I am trying to provide a login page to verify users. I have got this to work fine in the past but have now been asked to encrypt the passwords in the database.
In order to do this I have created a stored procedure in the Oracle database and am running it to encrypt the password that the user has entered. I then compare the encrypted string with the encrypted password in the database to see if they match.
This all appears to work fine, the problem comes when I try and use Response.Redirect to take the user to the main menu if the password is correct. I keep getting an Object Required - " error on the Response.Redirect line.
I tried using Response.Buffer = True at the top and got the same error, and when I used Server.Transfer it did not do anything. The page I am trying to redirect to is valid, I have also tried redirecting to valid sites like Google to no avail. Code:
When I try to use the response.redirect or response.cookies I get an error saying "object required". I`ve tried to write response.buffer=true with no luck. May this occur due to bad config og iis 5.0?
I'm having a problem whenever i enter 2 response.redirects() in one funcion.. it's weird. What i'm trying to do is to display a simple error message underneath a login. But i'm trying to do it by sending the user back to the SAME page (not sure if that's even possible!) and passing a variable, notLogged, to test against. I hope this makes sense! Code:
I wanted to add this method to my .asp page in order to dynamically choose a page based upon some selection criteria. It's in my .asp book and in the online reference. Yet when I use this object, the following error returns in the browser:
Error Type: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01B6) Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Response.Redirect' /testwebs/choose.asp, line 22
What is missing from my IIS libraries in order to use have this method supported?
when trying to connect remote desktop web connection...the "non-web" connection works perfectly (i.e. just launching mstsc and connection directly to an IP).I believe that the problem might exist in my connect.asp file
We have a desgined a web application with ASP, VB, Oracle, Javascript. Ours is a three tier applicaton with the component proxy exported to IIS on the web server.
We have the error 'object required' throwed inconsistently by ASP. After awhile, if we refresh the page the page is working fine. We have been having performance problems like Failureenlisting Resource Manger and MSDTC errros also.
Well after sorting my DB Counter problem (see previous thread) (I stumbled accross another. Well, the counter was just on the underconstruction page but I have put it into my common.asp file (for when the acctual site opens, the asp file included at the top of every page) and I get this error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8' Object required: ' ' /dannyscorner/includes/common.asp, line 60
I have seen this many many times before HeHe ^_^ But this time, it says line 60 but line 60 is used on the underconstruction page and the counter works fine
I am writing an asp script that includes some WMI calls to get PC information and display it on the page. I can query other machines in the domain just fine, but when I try to query the machine that is running the website (Windows 2003 IIS) I get the error Object Required Error 424.
I have tried to this on a Windows XP Pro machine running IIS and I get the same error. Why woud I not be able to query the local machine running IIS?
The line points to where the query takes place. I've read that it could be b'cos a variable that's not defined, but this is not the case, not that i know. Here's the line:
strsqlttype is the variable wish contains the select, and it is initialized as empty. After running the query on the database i found some empty/null records, b'cos of that i validate the fields i need... prior that it stoped right after the loop writes the first line, after validation was placed it stoped on the second record.
I'm trying to write a Generic Form to Database Parser, basically this script should take the values of Form fields and write them into a Database Table with correspondingly named fields.
EG: The value contained in <input type="text" name="Email" > would be written to the database field "Email"
I ran into difficulty when I tried to differntiate between Numeric and Non-Numeric Data as non-numeric data values must appear in quotes in a SQL Statment whereas Numeric Data should not be placed in Quotes. So I'm testing my form values to see if they are numeric, so I can build my SQL Statement Accordingly. Code:
At first I make a independend virtual directory wich I named app and I check Directory Browsing in the Virtual Directory Properties. Then I create with notepad global.asa and index.asp Code:
the internet explorer always give me some error " Object Required : Request Code . 0" " on some ASP pages I try so look it up on the code, but I couldn't find anything wrong FireFox and Opera could display the pages without any the error Does any knows what's wrong?
I'm trying to display a page in another window but I need to run a query against a database with one value to get the other value that will tell my code where to redirect the page. Every time I hit the "Select" button I get an error telling me that "Object REquired: 'Server' but I have code similiar to what is listed below working on my select boxes. Why would an input box be any different? Code:
<script Language="VBScript"> sub NewPage() Set objRec = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset") strSQL= "select id from oppprimary2 where stcc='1111111'" objRec.Open strSQL, strconnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText Window.Open "OppTrackEdit.asp?id=1522", Edit objRec.Close Set objRec = nothing
dim xmlObj Set xmlObj = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument") xmlObj.async = false call xmlObj.load( Server.MapPath(FILES_DATA_PATH & "NewsData.xml") ) call xmlObj.selectSingleNode("news").setAttribute("today", Zeropad( DateDiff( "d", 0, Now() ), 7 ) ) set NewsDataObject = xmlObj
and I'm getting this error: Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8' Object required: 'xmlObj.selectSingleNode(...)' /news/common/NewsUtils.asp, line 13
the error refers to the line: call xmlObj.selectSingleNode("news").setAttribute("today", Zeropad( DateDiff( "d", 0, Now() ), 7 ) )
and I don't seem to get why he things that I got no object there.
but I keep getting a "permission denied" error. If I just put the same address string in IE6's Address box and go to it, IE opens myusername's FTP home page just fine, so I know the FTP site is working as expected. Also, if I put in an anonymous ftp site, without the username and password (e.g. "ftp://ftp.microsoft.com"), the redirect works fine, too.
I don't want the user to be prompted by IE for the username and password at the FTP site, so I am providing them from within the web site.
What can be preventing the response.redirect from handling non-anonymous FTP access? Is there a better way to do this?
I am trying to use the following code to refer to a form and control on my form. I am supposed to be using VBSCRIPT for this code. I always get an "object required: 'document' " error:
<% Dim Myform Set Myform = document.forms.thisform Myform.textbox1.value = "fish" %>
None of this code will work. Always get an error. Using Visual Interdev, plain ole ASP, and vbscript, and Win XP Pro with IIS 5.1
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") f = fso.GetFolder(mypath & "www/qualcomm/bulletin/pdfs/") response.write(f) set fc = f.Files <-- line 113
I get the following error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8' Object required: 'D:InetpubCustomers' /qualcomm/_admin/bulletins.asp, line 113
But in a different script I have the following:
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") PP = "D:/Inetpub/..yaddatadda../www/" 'Physical Path Set f = fso.GetFolder(PP) Set fc = f.Files
and it works fine.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Is there something I'm missing here? Why does the almost exact same code work in one script but not the other?
I am trying to use the following ASP code to examine the file names in a folder:
Dim fso, f, fl, s, fs Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fso.GetFolder("C:InetpubwwwrootMySitesubfolder") Set fs = f.Files For Each fl in fs s = fl.Name 'Object Required error occurs here! Response.Write(s) Next Set fso = Nothing
The asp page returns the 'Object Required' error on the line, "s = fl.Name". Why?
I have a three pages. The first simply shows a load of records.
When you click on a particular record newfull.asp displays the fields for the record [data taken from the database].
Most of the fields in newfull.asp show the data but as read only. The only exceptions are Installer, AutoExchangeClientID, and VSReferenceNumber.
The only relative complication is that the Installer is taken from a combo box. This means that if an Installer is already entered into the database they will show. However, this has also to be UPDATED if necessary. Code:
I am sometimes getting a error ('Object required') in my ASP script like this:
1 On Error resume next 2 dim loCOM 3 set loCOM = createobject("MyComponent.Object") 4 loCOM.Method(param) 5 If err <> 0 then 6 Response.Write "Error ( COM ) : " + ERR.Description 7 Response.End 8 end if
The Error occurs sometime and then based on the same param works well, therefore i don't suspect method from line 4. The Method has own implementation of error handling and doesn't rise a error to script. I think, it's a problem with createobject (out of memory?) Our IIS server has 2GB but it occurs when ~700MB is used and near 70MB per this process (High isolation). The object hasn't a constructor implementation in Class_initialize.
I can't use dh.exe for tracking memory on my production server.