I have an ASP page that is using an XMLHTTP object to request various pages from my server. I keep a single session throughout the XMLHTTP requests by bassing the ASPSESSIONID cookie through the XMLHTTP object.
However, when the page requested through the XML object makes a
call, a new session is created each time.
Is this a flaw in the XMLHTTP Object? How can I force the session to remain the same after a Response.Redirect call?
Is there another way to post data to my provider's server apart from the response.redirect and XMLHTTP?
I have tried both, problem with response.redirect is taht the user coudl easily tell who my provider is, and XMLHTTP I cant get to read from the other server the request.querystring status.
On my welcome.asp page in the beginning I check to see the user is still in the session or not and If he is not active/live in the session I will show him a page.(login page) - Code
if(session("user")="") then response.redirect("login.asp") end if
My problem the welcome.asp page is framed(uses HTML frames) and so when the session expires the login page is loaded in the frame. Can we make it open full window. I know I can set the target with <a> html tag. how I can do it with ASP?
I am simply passing session variables from one page to another. And I have no problem in doing so..... But when I use response.redirect none of the session values show up on the redirect page. What am I doing wrong?
I am trying to access information present in a page ( e.g. info.dll?about) using xmlHTTP on the server side. I get the result in a
variable and parse through the content using string functions in VBScript. This was working absolutely fine till yesterday, today i get the result of xmlHTTP request as "MZ?". This issue is seen only when requesting one or two DLLs, other DLLs work fine. Anyone knows what could be the issue here? This is the code snippet. Code:
but I keep getting a "permission denied" error. If I just put the same address string in IE6's Address box and go to it, IE opens myusername's FTP home page just fine, so I know the FTP site is working as expected. Also, if I put in an anonymous ftp site, without the username and password (e.g. "ftp://ftp.microsoft.com"), the redirect works fine, too.
I don't want the user to be prompted by IE for the username and password at the FTP site, so I am providing them from within the web site.
What can be preventing the response.redirect from handling non-anonymous FTP access? Is there a better way to do this?
I'm using the MSXML.XMLHTTP object to obtain the results of an ASP page from an ASP page on the same server. The problem I have is that when the AP refrenced by the XMLHTTP object is run it does now share the session with the calling page ? How can I solve this ?
IF Trim(Request.QueryString("v")) = "" THEN Back = Replace(Request.ServerVariables("Http_REFERER"),"http://localhost/","") ELSE Back = Request.QueryString("v") END IF
Code: if left(request.Form("phone_nu"),3) = "234" and len(request.Form("phone_nu")) < 11 then response.Redirect("sms.asp?error="&(request.Form("phone_nu"))) end if
is there a way to response.redirect what's already in the address bar then add on what you want for each link? I have a page that will sort but I dont want to type out all the links. cant I do something like
response.write((whats in the address bar)&sort=asc)
I know I could do this Response.write(request.servervariables("URL")) but that doesnt give me the stuff in the address bar
I have a page, progress.asp?id=<%=rs("id")%>, all the insert function will be done to nextpage.asp. Then, on nextpage.asp, I will like to redirect back to progress.asp?id=<%=rs("id")%>, but I have problem with the id.
I am using response.redirec to do the url redirection on my login page. The login page is under http://myURL/test/dir1/login.aspx, when the user login successfully, the login page redirects the user to the default.apsx page, which is under http://myURL/test/dir1/default.aspx. When I enter the IP address of myURL in the address bar, the redirection works perfectly fine, but if I enter myURL (which is hostname) in the address bar, the redirection in login page doesn't work anymore, the login page just gets refreshed.
I have an application form which on confirmation of details, takes you back to the page from where the person chose which course they want to apply for. The process has been working fine when I had just basic html (just the form tags) but when I put it into my html template I'm getting an error message when it comes to the response.redirect "index.asp". The error is Header Error The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page content.
actually comes back after the redirect with the % urlencoded which obviously considering its been given the encoding anyway is a nightmare.. ie "http://www.blurb.com/default.asp?test=sweet+%2526+sour"
and subsequent redirections would just keep replacing the starting % with %25...
IF rsQuery("survey_taken") = "Y" Then %> <script language = "Javascript"> alert ("You have taken the survey."); </script> <% Response.Redirect "page.asp" Else End IF
Is the codes wrong? becos after the msg box pop up, it doesnt redirect me to the page.asp
but still give me file not found 404 and i print the content in database to ensure it contain the exactly file and when write the file name as string it is worked response.redirect("HoCom.htm")
As I'm using frames I would like the Response.Redirect to contain a similar code entry as target_top for an HTML link. Please does anyone know if there is an asp equivalent?
I have a .mdb file with name, email (which is really a URL), password, code, date, and ID. My goal is to put a form on the login.asp page. If the user logs in with their username and password, they'll be redirected toward their page.
I'll paste my code below for my login.asp page. Any help would be greatly appreciated. And I'm a "dummy programmer" ... I can understand it if it's simple. Basically, I want "Joe" to be able to put in his password, and go to "Joe.asp". Then "Jim" to put in his password, and go to "Jim.asp". My login.asp page: Code:
after moving your user to a designated screen what server variable is it to look up the previous page you came from? isn't it something close to refer variable. i can't find an example anywhere.
I'm working on an application in ASP and some pages which are already done by someone else work as follows:
There's a form with as many submit (!) buttons as there are links to pages. When a user presses a button, the form is submitted to itself... there If statements are used for each submit button and if the name of the one pressed is in the If statement a Response.Redirect is done to load some other page.
My question is... why not simply attach the link for the webpage directly to the button? Right now it feels like it's clumsy... submitting it, processing the if statements till there's a match, only to call another page.
Are there any advantages to the approach? The URL of the webpage which is called will still appear in the address-bar won't it?
I have written following code and it is taking 40 to 50 seconds to redirect to the next page
<% If Request.Form("submit") <> "" Then Response.Redirect("SatishTest.Asp") End If %> <html> <body> <form action="" method="post"> Satish <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> </form> </body> </html>
Even in SatishTest.Asp page is also having simple html text which displays Success. when i click on submit button page is taking 40 to 50 seconds to opeing the SatishTest.asp
These 2 files i have create to explain the problem .... actual website is different but having only html code.