SQL Server 'text' Data Type Values Always Empty?

I've got a SQL server database, and am using ASP to create a simple recordset.

Everything is fine, except that one column of the database is of 'text' data type. I can't seem to be able to pull anything from this field in my ASP script. All names and variables are correct, and there is data in the text field, it just comes out blank when I pull this field into my recordset.

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SQL Server]Error Converting Data Type Varchar To Int.

This is the code for my Procedure:

Code: .....

When I execute this code, I receive this error on line 314:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Error converting data type varchar to int.
Line 314 is the classComm.Execute line. All the datatypes in my stored procedure those specified in the parameter declararations, and they all match with the datatypes in the DB. Other than the strings that are integer (strClassID) or date (strOccurDate), everything is a varchar.

I have no idea why this error is occurring. I have a similar stored procedure that adds the records in the same way and it kicks out the same error at the same time.

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Empty/Null Values In SPs

My typical code to call an Stored Proc in ASP is as follows ...

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Request.querystring, All Values If Empty?

How do I get all walues if my querystring is empty?

If I have a table with let's say 10 rows/records, (ID 1-10). I then have a
recordset with request.querystring("id") and get the record having the id
thats shown in the address bar ("..com?id=4" would get the record with the
id 4). How do I get all records if the querystring is empty ("..com")

I have: Code:

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Write Data From A Database Field Into A Text File On The Server

Is there away to write data from a database field into a text file on the server.

The data would be more than one line.....

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Passing Values To Subroutines - Empty Returns

I'm having a bit of trouble with a subroutine I am calling when it is
invoked for the first time. When the subroutine runs, I expect it to return
a value for every time it is called. However, it seems as though the first
time it is run, I don't get any returned values. However, subsequent
returns will get me something back. Code:

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Getting The Count From Database Where All Initial Values Are Empty

I have a registration form that I'm making and I need to get the count of available spots for each class session. I can't get the array to return something like "0,0,0,0,0,0". Is there a way to do this? There are 6 total classes and they are named 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

When you start out, each count will be 0 (meaning no one signed up yet) which makes the openSpots variable equal to 35 (maximum # allowed). Code:

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Alternate Text For Empty Recordsets

So I have a layer with a repeating table displaying the results of a recordset that are associated with the record being displayed behind the layer in a table. The problem is when there is no record to display it looks weird there. I'm trying to get it so that when that recordset is empty it puts an alternate text in that spot saying no records were found. I tried to get it done by throwing a layer on top of the existing layer whenever the recordset is null. The problem is the code I'm doing it with won't let me have quote marks, which are required for anything more complicated than basic text. Anyone have suggestions? Here is the code I'm using: ...

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ASP/Mysql Empty Text Field Query Error

I'm getting an error when I'm retreaving from a "text field" in the database and it has no data in it. I'm using MYSQL version 3.23.58-nt. I have the same script running a different system and I don't get this error. It justs output nothing and continues with the loop.

This has to be an ASP problem when retrieving data from the database. I've change the Field for Message to "varchar(252)" vice "text" in the database and stoped giving me error. But I still need to use the type "text" in the database since my "Message" will be longer then 252 caracter. Code:

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(Multiple) Insert If Data Is Not Empty

I have 6 textboxes where user can input data (or can leave it blank). I need to insert all the data (if not blank) into the database. How should be SQL query be like? ...

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Error Message When Data Is Empty In DB

I want to print error message when the price data in DB is empty using following code, but it doesn't work, can anybody help this out?

if (CurrentRecordset("price") == "null")) {
Response.Write("Not available now !");

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Empty Data In DB And Print Eeor Message

I want to write following code in Java Script, so how following VB script to be changed to Java script and make that work?

Set CurrentRecordset = con.Execute(sql);

if (CurrentRecordset("price")=="null") then
Response.write("No records returned")
End if

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Empty @@identity (sql Server 2000)

Am having a bit of trouble with the @@identity field - I probably just have that friday feeling and am missing off something obvious, but the below code brings back am empty identity value ("sid" appears empty). I've definitely set up an identity field in the tblSurvey:

set rsAdd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsAdd.open "tblSurvey", conn, 3 , 3
rsAdd("title") = title
rsAdd("intro") = intro
rsAdd("enddate") = enddate

Set rsIdentity = Conn.Execute("SELECT @@IDENTITY AS sid")
sid = rsIdentity("sid")

....any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Type Mismatch Error(numeric Values)

i have 3 columns in sql server . all of them are numeric value. when a user enter my site i take the value of userid (numeric one) i assign it as session("userid ") . after a query i take 2 value (both numeric again) from my table and write this code.
if towhom=session("userid") then towhom=fromwhom . it gives an error .. how can i solve it. Type Mismatch Error .

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Data Type Mismatch When GETting Data From An Access DB

We are running into problems with the script below, whose purpose is to allow users to choose values from drop downs populated by an MS Access DB.

(returns a blank page with only HTML Titles)

(you may notice this is a modified sample script): Code:

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Type Mismatch On Type "Text"

I have a table with four fields, ID (auto increment), question (varchar(200)), answer (Text), and shop (tinyint(3). When I connect to the database in an ASP page and write this code

Response.Write rs("question") & "<br />" & rs("answer")

I get an error that reads "Type Mismatch"

but if I change the type of the answer field to type varchar I don't get the error but am limited in the length of the field's contents. I just also noticed that if I keep the type at TEXT and change the collation to ascii_general_ci I don't get the mismatch error but all the ' characters turn into ? characters? Oh woe is me.

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Change Text Box Type

I have 10 text boxes... first 5 text boxes e visible , rest of the 5 are hidden... once i clicked the button , the hidden boxes should be visble.. can anyone help me hpw to write script?

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Multipart Mime Type For HTML/Text Email

How to send the HTML and Text email at the same time? CDONTS only send one type of email at one time and we should know before hand what type of email the client can receive. In my case i want to send both and depending on clients email reader the right one should show up. I have used ASP email component also but for this component to work properly we should have relaying enabled on our SMTP server. Due to the threats of SPAM i dont want to do this. I am not any demanding here but simply trying to find the better way.

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Text Box Values

strValues = Split(strValue, ",")

dblTotal = 0

For i = 0 To UBound(strValues)
dblTotal = dblTotal + strValues(i)

Response.Write "The total is: " & dblTotal

If I wanted to divide dblTotal by the number of records that are being brought in by the database and then multiply that by .333, what variable would I divide by?

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Data Type

What data type do you use for this input -- uyen8976? how do you convert it to a string? how do you query it?

I tried to create a table in sql with this field
invoice char not null

qInvoice= "select invoice from ItemMaster where invoice=" + cstr(inv)
rs.open qInvoice, "dsn......"

when i tried to query this field, computer didn't understand what cstr(inv) was. It kept reporting errors.

However, i couldn't use varchar data type for uyen8976 either. The computer didn't let me convert "uyen8976" into a string.

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Data Type

i define Dim total as int but the total's value cant exceed a certain big amount. is there any long data types or double, which can be used?

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Repeated Text Box Values

I'm entereing values into repeated textboxes in a form that are associated with repeated fields in a database. I am able to request the values, but the associated questions and values are seperated by commas.

The repeat field on the page that I am confirming the selections is repeating but showing the same results on each line. In other words, all of the values are showing up on each line. Is there a way to break these up?

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Displaying Values In A Text Box

I have some values I'm passing from one form to another. When I press
the submit button, I want the quantity I have in the text box on form
a to pass to and display in the text box on form b.

form b is on an asp page, and I'm trying to display the values in this


response.write "<input type =text name=mybox value=" & myquantity &

However, this is not working, and I can't figure out why.

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Data Type Error

i am getting this error Code:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e07'

Syntax error converting the varchar value 'Canvas' to a column of data type int.

/store/administrator/special.asp, line 98

what i am doing is selecting an item from the drop down and i have textbox i want to display the items price from the table here is the code:

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Data Type Error

I am trying to do a comparison between two values and am getting the following error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e07'
Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

The code that is creating the error is as follows:

sb = Request.Form("storyboardscreen")

if Not Lcase(Request.Form("AllStoryBoard")) = "all" then
whereClause = whereClause + "theStoryboard = " + sb
end if

I am using the statement to build the where clause of my query. The sb value is retrieved from a pull down menu and "theStoryboard" column is the db is of data type "text". The values stored in the field are 12 digit numbers. I have tried doing a cstr to sb but that doesnt work, any tips on what I am doing wrong? I am using asp with an access db.

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CDbl Data Type

I'm grabbing data from an XML web service and storing the values in ASP variables. I'm trying to apply the cDbl function to values returned and I'm getting the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'cDbl'

The data prints to the screen just fine

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Data Type Of An Array

can i put my operators into an arry, as i want to loop them later in a loop. but i have problem declearing the data type of the arrys.

Dim operatorsArray(4) As ?????
operatorsArray(0) = "+"
operatorsArray(1) = "-"
operatorsArray(2) = "*"
operatorsArray(3) = "/"

what should the data type be to work. can i have an example of how i am going to
use it.can it be done this way eg.
2 operatorsArray(0) 3 operatorsArray(0) 4 operatorsArray(0)does the above interperate as 2 + 3 + 4?

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Integer Data Type

I am calling a javascript function in my asp. I am passing a recordset value, a 7 digit integer, to this javascript function. However, in the function this value is not coming in correctly. say for example i am passing 0360001, in the function when i pass it to another window, its going as 122881.

I am asuming its because of the size of the default integer data type. If you think thats the reason, how can set a long integer data type to this value, if that can be done in asp.

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Mismatch Data Type

I m getting mismatch datatype error. How will fix this?Id is number, and route_knowledge is text.

Select route_name from routes where ID in (select Route_knowledge from drivers where ID =10)

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Variable Data Type

Is there a way to print a variable's data type - like int, string, dbl?

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Passing Values To Text Field

how to i passing values to text field?

<input type="text" name="Usrname" size="20" value=<%= fullname %> >

i knew this is wrong.. but how do i solve this problem?

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Data Type Mismatch In SQL/ASPstatement?

I have been trying to delete a record from a database using the following code:

strQuery = "DELETE * FROM tbl_bookings WHERE fld_booking_id= '" & delID &"'"


it looks fine to me but I am getting the following error message:

Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E07)
Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
/cancel.asp, line 50

Line 50 is the objConn.execute statement.

Is this something simple?

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Data Type Mismatch Error

I am doing a simple profile update webpage, I keep getting this error and can'y figure out how to fix it. I have included the code. The only field in my database that isn't a text field is my userid field which is an autonumber field.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression ASP Code:

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