Returning A Value From A Single Function

I would like to know if I can some set a variable to return a single value
from a function using the set command. Is this possible? Code:

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Returning Values - Which Is Faster? ByRef Sub Or Value-returning Function

What is a faster/better coding practice?

Method 1:

Sub myFunction(byRef x)
x = x + 1 ' do something with x
End Sub

x = 7
response.write x ' shows 8
Method 2:

Function myFunction(x)
myFunction = x + 1 ' do something with x
End Function

x = 7
response.write myFunction(x) ' shows 8

Also discuss considerations when there are more than one variables that need to be changed.

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Single Sign On Function

i need when a user is logged in, his or her account is locked and no other ppl can login by using these account.

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Returning A Recordset In A Function

I am having some troubles returning a recordset in a function. function: Code:

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Returning The Results Of A Function

I have a function displaySiteMemberName(varSiteMember) that pulls the name of a member from the database. I also have a function displayThreadComments(threadID) which displays a little text and then the members name.

However, I can't get it to display on the same line. I'm assuming that its a problem using the response.write but I don't know how to return a value from a function. Code:

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Returning Multiple Values From A Function

I've looked around the net and searched this message board and haven't been able to find a solution to this problem. An application that I am currently making pushes and pulls data from SQL. One stored procedure is very important and returns many values.

I call this sp many times in my script and wanted to put it in easy to manage function, sub, or whatever works. The problem is that it returns about 10 values that I would need to return from the function back to the standard asp. Code:

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Closing Objects After Returning Value In Function ??

I am maintaining some code and I see in some functions..

Function myFunction

set someobj = Server.CreateObject("MYOBJ")
set myFunction = "somedataToReturn"
set someobj = nothing

End Function

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Returning Multiple Values From VBScript Function

I am using both VBScript and JavaScript functions in the same ASP file. All I need to do is to retrieve some values which are calculated in the VBScript function, to JavaScript. The call to the VBScript function is made through a JavaScript function. Code:

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VBScript Function Returning Multiple Values

Is there a way to return multiple values from a function without using an
array? Would a dictionary object work better? Code:

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Single Value

I have been using recordsets to access data from a database.I then loop thru each row in a dataset and assign the values to the objects on my web page.The particular sql stmt that I have right now, only returns a single value from a database. I need to assign this single value to a variable in my asp code. Can I do this without using a recordset?

If I have to use a recordset, do I just do var1 = recordset("columnname") (I ofcource create the connection object, the sql stmt and stuff first).

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Return Single Value In Asp/sql

I'm assuming this can be done, but I can't seem to get it to work... I'd
like to easily return a single value from a sql statement, something like:

"intNewItems = conn.execute "SELECT COUNT (ItemID) WHERE ItemDate = Date()",
where conn is the connection object, etc. What am I getting wrong?

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SQL And Single Quote

I have a simple form submission but the problem is my SQL insert (or update) is failing if in the text field there is any single quotes (')
I tried running the like replace(textfield,"'","") to just remove them but it will still error out on me.
is there any other way to format the variable, do I need to use an escape character?

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Single To Integer

I am trying to send a 'single' data type to a sql server db cell that is formatted for 'decimal' from asp/ado code and it is converting it to an integer. Should I be using some other data type in sql server?

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Single Sql Statement

can i delete related data from 2 tables using a single sql statement? is my code correct? correct me if i wrong. i want to delete data where user click the delete link.

sqlDelete = "DELETE FROM Reservation R, Quotation Q WHERE R.resID = " & request.querystring("id") & " And Q.resID = " & request.querystring("id")

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Single Record

I have a table with one header, everytime I use this code (below) it returns EOF and I know for sure there is at least a zero there:Code:

set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") "SELECT myonlyheader FROM mydatabase", "dsn=whatever"
response.write rs("myonlyheader")
set rs = nothing
What am I doing wrong here?

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Using XML For Single-sign On

I am looking to implement a single-sign on solution for my company's website which has many partner websites scattered around the globe.

I want the members to be inconvenienced as much as possible, so if they log into one website, they are logged into all of them. As each website exists on seperate web servers in different locations, this makes my options a little tricky.

Has anyone had any experiences of single-sign on? I only know a little of XML, but I understand that this kind of thing can be achieved using XML over SOAP.

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Single Sign On

point me to resources that will tell me more about enabling a web application to tegrate with windows security for single sign on

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Single Quote In SQL

Running into a what I thought should be a small problem but it's going on an hour and I still can't figure it out

Reading an excel file and running queries on Sheet names. The problem is when there is a single quote in the sheet name.

selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM Dave's Sheet"

I tried to use

selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM Dave's Sheet"

But that doesn't work either.

It keeps bombing the query. Not matter what I try I can't get this to work. I can't replace the single quotes because then it can't find the tab name. Any ideas?

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Single Quotes

I've got an HTML page with a series of links that are intended to search a category listing in a database.

for example

link 1 has a querystring of "?subid=Boats"
link 2 has a querystring of "?subid=Cars & Trucks"
link 3 has a querystring of "?subid=Men's & Women's Outerwear"

As long as the subid doesn't contain any single quotes or any special characters such as the "&", my SQL works ok and the records are retrieved. 'm using Request("subid") to get my querystring value.Is there any way I can escape the single quotes or other special characters in the Request("subid") so it won't break the SQL?

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Single Quote

how i could insert data into my DB that contained apostrophes. for example, I wanted to insert Bailey's well, my SQL statement was being cut off when it hit the ' and i was getting all sorts of errors. i was writting some complex stuff to take out the ' then re-insert it when being displayed.lots of work then i thought, what if i replace my ' with " in my insert statement.

like i said, some of you may know this, but i thought id share my experience with you just in case someone runs across the same problem.

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Modify Single Value

I've built an array like this and I've put it into an application:

If not isArray(Application("utenti"))thenDim online(1,4)online(0,0)=4 online(1,0)=1online(0,1)=5online(1,1)=1online(0,2)=7online(1,2)=1online(0,3)=9 online(1,3)=3online(0,4)=15online(1,4)=3application("utenti")=onlineEnd if
Now is it possible to modify some values in this application-array?For example trying to set the value in position 1,1 equal to 3 I wrote: application("utenti")(1,1)=3

Redim Preserve application("utenti")(1,1)

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Single Sign-on W/ASP

I'm building a few web sites that will use distinct domain names but will reside on the same server, at the same IP address, in the same application space, and will share a database. They will each provide different content depending on the domain name, but will share some core functionality behind the scenes.

What I'd like to be able to do is have one site serve as the primary site. If a visitor comes to one of the secondary sites and wishes to perform a function that requires them to be logged in, I'd like them to be able to log in only once and then be able to visit any of the sites without having to login again. Does anyone know of a pure ASP script-based single sign-on system?

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Single Quote In URL

I am having a problem with a single quote in my URL. I use HTMLEncode and all is good on my machine, but when I test it with a browser from a different machine, I get 403 on invalid characters. More, it seems to me that the URL gets truncated after that single quote that I have in my URL.

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Single Quotes ( ' )

Access 2000 doesn't allow single quote when updating records from the webpage. If the user need to insert for example the name O'neil in a field it will create this error:

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ''O'neil', r_add1 ='Auburn', r_add2 =' ', r_city ='AUBURN', r_state ='WA', r_zip ='98001' WHERE r_id =279'.

Is there a script I can use to accept the single quote as part of a string of characters?

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SP Returning XML

Can someone give me an example of how to use a
stored procedure that returns XML data?

I want to call the SP from a VBScript program,
and put the XML into a data island in the generated HTML.

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Returning Value

I've created a DLL file that enables you to validate accounts and send emails through the MS Exchange server within the Intranet. This dll can be used from within VB, VBA, VBScript and also ASP VBScript. I'm using it in an ASP page that I've created. The DLL has a "SEND" function that will return a string value containing all the invalid accounts seperated by a semi-colon. A sample of the returning string value would look like, "InvalidAcct1;InvalidAcct2;InvalidAcct3". The DLL works like it is suppose to when used in an ASP, but it will not return the string value. I know the DLL works fine because it returns it when used in a regular VBScript or VB program.Is IIS preventing the string from being returned?

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Returning 404

I am using a windows 2000 server with IISLockdown and ISAPI_Rewrite installed on it. I have 2 websites A & B. ASP pages on A are working properly, but when placed one B they return 404 error. All other pages such as txt, html, work fine on B. Both websites have the same configuration, and use the same ISAPI filters.

A sample cade the is not working is, file name test.asp:
<% response.redirect("")%>

Do you know what needs to be done to fix that?

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Returning A Value

There are two pages main.asp and phonebook.asp.In the main.asp, there is a textfield, where the phone number will be inserted into it. Next to the textfield, there is an icon that when clicked takes you to the phonebook.asp page.

In the phonebook.asp page, there is a list of the telephone numbers and next to them there is a radiobutton. When one of the radiobuttons is chosen (the telephone number is chosen), the number (value) needs to be inserted in the textfield (main.asp page).How may i do this processing? Preferably i need to use asp together with vbscript or even javascipt.

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Returning 404

I am using a windows 2000 server with IISLockdown and ISAPI_Rewrite installed on it. I have 2 websites A & B. ASP pages on A are working properly, but when placed one B they return 404 error. All other pages such as txt, html, work fine on B. Both websites have the same configuration, and use the same ISAPI filters.

A sample code that is not working is, file name test.asp:
<% response.redirect("URL")%>

Do you know what needs to be done to fix that?

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SP Returning XML

Can someone give me an example of how to use a stored procedure that returns XML data?

I want to call the SP from a VBScript program, and put the XML into a data island in the generated HTML.

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Single Char Of A Cookie Value

I have a cookie like this:


with the value: YNNYNNYYYN

how can I get the single chars value? Y, N, N...

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Single Code String

I have a problem in inputing single code(') string into the SQL database. I wrote in ASP language and connect to the SQL server to insert the data.
If the data contains single code string (e.g women's group)the syntax error appears and it stops.
I tried to change the double code(")instead of single one to insert the data and then, it also has error "does not permit column name ...." or something like that.
How can i solve the problem to input the data that contains single code(')?

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Rule For Single Quotes

what is the rule for single quotes around a value name in a strsql?
y do you have to do it sometimes?

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