ResultSet For Multiple Select Lists

I am populating a SELECT list from a result set. I need the same result set to populate a second SELECT list. Only one list is being populated. How can I get this to populate both? Here is my code:

<select name="options" size=10 multiple="multiple">
<% while (!rs.EOF) { %>
<option value="<%=(rs.Fields.Item("FIELD1").Value)%>">
<% rs.MoveNext(); }
if (rs.CursorType > 0) {
if (!rs.BOF) rs.MoveFirst();
} else {

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Multiple Lists

I'm developing a form in which people can choose to attach articles to numerous countries. I.E if someone was writing about the Commonwealth Games we could attach the article to all of the Nations in the Commonwelth. However, implementing this code wise is proving a headache. Code:

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Multiple Select After Validation

I have a fairly simple problem that I can't find a straightforward solution to. It is a form which is checked server side using ASP to make sure certain fields are valid and then re-outputs the form if it fails with the fields already filled in, including multiple select boxes. The solution using PHP would be: Code:

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Repopuate A Multiple Select

I am trying to repopulate a multiple select box in a webpage from a recordset.

Say I have the following recordset.

sSQL = "select geoID from table1 where srID = 3"
set adoRS = adoConn.Execute(sSQL)

Lets assume that it returns three records with geoID = 1, 2, 5

Lets say I am building a multiple select as follows: Code:

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Select Multiple Distincts

Is it possible to query a database base on 2 distinct fields

I have tried this, but it did not work My Query:


the error i got is: Code:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DISTINCT'.

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Select Multiple Data

Currently I have a combo box that shows records from a Select query using Group By. So it only shows each record type once. I can currently search for records using the combo box but I want to search for multiple records in the combo box.

For example, if in the combo box it shows records: Adam, Bob, Carl,,,etc.. Right now if I click on Adam, the search will bring up all of the Adams. What I want to be able to do is to be able to click on multiple records such as Adam and Carl and have all of the Adam and Carls show up.

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Reading Multiple Select

I use a multiple select in a form in an asp page. When I go to the target page, I want to be able to read out the items selected on the previous page. How can I do that?

<form method="post" action="compare1.asp" name="Compare">

<select name="motorcycle" multiple size="20">

<%While not RSItems.eof%>


How can I read out the items selected?

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Select Multiple Option Not Working

I have a form search page with many field options but this one field I would like to select multiple options.

I have this on the search screen for my multiple field where I pull the list of options from my database: Code:

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Submit Items From Select Multiple

I want to submit items from <select multiple> list into database.Should I use arrays?

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Select Multiple Items From A Dropdown

I want an ASP page with a dropdown and a simple button. Every time the user
chooses an item from the dropdown and clicks on the button i want that value
written below in list and allow user to select more.

Also how can these choices be saved somehow so tha when the user goes to the
next page the choices he made can be written to the database. For example

The choices in the dropdown may be:

New York

When the user chooses Dublin I want ti written below the dropdown. Then when
he chooses New York. I want it added to london. so that it displays


Then when he click next button these two choices are taken over to the next
page where an insert query can be used to insert them into the db.

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Select Different Fields In Multiple Tables

I have 4 tables first table category (category_id and category name in it)
second table artist (artist_id, category_id, artistname in it)
third table album (id, artist_id, album_title in it)
forth table song (id, album_id, title in it)

I'm selecting category in first page
I'm selecting artist in second page
I'm selecting album in third page

I'm requesting, collecting and posting all id's to the next page.

this is the question!!

How can I read from database

1- category name when I was selected in first page
2- artist name when I was selected in second page
3- album name when I was selected in third page

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Multiple Select In Dropdown List Box

How to make multiple select in dropdown list box using asp and access.

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Multiple Select Options At The Same Page

I m trying to use multiple option menu using redirect function in ASP.

I managed to do a single option but I need to use multiple options can you please advise on how to do this, so both options apear in the same page. for instance, in the code below a user should be able to select uk and also selects between the other options; population, geography from the same page. Code:

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How To Submit All Items From A Multiple Select Control

I have a form with two multiple select control (I named the first as cbo_source and the second as cbo_target). Once the form is loaded, the cbo_source loads all items from an MS Access database. Once i click the button >>, all the selected fields from the cbo_source should be transferred on the cbo_target control.

Well, I'm done with that using javascript, my problem is how am i going to get all the items from the cbo_target control once i submitted the form to an asp page(add_new_sched.asp)? I can only get items that are selected on the cbo_target, but what i need is to get all items from the cbo_target regardless if it's selected or not. Code:

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Split Function And Multiple Select Drop Down

I have a multiple select drop down. It will load into it the following information: Student ID, Last Name, First Name

There will be another drop down box that loads with classes, only this is not a multiple select.

I need the user to be able to select all students they need from the first drop down and then select the class they want to insert them into. Then, when they hit the button, it will break up the data from the first, Student ID, Last Name, First Name and insert those three things into the database under those respective column names.

Does anybody know how I can split these up properly when there will be multiple students selected, or does anybody have a better way of doing this?

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Select Database Then Multiple Tables For Updates

What I want to do I select one database and the set the Rs1, rs2 etc.. like in Vb6 I would set DB then:

Set rs1 = db1.OpenRecordSet("Table1")
Set rs2 = db1.OpenRecordSet("Table2")


However how do I do this in asp3? Code:

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Create SQL String With Multiple Select Boxes

I am working with an ASP app that creates reports based on data in an SQL Server 200 database. There is a web form with select boxes for the user to select their criteria, and based on that an SQL SELECT statement is generated.

One of the requirements is that some fields need to be multiple selections. The output of these fields are in CSV format (One, Two, Three). These values are all alphanumeric, NOT just numeric....

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I have a stored procedure below.. When I run it with a well parameter in
query analyser 3 of select statements return me. (i named select statements

But in asp page when i call this procedure same as query analyser it returns
me 2 select statements value? what is the problem ? Code:

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Selecting Multiple Tables Using SELECT Statment Problem

I am Trying to use the SQL SELECT Statment to open records from multiple tables into one recordset.

I know the basic syntax of the Select statment but I wanted to know if its possible to recive the table name from the feild or the record that I am readinf from the recordset in any given moment.

To make things more clear, my example:

-Open a connection

SQL = "SELECT * FROM TABLE1,TABLE2 WHERE TABLE1.UserID=" & uid & " And TABLE2.UserID=" & uid sql,conn,3,3

while not rs.EOF

-read from record


now, in the part that I read from the record, is their any way I can know if that record is from table1 or table2?

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Freeaspupload: Retrieving Multiple Values From A Select Field

I'm having problems retrieving all the values from a multiple selection field using the freeaspupload component.

I'm creating an online email app that uses the freeaspupload to add attachement functionality, which means the form encoding type is multipart/form-data. I've done something similar with the persits aspupload component, and had no problems with that, but the freeaspupload version seems to handle <select> fields slightly differently. Code:

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To Send The Resultset To Printer

I want to send the whole resultset i retrieved. now i am retrieving the resultset and able to print 15 records in one frame. if i want to print whole the dump records what i have to do.?

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Calendar / Album Style Resultset

I am trying to make my result set print out the results in the same style as
a calendar or photo album. I am actually making a photo album, and I can
only print the results in list format. I would like to have 3 or 4 results
per table row. Then once I have 3 or 4 results across a new row in the table
will start. Code:

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Resultset Returned By Stored Proc

I've got a problem with an ASP page which calls a stored proc. The sybase stored procedure returns numeric values as shown: ...

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Resultset Output In Excel Format

I have written an ASP script that connects to a database and runs a stored procedure and displays the results in text format ...using the <TABLE> tag. But I would like to
have these results appear in a NEW Window in an Excel format. I used :

Response.ContentType = "application/"
Response.Buffer = true

This opens up Excel in the same window and usually does not refresh my data ...even though the stored procedure is actually running on the database server.

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Lists And ASP

Is there a quick and easy way to take the results of a query and turn it into a list?

I I run a query and return 15 records (of 1 value each) how can I turn it into 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.....

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Opt In Email Lists Via Asp

Can anyone here recommend some service for opt in email lists. My problem is that most services will take the user off the site to sign them up and the forms are very basic. I have some complex quote forms and contact forms where people can input alot of information. I'd like to be able to add people to this subscription list if they want after processing the detailed information that they have entered. But at the same time I want to keep users in categories based on the industries that they are in so we can send targeted emails based on their industry. Does anyone know of a such a services? I've looked into listserv and lyris list manager, but I won't be able to install these apps on the webserver. So they are pretty much useless. Does anyone have any experience with this?

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Drop Down Lists

I have a SELECT element on my asp that is autopopulated from a search button.
Currently, the user inputs the saecrh term, clicks the button and the drop
down is populated from the DB. The user then select from the list. Everything
simple thus far.Now I have been asked if I can get the drop down to open automatically
(apparently to save the users the extra click of opening the list!!!), but I
cannot find out how to automate this (then again, I have little momentum to
do so at this stage) and I know this request will rear it's head again

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Standard Lists

Does anybody know where I can get some standard lists like

- a list of all countries in the world (with abbreviation, international prefix...
- a list of common christian names (aaron, abbey, adeline...
- a list of all currencie
- a list of all language

in txt/xls/mdb or whatever format

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Different Drop Down Lists

iv searched the forums and kind find anything that fits what im looking for.

I have made an online store, but am having problems with displaying multiple different dropdown options for different products, that are listed in a repeat region

i use dreamweaver 8, and ms access Code:

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Dynamic Lists

I have a form with two drop down list. I need the list items to vary by what I select. Ok..short and sweet. I have a list of dates in the other I have a list of events. If I select a date in the first drop down I only wanna see the events for that day. Also if I select an event I only wanna see the dates for that event! What is the best way to go about doing this....and please dummy it down for me...I suck at sql to be honest.

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Drop Down Lists

Not sure if this is posible but how do you create a dropdown box where if you type a "c" it takes you to the start of the c's then if you type an "h" it takes you to the ch's etct .

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Multiselect Lists

I' m using a multiselect list but I have to press Ctrl when I want to choose more than one records. How can I select records without pressing Ctrl? Code:

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Repeating Lists

help me with making a repeating "dynamic list/menu" . i use dreamweaver and when i put a "repeat region" on a "dynamic list/menu" the page just keeps loading forever. do i need to change the default coding dreamweaver makes...iv been trying to figure this out for literally weeks, and im about to give up. I know it can be done becuase iv seen it done.

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