Resize Uploaded Images Without Server Component

My host offers the 'Persists ASP-Upload' component, but not the 'ASP-Jpeg' component. I can therefore allow users to upload images which can then be saved on the server.

What I need to do however, is resize their images before they are saved, so that their pixel dimensions are correct. Is there a way to do this without having the ASP-Jpeg (or similar) component installed on the server?

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How To Resize All Images Sizes And Coordinates Of The Images On Resize Browser

My page have background image,on that image have more images and text. My problem is whenever resize browser that images are not resized and also not moved correct place .(i.e look not like before alignment).I want to do everything in dyanamic....

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Displaying Images Uploaded Onto Server

With the website i'm developing, the user can upload images and the filename is saved to a mysql db, the problem is displaying these images. If i use the servers local path i.e. "C:InetpubwwwrootIMGimage.jpg" then the page just displays the little box with a square, circle and triangle in it, that usually displays while an image is loading. If i use "http://localhost/IMG/image.jpg" then when i load the page i get the "connect to the server:type name & password" box popping up...

I've set the permissions so that an Internet guest has read & write permissions to the IMG folder so I don't understand why it's not just displaying the images.

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Is Posible To Resize An Image Without Any Component

I am trying to resize images without componts in ASP, but I couldent find anything that can do that.

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How To Process Uploaded Images

Anybody have idea about Image processing tools available for ASP (like Imagemagick,I dont think ImageMagick will work with ASP).

I want to adjust the images uploaded to my site(ASP) to a particular resolution and do some image resolution changes, like creating thumbnails from originally uploaded images,etc..

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How To Save Uploaded Images Name In Database

I have some difficulty in stroring uploaded images name in database. Images files are uploaded successfully, but when i want to store images name into database it only contain
last file name and stroe only this file name in all images fields into database....

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Upload Component And Resizing Images

is it possible to resize images uploaded in the dundas component or any other upload 3rd party component.

Also i woudl like to be able to rename them and put in specific folders?

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Resize Photo Store On Server?

I have a Windows 2000 server. My ASP application allows users to upload a photo for display to other users. Unfortunately everyones photos are different sizes. I'd like to resize the photo to 150px wide while maintaining the aspect ratio of the photo.

Is there anything built into IIS/ASP that will allow me to do this? If not, is there a free DLL, etc. that I can add to the server?

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ASP File Changing When Uploaded In Server

When I upload the .asp file into the server, it adds &nbps; into two of the columns of my table.

I have deleted the server's copy several times, but all the time the file gets corrupted.

I have been using HTML-Kit, Front Page and Note Pad to view my code. This error only appears in Front Page & sometimes in Note Pad, but no in HTML-Kit.

Any ideas how can I solve it?

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Component Registered On Server

Is there a way I can use my custom dll just by placing it in the ASP folder
and not having to use regsvr32 to register it? I takes forever to get our
admins to do anything like this for us.

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Agile Server Component

where I could get my hands on a good sample of an ASP 3.0 agile server component developed in VC++/ATL.Ideally, I am looking for a cache/dictionary/lookup object that can beassigned to the ASP application object, therefore the object is going to have to be either an MTA or a TNA.

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Out Of Memory Error Using A WSC Component In ASP Page On IIS 5 On W2k Citrix Server

Can anybody shed any light on this issue ??? Or even ways of temporaily
getting around it ???

FISH is an ASP application which uses a WSC object called "finapps.fishapp"
to handle the requests to the database. The WSC is created in the GLOBAL.ASA
as a Session object using the following line:

<OBJECT RUNAT=Server SCOPE=Session ID=fish
ClassID="{32f74dc1-40f8-4db3-98a7-000200040013}"> </OBJECT>

The finapps.fishapp object creates an "ADODB.Connection" object that is held
open while the session is running, and the Session_OnEnd event should call a
method of that object that closes the connections

The website falls over only when there has been a period of inactivity
greater than the length of the session timeout, and also after there has
been a significant amount of traffic prior to this!

The problem we have only occurs for one of our clients, but occurs seemingly
randomly on all 4 of their servers. The returned results of the error are as
Active Server Pages error '8002802b'

Create object failed

An error occurred while creating object 'fish'.
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0007'

Out of memory: 'fish'
//global.asa, line 36

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Loading Images To Server

Is it possible to load images to a folder in my hosting server?

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Images Saved On Server Instead Of DB

My content managed site allows users to add images to their account. Oringinally I was gonna store these in Access. However I have got a script which will let my users upload their images to the server.

The problem is how do I make sure images being uploaded don't affect others i.e. two users upload an image called photo.jpg, only one can exist in the same folder, right?

Do I then need to consider having a script which creates a folder based on the username?

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How Can I Store Images Using ASP & SQL Server!!

i m creating a site using asp in which i will collect user details, means their names, address, other information along with their pictures, so please can any one help me by telling how can i strore pictures in sql sever using asp. in very long detail. and how can i retrieve snaps from data base to display on the pages.

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How Can Web Server Affect Images?

I have an application (VB.Net2) which takes an image (JPEG) file and resizes it.

I have tested this application by putting it into a local version of my website (which also contains local copy of my image library) hosted on my PC. The images shown on the web pages are crisp and clear.

But when I put this same version of the website (including image library) onto my remote webserver, the images shown on the served web pages are markedly pixallated (even in areas that are normally flat colour). I have downloaed the images from the image library to check them on my PC and they are fine.

Why should the website produce crsip/clear images when hosted locally yet grainy/pixallated images when hosted on a remote web server?

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Uploading Images To Server

how to upload images to the server.

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Uploading Images/Files To Server

Other than creating a custom component or purchasing one, isn't there
any other way by which users can upload images/files from their local
machines/hard disks to a remote server? Doesn't ASP have any in-built
component to do so?

If that's indeed the case, can someone suggest any free components
(not trial ones) which can be used to upload images/files from users'
local machines/hard disks to a server?

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Problem W/ Certain Images Being Retrieved From Web Server

I'm having problems retrieving certain images from my web server, such as, Dozier SrB9057.

The problem I'm having is w/, Jr., Sr., II, and III get the drift. How can I get rid of the space in between the last name and Sr?

Now, the Sr is included in the field along with last name.

Here's my code:

strSQL = "Select * from vw_licenseholder_PrimAddr where L_ID = 5940"
Set rs1 = objConn.Execute(strSQL)

ImagePath = "w:" ....

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Storing Images In SQL Server Storage And Retrieve

1) I need to build an admin page that allows me to browse to the file that I
want stored in SQL Server 2000 in an image field, have it uploaded to the
server, and then stored in the db. I see this done all the time, so I don't
think this part is too hard, but I'm not sure how to get the image into the

2) I want to display the image within a web page, so I would want to pull
the image out of the db, place it on my web server in a certain location,
and then reference the file in the HTML. How do I do that?

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How To Display Images Using Files Form Web Server?

I am trying to build a simple image gallery,that displays image form the files on web server and displays it on webpage.

I tried,but it gives an error:

Quote: Error Type:

Active Server Pages, ASP 0113 (0x80004005)

The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools.

Here is the code:

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Is There Any POP3 And NNTP Component I Can Use As A ASP Component?

What I want to do is to show always the latest post on our company NNTP
and the newest email in my inbox as an activex background on my desktop.

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Image Resize

What is the best image resizing tool is out there? I want to resize images in ASP page when users upload them into some directory.

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Image Resize

I need to resize images to a fixed width.
How can I hold the aspect ratio?

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Image Resize

I have a page that displays a image from a folder. If the image is over a certain size I want to resize it to a given size, but if the image is smaller than the given size I set I want it to stay the same. Any ideas?

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Image Resize

Has anyone managed to get ASP to do an image resize ? I know its possible easily in .NET, or by purchasing a COM object, but my server cant have either of those.
Looking to automatically create a thumbnail when a user uploads an image.

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Resize Image

Can someone help me out in resizing the Gif images.

I actually eant to resize the gif image and save in a separate folders.

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Image Resize

I need code that simply resize image with same ratio. My server has ASPImage 1.5 component.

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Resize A Frame

i have A page that show List of many field from database and i have frames : Top , Left and Main Page. I think it's tired to see the fiel with horizontal scrolliong too long. I wonder that the left frame can be resize to Left(Close to left) then i can open it again. But I have no idea to doing that.

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Image Resize

How can i resize a picture with asp, i mean i store the picture into the database, and when i display it, i just resize it from html, but it does not look good, not focused... basically how can you make a thumbnail..?

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Resize An Image On Upload

I need a pure ASP (no com, or dll objects) solution that not only allows me to upload an image, but also resize it.....

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Image Resize In Browser

I have an ASP page where I am displaying an image submitted by a user. I don't know the width or height of the image - they are variable. However, when I display the image, I want to shrink it to a particular size if it is wider than one of my page elements (say, 130 pixels).

I need to detect the width of the image and then display it with a WIDTH attribute if it is wider than 130 pixels. Anyone know a way to do this with ASP, without using a 3rd party component? If not, know how to do it with Javascript?

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Resize The Image And Save

I have problem with resizing a picture and don't know what the problem with the following code:

dim fs
dim sourcefile
sourcefile = uploadsDirVar & filename
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'to access the data of the image
dim iwidth, iHeight
dim myImg

if fs.fileExists(sourcefile) then
set myImg = loadpicture(sourcefile)
iwidth = round(myImg.width / 26.4583)
iHeight = round(myImg.height / 26.4583)

if (iwidth > 250) then
iHeight = (iHeight * 250)/iwidth
iwidth = 250
end if

If (myImg.Width > iwidth) or (myImg.Height > iHeight) Then
If (myImg.Width / iwidth) > (myImg.Height / iHeight) Then
myImg.Resize iwidth, 0
myImg.Resize 0, iHeight
End If
End If

myImg.WriteFile sourcefile
set myImg = nothing
end if

set fs=nothing

when i run it, the following error occur :

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'myImg.Resize'

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