Restricting Installation To One PC

If I were to write an application in ASP and sell it to a business, can i restrict people from installing it on multiple servers?

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IIS Installation

I might be in the wrong thread for this question,but still if someone knows the answer,i would really appreciate it.I installed IIS on windows 2000.But now when i put a page like test.asp in wwwroot folder and run this page on IE,nothing happens.I see the code again ..i guess its not still running asp pages.Dont know how is should get this working.

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Installation Of

I'm transitioning into developmnent and need to properly install and mdac... IIS is already installed on a server on the network. Development will be
done on a seperate development pc connected to the network using VS.NET.

sorry for the dumb quesiton, but do and mdac get installed on the web server or the developmentmachine.Looked around on the microsoft site for an overview of how this is done.

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Asp Net Installation

If I want to develop an ASP application, should I place asp codes in Win2k Server necessarily? Could I place them in Win2k Professional? What is necessary to locate in Win2k Server?

Assume both Win2K Server and Win2k Professional contain .NET SDK.

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ASP Restricting Access

I am running a contest in which people can vote for a villain, but I had to take it down to figure out a way so people are only allowed one vote (at least per day or something) Does anyone know a way that I can restrict access to the people voting to one per day? I know how to get the users IP address through ASP, maybe something to do with that?
I am short on time for this

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Restricting Number

I have a Textfield input for an amount of money and wish to restrict this to two decimal spots any ideas ?Code:

<input name="amount" type="text" maxlength="10" id="amount" value =<%= amount %>>

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Restricting Searches

I've created a search page that gets complete addresses based on postcodes, and name, suburb and address.Almost 6000 entries in the db.I want to limit the amount of times a user can search, i tried cookies but anyone can delete cookies and off they go again.The reason behind this is to prevent the opposition from collecting stuff and cold calling them.

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Restricting Access

I have a .asp page which is protected by a username & a password. Only people having the required details can view that but I wanted to know is that possible somehow that even if the user has username & password he should not be able login from every machine but only through machine from where we authorise.

The IP address of that machine will not be static so i cannot make restictions through that.

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PWS Installation Issues

I am setting up an environment to test ASP pages, but cannot but cannot get PWS to install. I receive messages related to MTS system registry errors, and messages that .dll's failed to load. The environment is Win98SE using IE6.

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Installation Wizard

I have developed an ASP application and would like to use something like
"wise installation wizard" to package and deploy it.

Does anyone know where I can get it
Can it automatically perform the IIS authentication setup

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Font Installation

is it possible to install a font automatically using an asp page.

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VoiceXML Installation

I have my own VoIP Gatekeepr and also I have my own windows 2003 web server. Now I want to use my web server as a gateway where I put the vxml file. And the same gateway I registered in my Gatekeeper using his IP address and the VoIP Gatekeeper provided a Telephone No. to call this gateway.

I was using openIVR in the same gateway, I can hear the wav file but when I am trying to use text-speech nothing is hearing but the phone is calling so it means the openIVR is not passing voice to the caller. Is there any way to using VoiceXML in the gateway without OpenIVR?

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Restricting User Access

I'm trying to limit access to certain portions of our intranet application from certain user levels. For example, an admin user would have full access to the site while a data entry users could only access small portions of the site. What is the best way to restrict pages? I have a UserLevel field in the database for each user and have already added this value into a session variable. What about pages that should allow Admins and Managers, but not data entry users? I am using a SQL Server 2000 database .....

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Restricting A Cookie To A Folder

how can I in plain old ASP restrict a cookie to a folder like so that it is not seen by folder

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Restricting File Uploads

here is the code for the asp that basically handles the uploads, how could change it so that the uploading form will only allow .doc or .xls files? Code:

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Restricting Access To Web Pages

I'm doing a web page with Admin rights to a MS Access database. So far when the admin logs in they are directed to the admin page. However if someone knows the name of the admin page they can still type it into the address bar and it will pop up with no restriction. Any ideas how to restrict this access to administrators only?

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PWS On NT Doesnt Display Asp/ And Installation

My friedn is using PWS on NT4 machine, its a local machine, whenever he directs to an .asp page, visual interdev starts.

How can we over ocme this.I had solved this problem long time ago. Now i dont remember. Also to install IIS4.0 do we need to install MTS? if yes, where can we get

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Installation Problem CMS2002

When I try to install developer tool I got a message saying
"VS.NET not found (needed by Dev Tools)"

I have VS-NET 2003 (Microsoft Visual C# .NET 69586-335-0000007-18067)
installed and it works fine when I develop other web applications. Any suggestions?

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Restricting An Open Browser Window

Is there a way to keep an other application from opening a link in a
browser where I am running an ASP application?

For example, I have an ASP application open in a browser. If I click on
a link in an email message, Outlook "hijacks" the open browser and
opens opens the link in it. Is there a way to prevent this? To somehow
identifiy that browser window as "off limits" to another app?

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Restricting Access To Website From Public

I'm creating a web application for my company now. This application has 2
parts. 1 part for the customers to access. The 2nd part is for our staff to
access only. My director hopes to make the 2nd part to be something like an
intranet, such that only our company's computers (maybe only 1 or 2 in the
company) can login to this part of the application.

1. My company's intending to put the application on shared server with a web
host. Windows Authentication is NOT allowed.

2. My company doesn't have a static IP address.

3. My manager suggested using Network Card number (which I don't really
quite understand. Is there a way to get the Network Card number that's on a
client PC?).


Some ISP told us that they can provide a firewall management feature such
that it will restrict access to the website from anyone that is not coming
from my company's network. This requires Static IP.

Another told me that IIS Manager has the security feature that restrict
access based on IP address. This requires Static IP again.

Is it possible to implement the 2nd part (the part that is to be accessed by
my company's PC) as a windows application instead? Then we only put the
windows application on one computer. So, 1st part (for the public) will be a
web application, 2nd part (for my company) is a windows application, both
accessing the same database server from an ISP. Will the ISP allow the
windows application to access its database server? I've no experience in
making a windows application at all, is it the same as making a web

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Unable To Proceed Fatwire Installation

When I try installing fatwire CS on a trail version of Weblogic application server, installation fails. During the initial framework installation process csinstall.bat will ask to select the available application servers from the options. I don't find the drop down option in that window, so am unable to proceed further in the installation. So could anyone please let me know what could be the problem?

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Debugging Messed Up On Classic ASP After Installation Of 2005 Express

I'm working on XP IIS5.1 in classic ASP 3.0. After the installation of the 2005 Express Suite and the beta .net2 framework that ships with it( the debugging with classic ASP has an odd behaviour.

I use option explicit on all pages. When the parser finds an undeclared var or function or there is some error in a stored procedure (not in the ASP page but in the SP itself)
I receive no error reporting. The page simply renders till that point and stops.

All the other errors are reported as usual.

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