I will develop asp application(IIS) and have mdb database access(insert new records through ado). The database file will be: c:myAppdatamyData.mdb . The IIS default settings will work, or I need to specify special Privilege?
I'm getting permission denied when I try to create a new folder. I gave the everyone group write permissions to the folder and I still get permission denied. Here is my code:
I have an ASP script which does numerous writes via FSO using ...
Function LogActivity(strText) Dim fso, f Dim strTime strTime = ABCNOW() Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fso.OpenTextFile((ABC_OS_ROOT_PATH & "ABCMAINLOG.txt"), 8, True) f.WriteLine strTime & " " & strText f.close End Function
.... We have recently tripled the number of users using the app have found that IIS is intermittently reporting 'Permission Denied' while writing to the log. You can try again a moment later and all will be well. Has anyone seen this ? It seems very strange that W2K can't deal with multiple processes/threads writing to the same file without getting itself confused
Our ASP code uses an ADO connection string, which refers to a System DSN. The DSN is set to "Windows NT auth. using network login ID". The code connects to SQL Server and reads data OK. Anonymous browsing is enabled in IIS and uses the IUSR account. We have never added the IUSR account to SQL Server.
I ran SQL Profiler and saw that the ASP was connecting as the local Administrator (I was browsing locally). Is this "integrated" security at work? What would happen if I browsed from another machine?
Now the confusing part. I change the passwords for IUSR and IWAM (correctly for Win, IIS, and MTS). Now the ASP page gets a database access error! SQL Profiler shows it connecting as the IUSR account. Obviously there's no ref to the IUSR account in SQL Server so it fails. Why did it change from Administrator to IUSR? All I did was set the password.
I am running a web application on a Win 2003 Std (Active Directory). Everything works fine. I have installed same application on another server Win 2003 R2 Std (No Active Directory). On that server I get “Permission denied” using the following code (used to zip folder content).
If I run web application under Administrator account it works fine. I have also tried to change from Winzip command to run a simple bat- file. Still permission denied.
I have added read & execution rights to for instance IUSR_Machine, IWAM_Machine on cmd.exe, wscript.exe, cscript.exe. Still permission denied. Code:
I get problems using scripting.FileSystemObject.I am writing an application that should do the following: A user must be able to upload files and create folders on the server as well as delete them. At the moment the user can create folders, upload files and delete files without any problems. The problem is the following: If I try to delete a folder I get the 'permission denied error'. I thougt the problem was with permission settings on the server itself, but it doesn't seem to be the problem especially since I can delete the files but not the folders they are in. I then tried to delete the folders manually on the server, but I get the "sharing violation" error. Soon as the application is run the folders become undeletable. How do I "close" the folders making it possible to delete them from my server??? It doesn't matter if I run the other scripts on the buttons. If I create a folder manually on the server and run this page, the folder can not be deleted(client- or sever side)
I found this calendar script. http://www.planet-source-code.com/v...&txtCodeId=6178 - see the attachement
This is what I need for my project. I try to Submit the new event from the admin.asp page, but I got this error message: Permission denied /event/admin.asp, line 19
Which is at this line:
'open the text file
Set FileOut = FileObject.opentextfile(FilePath, 8, true )
I have a web server running Windows NT and IIS 4.0. My users that are using Windows 98 2nd edition have no problem uploading their files into the server via ASP but those users that are using Windows 2000 Professional will have the below error :
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission Denied
/project/maintain/result.asp, line 91
I have tried quite a lot of suggestion on the folder permission but to no avail.Please let me know what I should do to solve this problem.
1. Files to be browsed 2. Anonymous upload to this directory 3. Allow uploaded files to over-write the existing file
I use the following to create new folders, but all above options are off. Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set b = fs.CreateFolder(newFolder)
when i upload my excel file to server got msg that permission denied ,Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046) line no 121 and that line is Set oFile = oFS.CreateTextFile(sPath & FileName,8, True)I have checked the properties of the folder for the anonymous user the access is full.
How can I check NTFS permission and how to give the IUSR account sufficient privileges to update the databasewhich is in MSACCESS.It's always give error operation must use updatable query.
I'm struggling with this problem: in a website I developed, XML files are created by users of the site. The creation is OK, the (new) file is present, but it can not be read by any website visitor.How can the default permission become at least readable.
i got an asp page that allow me to upload file into server,i try to test it under wwwroot its working fine i upload file using my asp page into my own pc derectory.
when using the same way to upload my file into another pc using LAN by just change the file destination path and i get permission denied error messages.What will be the error i done to create this error messages?thx a million
when i upload file into my own pc i using this bariable,
DestinationPath = server.mappath("/files/")
when i upload file into other pc using this variable also,
DestinationPath = ""+"/files"
then the error message come out,i did set the file permission of write and read to full control to everyone on PC that IP address
i want to view a share folder that just for people have permission only to open this folder. so, i must key in a domain password to view share folder. now, how to i post password to server and check in server. if password collect,i will view this folder.
I'd consider myself a newbie to ASP using VBSCRIPT with WMI, but I've been using Scriptomatic and learning lots. I have an ASP page with over 1K of code retrieving many objects from user defined remote computer: CDROM, CPU, Chassis, Products, RAM, Shares and more.
Why do some computers return nothing while others return results? No rhyme nor reason to this. Some Win3k return nothing for certain objects and other Win3k return a result set.
Why can't anyone else run this page? My XP IIS has the following authentication: Integrated, Digest, Basic. When anybody else, even somebody with the same access as myself, access the ASP page and they are authenticated against the domain, they can't get the objects listed above.
I am getting "Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046) Permission denied" error at Code:
set file = fs.OpenTextFile(fileName, openMethod, true) I have given permission IUSR_<computername> user to read/modify the directory by adding it to the security tab. I have even given permission to Everyone but still I am getting the same error.
I am struggling to create a file using FileSystemObject on my os. (Win Xp pro) I know my code is working because when I upload to the server it works.
I have done the obvious by setting permission to the IUSR_Computer name and Disabled My Anti-virus App. Also Right clicked on the folder and web shared it. But there is one thing that is odd. When I de-select the "Read Only" checkbox and Click Apply and go the the properties again the Read Only is Selected again? I thought it might be the System Restore but it wasn't that.... anyone know what it could be .
I am using Server.createobject("Adodb.connection") on a local server, when i am doing this from my machine its ok but when i try it from other machine it gives the error that permission denied server.createobject, I am not getting through exactly , what happening ,
The problem,,, is
when i use http:localhost est est.asp it runs but when i try from other machine http:abc est est.asp then error , abc is my machine name
With my script ASP, I display list of folders and files in a directory. My problem is : when the directory is protected, I have a message an error page with "permission denied" message when my ASP script try to read its content. How can i read the content ? Or How Can I get permission ?
i'm trying to put some verification onto some pages so that a msgbox pops up to say "added" or "removed" etc etc when i submit a form, but when i use the msgbox code i get a "permission denied" error
do i need a .inc file to use the msgbox code or something?
also tried it with <script language="vbscript"> and got the following error:
Expected statement /Remove Patient2.asp, line 25 <script language="vbscript">
it doesn't matter which page i use the msgbox code on, i always get the permission denied error! and the expected statement error when i use the <script....> code.
I cannot execute the batch file through my ASP page.
The code is below:
Set WShShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") s=WshShell.Run("c:aayush est.bat",1,False)
the drive c: is a network drive (shared) also the application is kept on a folder which is shared too (but i think this dosent makes any difference). I have set Execute permission for the application in IIS, Restarted the server many times.
I would like to determine whether or not given folder in my server has write permission or not. I used fso object option and used Attributes object bur always I get number 16, regardless if it has write permission, read permission or nothing at all. What is the correct object that gives me that information. Currently, I have the following code to display information on the folder:
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set a = fso.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("") & folder_directory) Response.Write ("Attributes: " & a.Attributes & "<BR>")
Really need your assistance since I have been struggling with a problem long time now.
I am running a web application on a Win 2003 Std (Active Directory). Everything works fine. I have installed same application on another server Win 2003 R2 Std (No Active Directory). On that server I get “Permission denied” using the following code (used to zip folder content). Code:
i hava wrote the code to restore a file of SQL server database through ASP.It can access the backup file on server and restored but some times or in some systems it gives error like permission denide.What is the reason for that. Here is the code:
We have a Visual Basic 6 project and asp pages loaded "through it" clicking on a node/link loads a page,recently certain users are getting error "Permission denied" but only when they try to access this web page by clicking on the link the first time, every other time it is fine, and the web page looks exactly the same and we have no problems working/using it but it very annoying not being able to get to the bottom of this error. I am not getting the errror and never have, some machines have SP2 and some don't so that is not the problem or solution.
I am not sure if I need to check for some files I might have on my pc, some sort of web components or something like that?