Reverse Engineer ASP

We have a mission critical ebusiness application residing in about a hundred ASP files. The design exists in the mind of the one person that wrote it. The code is lightly commented at best. It is largely VBS, with some XML and HTML (of course).

I need to document the design such that another programmer could come on board quickly if the need arises. Is there a tool that would ease this task? UML would be perfect, but if I could lift the basic structure, and data flows with a reverse engineering tool that would allow me to edit the results, it would help.

Are there tools that would assist with this? If not, I will use VISIO or Visual UML 4 to document the system as I dissect it file by file.

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Reverse HTMLEncode

how to reverse server.htmlencode()? is there a built-in function im missing here?

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Reverse For Loop Syntax

Today, I am braindead... I can't seem to find this in Google, and I
don't remember where I used this code before (so I can't steal it from
myself). Anyway, all I want to do is:

for i = 0 to 20 step -1
response.write "<br>" & i

For some reason, that doesn't work. It shows nothing. I know I am
missing something very simple, but, as I said, today, I am braindead.

Adrienne Boswell at work
Please respond to the group so others can share

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Loop Through Dates In Reverse

Is there an elegant way to reverse the order that the dates appear here?

for i = 1 to 12
response.write monthname(i)

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Reverse Print Of Database

I have this piece of code that works fine, but i am needing the code to display the parts in the database from new to old, new on top old on the bottom. Right now it prints old to new. Here is the code, anyone want to help on getting this code to work the way i need it to??? Code:

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WGET And Reverse Proxy

We have this portal that accesses content from various places on the web. The portal is SSL secured, so any content that is outside the portal and nonsecure is going to cause an nonsecure error prompt in every page within the portal site.

So, we obviously want to get away from these annoying messages. To do it, we've considered a reverse proxy, and even a tool like WGET... but, WGET can't fetch a complex URL... and reverse proxys seem like they might be a serious pain to set up along side our tomcat server

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Reverse Date Creation

I have 3 fields on a form, date, month, year. I need to add all these values into one full date field but reversed (20051031) - notice UK format.I've just got off the phone to a programmer friend who does not use ASP. He described possible using something like this:

substr(dbsearchdate,1,4 = Request.Form("txtsearchYear"))
substr(dbsearchdate,5,2 = Request.Form("txtsearchMonth"))
substr(dbsearchdate,7,2 = Request.Form("txtsearchDate"))

However this doesn't work.

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Table Sorting Seems To Reverse On Different Pages

I have a page that lists items from an Access database into a table. Clicking the column headings will sort by that heading, and clicking the same heading a second time will reverse the sort.

The problem I am having is that the sorting order seems to reverse itself as you navigate through multiple pages of records. For example, if there are 10 records being displayed per page, the first page would display in ascending order, while the second page would sort it in descending order. Code:

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Reverse Engineering Password Encryption

I am trying to re-work the login interface of an e-commerce system that we use but I need some help reverse engineering the user password encryption, it is a fairly basic HEX encryption of some sort. Here is what I have so far (and some sample PW)

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