Returning Records Based On Time Field

How does one return records in a recordset based on a time/date field. If todays date is 8/25/04, how could i return all those records from 8/25/04. Mind you, i have long date format ex. "8/25/2004 4:46:45 pm"

I dont want to user a form for this i simply just want these time- sensative records to be returned in the recordset .

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Returning Records

I have a seach function and I need to be able to only return records that begin with numbers.

SELECT * FROM [Tbl_Table] Where name LIKE '0-9%'

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Not Returning Records When It Should

I'm back with the same code, which works fine, except for when i ad the block of code that i noted...i get the error message:

ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd'
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

/test/testbasket.asp, line 72

which is referring to the strSurvID=adoRSWEBtest4(0)

i know that the query above that is supplying webtest4 with its where check is returning a value. when i take out the noted block of code, the page works fine, and emails all information, including the value that is being checked for in webtest4. Code:

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Returning Number Of Records

I just want to return the number of records in a database:

Set cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM alumni_baby"
cn.Open ("dsn=mssql;database=web;uid=aaa;pwd=aaa;")
rs.Open sql, cn

<% Response.Write (sql) %>

But that spits out the sql statement, not a number. What am I doing wrong?

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Fill Field Based On Another Field

I have a input form with 5 fields. One of the fields is MajorNo and the other is named Description.

I have a reference table in my MS Access database (tblMajor)that lists the major numbers and their descriptions.

I would like to have the description field in my ASP automatically filled based on the major number entered on the form, so the user will only need to input the major number when submitting to the Access table (tblSalesTotal).

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Returning Random 10 Records Form A Database?

How can I do it?

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As Simple As Returning Records And Output Parameter

I have a .asp page which includes "connTest.asp" which includes "adovb.asp" which includes all ADO constants definition, as mentioned earlier, if the adSomeLiteral=SomeValue constants didn't load the correct value I would get a RUNTIME Error(so constants IS NOT the problem),

the connection is setted up correctly, the command and parameters are created succesfully, the store proc works fine since I tested with ALL cases from Query Analyzer, even I tested the store proc from ASP environment, I call the SP as follow: Code:

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Time Based Redirect

am trying to redirect users based on time using following.It sends no matter what to first url.Code:

if now() > 23 or now() < 08.00 then
response.redirect url1
response.redirect url2

Its something simple but I just cant get to grips with it.

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Recurring Time Based Function

i have some lines of codes.. probably i'll make it a function..
i want the function to be executed every 24 hours or some other stated do i do that?

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Time Based Colour Coding!

What I would like is during the time the event actually occurs I want the field in the table to change colour and return to it's original colour when the time to expires.

I've written some ASP to do this, and it half works, but instead of colouring one event, it colours everything (because I use a repeat region i think). Code:

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Displaying Records Based On Timestamp

I currently have entries in my dbase with time stamps. Does anyone know how I would display only those records with the time stamp that reflects a particular day. For example I want to display all records from today which would be 8/23/2004 on the page.

Im assuming this has something to do with the Date () function but i dont understand how it could incorporate it into code.

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Display Records Based On Last_modified Date

I have an access product inventory DB which has a Last_modified field associated with each product. I need an ASP function that will display all records that have been added within the previous week. Aka, SELECT * FROM TBLINVENTORY WHERE .....

The format of the date and time stored is like this: 18/02/2004 6:15:55 PM ...

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Autofill Field Based On Entry In Another

have form on asp page with an email address field, when the user enters
their email address I want it to populate another field automatically on the
same page, some kind of OnBlur event. Have worked extensively with dropdown
OnChange events but cant get my head around this one.

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Displaying Information Based Off An Empty Field

I've been searching for an answer to this for quite some time now and have found nothing, so maybe (hopefully) someone out there will be able to help me.

At my work, we have a lot of folders for different jobs we've done. And right now, we have more than one person making the folders for all the new jobs that we get. I am trying to make a database were it will only show the jobs that have not had folders made. In order to do this, I've created a field titled "Initials". I want the webpage to pull up all the records where the Initials field is empty, but I'm having trouble doing that. I've tried a few different things and have found no success.

I'm not having a problem accesses the database or updating it, just displaying the right information. I'll give a little illustration (because I'm never good with words):

Say I have 3 jobs: Job #1, Job #2, and Job #3. Someone has already made job folders for Job #1, but Job #2 and Job #3 still need to be made. Since Job #1 has been made, that means there are initials in the initials field of the database and thus, I do not want that Job being displayed on the "To Be Made" page. Job #2 and Job #3 do not have initials in the initials field and as such, I want to display those jobs....

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Update Field Based On List Selection

What I would like to happen on this page is that when a user selects a company name from a drop down list, his selection autopopulates the cID field based on the selection. The drop down list is getting its choices from the customer table.

As I am still a novice, I am sure there is a way to do it I have not been able to get it right. Code:

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Recordset Based On Records Selected Freom Previous Page

What I want to do is have a recordset with all records in and display a list by title with a tick box next to them, then goto a new page which the recordset is all the records that the user selected on the previous page.

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How To Hide Form Field Based On Dropdown Choice

Dropdown has three choices. If the third is chosen, the next field needs to be hidden. is there an ASP version of a show/hide script?

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Change Text Field Based On Menu Selection

ASP/javascript with a drop down populated by an access database. The drop down works fine but I cant figure out how to get it to change a value of a text field.

I want the value in the text field to change to reflect the data in another column in the table, same row. Code:

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Create Monthly Totals Based On Date Field

my question is regarding using ASP to loop through the results of a sql query and calculate a monthly total based on a date field.

I am using the following query to total the number of train rides for a given branch by day type (weekday, Sat., Sun.) and create a 3 month rolling avg. (to diminish large fluctuations in the data). I am using Oracle 9i to store the data.

Please see below for the database query, the query output, and the desired output using ASP to sum the rides for each month. Code:

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Problem With An .asp Page Displaying Data Based On A Form Field Value.

I have an asp page that displays informaton from an Access database. I want to create a form that allows users to display only data that matches their search criteria.

I have made many forms like this in Front Page with the Database results wizard, but I want to manually code it. Code:

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Returning Values - Which Is Faster? ByRef Sub Or Value-returning Function

What is a faster/better coding practice?

Method 1:

Sub myFunction(byRef x)
x = x + 1 ' do something with x
End Sub

x = 7
response.write x ' shows 8
Method 2:

Function myFunction(x)
myFunction = x + 1 ' do something with x
End Function

x = 7
response.write myFunction(x) ' shows 8

Also discuss considerations when there are more than one variables that need to be changed.

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Display 3 Records At A Time?

Basically, what i want to do is select all records that match a value (1 for instance) in a feild(userID), then Display Only 3 in its own column on a table row on the page, then create another row and display the next 3 records in the same format from the same select query.

i think its got to be somehow possible with a For statement, but i cant think what.

Is it Possible to this and if so how?

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Time Field

I have a time field that starts at 00:00 through to 23:59 problem is the
list is too long. I would like to have 2 dropdown fields HOURS & MINUTES
that join together when the form is submitted and enters the time into the
SQL db.

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How Do You Insert Multiple Records At The Same Time?

I need help to solve this situation....

House 1 (1 photo)
House 2 (4 photos)



I need insert multiple records into a single field of the Table2 and
insert the idHouse too. How do I do this?

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Time/Date Field

I have a few date fields on my form. The backend is SQL and the fields are set to smalldatetime. Adding records into these fields is not a problem. This is my code:

if Request.form("ScheduledTrainingDates") = "" then
end if

The problem is updating the records when I got to edit them. Let's say I have a value in for ScheduledTrainingDates textbox, and I want to clear the value and leave it blank and save it to the database. How do I do this?

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Format Time Field

I have this field time field in my database which has records in the military format



Can anyone tell me how to come up with a slick function to show results in the normal time format

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Updating Time Field

I'm trying to update time field which MSACCESS using query

Sql2 = "Update tblExtraNetUsers SET Lo_date = " & Date()
& ",Lo_time =#" & FormatDateTime(Time(),4) &"# ,Lo_count
= " & rs("Lo_count") + 1 & " WHERE UserLogOn = 'david'"

But its always gives a error message . Operation must use an updateable query.

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Getting Time From Datetime Field?

i have db in MS SQL Server 2000.

i have a field in a table as datetime.
but i want to display only time from that datetime field.

i tried using time(rs.fields("time_in"))
i get this error

Error Type:

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01C2)
Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'time'

how can i achieve this??

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Recordset Paging :: Only Show 10 Records At A Time

I'm trying to only show 10 records at a time. I have the first 10 records showing. The problem is that when I click the Next button I get an error message: ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9)

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another. Also different people are going to search for different things so there will always be a different amount of records returned each time. I can't figure this out. My code is:

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Insert Multiple Records Into The One Table At The Same Time

Does anyone know how to insert multiple records in the same table at the same time. This is what I have. I have a form with 6 fields and they are name prod1 through to prod 6. The table is called related products.

Basically this table is related to the main table called prod_parent. tried looking on google and couldn't find anything.

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Insert Atleast 10000 Records At A Time

I need to insert atleast 10000 records at a time but if the user stops the process i need to rollback the transaction.

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Date/Time Database Field

I'm trying to post a value from a form field into a database field of type Date/Time formated to short date.

Even though the value from the form comes in short date style ie 19/06/2004 I'm getting a type mismatch error

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Date Time Field In ASP/SQL Server

suggest the correct way to store the date & time in SQL Server? I want to store the date and time a record was created. What should the field type be in SQL Server? How can I insert the current date/time into the table using SQL? I used to have date/time field type in access and use the following code

currTime = Now()

SQL="Insert into <table> (id, recDate) Values (" & sId & ", #" & currTime &


what the field type I should be using in SQL Server to store this date and also what should I replace the line currTime=Now() to?

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