Retrieved Password Display

Im doing a password retrieval page that is working fine, but it wont appear in the html page i want it to.

1)When i dont try and put it on any page the text appears no problemo on a white background.

2)When i attempt to put it on my designed page all that appears is my designed HTML page with none of this text. Code:

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Emailaddress Retrieved

In retrieve among other data an emailaddress from an SQL table and put it in a tabel (see code below)
How can I make the email address an active mailtolink


<table border="0" width="100%">
<td valign="top" width="115px">
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "User_name") %></td>
<td valign="top" width="180px">
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "User_Email") %></td>

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Retrieved Hyperlinks

I added a column to my Access database and defined it as hyperlink.
I added some URL in the fields and i was able to see the underline under each address.
In my code i added the following line :
Response.Write("<td align=right>" & oRS("info").Value & "</td></tr>")
(The hyperlinks defined in my database as info).
I'm able to see the hyperlink when i retrieve all other data but it appears as
#http://www...asp# and with no underline what is the reason and how can i change this ?

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Items Retrieved

does anyone knows how i can layout items retrieved from db such as example from this online shop site . most items retrieeved from db such as Accesss are always in vertical layout.

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Execute Code Retrieved

I haven't started to mess with this yet, but is it possible to store
.ASP source script in a Database field, then use ADO to get the string
from the field and then force the scripting host to interpret that
string from the database and flush it into the buffer for output to
the browser? I was thinking you'd have to use EVAL() on the string or
something...Anyone done this yet?
I was working with Vignette story Server a couple of years ago, and
all of the TCL source script and html is stored completely in the
database, only cached pages are in virtual directories.

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The Layout Of Retrieved Data

The link for the photos are requested from the server and so the photo
appears on screen. I can produce a long list by using the response.write ***
& "<br>" or whatever. but is it possible to have it start on the next line
after say 5 photos in a line. i.e. where each - is a photo

- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -

rather then
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Binary Output Retrieved From Db

I'm attempting to read data written to a MySQL database and view it in the browser. I've searched the net for over 3 days and I've seen many posts that say it works great, but it's not working for me. The only thing that displays properly is a text file. Everything else is garbled. I desire to store & read PDF files though. Here's my code:

<%@ Language = VBSCRIPT %>
<% Option Explicit %>

<!-- #include file="dbConn.asp" -->
<!--#include file=""--> ...

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Individually Password Protect Multiple Directories? Password Expiration?

I have a client who wants to password protect a learning course that is set up in modules. Each module needs to have it's own password protection so users can only access them as they progress through the course.

Each user should have their own password (for each module) and, said client would like the password to expire for the user at some (predetermined?) point. Is this possible? It seems like a lot (in terms of setup), but I don't know much about password stuff.

If it is possible, can someone give me an overview of how it works (theoretically) or where to find more specific info on setting something like this up (in

If it isn't possible, can someone suggest what is more reasonable in terms of protecting the modules?

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How To Allow User To Edit Details Retrieved

I have a feedback form which asks someone to enter their personal details and then submits them to db. There are input, checkboxes and selection boxes on form.

Now I want to allow user to edit this form. When user clicks 'edit', I retrieve all the values from db and populate the text boxes.

What happens with the options and checkboxes. How can I get these to reflect what their values in db? Also I have some drop downs allowing user to select date of birth ie. day drop down, month drop down and year drop down. How do I show user the details we have for them if I'm using drop downs?

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Problem W/ Certain Images Being Retrieved From Web Server

I'm having problems retrieving certain images from my web server, such as, Dozier SrB9057.

The problem I'm having is w/, Jr., Sr., II, and III get the drift. How can I get rid of the space in between the last name and Sr?

Now, the Sr is included in the field along with last name.

Here's my code:

strSQL = "Select * from vw_licenseholder_PrimAddr where L_ID = 5940"
Set rs1 = objConn.Execute(strSQL)

ImagePath = "w:" ....

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Zooming Images Retrieved From A Database

Am storing images on a database and users query the database to retrieve the images. I want to add a zoom in and zoom out button that will enlarge and reduce the images depending on which button the user clicks.

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Ho Show A Progress Bar While Records Are Being Retrieved.

While trying to retrieve a large number of records, I would like to show a progress bar to indicate that the user are to wait. How can I do so?

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Using OnClick On A Retrieved Database Data

The user basically queries the database for some data, and I initially retrieve just part of the data matching the query...

I display the Primary Key as a hyperlink..and when the user clicks on a particular retrieved data..i want to display all the contents about that element alone on another new page...

The problem i am facing is that i do not know the syntax to use the onClick event within an ASP code:

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How To Make Retrieved Records Editable

I managed to retrieve a table from a database and displays records on the browser using the ASP code below.

but I also want some of the retrieved record be clickable and editable so if a user decides to upadate a record it can be clicked and updated. there are two options either redirect to another page and the selected records will be displayed again to be edited or edit them on the same page,I m not sure how to make the selected records editable using the code below. Code:

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Matching Array Index To Values Retrieved From Database

I have this dynamic array(shown below) that I need to match to values (1 - 10) that I am returning from the database via DSN connection object.

The values I need to match are on the same page (in their own table) but I am not sure how to match up the array indexes to these values. I want to be able to display the array result as part of or nested in another table. Code:

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Password Sessions - Prompt Password Change

I created sessions to authenticate username and password. How can I utilize this same script to alert the user to change password at 3rd login? In other words when a user logs into a site after the 3 or 4th time which ever, they are prompted to change their password. Code:

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Db.mdb Password With Asp

where do you enter in the password for the connection to use?

set objConn = server.createObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")


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Nt Password

I am logged into nt and running an asp page.

I know that I can get my username from the server variable LOGON_USER or
AUTH_USER but the AUTH_PASSWORD seems to be empty.

Is there a way to retreive the current logged passsword

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IIS/OWA Password

I just setup a passwrod button in Outlook Web Access by using the IISADMPWD directory in IIS.I have a few problems.can u solve it.

1. I would like the account section to be automatically filled by IIS.
2. I would like the back button to actually be a button not a link.

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Validate A Password

I have created one of those change your password forms whereby the the old password and new password are provided.

What I am having trouble with is ensuring that the old password entered actually exists already. Below is what I have tried, but I am getting a syntax error:


'Check Password

if request.form("CusPassword")<>rsCheckUser.fields("CustomerPassword") then

response.write "Invalid password"

end if


if request.form("CusPassword")= rsCheckUser.fields("CustomerPassword") then

'write new password to databasestrSQL ="UPDATE Customer Set CustomerPassword ='"& NewPassword& "',CustomerPasswordverified ='"& NewPassword& "' where CustomerEmail = '"&CusEmail&"' "

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Password Validation

I want to create a password validation system..... There are two text boxes.... I want to make sure that the passwords are the same and that they are more than 8 characters.

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Password Encryptor

Im planning to encrypt the password that was stored on msaccess database and
also the text inputed from a password textbox. Also, if I want to get the
password from the database, I need to decrypt it so it can be comparable to
the one that is inputed on the textbox. Is there a way on how to handle

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Encrypt Password

Public Shared Function Encriptar(ByVal cleanString As String) As String
Dim clearBytes As [Byte]()
clearBytes = New UnicodeEncoding().GetBytes(cleanString)
Dim hashedBytes As [Byte]() = CType(CryptoConfig.CreateFromName("MD5"),
Dim hashedText As String = BitConverter.ToString(hashedBytes)
Return hashedText
End Function

this function encrypt user password, I need to un-encrypt that password

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Send Password

thanks to sitepoint forum,i am requesting a problem about forgot password .
if user forgot his/her password how can i retun his/her same password in email address?
i did like this:
Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Subject="your password"
myMail.To=ml 'ml var return current email address
myMail.TextBody=yrpass 'yrpass variable return password
set myMail=nothing

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Change Password

does anybody here have codes for "change password"?i am using dreamweaver 8 and MS Access

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How Can I Check A Password?

I have a form and iwant to check if the password which gives the user is between 3 to 6 characters "alpanumeric" there is something in asp code to do this?

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Password Requirements

Any thoughts on requirements for a password?I've been thinking about
the following

Minimum six characters
Must contain at least 1 number and at least 1 letter
Cannot contain the user's first or last name
Cannot contain the user name of the person's email address
Cannot contain the domain name of the person's email address

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Encryption Of Name And Password

My form accepts user name and password. I want to encrypt the password when I send it to the server. I think I can use windows advapi32.dll functions to encrypt and decrypt the data. Does anybody know if I can use this dll directly in my asp? Do I have to write customized dll which uses advapi32.dll and then use the customized dll in the asp?

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Password Checking

i wanted some help in the bewlo subject i tried in different code but some time it is showing wrong anybody give me the example or site linke where i can donwload the the password checking script from database.
I have pulled data from database and shown those user name in suer tab ( drop dwon box) user need to select the his name and to type password.once user type the password it should check with database . if it exists then it should capture that user name and move on to next page.

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XP Username Password

How to use WIndows XP login username and password for ASP 3.0 Authentication, for access to a website directly without any further, second authentication by ASP page?

I have MS SQL Server database, ASP 3.0 website, and ASP 3.0 based authentication. I want to use a Windows XP username, make a table with approved usernames, check Windows XP username and password against the mentioned table, and finally - user can access the site without second authentication by ASP page. Of course - everything should work in IE.

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Recover Password

I am using OE6. Instead of using the Main Identity, I'm using another one;
it helps cut down the spam. Somehow it switched back to the Main Identity
(I didn't fiddle with it) and the other is password protected. Either I
have forgotten that password or it isn't responding. How can I recover the
password, which is where all my legitmate email is found?

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Serveral Password

i have new task again.. and i dont know where to start. maybe it seems easy to all of u but i m new and still learning.. so pls forgive me hehee..
i was told to make serveral changes to their shopping cart.
1) Upon user's first login, the system will prompt the users to change their password.(which means every user share a default password tats y they mus change)
2) The system will prompt the user to change their password every 90 days.
3) The System will allow the users to change their password to the same 1 for 10times.. after which.. they cannot use back
the same password again.
4) Every password change must be saved as a log into the db..
yah thats all abt it.. but it actually links from 1 to another.

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Forgotten Password

I am trying to write a little script to return a users password, but am getting an
error message : "Email address you entered could not be found.The details entered were incorrect." What am I doing incorrectly? the password is in the DB Code:

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