Run BAT File With ASP Script [ERROR]

Here is the code in ftpRun.asp:

set wshell = server.createobject("") "D:Inetpubwwwroot
set wshell = nothing
Response.Write "Files Updated Successfully!"

Here is the error I get when I run ftpRun.asp:

error '80070483'
No application is associated with the specified file for this
/new/josh/ofp 5995a/consistency/ftpRun.asp, line 4

Any ideas how to fix it? Any other ways to accomplish the same goal
on a NT4.0 machine without adding components?

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Error: File /trxweb/trxweb.asp Unexpected Error.(E06D7363)

Past few days I see following errors in Event Log after which few ASP scripts stopped working (or part of it's functionality - not very sure which one).

"Error: File /trxweb/trxweb.asp Unexpected error. A trappable error
(E06D7363) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue
Source : Active Server Pages
Event ID : 5

What could have caused this error ? We are using IIS 6.0. This happens between 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm. User not is on an avg < 40.

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'File Not Found' Error

I am getting an error:-
File 'C:Pathfile1.txt' does not exist

I am selecting a text file from the previous page to put into the database. When I hard code the file path it works fine. Any ideas?

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Error Editing File

When I type out my new stuff in the edit field I click submit and get this error. The next post is my code for the entire page.
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query.
/hwnetwork/edit1.asp, line 110

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Error Trying To Delete File

I am trying to delete a file off a server (same server asp app is running on). I have done this before and not encountered any problems.

The code I am using is:

Set File = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ImagePath =
Server.MapPath("......sectionsezineeditionsimagesarticlethu mbs")
ImagePath = ImagePath & "" &
(RS_Content.Fields.Item("CON_Issue_Number").Value) & "" &

However, I am getting an error pointing to the last line of code above:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: ''

I'm sure I am missing something simple from staring at this so long.

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One Last Try. Error When Using #include File=

I have perhaps not explained myself clearly, so I'll try it this way.
In the code below, where it says "I'd like to include my navigation
bar here" is the place I'd like to insert a navigation bar from a page
I have called navbar.asp

For some reason, when I insert the <! #include file="navbar.asp" -->
in that place, I get an error, a long, hairy error. Can you please
look at the code below, and tell me how I should write the code so
that the include statement will work? Code:

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Error When Importing Csv File

I have the following code which imports a csv file into the database. but when i run the code i get this error message:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E07)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

BUT it's imported all the data Code:

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Error When Redirecting To A PDF File

We recently moved our webserver from Win2K to Win2003. The application works fine. Only problem is that when user views a report as a PDF, IE does not show it. The following code is used to redirect:


IE opens a "File Download" box and if you click the "open" button then nothing happens. If you click the "Save" button the following error comes up:

"Internet Explorer cannot download "myreport.pdf" from "website". Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavialable or cannot be found. Please try again later."

if I use the following code: ....

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Error On File Upload

I have a form that has many fields on it (selection list, text areas, etc) as well as the ability to upload some files. I'm using Lewis Moten's upload code (works great). No problem so far. However, if the user has a typo or the file does not exist then I want to return the user to the original form with an error (invalid file) and all of their work the way it was before the submission (i.e. if they had selected something from a list - when returned to the form the selection is kept).

Because I'm uploading files I have the form set as this:

<form method="post" encType="multipart/form-data" action="addform.asp">

In my addform.asp, I have a check for a valid file:

set objUpload = new clsUpload

if objUpload.Fields("document").Length = 0 then
' redirect user back to original page with an error
Response.Redirect addform.asp?error="invalid file"
end if

On the original form, I have quite a bit of data - may exceed the querystring maximum.

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Error In File Upload

error in file upload

Error Microsoft VBScript (0x800A0007)
Insufficient memory: RequestBin

happened uploading a file of 3.5MB, but before it did not give error me. that it can be?

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File Not Found 404 Error

There is an ASP page in my site which sometimes gives file not found error. This page which is suppossedly missing exists on the server and available most of the time. But
sometimes out of the blue, we get this message. When we restart IIS, the page works fine.

The rest of the site is usually fine. This one page gives the 404 error consistently. Obviously anything after this page could not be accessed. There are some other ASP pages as well which become unavailable (giving file not found errors) from time to time.

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ASP Upload File Error

just wondering if anybody has encountered this problem before ? I'm trying to upload a file using an ASP component that came with a web app Code:

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File Download Error

I am getting one error while downloading a file (DBF file) through aps page. the error is: "Can not access file because the file is being used by another process". First My asp page creates a DBF file programmatically using OLEDB provider and saves that file at a particular location. In the same asp page I have given link to download the file on client machine.

above operation will be performed based on the flag set in my code. if flag is 'Save' it will create the DBF if flag is 'Download' it will download the DBF. I am using ASPSmartUpload component to download the file. and i am calling DownloadFile method of this component. But it is giving me error as mentioned above. I have closed the recordset and connection object and set it to Nothing. but still it is giving this error. This works fine for the first time and after that it gives this error.

please tell me what could be the reason for this and how i can handle this programmatically. is there a way to find out whether the file is in use or not and if yes then how to stop that process?

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File Upload Error

I'm using a free component to upload image files to the web server. I'm getting this error when I try to upload

SaveBinaryData error '800a0bbc' 003.jpg:Write to file failed.

/southernlumber/_Upload.asp, line 903

I know that I have write permissions for this server. Maybe my path is incorrect. How can I solve this?

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Got Error In Dll While Opening The Excel File.

I have created one dynamic chart creation application using vb dll. If I call this function from vb it is working fine. But If i call this function from ASP i got error while opening the excel file line. I have windows 2000 server. Do i need to give any permission for this? The same coding is working fine in NT server.

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ASP Error: HTTP 404 - File Not Found

I am encountering an error HTTP 404 - File not found. It seems that
when I upload a file with a symbol # in the filename, this error
occurs (e.g. case#2.pdf). I cannot access the file I uploaded. But
when I upload the same file with a different filename or just without
the symbol # (e.g. case2.pdf) , it works I can access the file. Why is
this the case?

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Error Whis Include File

why in iis 5 no errors when I'm written <!-- #include
file='../includes/admin/includes-inc.asp' -->
but in iis 6 write error whis ".."

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ShadowUploader - Bad File Name Or Number Error

When i try to upload a file it comes back with this error!
Why is this?

found 1 files...
file name: back.gif
file type: image/gif
file size: 82
image width: 16
image height: 16

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0034'

Bad file name or number

/ShadowUploader.asp, line 280

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Forced Download Error With MP3 File

I have an asp code snippet which i've been using to force a download which works absolutely fine with .jpg, .gif and .pdf files, but for some reason will not work when i try and use it with a .mp3 file. In firefox it creates an empty file on your desktop but in explorer it causes a browser error. Code:

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Error Running Bat File From ASP Page

I am using windows 2000 server IIS 5.0

i was trying to run bat file from asp page and getting: Access Denied

but when i run the bat file from the command prompt on the local server, it's running good the bat file copying files from target computer in the LAN to the local
computer, o.k

i give write and execute permission on the IIS for this site on the local folder(where the bat file) i assign full NTFS access for "test" user on the target computer i shared the folder with Everyone Full control and assign Full NTFS access for the "test" user
but still cannot run the .bat file

where it can be the problem, how i need to set the site on the IIS to run the bat file?

any how to run bat file from ASP page document?

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A File Permissions Error Has Occurred ...

i seem to to be getting this error on my website for any pgae which ends in asp/php. any page will work fine in html format Code:

A file permissions error has occurred. Please check the permissions on the script and the directory it is in and try again.

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Keep Getting Error '80020009' To Make Pdf File

I'm working on a page that is supposed to generate a PDF from fields in an Access database. The user is supposed to be able to generate a pdf. Instead a " error '80020009'" is returned in line 55. Could someone lend a hand? Here's the code (line 55 is the beginning of the form field document at "WHOLENAME")


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Path/File Access Error

I have one COM (.dll) for uploading files to server. Its working fine on server A but same code and file not working on server B giving error Path/File access error .

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INSERT Statement Error In .asp File

I am making a masters page with delete, update , and insert fuctionality, i am using the insert.asp page with a form to submit the data and insert it in the database by prossesing a seperate page called insert_prosessor that has the Insert Statement to insert the data.

Now i am having trouble with the insert_prosessor as it's ERROR message reads" syntax error in INSERT Statement" I cant find the problem.. Code:

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File System Object Error

i am looking into using the File System object on an intranet through ASP so as the user can move files from there local drive onto the server drive.

i have got the code working moving files from one local drive to another but a problem arrises when i transfer from a local drive to a mapped network drive (the server).

the errror is: Permission Denied

the mapped network drive has full read and write access.

any ideas as to why this is happening, or is there a better way?

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Error On Obj.writeline (writing A File)

I'm writing a asp file dynamically. The code works 70% or the time. It pulls info from access and creates the file -- for some reason though some characters (and I see nothing different about these) causes the following error on the line objfile.writeline

What can I do?

error is:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0005'

Invalid procedure call or argument

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File Uploading Script Error

ive downloaded a file uploading script from

However when i try uploading a file using this script i get the error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046)
Permission denied
/uploadasp/upload.asp, line 133

Line 133 is as follows:


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Error Reading Data From CSV File

i am not able to read alphabet data from csv file using VBscript. In the following it gives error when i try to read the first record itself.

it gives the following error.
Run-time error '-2147467259(80004005)'
[Microsoft][ODBC Text Driver] Numeric field Overflow.

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File Upload In ASP And Page Has Expired Error

I have 3 ASP pages. Page1 has file upload feature where the user selects a file and clicks on upload button. Page2 takes that uploaded file and process the records to insert into the database. Page3 shows that records from the database. Code:

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ASP Error Event Information Is Missing The File Name

I am using Windows 2003/IIS 6. The following event occurs during the day. i
want to debug the culprit ASP page which is causing this, but having hard
time without knowing on what page and website where the error occurs.
May anyone have any idea:

1)how to change the server configuration so it will log the page, or
2) is the error log stored elsewhere (i checked
onWINDOWSsystem32LogFilesHTTPERR, but it logs different sort of errors),
3)is there another way to log only errors (we have an internal error
monitoring system, but this error seems to escape it. maybe it's on
global.asa)? Code:

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Accessing ASP Files Gives 404 'File Not Found' Error

I have a virtual directory which I can access as Directory
Browing has been enabled. Now if in Internet Explorer I
open any Static content like HTMLs/SWF's they work fine.
But when I try to open an ASP page it gives me a 404 'File
not Found' Error. ASPX pages work fine though they are in
a different sub folder.

I have checked the security settings and they are not
hidden. Any ideas?

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Global.asa An Error Referring To A File That Is In A Different Location

i have two sites on shared NT hosting and

both sites have their own global.asa files and both appear to be throwing up an error referring to a file that is in a different location

anyone know whats happening?

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Permission Denied Error When Opening And Writing To File

I have a script that opens a file and writes to it using ASP. I've used the script before and it worked fine locally, until recently, after I upgraded my computer to Windows XP Pro SP2. Also, it still works fine when I upload the script to my web host. However, locally on my computer using IIS, I get the error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046)
Permission denied

This occurs on the line: Set FileTS = FileFSO.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(".") & "" & FileName,2,TRUE)

I've searched online for answers and most articles say I have to set read and write access to the containing folder. I have done so for the containing folder and for the entire "wwwroot" folder, but the problem still occurs. I have also allowed anonymous access for my computer IUSR_XXXXX. This doesn't work either.

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