some cookies, referer, strings being passed normally that I am not including in my second request - How do i find out for sure?

I have used the software IETrace and it looks like some cookies being passed, but how do I know for sure if (and what exactly) it is using?

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Using Iframe In Asp

I want to use an iframe on a asp page. My code is as follows:


Would that work fine?

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Using Iframe

I've a list of links on a page. witch one loads db record on a page in the same window where iframe is. iframe is in "main" window.

<a href="xpto.asp?test=<%&rs("nuser")&%>" target="main" style="width:45; text-align:center;"><%&rs("nuser")&%></a>

this code dosn't work.

<a href="" target="main" style="width:45; text-align:center;" onClick="javascript:window.location.href=xpto.asp?test=<%&rs("nuser")&%>"> <%&rs("nuser")&%> </a>

ie return this: "Directory Listing Denied. This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed."

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I'm intending to use a IFRAME in one of my ASP page.
What I'd like to know is how to prevent user from directly accessing the
page that is the source of the IFRAME?


Main page is main.asp

Inside main.asp..

<IFRAME src="data.asp">

If someone tried to enter ..mysite/data.asp in the browser's address bar, I
would like to redirect him back to main.asp

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I am using an IFRAME in a custom control with src="Popup.aspx" where
Popup.aspx is a page in the Web control library.
How can I reference this page without having to copy it down locally ?
I have tried embedding it in the Web control library dll and referencing in
the Assembly.inf file using ContentType="text/html" and using
GetWebResourceUrl to reference. But server controls are not rendered using
this mime type and I cannot find a mime type for "aspx" files

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I've inherited some code which has a menu page
with an embedded iframe which displays the page
corresponding to menu clicks. i was attempting to pass a
session variable into the iframe page. sadly, it seems
that the page displayed in the iframe and the "hosting"
menu page are different session. i discovered this by
placing response.write(session.sessionid) in both pages.
why is this? is there a way to make the iframe page part
of the original session?

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Im passing from one website to another ie a link from to
The problem I have is that 2nddomainhas an IFrame which I want to pass the ID .

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i made page in asp with iframe and the contents of the iframe is coming form another asp file as a radion button gruop i did not get right result. what i want that the results of radio button groups are redirected in a parent page. so i writ that code so many times with few changes but i did not get right answer the code is.


"x" is the name of first radio group ( But Asp treat it as a first object of radio group so it returns me all the time the vale value against it either it is not checked.

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can iframe be use in asp ?

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How do I access the variables of a page, which is included in an iframe?

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<iframe> And Asp Includes?

saddled with using an <IFRAME> area on a classic asp page from the designer, so I'm trying to find out the following.

on that page I usually use the <IFRAME> to hold a simple HTML page, that the client will have access to from my CMS program so they can make edits, updates etc.

but, one page has a search functionality, written in classic ASP and using MS-Access dbase to find members of the association etc.

when I put the asp search page inside the <IFRAME> src , it wont show? ie --
<iframe src="findlawyer.asp" frameborder="No" width="756" height="427" id="iFrame" vspace="10">

-- should mean that the page findlawyer.asp should show up inside the holding ASP page (called simply find.asp)

why? when I look at the findlawyer.asp page online it shows up perfectly and works perfectly too....yet inside the <IFRAME> it refuses to show up???

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Iframe Trouble

I have a sign-in box that is an IFrame, with a form target of "_top", and
the current (parent) page URL as a hidden field.

If sign-in in successful, there is a response.redirect to the page URL,
having set the session variable LoggedInOK=true.

However, if the sign in is not OK, I want the IFrame to be the target, (i.e.
_self, not _top) to display the error.

Is there a way for ASP to control whether it redirects to _top or _self, as
setting the form target in the Login page requires "pre-knowledge" of
whether it will be successful.

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Iframe To Textarea

I am useing "<iframe style="width:650;height:220;overflow:auto;" src="blank.gif" name="IDtemp" id="IDtemp" contentEditable="true"></iframe>"

an i really need to copy selected text from that iframe into

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Iframe Problems

I have some ASP / HTML webpages using an iframe to function as a Content
Editor which works fine in IE.

It has javascript preforming actions on the iframe content, such as
putting the text in bold, creating hyper links etc.. However none of
this works in Opera or Netscape, is this totally impossible?

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Call Iframe

I have 2 web pages which is a.asp and b.asp. I using iframe to call b.asp in a.asp like below:-

<iframe src="content_wallpaper.jsp" id="myiframe" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" width="355" height="120" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" align="center" allowTransparency="false" background-color="transparent"></iframe>

The problem is, i need to call the iframe in b.asp like below (because i just want to refresh this portion of the page)

<a href="javascript:myiframe.document.location.reload()" class="blue_11"><%=tmpCatName%></a>

The error occur as "myiframe" is in a.asp and i need to call it in b.asp and i can't find the solution for that too.?anyone know how to pass value from a.asp to b.asp in above?

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IFRAME - Refresh

It's me again asking about IFRAME.

With UncleWobby, Steven Burn and Roland Hall's help, I was able to create a
proper IFRAME section on my page.

Now I come to the next problem.

I'd like to be able to:

- manually refresh the IFRAME, and
- set a time interval to auto refresh the IFRAME

I've got <META http-equiv="REFRESH" content="10"> in the child page (src of IFRAME) which refreshes the page in IFRAME every 10 seconds. Is there anyway I can

- change the refresh interval value, and;
- set the page in IFRAME to auto refresh or not;

from the parent page but without submitting a form from the parent page (to avoid refreshing the parent page)?

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Post To Iframe

Just wondering how (or if it's possible) to post from my
page to another .asp page within an iframe? Hopefully
that question make sense? I know how to launch load a
page with an iframe, but how do I post to a page within a

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Open Ftp In Iframe

host has no upload facility. They also block uploading scripts.As she wants to be able to upload files easily I have opened her ftp folder within an iframe when she has logged into her admin functions.

This allows her to drag and drop files when she's viewing in Windows & IE.What I'd like to know is how safe a method is this?what ways can I make it safer?

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Vbscript Or Iframe

I have an asp page that when I select something teh content of what I select appears on the page. I know I can use iframes, but it is not to freindly with all browsers, and I can use frames, but same reason. SO, what I would like to know can this be done with vbscript? or is there another way?I am in real bad need of this solution quickly.

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Session And Iframe

Is there a way to solve the problem of saving a session from an iframe?

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IFrame Alternative

does someone knows what's the alternative of Iframe. Actually I have to use IFrame and it works in IE but NS 4.74 to NS 4.78 doesn't support IFrame.

So, I have to use alternative of IFrame so that my application can work in both IE and NS 4.74 to NS 4.78

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Iframe Height's

I used the iframe in main page. Everytime user click on any link in the page, only the content inside the iframe will be change. The problem is, the content's size(height) that will display in iframe is different. So i can't fix the size for the iframe. (i tried to put the iframe without fix the height for it, only part of content can be display - may be cause of i have few iframes in iframe).

If i fix the size for the iframe, some of page are unable to display nicely(as i don't want to use scrollbar). Anyone know how to solve this problem so the iframe can show it's content with it's height?

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Get Hidden Value From A Iframe

I need your help for this:

<script language="javascript" >
var getvalue

getvalue = top.markcountframe.document.hiddenform.element[0].value;


<iframe src="" width=480 height=0 center name="markcountframe" scrolling="no">
<form name = "hiddenform" >
<input type= "hidden" name="count" id="count"

How to make this work?

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Iframe And Variable

I have an Iframe inside my page, just outside this Iframe i have 3 textboxes. I need the variables inside these textboxes to pass onto the iframe page. How can i do this?

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Iframe Refresh

i have a webpage with two sections. the first : is a list of categories the second: is an Iframe.

when clicking a category the iframe refreshes and showes me the subcats of that category.
when i add a new category, and refresh my page, the iframe still shows me the old subcats... till i right click and refresh the iframe seperatly...

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Accessing Cookies While In Iframe

I am trying to access a cookie my domain made using Response.Cookies("username") = "value". I have no problem accessing this cookie while people are at my site, but when my site is placed in an iframe on another domain, I can no longer access the cookie. I am not trying to access it through the other domain, as I don't control that second domain. So why can't my iframe access the cookie? Since it created the cookie, and therefore owns it through the domain name, I don't see why I would have trouble accessing it. Does anybody know whats going on? Here is a quick diagram incase my explanation was not enough.

SiteA =
SiteB =

While people are at SiteA I make a cookie, and can access it again and again without problems. Then, on SiteB an iframe is placed which has <iframe src="SiteA/file.asp"></iframe>. However, SiteA/file.asp CANNOT access the cookie created earlier.. it comes back as "" (blank/empty).

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