Run Scripts To Get Client Info

My web application needs to retrieve some client's info, such as MACn address, IP, OS, etc. Java Applet does it well (with one time security warning).

But if Java is not installed, I am unable to run applet. So, I need to find the equivalent in, perhaps, VBScript. how can I read client's MAC address, IP, OS, etc. through web interface on, mostly, Windows OS? Is it something like VBS file? Or EXE file only?

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Using WMI And ASP To Obtain Remote Client Info

I'm trying to obtain remote client information to present on a web page using WMI. The problem I have is that no matter how hard I try (and how cross-eyed I get from reading doco) I can't seem to get access to the remote client owing to error 800a0046 - which seems to be a General Access Denied (according to related events in the System Event Log).

I've tried configuring the virtual directory as a highly isolated application, then chaning the account under which it runs to one which has the necessary server access, but with no luck. I've even confirmed via the Component Management console that the process is running under the nominated account. Code:

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Asp Info

Is similar to ? What can you create with it ? ,Is there a program you suggest me to use , or even a compiler ?

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Looking For Info

I need to know where I can get information about learning how to code in ASP. This getting cide snippets and such doesn't work out real well if you don't know what to configure. Also I would like to have my own work not someone elses.

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Getting DB Info

In different examples I've seen different ways to do the same thing, and I want to know what is best (fastest, easiest to remember, same command for all types of stuff, etc)

For example, to get data from a database, should I use:

[VBS]set rs = conn.execute sqlstmt[/VBS]
[VBS]rs.Open sqlstmt, conn[/VBS]
or something else?

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ASP Info

what can i use to get my server's ASP information, like with PHP you can use:

PHP Code:

<? phpinfo(); ?>

What can i use in ASP?

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Aditional Info

I have a form that I use a few option selections from DB table and a insert script at the end.I'd like to have access to aditional info from the same table after choose an option

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Grabbing Info

I am trying to retrieve data from a dropdown listbox in asp using:

<%Response.Write + Request.Form("cboBox")%>

The problem is that I only retrieve the first value of the option. For
example, if my first option was <option value=this that>, I only can
retrieve "this". It won't get the second word.

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Info From .asp Web Pages

Recently, I came across a site with information to my area of knowledge. The pages have been designed and consist of the .asp extension in the url.
I'm not able to select the text on the web page, either click right mouse button or anything to copy the information. when I'm trying to print it is not perfect.
So, I would like to know from ASP guru's whether there is any way of saving the information on the web pages, so that the same can be formatted in a word document for printing purpose.

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Get User Info

My web site is windows authenticated.
When someone connect to my site, I get his SID with a small active X object
which uses OpenProcessToken and GetTokenInformation (token user etc ...

But now, I also need the SID list from AD user object SIDHistory. (when a
user is moved across domain).

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Selecting Info

I've got a WYSIWYG editor, that runs off a template page (i.e. template.htm) that gets opened in an iFrame for editing.
How can I get it setup so I cange the template at the click of a button? I've tried doing a form with radio buttons, but can't get it to work.
For example, the iframe source has been set to "strTemplate". My form processing was along the lines of:

If request.form "template" = "template1" then
strTemplate = "template1.htm"
strTemplate = "template.htm"

If request.form "template" = "template2" then
strTemplate = "template2.htm"
strTemplate = "template.htm"

End If
End If

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Display AD Info

Anyone have anything like this? I don't care what data it is... I just want
to see how to query the AD and place the data into a web page.

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SMS Info (possibly OT)

Basically I want to be able to send users (if they sign up to it) an SMS alert whenever someone leaves them a message on a webpage. Similar to Hotmail where you can get an SMS when you receive an email, or Ebay where you can get alerts if you are outbid.

I'm thinking maybe something very similar to CDO in terms of coding Code:

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Reloading Info

im running an asp page where by i can upload a xls file- which adds data to a database provided it passed validation. this then sends a success message to the user. what i need is a button where i can call the data which was recently added into the database- but dont know how to go about it or code.

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DB Field And Name Info

I am using :

<% FOR EACH field IN size_info.FIELDS
Response.write("<option value=''>" & replace(, "asize", "") & "</option>")

to loop the names of the fields in a DB, but I cannot get it so that is the value of the data in that field is lower than 5 it simply doesn't show, i thought i might be this

<% FOR EACH field IN size_info.FIELDS
if > 0 then
Response.write("<option value=''>" & replace(, "asize", "") & "</option>")
end if

but that doesn't work.

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Info On Portalapp

Is this the right forum for this. Considering using this but not sure, specially considering the price and I would need to add a host. If you have any knowledge please let me know. Also if this the right forum, also let me know and I will give more details. It is an ASP program of course.

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LOG Download Info

Currently I have one asp page which opens after the proper ID entered by user and it generate <A> tag with application software download link. When the user click on the link (which is pointed to the actual physical file.EXE of Size around 10 - 20 MB) it downloads file. But how do i change the logic so that the activity will get LOG in some text file. Like which user has downloaded which file. (it should log into text file).

I think I need to remove the <A> for direct download instead it shoudl call an asp page whcih should log the event and push the file to user.suggest with sample code if possible.

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Version Info

How can I get ASP and IIS version info?

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Make The Pop Up Info Box

When you hover over one of the topic in this forum a box appear with the first few lines of the message in it. How is this created. What events area used to creat something similar and does anyone know of any good website where i can look at a tutorial for it.

I dont even know what they are called so dont know what to search for even on the web as if i write pop up i get something else which i dont think is what i really want to use, or maybe it is.

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Info Page

I am working on a users system for my site. I have the databases and most of the pages set up. But, I need to create a page called "My Info". This page would display only the information of the person that is logged in.

I am curious as to how I would retrieve only one entry in an access database and display it based on the person logged in.

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Select Box Info

anyone know how to update the inforation in a select box without refreshing the page or using massive javascript arrays using regular asp(not .net)?

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Not Getting Info In LOGON_USER

I have an intranet site hosted in IIS 5.0 Win2000, and want to display the name of the user logged into the local machines(WinXP) in the pages they access like 'Welcome JohniBravo'.

So, i used the Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER"), but get a blank ("") displayed in the page. And i even tried "REMOTE_USER" but, still the same. from somewhere i got to know that theres something called 'Allow anonymous user' should be enabled to get these info from servers. help me with the same?

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UserLogin Info

i have the users logging in from a database that part works. what i want to do is pull the users information from the data base to the page....


John Doe logs in pulls only john does info
marry logs in pull only marry info .

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Verifying Info

if there is a way of verifying information that is in the registry of the user's computer? Or is there a way of checking if a file is on the c: of the user's computer??
I want to make a certain verification of who is entering my website.

but the IP address is never the same (since it is randomly given to the user) and I can't use the LOGON_USER variable because the users are not all in the same domain. And cookies are too easily destroyed with the IE options.

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Info Disappears

I never had this happen. When i display my database into a table it displays fine. But if i change the order of the columns some of them won't display. No error codes at all.

i'm using a SQL DB with char, text and datetime fields. What can be wrong?

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Passing Info

Currently I have a list of products in a drop down list. not very informative or easy to browse.

browse to check4add.asp at

I want to be able to open a pop up where the customer can browse the additional products and pass the variable to the parent pages form variables.

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Get Avg Rate Info

Can anyone tell me how to set my rates for billing? I have a reasonable amount of HTML experience along with Java and JavaScript but I don't know where I can find salary/rate information for ASP design work.

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Re-post Info

i received info from a post method. i now need to resend these infos to another page
by post. how can i do it without having to create 54 hidden input ?

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Info On Uploading

anyone here got an idea how to create an upload page? or does anyone here knows a tutorial website regarding uploading using asp page?

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Retrieiving Info From Database

I am trying to learn how to retrieve information from the database. I am not too familiar with ASP but I was told to use it. How do I go about doing this? What specific aspect of ASP do I need to learn?

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Grabbing Info Out Of An Iframe

I have it inserting a table into an iframe. However I want to pull that table information back out to make changes to it. I am just stumped on how I should go about it. I have the inserting of the table executing through a showmodedialog box. Do I do the same to pull out but how?

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Mail Info From A Form

I have .asp page that have a form. When form is submitted it's stored in Database.
How can I make it also send an email like to some spesific address when the form is submitted?

I already have .asp file that is some sort of a mailer and it works. But what should that button Submit have to pass parameters into that .asp and still continue what it would be doing?

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Input Info From Web To Datatbase

I have a Madden 2005 league and want to be able to have people enter stats via the webpage into the database which will keep track of them! I think it is doable, just I have no clue where to start.

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