Run ASP File In HTML Page

I have developed a HTML page containing form and table having some fields, Now What I want is that when I Click on Submit Button then all of the Form Fields should be email to a particular email address just like as they r on the form. So my problem is that i have created an ASP page containing code about to pick data form form fields n send it to email address i mentioned, But i dun know how to request an ASP page in a html page, Iam using

<Form name=MailForm action=MailForm.Asp method=post onsubmit="return Validateform()"/>
<Input type=hidden name=recipient/>

Just after the table creation but it doens;t work because when i click on submit it ask me to save or open MailForm.asp.
So is there anyone who can explain me how to run this file directly with in html page or how to use asp code in html page.

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How To *include* A File In An Html Page?

i have many *.html* pages with the same header. i wanted to make one *header* file and put a link to that file in all html pages. So if i ever need to make changes in the header, i will need to edit only 1 file rather than all pages.

for *.asp* pages this code works fine:-

<!-- #include file="" -->

but the same **include** does not work for *.html* pages. i guess there is some other way to put a link!

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How To Display Html File In Asp Page

How to display html files content in a asp page through server.create object

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Embed Asp File In Html Page

I have a code in asp which counts the number of visitors visited the site, how do I call this file to the html page? Is it by using <!include ...> or is there any other way of doing it. I tried using the include method it is not working and also I tried using <script language="JavaScript" src="hitcounter.asp"></script>, that also does'nt work. When they open the index page it should automatically display the visitor's number. Can you please help me with this?

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Linking An Access Database File To HTML Page On IIS6.0

My client has various Access databases that they want to be able to access (using MS Access, not through ASP pages). I thought I'd be able to create the link from an HTML page but when I do that and click the link, the file is downloaded to the local temp folder. I want the database to open directly from the web server, and then changes must be saved.

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Copy Part Of HTML Table To Another HTML Page

I have a table having 3 columns. There is a checkbox for each line. I
need to get those lines whose checkboxes are checked, and show those
lines to another webpage. Is there any way to do that? My concern is
that all information in the table are in <tb></tb> pairs without any
name tag. Any idea?

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Passing Recordset From An ASP Page To Another HTML Page ?

I am looking for a way to pass an ADO recordset that has been retrieved in
an ASP page to another HTML-page. Is there someone who can provide me with a
small sample or a link to see how this is done?

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ASP Page As Inline Frame In HTML Page

I have a ASP Page[inline frame in an html page] that does login to a database.

When the user visits the site, the first attempt to login will always failed and session is broken. Login name and password are correct though.

Only when the user re-try agian he/sge is then able to login to the site successfully. Can anyone tell me what could had caused the first time login failure?

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Values From Asp Page To Html Page

I have a web form page that passes values to an asp page, in which an email is sent to the customer with those values. The email functionality works fine. But I also want to display these values on a separate "thank you" web page after that.

What is the code to make those values display in the "thank you" web page? Does this involve adding code to the asp page and the "thank you" html page as well?

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Html Page

I developed the asp page which shows the all transaction records of the particular day in tabular form.But the probelm is that when i take print preview of the page directly from broswer ,print result takes more than one page so i want to reprint report header and then rest of records

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Page As HTML

i want to show my ASP pages as HTML, in the address bar of IE or NE the ASP page extention for example (result.asp) should look like(result.html) ...

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ASP Or HTML In Asp File

I am just curious as to when it is better to use straight HTML or ASP
(response.write) to put out HTML code on an ASP page.

For example, if I have an ASP page that is including another ASP page,
but the rest of the code is just HTML, which is the better way to do it.

Here is my example: Code:

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I have a website that takes a long time to generate/load, so I'm looking for a way to have the ASP update hourly and save that to an HTML file, which is the actual file viewed by users. I could go through and have everything written via writing to text file, but this seems like more work than needs to be done. Is there any way I can have the ASP page loaded once an hour and have the output saved as a seperate HTML file?

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Can I Get Referer In A Html Page?

is there a possibility that i can use this statement

referer = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") in a .html page??

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Generate HTML Page In ASP

How can I generatea a HTML page which will have contents read from a local file on server.

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HTML Form In ASP Page

I have a html form, and I like to know how to capture the values in the form after the user hit the submit button. How do I capture these values in an ASP page?

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HTML Page With ASP Frames

I have a HTML page named Index.html which is divided into 3 frames. The URL of 2 of the frames are HTML pages but the 3rd frame houses a ASP page.

Now when I go to Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder in which the all the 4 files (3 HTML + 1 ASP) reside & select Index.html (by clicking with the mouse or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard), strangely the Windows "File Download" dialog box (with 'Open', 'Save', 'Cancel', 'More Info' buttons) pops-up with the message Code:

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Getting Html Generated From An Asp Page

I know you can use the XMLHTTP object to retrieve Html, but how can you get html created by an asp page? Is there a way.

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HTML Page Templates

Is this affective way using HTML Templates in ASP:

I have html template file with <<TAG1>> .. <<TAGN>> in places, where I want to insert some data then i generate this data in asp:

Dim d ' Create a variable.
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
d.Add "TAG1", "Athens" ' Add some keys and items.
d.Add "TAG2", "Belgrade"
d.Add "TAG3", "Cairo"

, open html template, replace each <<TAGx>> with generated data
(d.Item("TAGx") ),
and print it with Response.Write

Or there is any other usual methods to use templates?

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Redirect Html Page

Here is my code:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content=http://mysite/sample.asp>

The above code isn't working. What am I missing?

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Page Breaks With ASP / HTML

Here is my problem - I have an ASP page the is generating a file with HTML that is being opened with WORD. Can anyone give me a simple method, idea, function, example, resourse, etc.... to figure out how to handle PAGE BREAKS. I am not sure how to handle when to put the breaks in for the report that is being created.

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Get Text Out Of Html Page

I have an html page, how would I be able to just get the words in it? I mean I can probably program to get it but is there any existing tool that we can use and just fetch the word content of a html page?

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Parse HTML File?

I'm working on a project where there are just under 1300 course files, these
are HTML files - my problem is that I need to do more with the content of
these pages - and the thought of writing 1300 asp pages to deal with this
doesn't thrill me.

The HTML pages are provided by a training company. They seem to be
"structured" to some degree, but I'm not sure how easy its going to be to
parse the page. Code:

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File Upload HTML/JS To ASP/SQL

I've written a few HTML/javascript web sites that push with ASP into SQL databases.

The one thing I've never had to do is create a file upload, and now I'm having a heck of a time figuring out how to do that. I've got an input type=file and I have a preview if it's a picture that updates as it's changed, but how do I send the file to the server?

I found one PHP example, but I'm not very familiar with PHP and would rather not have to learn it just for this (though it is on my to-do list anyway)

Has anyone done this? Can you enlighten me as to what the next step is?

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Convert Html File To Tab

I want to know, How to extract the content of an html file to Tab Delimited text file by ASP
(I want the code that do this)

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Database >> Html File Via FSO?

how to convert a database table into an html
file via FSO and whether more seasoned asp programmers recommned this route.
The main reason I am attempting to do this is becuase we are constantly
being told by so-called marketing gurus that 'html' pages are more search
engine friendly. Code:

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File Attributes With ASP In HTML

I am using the FilesystemObjects to get a directory and file listing and generating a web page of that listing, but I need to filter out files with the SYSTEM tag, so it wont show files I dont want it to, Below is my full code for the ASP page, I have Commented where I need to change the listing structure Code:

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How To Convert XML Or HTML To Pdf File ?

How to convert XML or HTML to pdf file ? Where can I find free pdf generator ?

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Extract HTML File

I was wondering if anyone could help me out with extracting/stip an HTML file. I was thinking of using RegExp object in VBScript, but I'm not sure what is the correct pattern.

I would like to stip the HTML so I only get the content inside the <BODY> tag (<BODY> </BODY>) ...

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Showing An HTML File

Showing an HTML file in part of a Webform.I have a Webform with some buttons on the left side of the form. What I want when clicking one of the buttons is to show an HTML document in a part of the Webform (as if it was a Frame page).

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Copy HTML File

I'm running a Win2k server with FP 2002 Extensions using discussion boards.There is a time delay in the posted content and the way our moderators are managing it now involves logging into the server,copying the TOC file,deleting the public TOC file and renaming the copy to the new public

version. --Copy and paste Tocprivate.htm -> delete TocPublic.htm -> rename copy of Tocprivate.htm to TocPublic.

Is it possible to script something that would allow this to happen with a single click of a button through their web browser?

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Call From A HTML File

I want to execute an ASP file from a HTML file, when the HTML file is executed, the ASP will run automatically.

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Create A Html File

I need to be able to generate/create a html file. I know that probably the best way to do it would be to use PHP or CGI, but my server doesn't support either. Is there a way (and can you point me in the direction of some help) of doing it using ASP?

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