Resolving Include Paths

I have developed an application which works correctly when hosted on a server running Windows Server 2003 and IIS. However, I have to present this application to a different company so I want to create a standalone version on my laptop. My laptop is running Windows XP, IIS 5.1 and has SQLServer Server tools installed.This works on the server:

<!--#include virtual="connection/connOLEDB_Live.asp"-->

However, I have to add the folder name to the path:I know that I could go through my application changing all of the paths but each time I make changes to the pages I would have to go through the application changing the paths again. Can anybody tell me if there is an easy way of configuring my machine to resolve the file paths to include the name of the folder?

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Relative Paths For Include

i have about 5 files included in all scripts how do i give relative paths to them?

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Directory Resolving

I have got a site with thousands of members with their own profile, now what I want is that obviously has got their own link,

this then should resolve into or whatever number, now i know there is a way to do this, to create all member folders and have an index page in there that redirects to the members.asp, but the reason I want to do it this way is that I don't want to have 5000 folders on my server. how can i resolve a folder name into a filename + id... without having this folder.

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Resolving 'invalid Number' Error

I have a page (Page 1) that allows users to select several search criteria. These criteria are then passed via the URL to another page (Page 2) that runs a query and displays the result. I keep getting an 'invalid number' error and I need help fixing it.

To save space I'm only including the query. I created and set up a connection object and a recordset object (rs).

Users may select multiple Project_ID's from Page 1, they are passed in the URL as Project_ID, Project_ID, etc. Code:

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404 Error: Page Cannot Be Displayed; Suggestions For Resolving?

I currently have a few asp pages linking together. On one page (postNew1.asp) it has a form that allows administrative users to enter a new form.

When creating a new form, there is also a file input box for the user to upload a filename.

If the user does not enter a correct filename, I have an alert box showing "invalid filename" when ever the user presses the "OK". It will not allow him to go anywhere until he enters a valid filename. Code:

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I had a database driven website running on a free host,i have now changed host and am having problems setting the db path.

the old host was with and my website was Kartsearch.this was the path that worked

Source=d:DZHostsLocalUserkartsearchkartsearch instantads.mdb

my new host is 100 webspace( details are sugster & the root folder is, there is a folder called ads where the db is located.i have tried many paths which i thought would work but to no avail.

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Paths Problem

I am trying to solve a problem on a production server, that unfortunately is
not repeatable on our development server. It is for a bank, and the site is
being hosted by a different company.

Anyway the problem is this. There is a directory where a number of pdfs are
stored. Here is the structure.

| |_
| bank2004
| |_
| images
| |_
| pdfs

The current pdfs we want to access are in the bank/bank2004/images/pdfs/
directory. The old pdfs with the same names but different content are in the
bank/images/pdfs/ dir.

There are three types of pdfs we retrieve. Personal Applications, Business
Applications and Brochures. Our software writes all three types to that
branch of directories fine using pretty much the same methods for each type.
But when our web pages read them back, the 'brochures' type are pulled from
the old bank/images/pdfs directory instead of the current 2004 one. The
appplication pdfs are fine, they are read from the 2004 branch. The code
used to get the applications is virtually identical to the brochure code,
and it all works like clockwork on the dev box with exactly the same setup,
so it cant be the code.

I'm guessing it's some kind of directory mapping or someting on the iis
server, but I dont have access to the configuration of this server. There
are quick fixes to this problem, such as putting all our new pdf brochures
into the old directory, but my boss wants to know why this is happening.

Has anyone had a similar experience who can at least point me the right way.
I have next to no knowlege of iis, but I'm guessing it has to be server

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Problem With Paths

I have written a program which uses a directory structure upto 4 dirs deep.

I reference the include file

<!--#include file="../../includes/main_page_open.asp"-->

main_page_open.asp contains the line


I get an error saying

Server object error 'ASP 0228 : 80004005'

Server.Execute Error

/ios/includes/main_page_open.asp, line 32 The call to Server.Execute failed while loading the page.

The basis for the error is pretty straight forward - because the file (main_page_open.asp) is being called from a directory, two deep, the file attempting to be executed cant be executed because the system is looking in the wrong directory.

Now, before someone says; change the path; I cant do that because many (about 100) other files reference the same file with no problem.

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Parent Paths

If I've enabled Parent Paths (PP) in IIS, but have installed the URL Filter
and disallowed ".." and "../" within links, am I covered from the
vulnerabilities of PP's?

This allows me to use PP's in #Include statements, but doesn't allow
visitors to use PP's in their links to access directories on my server.

Is this correct?

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Relative Paths

Our web application is currently using relative paths in various places throughout our code. im working on eliminating this, but not sure of the best way to go about
it. i want to avoid hardcoding the path to make migration easier and more manageable. i thought there is a way to user the request object?? request.servervariables or
something -

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Setting Paths For Asp

I am trying to learn new stuff using asp. That means I am downloading a lot of examples and looking at them. Sometimes thats all I do is look and compare his/her code to my attempt but also sometimes I need to see a working demo. I find I am replacing the path a lot. Is there a faster way to do this.

can Create a txt file with paths in them and use that to get paths from. It would be differant if I was using the pages but I do not evan have a webpage yet just iis setup on my home comp.

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Relative Paths Solution

Can anyone help me find a solution to quickly working out relative paths to
a folder in the root of my server...

Although it easy when you go - say - two levels down:


it becomes increasingly difficult to ball park the folder when you go deeper
and wider down:


....How do you guys get a quick fix on where the hell the folder or file is
and use that path in asp?

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Hiding Image Paths

Anyone know a useful way of hiding image paths so images on my site cant be directly linked to?

I've seen sites that use <img src="image.asp?/moo/fred/image01.jpg"> (where the path starts from but dont know how to set this up.

BTW am on a shared host so dont have the use of base level administration if it makes any difference?

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Hiding Paths In ASP To Data In MS Access

Does someone have a reasonable method for concealing the paths to data when using ASP to MS Access?

I maintain a website where some data is intended to be released according to date:time. Some visitors like to "jump the release date" and just copy-n-paste the visible short cuts so they can get an early view of the material stored in a MS Access database.

Because I do want to continue using a straightforward naming convention for the various files, I was hoping someone might have information on how they had kept from pre-releasing information in this situation.

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Included Files Paths Chg By Calling Page...

I have a standard Header.asp that I want to include in every other page in
my site. Header.asp is located in the root folder, but the calling pages are
in various folders/levels. Since the relative paths specified in header are
subject to change and are based on the relative path of the calling page,
problems arise. (Strangley, using the IFRAME method of including a header
doesn't react the same way.)

The solution I believe lies in using absolute paths in the Header.asp file
using the "virtual" include qualifier. But this assumes your development
directory structure is the same as your production environment. So I guess
that is the answer. Use absolute paths and set up your development directory
structure to be identical to your production.

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Uploading Files Absolute & Relative Paths

I got a problem when I uploaded a file with the input tag of type file "<input type=file.." using the FileSystemObject where The page not opens and there is no any respond, but I tried to see if the folder that is already exists xan I see by that object I discovered that it is not exist.

The main problem I put my files in a folder that I dont know its absolute path , just a relative that always not exist.

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Virtual Paths In Virtual Directory

IIS 6 Windows 2003

I need a virtual directory in Site_B to serve the files in Site_A (without redirecting the request) so I just added for example Site_B/A as a vdir, and set it's home dir to the physical root of Site_A (eg. C:inetpubwwwrootSite_A) sounds simple enough... not for long:

Problem (nb. I tend to use forward slashes as web/iis paths and backslash as windows filesystem paths):

The include files in Site_A reside in: Site_Aincludes and the include statements in the ASP code seem to be absolute virtual paths (if such a thing exists) for example: <!--#include virtual="/includes/header.asp"--> Code:

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Include More Than 1 Include File

I want to be to call my menu from another file onto my page so that i dont have to add it to every page of my website. The problem is when i try to add it using the include method it says that only one include file is allowed on an ASP. The other include file is my connection string so i cant really take that out of the page because then nothing else will work!

How can i get the menu page included as well as the connecting string?

Have added the code below, i have highlighted the 2 include files that i want to use in blue, i have also left the div tag in for where i currently have the menu which is what i want to take out and have ther include file there instead, if that makes sense. Basically the bit in red i want to be able to remove from all of my pages and add the blue file above the red code in instead, but i dont know how!!!!! Code:

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How To Include

How i can do <!--#include file="filename"--> dynamic with ASP, or any other way

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If I want to include a file to my webpage that is not placed in the same
folder asd the application, but in another folder on the same disk...

I found out that this is not going to work:
<!--#include virtual="D:/"-->

Is there any other way to include from another domain account on the same

There is going to be several applications that includes the same file, so
the trix ../../../ will not do it for me...

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The Include

I am trying to use "set con" in the include file. i used it before with simple text but when I use the connection object it doesn t work. is this possible in asp and what is the problem with the code below:

inc.asp file
VARMSG = "set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")"
con.Open ("dsn=project;uid=sa;pwd=sa")

<!-- #include file="inc.asp" -->
set rsTypes = con.execute("select * from firstmarch order by cat")

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Include Gif

Can someone advise how can I send an html message that include gif file using cdonts.
the gif cannot link to www, or any specific server location. user must be able to view when they open their as attachment.

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Asp Include?

I have asp page file0.asp which calls another asp page thru include. I have to set conditions tht....

originally the include should have file1.asp In the displayed file file1.asp user selects a hyperlink, it should take it as request and display the new file2.asp in same file0.asp in place of file1.asp.

so i want to display multiple pages on user request inside file0.asp. But originally when file0.asp loads it should have file1.asp. Code:

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Include In ASP

how to include an asp file into an other asp file with checking condition first.I can do this easily in PHP, but in ASP, it seem that the content of included file is process before it read the code on page.So when I include a asp page into another asp page, I cannot choose which page will be include base on the condition.

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If X Then Include Y

make a script for my forums (the header) involving the date and an included page. Quote:

If the month is 9 (September) then include page x
elseif the month is 10 (October) then include page y
else include page z

How do I go about doing that? I know how to do it in php, but I'm looking to do it with asp.

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I m trying to test an include example using the code below, but the page "aspsrc.asp" cannot be displayed.

---> page
var msg = "testing testing"

-->inc.asp page
<!-- include statement not to be placed within ASP delimiters -->
<!-- #include file="" -->

Response.Write( msg );

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When I first started using Server Side Includes I used the regular file include:

<!--#include file = "myfile.asp"-->
Then I read where the virtual include is much beter. I figured I would try it out, so on my last project I used all virtual includes:

<!--#include virtual = "/somedirectory/somefile.asp"-->
It worked fine and I really couldn't tell any differnce. Maybe a little easier to remember where all the file needed to point to. But this was for a New Site so testing it on the server was easy. I didn't have to worry about existing content up there.

I'm now redesigning a site to add in some dynamic stuff and I always test everything on the server it will reside on to be sure everything will work. Typically I create a "v2" directory and run everything from there. Well this really screws me up when using a virtual include, becuase I would have to edit and then rededit all my file paths.

So my question is... What do you use? And why are file includes so bad?

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Include Within Include

i'm calling an include file from within a <td> tag of an existing include file (i'm calling the adroator component from the head.asp file.

i'm getting the following error

Error Type:
MSWC.Adrotator (0x80004005)
ERROR Cannot load rotation schedule file
/root/includes/adrotator/adrotatorhomepage.asp, line 14

the include file head.asp is located in the includes directory while the ssi its calling is on the adrotator directory. here is the code for the adrotatorhomepage.asp (all relevant files are in the same directory) Code:

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Include Xml (w/ Xsl) In A Asp File?

I'm wondering if there's any way to include a XML file (with a XSL) in a ASP file? I've tried this <!--#include file="publications.xml"--> but the XML-code is included before it is formated according to the XSL and ends up being unformated.

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Plain ASP Include, No SSI

I'm trying to include a plain html file in my asp page, but don't know how to include since SSI is deactivated(?)

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Include File With Asp

how would i get something like this to work...

<!-- #include file="<%=Request.GetString("view")%>.txt" -->

i know wat i want and all but i can't figure out how to make it work.

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Include Below Web Root Dir

Is there a way to INCLUDE a file BELOW the web root directory?

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Include File

I want to include files, a header and a footer to my asp page. The files i want to include its on another server, i can reach it with a www-url. Can i use the www-url to include the file to asp page?

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