Rounding On Calculated Field

Is there a way to round a number that is calculated in an sql statement?

1/25/2006 NT NT 10 NT
1/26/2006 450000 NT 10 NT
1/26/2006 200100 5 NT 5
1/26/2006 50000 5 NT 5
Average 233366.6667 5 10 5

On my average row, i dont want any numbers after the decimal point. My sql is Select AVG(XXX) from `test` Where `XXX` <> -1

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Turn Calculated Field

I am trying to trun some numbers into currency using a calculated valuein a query.Although the result formats the results as currency, it sorts as a string would. Here is my statement:


how to get this to return as actual currency that will sort like currency?

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Insert Calculated Date

I have this code for a textfield

<input name="date" type="text" id="date" value="<%=Date+365%> ">

I want to insert the calculated date function into Access database

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Showing Calculated Fields In The Form

I have a asp input form of a financial report. Here most of the fields are text boxes where the user need to input the values corresponding to an item.

However, there are few items which are calcuated field. Prior to submission of the information, I would like the user to know what the calculated field be (based on the information input in text boxes) before submission of the form. Is there any way to display the calculated value before submission in ASP?

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Rounding Off

I need to round off a few fields to 1 or 2 decimal places but if the number is negative, it gives -0.0 or -0.00 after rounding off. Eg. -0.001356 after rounding off to two decimal places gives me -0.00...which is meaningless as -0.00 is useless Also, -0.019 should give -0.02.Tried using FormatNumber and Round functions in VBScript but still it gives the same results.

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Rounding Down/up?

I have a page in witch 4 or so variables are loaded from a database. They are of currency format and then they are add up to get a total. Problem is that say the total is $6.10 the actual return is rounded down to $ 6.1 . How can I get it to show $6.10 , less rounding ??

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Round() :: Rounding Bug

i have a very simple question which is driving me nuts. Using the ASP function Round():

Why do BOTH Round(1.775, 2) and Round(1.785, 2) both give the exact same result of 1.78 ?

Surely they should give different results, 1.78 and 1.79 respectively.

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Rounding The Numbers

I'm using asp, obviously, and mysql. My prices are using the decimal field type... what can I do to make it round up the the nearest 5?

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Rounding Numbers

I've got this script, and its been giving me this result as seen below. 2 questions I would like to ask..

1. How would I modify the below script in order to round the numbers?. (Script further down.)

2.You see the output result where it says 3268.19?, the white space next to it means the 'Parts' record set is blank but did have a weight value, now how would I substitute the word "NA" for the white space being shown? .....

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Rounding Numbers

I'm trying to work out how I can round off a number that the user inputs. I need the number to round up to the nearest 50. For example, if the user enters 234, I want it to round up to 250. If the user enters 51, I want it to round up to 100. Has anyone got any suggestions for coding?

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Rounding Numbers Up

I am working on a shipping calculator, and basically need to round up a number to the nearest 1 and am unsure how to go about it, any ideas?

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Rounding Down Number

If CInt(StrFirst) rounds up the value what rounds down the number i.e just show the whole number with out taking in to account anything after the decimal point?

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Rounding Decimals 2 Places

Right now I round my number to 2 decimal places... and since I am dealing with money values I need to show $100.70...but my calculations show $100.7. Is there a way to fix this? How can I tack on a "0" if it only shows 1 decimal place?

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Caluclating And Rounding Time In Asp

I'm trying to calculate two time fields. And when the result is smaller then 15 min, it has to round it to 15 min. Example:

begin time: 14:00
end time: 14:40
(end time - begin time = 40 minutes)
result has to be: 45 minutes

The result wil be shown in a form field. This is the code I'm using (it works fine in my database), perhaps I have to adjust it for asp? But I don't know how. Code:

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Dividing Variables And Rounding

I'm doing up a stats page for a survey, and this is a small
part of one of the results. Below is part of the code to do
totals/percents. My question is, how do i make it so myAnswer is
written with two decimal places?

Currently, it displays the percent as 4.76190476190476

myAnswer = OneAgree_total / OneTotal_total * 100
Response.Write "" & myAnswer

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Trimming Or Rounding Up A Number

if i have a value of 11.7908787541713

how could i trim it to 11.79 and how do i round the number up?

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Rounding Of Number To 2 Decimal

how do i round off a number to 2 decimal places? This code taken from only round the number to a whole number.


<script type="text/vbscript">
i = 48.66776677
j = 48.999
document.write("<br />")


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Rounding To 2 Decimal Places

I have got the total amount of hours flown in the top left hand side of the home page and it is in hours.

Trouble is the decimal places need to be rounded to 2 as sometimes it says sometihg like 3254.63333333333 hours. I'd like it to say something like 3254.63 instead.. Code:

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Rounding Off To 2 Decimal Places

can anyone help me i want to round off a number entered by a user to two decimal points for a number of text boxes.

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Num To String Conversion Rounding Issue

I had recently found a function that will write out a currency amount in words. It worked fine until I passed it a variable retreived from the stored procedure.

Well I had to change an "Int()" to "CDbl()" within the function because I got an error: "Variable uses an Automation type not supported in VBScript". I also changed an "(Abs(nAmount)" to an "(Abs(CDbl(nAmount))" because of the same error. Code:

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LEFT JOIN On A Date Field And A Numerical Field - Using WHERE Clause

I am using a Relational database for my site and i have the following tables:


the fields in FIXTURES are:


(All of the above are numerical fields)

the fields in GAMEDATES are:

GameDate(#Date Field#)

What i have done is in the GAMEDATE field in the FIXTURES table i have used the ID number of the date that i wish to assign to that record - using a LEFT JOIN to display the actual date that is pulled from the GAMEDATES table (That which corresponds to the relevant id used in Fixtures)

The problem is that in some of my code i want to display records using sql and sometimes in the where clause i use the following:

WHERE Fixtures.GameDate<=(Date())

obviously meaning WHERE GAMEDATE is LESS THAN or EQUAL to TODAY.

The thing is when i use the join it does not use the where clause and displays all of the records in the FIXTURES table.

Does any one know how to get around this, i have not received any error messages it just isnt displaying the right data

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Comparing Field Data From Previous Field

Im comparing values in a field while doing a loop if sAct<>myData(5,i) then At the end of the loop I make the value of sAct equal the current myData

This will work when comparing other fields withing my recordset (so I know the statement works) but it will not work for the field I want to compare. The only difference with this field is that it has null values. Could this be the problem? if so, how do I deal with nulls?

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Fill Field Based On Another Field

I have a input form with 5 fields. One of the fields is MajorNo and the other is named Description.

I have a reference table in my MS Access database (tblMajor)that lists the major numbers and their descriptions.

I would like to have the description field in my ASP automatically filled based on the major number entered on the form, so the user will only need to input the major number when submitting to the Access table (tblSalesTotal).

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Pass Hidden Form Field Value To Another Form Field To Insert In Db

I am trying to pass a hidden field value on a form into another field on the
form so that it can then be inserted in the database, to enable me then to
reference that number at a later date.

(The hidden value (1 for example) would then automatically get passed to the
other input field.)

The code for the text field that allows users to type an number into it for
submission to the db is below, but what code do i need within the hidden
field to populate this text field below so that users do not have to type the
number in? Code:

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How Can I Change One Line Input Field Into Larger Input Field

I have being working with making an edit field over the past few days. The edit function is now working fine. The edit fields that i have are for id, subject, notes, timedate.

All of the edit screens are one line text screens. What I want to do now is increase the size of the notes box to a larger textarea type box to make it easier to edit notes. The notes field in the db is a textarea field. Code:

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Automated "state" Field From "Country" Field

When you select the "Country" field in a Hotmail "get new account" link, the field "State" changes automatically, giving you the correct States that belongs to the chosen Country.

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Request.Form("Field Name") Versus Request.QueryString("Field Name")

I want to know what's the differences between

Request.Form("Field Name") and
Request.QueryString("Field Name")

OR they function exactly the same, which is to return the value of the

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Field Value

I would like to capture an entered value and use it in a query (Access)

Part No. __________

Do I need to store it in a variable and then can I have the query come up on the same page - they would enter a value and click a submit button. I'm not sure that I am on the right path. I'm not sure what syntax to use. Code:

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DB Field

What is the correct code to use to hide a section if a specific DB field is

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Bit Field

I'm trying to select all records that are true.


activerecord = -1
strsql = "select cnum from [topline data] where cnum = '" & cnum & "' and activerecord = '"& activerecord & "'"

is that right?i get this error when it equals 0. Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e07'

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Db Field

Using asp and mysql, can a text field in the db have a record with asp code in it and then display correctly on an asp page?

My experience is that it does not show anything in the <% %> tags but it shows the asp code when you view source. My coworker wants to make our website database driven and this text field was going to be the page content with html and <% if then else %> statements.

This does not work with php either so is there another field type that will parse server side scripting?

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DB Field Contains XML

In our ticketing system database, some fields may possible contain XML. To display a field for example, I have always used: Code:


but this does not display the xml code listed. what I should do?

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Add Field

Im wondering if there is any way to add a field into an MS access Table using SQL/ASP..

The reason im asking is my database online is Access 2000 (which i have at home), and im in work and they use Access 97.. so i cant download the database, add an extra field into the table, and then re-upload..

Ive tried using a Make Table, Update, Append.. but it doesnt like any of them statements..

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