Return Number Of Results

I'm making a small search engine and I want it to be able to display the number of rows found by the search key word. I'm using ADO RecordSet for pagination and I just can't find the variable to show how many records were actually pulled from the database.

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Return Results

My SQL statement won't return results where any field in a record is blank. What can I do to fix this?

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM newarchive WHERE Program_Title LIKE '%" & program & "%' AND Year_Aired LIKE '%" & yearA & "%' AND Sponsor LIKE '%" & sponsor & "%' AND Month_Aired LIKE '%" & monthA & "%' ORDER BY ID"

It gets its values from a form where some fields can be left blank. If the record itself does not have a blank field, the search will pick it up. But if the record contains a blank field, then it won't be selected unless it matches the Program_Title data.

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Search Results Return To Frame

I have a page with a list of links that when clicked submit data to a clients search engine, The result opens in another window and either displays a list of items or diaplays "No Items Found".

I want to perform another action in my Asp Page if the result is "No Items Found"
Can I get my Asp page to read the result from the search engine when it's results are returned in another window or would i have to return them into a frame?

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Return Number Of Days

I am wanting to create my own calendar asp module.Are there any functions in vbscript that return the number of days in a particular month depending on what year it is?

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Limit The Number Of Results Pages

what term is used for limiting the number of results pages displayed. My site has over 1500 searchable article, if you search for "a" then it returns all 1500 articles in batches of 15/page.. I then have 100 links to results pages. How do I truncate the results pages.

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Convert Real Number Into Text Number

I need to insert some number into database as text. My problem is if I insert the number (ie. 4.0), the value in the database only show (4). So, is it possible to convert a real number into text number using ASP?

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Sequential Number After Batch Number

here is the scenerio

in master batch table i have various master batch like

Now each master batch can have multiple final mixed batch like


and this record is inserted in to fmix table.

so i have a form in which i have a dropdown menu in which all the master batch is listed,
i select 200701-0001 and that value is passed to next page where i will enter other fields data and insertion to my fmix_no will be done automatic like 200701-0001-01, 200701-0001-02 and so on,

how to achieve this

so in short each master batch will have more than one final mixed batch.

pls help, also if u have any online contact in yahoo or msn pls send me, i am so confused and badly struck deadline is just couple of hours away. my yahoo id is(E-Mail address blocked: See forum rules) you can PM me i am online right now.

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Retrieve The Error Number In VB With Err.Number

I want To handel the error messages by myself in one part in my script. I know that in VB I can Use the statment - On error resume next And I also know that I can retrive the Error Number In VB with Err.Number.

How can I handel the errors by myself in ASP? I heard about the ASPErr Object, Is it the same thing like the err object in VB?

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Return From ASP.NET To ASP

I updated to aspx last three month,after developing serveral
applications,Idecided to downgraded to asp, following is my reasons: ASPX,the page format is hard to control,in ASP u can change every html
as u like ,but in aspx, a aspx control decide the page format,and its hard
to change the format.

2.ASPX is said to be faster that asp, but it is based on too-often
communication back to the server,for example,u click a radio a button,there
is new page request, but in reality,such a communication is
bandwidth-consuming and time-consuming. the user only need to submit the
form, and the exchange between IE and Server was minimazed.
the Speed of ASPX is not useful for most sites, for bigger sites, the speed
increase is singnificant,but for small sites with less traffic, the speed of
ASP is quite enough.

3.ASPX is based on Object Orinted Programming, but in most small sites,
Procedure orinted programming is used, we never build objects, and POP is
more efficient.ASPX is for three-tiered structure with a single layer of
business logic component, but in reality, most of us used two-tier
structure,that is Presetation layer and Datalayer, we can layout the page
and change the database in a single page, quite effienct too.

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404 Return

I want to return a 404 response from an ASP script (IIS 5).

Response.Status lets me set the response string, but if I don't include any
HTML text myself, the result is an empty page.

Is there a way to 'redirect' it to the server's default 404 response, as if
the URI really doesn't exist, but without really redirecting it so the URL
isn't replaced in the browser's address bar?

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Return Value

I am trying to replace a huge chunck of code that currently I incorporate
with an #Include directive. The program rarely has to flow through that
code, so I thought it would be better if I used Server.Execute.
I found I can pass data TO the called asp file by creating an HTML <input>
and erading it after I get there.
However, I also need to read back ONE variable that the called file must
set. I cannot figuer out how to do that. My backup positions are (1) I can
keep on using the #Include technique, and (2) I can use a database to bridge
the gap.Isn't there a way to carry data BACK TO the calling asp file FROM
THE CALLED asp file?

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Return A Value

I am using a stored procedure to insert set of values to a table.I am generating or calculating the value of the primary key and inserting that record and i need that value to use in my application so is there any possibilty to return a value from storedprocedure to asp application.

what i am using to do is creating a #temp table and inserting that value in the sp and then opening that value in the asp application and droping that table, but i hope it is not a efficient method.

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Log In Return

When a user logs in, I want to redirect them to the page that they were previously on. How do I do that? I already have the login page working. I just need to edit the redirect part.

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Return Value

The code bellow functions well. However if I want to obtain a return
value using the code bellow, how is it done? Code:

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Return Single Value In Asp/sql

I'm assuming this can be done, but I can't seem to get it to work... I'd
like to easily return a single value from a sql statement, something like:

"intNewItems = conn.execute "SELECT COUNT (ItemID) WHERE ItemDate = Date()",
where conn is the connection object, etc. What am I getting wrong?

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Return Recordset

There is an access database and asp page .That asp page opens connection with that database,And opens a recordset online..

Is there any way that this opened recordset can be returned to Vb6 application which requested that Asp page to open connection and recordset and return some result.

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Return Entire Row(s

I know there's a way to do this - well 99% sure anyway - and seem to remember reading an article or tutorial about how to do it but I'm not having any luck finding it.
What I need to do (using MySQL & ASP3) is to find all rows with "X" as a non-unique ID - there may be 30 or so total - and grab them to be archived in a CSV file before deleting the record from a DB.The reason I want to avoid hardcoding the field names is that they're going to change with moderate frequency.

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Return A Checkbox

How do I return the true/false value from the database to be either a checked or unchecked box using ASP?

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FormElement Return

I just need to understand how the following line returns its values.Code:
Dim Var
For each FormElement in Request.Form

Var = Request.Form(FormElement)

You see say I have 5 form elements on an html form.

Element One
Element Two
Element Three
Element Four
Element Five
I know that it is not checking the names of the elements and producing the results in that order, I know its not running through the Elements top to bottom on the form.

So in what order does FormElement return the values and based on what?

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Carriage Return

am trying to make a carriage return of the following:

Mailer.BodyText = "From: " & Request.Form("FRM") & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "Message: " & Request.Form("MSG")

but it doesnt work.

when i received the email on my mailbox, the format is all in one line, like this:

From: John Message: Test message only

but i would like the "Message:" to appear in the second line.

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Duplicate Return On Rs

in my SQL select query I have a LEFT JOIN between 2 tables that returns a
value if the data from table 1 is present in table 2, below

dbo.booking_form.COLL_CONTACT_TEL = dbo.tblFlag.TelNoMo OR
dbo.booking_form.MOBILE_NO = dbo.tblFlag.TelNoMo

Problem is that if the COLL_CONTACT_TEL and MOBILE_NO are both present in
table 2 it returns the record twice in the asp page repeat region.

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Return A Value From An ASP Popup

I want to create a pop up asp page something like:


and when the user closes the popup can I return a value. So sudo code would be like

int temp = popUp('myasp.asp;,.............. /* Temp is the value returned by myasp.asp
set some textfield to have value temp.

Is this possible?

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Use 'return' In A Function

When should we use 'return' in a function to return the result versus 'FunctionName = result'

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Return A Value From Function

function findcinemaid(nameofthecinema)
findcinemaid = "select cinemasid from cinemas" &_
" where brand = 'tgv' and cinemaplace2 like '"&nameofthecinema&"'"
set cinemaidfound = objconndb.execute (findcinemaid)
optainedcinemaid = cinemaidfound("cinemasid")
end function

tgvcinemanamexcel = "[1u_f$]"
cinemaname = "ONE UTAMA"
response.write optainedcinemaid

if I put response.write inside funciton it will display the cinemaid properly but if I put it outside , it wont display

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Return Autonumber

How can i get the autonumber(primary key value) from the specific rows when i just insert it.Example

i just insert the member information.
sql="INSERT IMTO register(user,password,address) VALUES (shujuan,841218,singapore)"

so how can i get the primarykey for this row after i just create it.

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TextFile Never Return

I cannot use the OpenTextFile method, it's never return and I get no
error message! Setting Response.Buffer=False, has no effect. No matter
if I use it ForReading or ForWriting, it never return. In the following
code, the problem occurs at line 3.

aFileName = Server.MapPath("WEB_PROD.htm")
set fs = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fso = fs.OpenTextFile(aFileName, ForReading, False)
s = ts.ReadAll
set ts = nothing
Response.Write s

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Return Highest Value

How do you return the highest value in a recordset of maybe 100 records?Is it necessary to run 2 recordsets?I was hoping it was as simple as Max([Price]), but no luck.

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Return Contents

Does anyone know of any issues interacting with asp pages from within Flash when you use Control>TestMovie ? i.e. When using a send and load, Flash seems to want to open my asp file (and return the contents in Flash) rather than run it and return a name/value pair as I'm expecting.

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Carriage Return

This code doesn't give me a carriage return.Why?

strEmailMess= "Name: " & strName &vbCrLf
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & "Email Address: " & strEmailUser &vbCrLf

Also this code takes user to aspemail.asp page.I want it to go to a page of my chosing, like

If MyMail.Send Then
Response.Write("Message Sent With ASPEMail.<br />")
Response.Write("Message Not Sent With ASPEMail.<br />")
End If

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Access And The Return Key

I know similar questions have been asked, but none seemed to work.Code:

case "postreply"
destinationThreadID = request.querystring("ti")
DateOfPost = date
TimeOfPost = now()
postBy = request.form("uID")
msg = Replace(request.form("message"), vbCRLf, "<br />")
msg = Replace(msg,"'","''")
ValidPost = true

This is an example of the code I have when a reply to a topic is posted (before its inserted into the access DB).An enter till displays as a space though.

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Replacing Return

I've got an Access database with a memo field with large amounts of text in. In Access forms the text appears with line breaks where the enter key has been pressed. I'm using ASP to display this content on a simple webpage but want it to appear with the same line breaks as in the Access forms.

This is the code that I've got but it doesn't seem to work.

<% Article = rs("Article")
Article2 = Replace(Article, "<br>", chr(13))

<td valign="top" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div id="ArticleStyle" align="justify">
<% =Article2 %>

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Return A Record Set

I need to can a function in a COM object that returns a record set and then I need to display the record set. Any ideas of how to return the record set tp the asp page?

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Return Or Exit

is there a concept of return exit To terminate program execution ?

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