Response.Write Font Size & Face

Running an asp page that has the following code:

response.Write MonthName(Month(date))
response.Write Day(date)
response.Write Year(date)

I would like to modify the font size & face to be something other than
the "default" of Times New Roman. How can I do this?

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Adding Font Colour To Response.write Script

What I would like is shown in the script below:

response.write rsuser("event_Day") & "&nbsp"
response.write rsuser("event_Date") & "&nbsp"
response.write rsuser("event_Month") & "&nbsp" & "&nbsp"
response.write rsuser("event_Year") & "&nbsp" & "&nbsp"
<font color="#990000">response.write rsuser("event_SoldOut")</font>

I would like for the 5th response.write to be in a different font colour, but its not allowing me to do this.

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Output String Size By Response.write

There is one large size web page need to display. The repsonse.buffer is on. I want to calll response.flush when the size of the oupput string is large enough, but before get the buffer limit . My goal is avoid buffer limit error and get the best performance.

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how can I get different font size in the form method "select", "input"
instructions working under ASP? because when I check with the browser is too
big in the table.

<FORM method="post" action="../gallery/default.asp">
Select a category:
<SELECT name=""CategoryID">
<option" value="">Select Your Gallery</option>
<OPTION value="3">Digital Package</OPTION>
<OPTION value="6">others</OPTION>
<OPTION value="5">test</OPTION>
<OPTION value="4">Traditional Package</OPTION>

<INPUT type="Submit" value="View Photos">

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Font Size In ASP

i have created a login page which works great except it looks really ugly in IE. I am trying to make the text size smaller but i have tried everything and it doesnt work. below is my code:

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Adjusting The Font N Size

how i can adjust the font and size for the display for the response write statement (code below) cos when it is shown on the test page, the font is big and i wish to reduce the size and font.

if Request.Cookies("Login") = "1" then
Response.Write("Please login before accesing our site!")

end if

strFrom = CStr(Request.QueryString("from"))

if strFrom = "no_record" then
Response.Write("No Record Found!")
end if
if strFrom = "logout" then
Response.Write("Log Out Successful")
end if

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Changing Font Size

i would like to be able to increase font size globally, at the click of a mouse within a site. Does any one have the script basics for this. ie. how is a 2nd style sheet called etc

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Email Font Size

I had a quick questions. I'm using asp to send out a text email. I was wondering if there's a way to change the font size of the text in the email that I sent out?
This is what the body email code looks like:Code:

emailBodyText = "Name: " & FTGEmployeeName & "" & vbCrLf _
& "Employee Number: " & FTGEmployeeNumber & vbCrLf _
& "Location Code: " & FTGLocationCode & "" & vbCrLf _
& "Effective Date: " & FTGEffectiveDate & "" & vbCrLf _
& "Notes & Comments: " & FTGNotes & "" & vbCrLf _
& "Requestor's e-mail address: " & FTGRequestor & "" & vbCrLf _
& "" & vbCrLf _
& ""

So is it even possible?

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Changing Font Size On <Select> Tag

Is there a way that I can reduce the size of the font on the <select> html
tag? The reason is I have a data that have almost 100+ characters.

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Preset The Default Font Size

How can I set my default display font size, type for a web page, or a<table>?I dont want to write <font size=....> everywhere, especially inside each <td>.I know this is HTML question.

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Response.Write To The HTTP Response Body

<a target="_blank"

Can anyone please tell me what to enter after Response.Write to write the above to the HTTP Response body.

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Response.Write Containing %>

I writing code that will create asp pages using the file system object.

'other code here

Response.Write "<%sName=" & Var & "%>"


How can I do this?

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If my recordset is empty I want to write "Not Complete" and if there is
a value, I want to write the value. Can someone tell me what I am
doing wrong?

If IsEmpty(rsa.Fields.Item("reclaima")) Then
Response.Write("Not Complete")
End If

Also tried....

If rsa.Fields.Item("reclaima") = "" Then
Response.Write("Not Complete")
End If

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While doing a response.Write,

I would like to display the text as array item wrapped in quotes. How can I do that?

I write the code as:

'Now get all the sub-reports names to pass the log-on information
For i = 0 to UBound(aSubRpt,2)
Response.Write "webSource0.AddParameter " & u0 & " & " & aSubRpt(c_SRName,i) & ", " & dbd & "<br>"
Response.Write "webSource0.AddParameter " & p0 & " & " & aSubRpt(c_SRName,i) & ", " & dbc & "<br>"
'Response.Write aSubRpt(c_SRName,i) & "<br>"

While seeing the results in the browser, I would like to see


which is primarily


How can I wrap the text in double quotes within a response.Write?

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I am trying to retrieve info from database and display it in the form. The problem I having is when I try to change the info in the form, it is not changing and I don't know why.
table.fieldname = payroll


payroll = rs("payroll")
If payroll = "something" Then
payroll = "Some Payroll"
End If

In the form table:
<input type="text" name="payroll" value=<%response.write(payroll)%>>

I want "Some Payroll" to be displayed in the form instead of "Something".

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I need to put this whole line into a response.write statement:

field delimiter = """

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Why do I get an error on executong the following code:

Response.Write" <script language = ""vbscript""> "
Response.Write" res = MsgBox (""Do you want to edit appliance?"",4,""Edit Appliance"") "
Response.Write" if res=7 then"
Response.Write" window.location.href= ""Appliance.asp"" "
Response.Write" else"
Response.Write" window.location.href = ""Scenario.asp"" "
Response.Write" end if"
Response.Write" </script>"

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Response.Write URL

What is the right syntax, to make that a hyperlink?

Response.Write("<TD>"<a href=""rst("Kotisivu") & ">" & "</a"> & "</TD>")

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How to use Response.write to Output the following Code:

Type id="1"

I tried this one but not working Code:

Response.Write( "Type id="" & "0" &"")

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I am creating html string in a component that transforms xml into html.
Works o.k. with small html strings, but takes forever to response.write
big html strings. Is it possible to speed it up?

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Response.write As URL

I have a specific access db field that holds visitor website url's and I am currently displaying it onto a page as text but instead I need it to be displayed a clickable hyperlink.

The field datatype within access is set to url but when the entry is written to an asp page it doesn't bring the hyperlink properties with it.

I think I should be enclosing the RS within an <a href=''></a> type tag but can't seem to get it right.

Current code: Response.Write RS ("website") & "<BR><BR>"

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Response.write ASP

Example 1 don't work:

title = rs.("title")
response.Write title
' this will show title= "the 100 Club"

SQL2 = "select * from events where (venue = '"&title&"');"
rs2.Open SQl2, Conn

' Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted.

Example 2 it work fine

title = "the 100 Club"
SQL2 = "select * from events where (venue = '"&title&"');"
rs2.Open SQl2, Conn

it work fine, so what I hove done wrong with the first one it seam strait forward..

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Response.write (&quot;%&gt;&quot;).can any one tell me how to do that.y can i not do this?

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trying to display a memo field using response.write but it truncates it. Is there a size issue with response.write? If so how do I get round it and to be able to display the whole memo field.

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This is driving me mad.

Response.Write ""

doesn't work. It actually prints out "" not the character ''

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Response.write And CSS

I have certain pages on my site that are displayed by using response.write...these are results displayed from databases. My CSS doesn't work on these...probably because it looks for certain fields and the response.write is done server-side? I dunno...but does anyone know of what I can do to get this working?

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i have a record in the table like


'a n'

then after query if i display on the page using response.write, it displays as 'a n'. only one space in between and all other are removed while the value in the variable or session is the same as in the database. any ideas or alternatives?

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i have a column called Country and the records are blank when its U.S.A . when i retrieve them i have this code and when i do Response.write residentcountry its blank can someone tell me whats wrong.


if residentcountry="" then
End if

Response.write residentcountry

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i have asp page with 2 tables one is created by me and the second by response.write
beetwen those tables i have empty space that i dont want how to fix this.

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Use Response.write

i use response.write(day), where day contains a day of the month. well, it just prints '2' if day=2, but i want to print '02', like it's supposed to appear. Something similar to this

printf("%02d",day) (C++)

Hope i made my self clear.

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I want to do:

response.write("bla bla bla "in quotes" bla bla")

How do I show the quotes on the screen in asp like I have to do " in php?

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I'm trying to use a value passed from a previous page, and placed in to the variable 'pname' in to a response.write function:

<option selected> <% =rscars("" & "'" & pname & "'") %> </option>

where 'rscars' is the recordset. how I could do this?

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i have a response.write issue.

When I use:

response.redirect ("user-updated.asp?id=<%=objRS("id")%>")

i get the error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A03EE)
Expected ')'
login.asp, line 46, column 50
response.redirect ("user-updated.asp?id=<%=objRS("id")

Does anyone know why?

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