Running ASP Code That Is Saved In Sql

I have a database that holds html (like a cms) and I can output that html without a problem.

But when I have a record in SQL that contains Html and ASP (ie 'Hello this is page one and its now <%=Now()%>') and want to out put it i get exactly that where i want to get;

Hello this is page one and its now 11/01/2005

Basically theres a few other variables that also get stored in the database along with html how can i output the code so that it runs???

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Running Asp Code

I am very new to asp programing, so this may seem a silly question but here goes.
I am creating a page that will generate random lotter numbers. I have created the actual code to generate the numbers and have added the code to the top of the page. the problem is the code runs when the page loads and I want it to run only on the click of a button.
I read various starter tutorials and none seem to mention how to asign code to the click of a button.

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Running ASP Code In The Background

I have a ASP web application, in the application I need to check if people did submit some documents, and if they don't past a certain date I want to send them email notifications.

I am using SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server Agent How can I write ASP code to run in the background on my IIS server, that will check for people who did not submit past a certain date and automatically send them email notifications?

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Running ASP Code From A String

Can I run ASP code from a string? I thought of using this method to get included files as text but then I need to run it as ASP.

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Stopping Running Code At A Certain Point

I have a asp page which is pretty long. This consitst of various recordsets. My intention is to stop execution of a code at a cetain point and test one value prior to this point. Is there any way to do this?

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Can Asp Be Saved To Excel?

I need to save the output that is shown from my asp page to be saved as a excel file and be able to print and view from an it possible?

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Link Could Not Be Saved

I have two ASP pages.They query a database,and spit out the information as plain text in CSV format.The first has the SQL query hardcoded into it.The second takes a SQL query from a webform.

the hardcoded results,I can click "Save Page As" when the results come up and save it as a text file.The other,while it seems to be the same results exactly,gives me an error when I try to save the page locally: "The link could not be saved. web page might have been moved or had it's name changed."

The page has not been moved, nor had it's name changed. In fact, what's sent back to the browser in each case if virtually (if not actually) identical.What's the problem?

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Images Saved On Server Instead Of DB

My content managed site allows users to add images to their account. Oringinally I was gonna store these in Access. However I have got a script which will let my users upload their images to the server.

The problem is how do I make sure images being uploaded don't affect others i.e. two users upload an image called photo.jpg, only one can exist in the same folder, right?

Do I then need to consider having a script which creates a folder based on the username?

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Output Js File To Be Saved

I used this in my php:

header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="rhythmFile.js")

Could" someone please translate it into ASP.

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Session Variables Not Getting Saved

My Session variable not getting saved by Session. Did using book example. Page displays correctly, but Session variable is empty. Are there any installations or definitions should be done on IIS?

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Recognise Text Saved As Image

How could text saved as image (pdf) can be recognised.

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Backing Up A Database/Reverting To Saved DB

Does anyone know how to backup a database at given time intervals? I thought one way of doing it would be just an SQL statement that backs up everything to an identical database.

Presumably though for this SQL to run it would have to be called from an ASP page. What happens if no one calls that page for a month? How would i get it to back itself up anyway?

Something else that i want to do was for people to be able to access a sample web application and have a mess around with it.

However to be sure that when person B came along 1 hour after person A tried it out, the sample application wasn't full of explitives etc i want to be able to automatically revert back to the "default" data after the session times out or a set period. Any Ideas?

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Create Address Book + Saved Contacts

how to create address book + saved contacts in asp forms? maybe somebody can provide me with the reference link.

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ASP Code - Anti Spam Verification Code

I'm looking for sample code that will require a use to enter a code from a scued image format.

I'm sure you've seen them before where the image is barely readable by a human and the user has to enter the code correctly to submit the form.

I'm looking for ASP code and NOT ASP.NET code as I am supporting a legacy site.

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Asp Not Running

I've installed iis6.0 on win2003. All static content with
ssi etc rendered fine on the browser, but gives a 500
internal server error if i try access any asp page. The
log file says:

ASP_0134|Invalid_ProgID_attribute 80 -
(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.2;+.NET+CLR+1. 1.4322)
500 0 0

All the dll files are in place and I have enabled asp
scripting. Can anybody give me a clue as to where am I
going wrong?

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Running ASP On A CD-ROM

I'm cobbling together an e-commerce site with thousands of items (spares, accessories etc) and want to distribute it as a catalog on CD. I don't fancy rewriting it to HTML. Is there any way to run the ASP and database on a CD-ROM. I've tried Dynamic-CD but it won't do the job and there is little or no help on their web site.

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Running A VB Exe From ASP

I am trying to run a simple VB exe from the asp. I am using the following code

Set oWSH= Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") "%COMSPEC% /C est est.exe",3, False

The exe is seen in the task manager. But it is not running. When I use this same command in the command window, it works fine. Can some please help me. It is for Intranet development. I am trying to run the exe in the server only.

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ADO Running Under IIS

I have a new W2K3 box running IIS.Is there anything I have to install in order to use ADO?when I perform the following

Set Connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Connection.Open "mydsn"

I get the error

Provider error '80004005'
Unspecified error

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IIS 5.1 Is Running

I had a windows xp professional and I install the windows component so that I can use the IIS 5.1 to test an ASP file. I went to start and click the run button and then type mmc. As soon as the mmc window opens I click the console but there is an error saying that there is nothing into it.

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Running ASP.NET

I need to open solution files whose source location files have moved. I am creating new virtual directories on the fly (using vbscript) as part of a automated build process that are configured to point to my new source directory. The build is following because I get the following error

<b>Unable to open Web project 'Abc'. The file path 'c:dev...' does not correspond to the URL 'http://localhost/Abc'. The two need to map to the same server location. HTTP Error 404: Object Not Found.</b

I am getting around this in the build process by removing the <b>GlobalSection(ProjectConfiguration)</b> section from the *.sln file

Is there a proper way to avoid this error occuring

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Running In Apache

is thier any way to run ASP files in apache just like php????? if yes how?

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Running Frontpg.exe

Is there a way to open FrontPage automatically on a user's computer using a
web page?I wan't the user to be able to click a link or a button and have FrontPage
open to a specific URL. The FP permissions should take over from there.
I'm looking for the same kind of execution that you get when you type

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Running A ASP File

I know there have been posts about this issue before, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I'm not well versed in ASP, but in PHP there is a function called exec. This launches a process. I can call a PHP script from the command line and have it run in the background i.e.


exec(php myscript.php &);


is there a way to do the same thing with ASP? I want to run an ASP script in the background

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Error Running ASP In IIS

I am trying to run an ASP page in IIS 6.0 and I keep getting one of
two errors:

-2147467259 (0x80004005)
The remote procedure call failed and did not execute.

I have Win XP. It's been running fine for a long time and then
yesterday, for no apparent reason, I get this. I've tried the links
to asp.faq that I've seen others post and nothing works.

As a test, I created a simple ASP page with just '<%
Response.Write("Hello") %>' in it and still the error occurs so it's
not a scripting or database problem. DotNet seems to run fine and I
can run HTML pages, I also have Apache and can run PHP scripts with no
problem ... everything except classic ASP.

Any ideas? This is driving me crazy and I need IIS running because I
am falling behind in my work. As I mentioned, I've been running ASP
scripts on this machine for years and have never seen this problem.

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IIS Is Not Running 1.1 Version

I have Xp prof, IIs 5.1, .NET2003 on my machine.

I had the error "Visual has detected that the
specified web server is not runnning ASP.Net version 1.1.
Yow will be unable to run ASP.Net web applications or
services." in .NET 2003.

I fixed it by running the IIS mappings for ASP.NET,
aspnet_regiis -r. But I figured that my IIS had some issue
and I had to register the dll for IIS.

After doing that my .net is throwing the same
error, "Visual has detected that the specified
web server is not runnning ASP.Net version 1.1. Yow will
be unable to run ASP.Net web applications or services."

I ran the aspnet_regiis -r again it is overwriting the
1.1 .net framework scripts but the error in .Net is not

I know my webserver is running Ok because I can develop
ASP pages using Visual Interdev and my default website is
running fine.

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Running ASP Files

Recently, I made a few ASP files connecting to MS Access file with security, I used IIS to test ASP files.

After it is done, I want the ASP files are accessed for each person via network in the company computer with security.

How can I setup a network which allow the person to run the ASP files?

Do I need to create a partition for network drive to run the ASP file/a server for running it?

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Asp Running On Linux

Here is a simple test class Ive built to try and find out, why another class I built (that works fine on my testing server running iis on xp) throws up an error on the live server running red hat 8.3 on linux, Im new to asp and only just now found out the live server is a linux box. Code:

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Running Net Stop

I want to make a simple simple asp page. All I want is when the page loads
it does "net stop <service>". The code is below, it is not running as
IUSR_<machine>, I am authenticating as Administrator yet the service does
not stop.

The blank page just loads with no errors and the service remains
running, what am I missing? I am completely new to ASP, I just want one
simple page for this purpose. Code:

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Running SQL Commands Using ASP.Net

I have been trawling the net to find a decent example of a way to connect to an sql 2000 server using and run a few commands.

One of the commands i need to run is: "EXEC sp_addlogin 'Albert', 'B1r12-36', 'forum2'"

how to do this, and display a 'successful' message on the page if the command completed successfully.

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Error Running Asp

I installed pws(pws10a.exe) and tried running a sample asp code.I get nothing but a blank page.

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Running ASP Scripts

I am setting up a new server for an already running website. The problem is the person before me ran ASP scripts on .html extension pages (The old machine is a windows 2000 server with IIS 5.0). Now when I transfer all the pages on to the new machine I am having trouble running the ASP scripts on the .html pages.

The pages work fine when I rename them to .asp. But with the ..html extension I cannot run the scripts. I am thinking that I am missing some settings or some dlls which take care of running the ASP scripts on the ..html page. But I do not know what I am missing. Please post if you know
anything about this.

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Running Site On SSL

if there are any disadvantages for running my whole site on SSL server (i.e All pages would run on SSL after the user logs in to their account).PS: The service I provide on my site doesn't require users to login everyday to their account. So I don't expect that heavy load.

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Web Server Not Running

I have just moved a project to my laptop and get the message "Visual Studio..NET has detected that the specified Web server is not running ASP.NET v1.1.You will be unable to run ASP.NET Web applications or services"

Presumably there is a d/l on MSDN to rectify this, but I can't find it. Does anyone know the URL?

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