Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel"

I have created an Excel spreadsheet for the web. When it opens in IE
6.0 I get the message that the format is not supported. This is because
it is in tab delimited format. Ane when I save the file, It saves it as
txt. How can this file be created so that Excel sees it as an .xls
format. I created the data in VB 6.0 with a vbtab to seperate the

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Response.ContentType = "application/"

I'm using Response.ContentType = "application/" to display contents in excel file.

I have one problem my SQL Query is working fine,because I checked it 1000 times and the most important thing is because if I don't use Response.ContentType = "application/" and just printing the contents as a table it works!!! But when I write Response.ContentType = "application/" I don't see the contents!?

One more thing ,when I use the same file with other SQL Query that is a little different I can see the Excel perfect.

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Response.ContentType Display Excel

You know how you can use "Response.ContentType" to tell the browser to display the content as Excel or Word and it will automatically convert your html page into an .xls or .doc file. My question is can I convert it to PDF? If so how?

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Response.ContentType = "application/msword"

I am using Response.ContentType = "application/msword" to open the page as a word file (obviously). As an asp page, the page opens great and looks great.

But, when it's opened as application/msword, i get unwanted line breaks after every table as well as table borders and inaccurate table widths that weren't there when the response.contenttype line was commented out.

I'd make it one table but the page is a report that consists of rows and columns... some rows not lining up, hence new table. (it has to be exact).

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<% Response.ContentType

I have a page called createWordDoc.asp, that starts with the line <% Response.ContentType = "application/msword" %>.

What it does, is receicves information from a form on the previous page, formats everything using html, and saves it as a word document.

Everything is working ok, except when I open the word document, there should be a picture in amongst the text, but it isn't there.

Does anyone know about creating word docs from asp, or has anyone had simliar problems?

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Response ContentType

<%Response.ContentType = "video/x-ms-asf" %>

<% dim songs
set songs = server.CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") set songs = session("cart") %>

This code works fine in IE but in mozilla/netscape, session object is lost and returns error. However, if i resmove the first line for contenttype, the code works fine in mozilla but i ned the first line as this code is part of playing a window media playlist

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I had a asp file that generated asx files using

Response.ContentType = "video/x-ms-asf"

It was working fine up until a day or so ago. Now all of a sudden it does not work. If I take out the Response.ContentType line and copy the source code to a asx file it works fine. if I copy the URLs out of the code and put them into the browser it plays. So it is generating the file correctly, it is opening Windows media player, but it then errors saying it cant fine the file. Yet copying the URL from the generated asx works fine.

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ASP Not Respecting Response.ContentType

I am trying to generate an RSS feed with ASP, however, IE will not
display the feed as an XML document, instead returning it as text.

I have <% Response.Buffer = true %> and <% Response.ContentType =
"text/xml" %> at the top of the page, but it does not make a
difference. Netscape/Mozilla recognizes the contenttype and displays
it as XML, and the feed is valid.

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Response.ContentType Code

What would prevent Code:

Response.ContentType = "application/"

from opening the page in excel assuming that excel IS on the clients machine?
The page has a couple included pages that contain ASP and JS, the page itself dynamically writes the table cells in html like so...Code:

strTable = RS.GetString(,,"</td><td>","</td></tr><tr><td>","&nbsp;")

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Losing Records When Using Response.ContentType Msword.

I have a problem in that i have a page that works fine and shows all records/Output until i add Response.ContentType=msword

And then i only show every other record.

I probably should have coded the page differently. But for context - it's a school report system and i have setup a Subroutine which queries a database and builds a summary report for a girl. I wanted to print out a class list of these. I.e one for each girl in a class and so i loop around the results of one recordset and within each loop make a new query and create the report. This is probably not the best way to do it.

Anyhow, in the browser it woorks fine. As soon as i add the code to output it to word (or excel ) i lose evry other report.

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About Excel.Application

When I use the Excel.Application object in window 2000 Advanced Server,
I have the following issue

'------------------------------------------get excel template file
'create excel application
Set xlApp = server.CreateObject("Excel.Application")

'open excel file
Set xlbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(targetFile)

xlApp.Workbooks.Open(targetFile) will create a shortcut under the C: etc.
So when I open as many as files, the shortcuts under c: are so many.

How could I avoid create the the shortcuts under c:????

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I am using the below snipped of code to dump the Recordset content in my asp
page to an excel file.

However when the query is complete the content gets displayed to the web
page in excel format instead of being prompted to save the file to the local

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Error When Createobject Excel.application

i trying to use Server.CreateObject("excel.application"), but get an error message:

Server objecterror 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3' . Server.CreateObject Failed. Invalid ProgID.

i can use Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") successfully, why this excel.application cannot work?is there any other way to read data from an excel file?

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Column Autofit In Xls Using ASP Contenttype

I am trying to create a report in xls format using ASP. I need to do some formatting to the report. To do this, I'm using xml. But, somehow, I cannot get the columns to autofit causing the report not to print in one page. What am I missing?

Here is the code


Response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "attachment; filename="Report"

strHeader" = "User criteria goes here"
<HTML xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">

mso-header-data:"&CDate: &D

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ASP, DOC, RTF, ADODB.Stream, ContentType, BinaryWrite, And ReplaceB()

It involves using ASP/VbScript and ADODB.Stream to read binary data from a *.DOC or *.RTF
file and then send it to the user with Response.ContentType and BinaryWrite.

Everything works fine until I try to Replace() certain strings in the *.RTF
file with my own data. I'm assuming Replace() is choking on the binary characters, or
incorrectly thinking 0x00 values are marking end of string. Code:

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Response.Write To The HTTP Response Body

<a target="_blank"

Can anyone please tell me what to enter after Response.Write to write the above to the HTTP Response body.

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Access VB Application From Web Application

We have our web-site developed in classic ASP, and I need to add this additional feature on one of the pages to access a VB application. How can I do that? The VB application basically sends output to the COM3 port and opens a USB-Cash drawer that is attached to it. I am not sure how to go about with this.

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Response.redirect And Response.end

Is there any point in having response.end after response.redirect?

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Web Application

Sometime this morning our classic asp web application stopped
authenticating against active directory. This is our only "classic" asp
app that authenticates against ad. Note that this app has been in
production for three years with no problems. All .NET apps are
authenticating fine from the same server. This same classic asp app
authenticates fine from our development server. There have been no code
changes to this app.
We're using the login id and password to bind the necessary ad objects
- we check for err.number - if equal to zero, we're authenticated, if
not equal to zero then authentication failed.
We checked with the network people and they say ad is working fine and
the server is able to authenticate. The app doesn't go through a
firewall -so no hang up there. The guys who manage the web server say
they haven't made any changes to it. They confirmed that the app is in
the correct app pool so it doesn't conflict with 2.0 apps.
I'm stumped.

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Web Application

I remember coming across a MS tool that would allow me to monitor the performance of all aspects of a DNA based application - all the way from the ASP level to MS SQL server. It was part of the NT resource kit. I am trying to locate this tool for Win 2000. Can someone who has come across such a tool help me

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What Is Application()?

I've just been given some code to decipher in classic ASP and have come across this function (Application()) in several instances. I can't seem to figure out what it does?

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Web Application

I am about to create a web application using asp and vbs to build an online
roster for a department of 25 people. The roster covers some 10 shifts a
day, 7 days a week always starting on a Sunday. I will be using an access
database file to hold the information. At this this stage I will hold all
the data for each week based on the date that the week starts.
I am looking for ideas on how to dynamically give the user the option to
choose any given week in any given year, always starting on a sunday. Could
this be created on the fly or would it be easier creating a database table
holding the dates for Sunday for a year or 2 ?
Once a week is chosen a check on the database will determine if that weeks
roster has been created or not. If not a user with the correct permissions
can then create it.The rosters are currently written out by hand. It is a labourious task which must have certain numbers of staff working each shift for a given day. By
creating a web application automating the checking process and making the
roster available online and by email will make life easier for all staff

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ASP Web Application

i am trying to install my ASP web application to my client side server, but 1 thing i am worry is they my stole my source code to sell-over or they might modify my source code... how those software house which develop ASP web application they gonna avoid this?I know Microsoft have a program that can encrypt & encode ASP files and run properly in IIS.... But to bad... i also found the Decode program too
So what is the safety way to deploy my application to client without any worries?
Some might ask me go for .NEt, in this momment not yet toward .NET.

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Application Uses

I am Geting the Error "Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current operation in one of my asp pages"
VB Method

oCMD.Parameters.Append oCMD.CreateParameter("@CustNo", adDecimal, adParamInput, 9, intCustNo)
oCMD.Parameters("@CustNo").Precision = 9
oCMD.Parameters("@CustNo").NumericScale = 0

For adDecimal Data Type Should i have to set Length as 5 instead of 9.
Is this causing the above or something else ?

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ASP Application

I am trying to develop an application
using Visual Studio .Net 2003. When I attempt to create
the project, it gives me an error stating that the IIS on
my hosting server may not be compatible and the active
directory cannot find the web server. The server is
running Windows 2000, IE 5.5. Is there some sort of
patch I can download to allow me to create ASP projects
on that server? Or something I should install?

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Fax Application

I am trying to set up a fax ASP web (or vb 6) application and I want to use the FaxComEx.dll library that comes with winXP fax services. But I cant find documentation about this library.

I found something in msdn but it is very dificult to watch the logic that appeared. It's very confusing. Is there something else that can I rely to learn how to make a fax application?

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Need An Application

I have a client that wants to have ticket system on their web site where people could order a ticket online and after they send their payment to paypal they would be redirected back to the web site and have a unique ticket that they would be able to print out the ticket but they cant be the same ticket to prevent people from printing out the same tickets. Is this possible? Is there a program?

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ASP Application On PDA

My web application i need to view it on the palm. Backend is SQl and front end is ASP
How do i make it work on the PALm

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Asp Application

create a user subdirectorie with a webpage that he o0r she can fill with there own logo and with some text,perhaps a link but just one page.That page must automaticly come up in a link page so people can see his page.

Thing I want to have is a way that our customers, that dont want to pay for a a bigger website,can have just one page on our website in there own subdir.

I see lot's of free csm style websites but that's to time consuming for people that want just a simple page with just there logo an advertising and some info.

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Web Application

I am developing a web application that will allow user 3 trials to login with the correct password and user name.

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An Application

I am building a web reservation system for a hotel. I'm working in the hotel as a manager as well. Hotel has 18 rooms and 4 Suites. Now it is my first time with such application. I planned to use ASP and Access DB. Can anyone give me ideas of basics. How to start and what an application should look alike. This is nonpaid project so i cannot actually go somewhere else except looking into forums and i can find anything.

Functionality will be, for user, gives dates, no of people and search, select room and pay. backend will be process payment(i have one processor), store it in db and generate email for the reception. Managing will be set availability, review availabity and set prices individually for the room. how the database should look alike and what will be the search criteria.

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Web Application

I need to build a web application based on user's rights (roles) web interface where each user has his/her own web page depending on their user role.It is a web application that is based totally the user needs Could you please give me some insite on where to begin.

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Cmd.exe From Asp Application

how i can run the command prompt from an asp application?

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