Russain Language Support On IIS6

We are working with a Russian based client.
Our web based application is written using "classic" asp in English.
We would like to change the user interface text to the Russian language.
Please advise on the process to output ASP and HTML in Russina using an IIS
6 English web server.

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ASP, Unicode, And Multiple Language Support

I have a small website written in (very) basic .asp. I have it translated into a number of different languages that I want to post, but just now discovered that ASP does not support Unicode-encoded pages. (charset=UTF-8)

How does ASP deal with multiple language support, especially when the home page presents all of them as entry options? Is it better to simply rewrite as HTML? If so, how much of the ASP code can simply remain after the header and extensions are changed from ASP to HTML definition?

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I have a problem with displaying data from a database where text is written
in slovenian and in czech. The accents aren't displayed. What can I do to
display all the accents in Slovenian and Czech?

A word in the database: prijímání (f)
Displayed on my ASP page: prijímání (f) (the accent at r is missing)

My database is a Access-2000-database. All the accents are displayed in the

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Which Language To Use?

I really want to build mine using classic ASP as this is the language my trusted friend has a talent for.This seems to make sense in the short term. However I worry about the lack of social networking sites built with ASP.

There must be reasons for this. So plan to recode using PHP and transport existing database across once I have earnt enough from the website to pay for the services of a qualified person.Is this plan sensible, should I stick with my friend and ASP OR should I code with PHP from the start?

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Which Other Language Is Like Asp

I have built a couple using a little ASP code for example the 'include' comand. The server I am using obviously supports ASP but I want to move to another host but they dont support ASP.

What other language would be similar to ASP. The new hosting site supports cgi, php and ruby. I know nothing about any of these. I may want to be able to access a database in the future or add a message board to a site so the language needs to be a bit interactive.

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More Than 1 Language

I'm looking for the best solution, for example, I don't know if it's better to have all the text in the page in all languages and then select it with a querystring:


And in the code:

lang = CInt(Request.QueryString("lang"))
If lang = 1 Then
' xhtml for language 1

I don't consider this a good solution, it's a nightmare to update.Maybe storing text in a database? XML? I would like to hear your suggestions and opinions about best methods.

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I'm currently testing a version of Win2003 to evaluate a migration of our
NT4 server, but I got some troubles with Office Web Component 9 (office
2000), it seems it doesn't work anymore, and I can't find the issue.

When I make a Set objSpreadsheet = Server.CreateObject("OWC.Spreadsheet"), I
got an error :
Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/test/include/./include_asp/excel-class.asp, line 10

So I thought it was a "Web service extension" problem, prohibited por
default by IIS6, I authorized MSOWC.dll but nothing changed...

Then I decided to setup OWC11 and it seems to works fine.... even if I don't
authorized it... (is it a normal behaviour ?, shouldn't I be supposed to
autorized it ? )

I can't understand my problem with OWC9 is there some incompatibility with
IIS6 ? Code:

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Asp Iis6

Ive got a ASP site on a server with a old iis and it works perfect on but ive got a new server with IIS 6 with exactly the same site and the session variables wont stick they just dissaper any idea.

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Multiple Language

how to have multiple language asp pages? For example, you have a database driven website that you want customers around the world to use. How do you setup the asp pages so that it is easy to change the text based on where the user is
connecting from?

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When To Write <%@ Language

Since ASP server scripts use VBScript by default, does it mean it is
redundant to put the following in ASP page? Then when do we need to use
this? In client-side VBScript?

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I was trying:
<!--#include file="lang/<%= Request.QueryString("lang") %>.asp"-->
But it doesn’t work.

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Asp : Is This A Similar Language To Php

I have learnt how to use some aspects of php. But have got a little stuck on databases. Are there some easy examples to follow from the internet on how to modify databases in asp?

Is asp very similar to php? In the sense that you can achieve the same things with it?

is there an online dictionary that I can use to learn asp? especially one that can be kept and stored offline(I am not on the internet at home)

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Language Setting

I have no idea what would cause this because my system setting is set to English and all of my other programs that use the date and time are doing it in English but my ASP seems to be giving me the date in Italian
For example..

WeekDayName(WeekDay(Now())) = venerdě instead of Friday.

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Change Language

I have some dynamic pages like asp files and the data comes from database.
What I need is to display the page content to diffrent languages.
Suppose user selects Germany and the page content changes to german language.

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Language Detection

Is it possible to detect browser/system language with:

Server.CreateObject("MSWC.BrowserType") ?

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Toggle Two Different Language

What's the best way to toggle two different language on
the web site using asp. Some web sites seem to store
html links in database and call it on demand. Please
advise and show the best way to program it.

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Multilingual (more Then One Language )

I want to make a website both in English and in French, I dont know how to design the database (same for both ) or different.

Can anyone of you suggest me how can i make a website for more then one language.
The two versions of the website will have both the graphics and contents different and there is a search option too.

How can i search an english database with a french keyword?

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English Language CD

My set of .NET 2003 CDs has 2 .net cds; 1 prerequisite cd; plus msdn. I get to a certain point in the installation and it prompts me for the English Lanaguage CD and I don't know what this is. I bought the set from someone who didn't want them any more - did I not get one of the CDs?

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seems like alot of things in ASP VBSCRIPT dont have equals in ASP JAVASCRIPT. tryign to do a lowercase on a string
"101:121:212 ABCA"
so it becomes
"101:121:212 abca"

LCASE doesnt work , get error so i assume its not in the JScript version of ASP.

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Watermarking On The Fly In An ASP Language

I want to watermark images already on the server, on the fly as they're being called. I've found some PHP scripts that do it but I need them in an ASP environment using either VBScript(preferred) or Javascript. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

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Language Convertion

How can i convert my site in to language. Just like

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Learning The Language

I'm sort of trying to force my way through some manuals and w3schools trying to pick up asp. i'm farmiliar with PHP so i figure it will be a breeze there's just one general theory idea i don't understand. if ASP can be written with either javascript or vbscript. then is ASP just adding the <% %> tags around the code?

something like "Session.Timeout" or "response.write" this doesn't look like VBScript to me. are these elements of ASP, VBScript, or something else?

I hope you can understand my question.I'm sort of confused with the languages / where to look to find information because i dont know what to look for.

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I have a custom File management ASP application that handles Large File uploads and download from a database (30 - 40 MB files) The application works fine on IIS5 but when I relocate it to IIS6 i get an error when I file not found error when i attempt to download out of the Database. IS there a reg setting or metabase setting that i need to change to handle large blob outputs.? Sorry I can't be more specific about the error msg but that is all it give's me a File not found error. it does however work fine with small files less then 2mb in size

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IIS6 And ASP Problem

I used to be able to run ASP scripts on IIS and then I installed MS SQL
server 2000, and EVERY page I go to that has an .asp extension (even if the
code inside is BLANK) will return a error labeled "The requested resource is
in use. ".
I've tried many things like re-installing IIS 6, allot of things. PLEASE
help me, this is on a production box and HAS to be UP AND WORKING before 1:00
AM CST (5 Hours from the time I posted this)

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Components Under IIS6

I migrated an application from NT4 (IIS4) to 2003 (IIS6).

The application only works when the components are registered with regsvr32.

One of the webpages doesn't work-- when I fill the form out and hit submit I
get "compx error '800af10a' Insufficient memory to perform operation.
/submit.asp, line 283"

I've tried going through and changing permissions but haven't had any luck.
I also tried setting the Web Site to use an Application Pool that I created
to run as System Mode but that didn't make any difference.

Everything works when I select "IIS5 Isolation Mode".

Knowing that it works under IIS5 Isolation mode how can I determine what is
causing the message so I can run it under IIS6?

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I migrated a VID6 application from Windows NT 4 to Windows 2003 Server (IIS4
to IIS6) which was developed using ASP and VBScript and I now I am getting an
error message as follows:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro error '80004005'
There is not enough memory to complete this operation.
/hinojosa-web/iPD2.asp, line 377
The line mentioned above refers to the execution of a query to generate a
recordset which will be displayed to the user who is requesting data. This
issue does not always happens, it does only after accesing the web site
several times.

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IIS6 Is Not Respondeing

I just have installed Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Ed.Where the IIS ver.6 came with it. I installed the IIS6 with all its subcomponents. The problem is that ASP pages
are not processed by the IIS whereis HTML pages are. I have allowed asp extensions.

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IIS6 APS Thread

Is there an explanation somewhere as to how IIS6 determins how many ASP threads its actually going to use?I have configured IIS6 to have 20 threads (ASPProcessorThreadMAX) but it uses them all.

I am using the MACT test tool to stress test and with 50 concurrent users I quite often see only a single ASP thread being used the other 49 are on the Requests Queued. The Request Wait Time in Perfmon can be averaging around 5 or 6 seconds and there is plenty of spare CPU.

The application quite often has long running queries(15 to 20 seconds per request)and rather than use another thread IIS will quite often just keep ticking along with the threads its using with the result that the Request Wait Time can jump significantly.

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PermissionChecker And IIS6

Set oVar = Server.CreateObject( "MSWC.PermissionChecker" )

The PermissionChecker component works flawlessly in IIS5.0, but we're migrating to IIS6.0 and it no longer works because IIS6 no longer supports it. Has anybody gotten around this issue?

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IP Blocking With IIS6

Is there a way to block an IP from entering a website on IIS? I do not have MOD-Rewrite and I have been told not to do this wih a PHP script. IS there a way in IIS?

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I've used DynuFTP and am happy with it but now the host server needs upgraded to IIS6 and Win2003. After they did this I get the error that I'm pretty sure is from DynuFTP:

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0115'

Unexpected error


A trappable error (E06D7363) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running.

Has anyone run into this? Seems like an IIS6 compatibility issue.

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we just upgrade a win2k server to win2k3. First we depromoted it, then we made the upgrade. The webs with ASP worked OK.

Then we made the DCPROMO and promoted it. After restart ASP's won't work.

The message on IE is:

"ya se está utilizando el recurso especificado"

something like "the specified resource is already in use"

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Cross Language Variables

Can anyone tell me how i can access the value of a variable created in javaScript, within an ASP statement and vice-versa if poss??

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