SQL: Less Than Equal To Statement

I am having trouble with this SQL statement:

SQLString = "SELECT * FROM WebVacanciesUpload WHERE (Category='"& Cat &"') AND SalaryForWeb = < 13000 ORDER BY SalaryForWeb ASC"

It produces this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '(Category='IT') AND SalaryForWeb = < 13000'.

/temp/outsearch2.asp, line 86

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Setting Result Of Sql Statement Equal To A Variable For Further Use

I'm trying to calculate the total time using values from database I run a select statement to find the timein column in my database.

Now how do i assign the result to a variable so that it can be used? There is only going to be one result because i'm checking it against an autonumber field. that is used as time 1. Code:

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Does Not Equal

the operator for the following bit in the bold?

If variable1 Does Not Equal variable2 Then
'Do something
End If

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Two Variables With Same Value Not Equal?

I've got two variables:
currentPage = the current page number being viewed
nPages = the total number of pages

After navigating my site to the last page, these two numbers are the same, yet when I compare them with

if currentPage=nPages then
(execute true statement) else (execute false statement)
end if

the true statement never happens. I have printed the values of each variable just prior to the conditional and verified that they are the same. The only thing I can think of is maybe they are somehow different variable types or one has a decimal value I'm not seeing. Any ideas?

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Variable To Equal Name Plus Number

im trying to set a variable to = a name plus anumber next to it for incriminents soo

name = response.write "vac" & + inc 1 or something im not sure


and so on

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Equal Width Of Button

I m using front page.I have used some button and value of all button is different so its width show different.I want to equal width of all buttons.I dont want to use link button.

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Text Field Equal To Entered Value

I need to make a text field equal to the entered value. Example: First time to the page nothing will show up in the field because nothing was entered. I enter a value and submit the form. The redirect is to the same page to add new inforation but this time the value entered in that one text field will be there. I tried <%=Request.Form("box")%as the value of the text field but to
no success.

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Problem In Equal Width Of Button

I m using front page. I have used some button and value of all
button is different so its width show different. I want to equal width
of all buttons. I dont want to use link button.

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Check Box Equal To A Variable (moved From Html)

I Have a form, and in that form I have a check box, I wish to say " If Checkbox is checked Then variable = true Else Variable = false". Here is what I have as far as code goes...

Thus far the variable is always false, leading me to believe that my syntax is wrong. All the SQL part of this is tested as working (Included to give a perspective on what I am trying to do) so you can for the most part ignore it. It is the form part that has a problem. Code:

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Equal Width Of Button In Front Page

I m using front page. I have used some button and value of all button is different so its width show different. I want to equal width of all buttons. I dont want to use link button.

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Problem In Equal Width Of Button In Front Page

I m using front page. I have used some button and value of all button is different so its width show different. I want to equal width of all buttons. I dont want to use link button.

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Variable Equal To The "size"

I have an SQL database that tracks workorders for my company. Each workorder is ID'ed by a number, i.e.: 1234. The next would be 1235, 1236, etc. I need a loop to go through EVERY workorder in the database.

How do I set a variable = to the largest WorkorderID in the database? i.e.: That would be 1500 if there were 1500 workorders in the database. Don't worry, there are other checks in place so that it won't always loop through every single workorder (I thought about that already).

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If Statement

If a user enters in this to search a db

"Jon Doe" James Doh

return all of the exact matches Jon Doe (user uses quotes to clarify an exact search)
along with that: return all of the James and all of the Doh as well
qry to look like this as soon as I am able to divide up the string entered in by the user
select * from table where (NAME LIKE '%Jon Doe%') or
(NAME LIKE '%James%') or (NAME LIKE '%Doh%')

Thinking of using the instr to find the " but then what do I do to find the string inside of the two quotes, One quote would be easy. there is a couple of checks to preform:anyone run into this before or have any ideas/samples, etc

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Sql Statement ?

I have created a query wizard page with ddl as your choice to find info. now each ddl has a default of a dash.

The thing is I want to do is have the sql statement to look through the database even when some of the ddl have a dash on them. or just ignore the ones with a dash and look for the ones that are selected. Is there any suggestions for this.

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ASP If Statement

Below is my code for a question system i have created. However, i need to insert an if statement that redirects the user to test.asp if the value of q_id is not in my database, but i dont know how to do it?

q_id = request("q_id")

sql = "SELECT * FROM questions WHERE PARENT_ID = 1"
Set objRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS2.Open sql, objConn

sql_sql = "SELECT * FROM questions WHERE PARENT_ID = " & q_id
Set objRS3 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS3.Open sql_sql, objConn


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AND Statement

my AND statement is not working and I dont know why????

sql = "SELECT * FROM calls WHERE tech=" & userID "AND status = Open"

tech and status are the DB fields

userID is a variable

Open is just a word

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If..Else Statement

i make a form with an AccountId box on it , when u enter the accountid in the box , and submit it will send u to a page that show u all the data for this accountid(retreive data)

until here everything is ok , and when i enter for ex. accountid : 5 , all the aacountid fiel data will be show to me , but the problem when i enter am unvalid accountid , it will give the error page that

what iwant to do that i want when i enter an unvaildaccountid an error text show to me like

response.write("The Id that u entered is unvaild , Try Again")

and this is the code , if u can change on it Code:

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IF Statement

I am trying to use the following IF statement, and whenever I use a
single or double quote, I receive a syntax error. When using no
quotes, the syntax is accepted, but the statement does not perform

***The problem line***
<% if violation_type=''Tardy'' THEN %>
***rest of the statement***
<% if rs2.Fields(0) = 0 THEN %>
This is the first unexcused Tardy violation for this employee. A
coaching is required. Click <A HREF=blah>HERE</Ato issue the
<% ELSE %>
This employee has <%response.write(rs2.Fields(0))%previous
<% END IF %>
<% ELSE %>
The <%response.write(violation_type)%violation has been recorded.
<% END IF %>

Variables defined:
violation_type = request.form("violation_type")

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If/Then Statement

On a page with a form (post method) and a hidden field "Process value = true", why would this statement not work:

if request.Form("Process") = "true" THEN
The code in here sends an email to the user via CDOSYS
End IF

This is what I have going on and it does not send the emal when the form is posted. Removing the If statement obviously sends the email the moment the form page is accessed, but thats not right.

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Statement Not Following

i have a couple of if statements and it goes something like this, the user will try entering their username and password in the login page then they will be taken to a verify page, then it will decided if the user can be send to the login page again or to the invalid page. The problem is that after 3 times the user is still send to the login page and not the invalid page My verify page code is :-
session("try") = try
if try = "" then
try = 0
try = try + 1
end if
if try <> 3 then
end if

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My Sql Statement

Recordset1.Source = "SELECT `bestsellerslists`.`itemnumber`, `bestsellerslists`.`list`, `products`.`Product_ID`, `products`.`Product_Name`, `products`.`Price`, `products`.`Sale_Price`, `products`.`Smallpic` FROM `bestsellerslists` INNER JOIN `products` ON (`bestsellerslists`.`itemnumber` = `products`.`Product_ID`) WHERE (`bestsellerslists`.`list` = "girlinfant")"

In Macromedia, the recordset tests fine. When I start the page, I get an error. Do you see anything wrong with this? If I delete the WHERE clause it works.

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If Statement

I'm having a problem with my variables. They print to screen fine, but when I try comparing them, they don't work. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

If Category <> CurrentCategory then
response.write "<tr><td>Category:" & Category & "</td></tr>"
response.write "<tr><td>CurCategory:" & CurrentCategory & "</td></tr>"
response.write "<tr><td>hello</td></tr>"
End If


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If Statement

I am passing in values either customer id (key) or their names (name) from a form .
You don't have to use both the id and the name to search for the customer however I don't know how to do this!
If the keyform = "" then , use the name to find the customer
can't find it! this is what I have at the moment :

keyForm = Trim(request("key"))
name Form = Trim(request("name "))
Dim name , cyfeiriad, tref, sir, codpost, ebost, ffon, cyfrif, dyddiad
Set dnsSQL = g_con.Execute("SELECT key_user_accounts,name ,cyfeiriad,tref,sir,codpost,ebost,ffon,cyfrif,dydd iadcreucyfrif from cwsmeriaid Where key_user_accounts = " & keyForm & "
if not name = "" then and name = '" & nameForm & "'")
else ")
end if

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End Of Statement

ii am using a statement to send a query to the SQL server and i am getting errors like expected end of statement.
what might be the problem and do i use a statement like this for dynamically assign values or it's better to use stored procedures.

dim mySQL="Select * from logindetails where loginname='" & logname & "'"

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SQL - Like Statement

what am i doing wrong:

SELECT * FROM Tablename WHERE Content LIKE '%Netcapa%';

this is the error im getting

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'

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SQL Statement How To Do It

I was wondering how do you arite an SQL statement that only displays the list of projects from the last 30 days (i do have a date field as well)

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If Statement

I have this code:

<%=strContent%><br><%=getData("News", "TOP 5 *", 1, 0, "News_title", "News_Date", "News_Id", "news.asp", "100%")%>

which brings back news data from the db

how can I write an IF statement to check if the news page is displaying an id and if it so not display the code... ie Code:

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If.. Else.. Statement

I'm fairly new to coding in asp and i'm trying to create a simple if.. else... condition.
It's for asp web page, and is linked to my database, but i figured since it's a basic question, it would belong in the General newsgroup.

All i am trying to, is, on my web page I have a table cell, that feeds off my database.
If there's something in the database in that particular field, then I want it to be displayed, If not, then rather the cell return a blank field, I want a picture from another field.....

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IF Statement

How can I do the following:

If recordset is empty, redirect to page1 but if recordset has something in,
redirect to page 2.

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IF Statement

How can I use an "IF" statement to decide what to write depending on the content of a field. I've usually been just designing my database around using

if isnull(rs_events.Fields.Item("f_register")) then response.write("")

But I would like to change my current schemas so that I can make a smaller database, so that

if (rs_events.Fields.Item("f_register")) = "Yes" then response.write("Yes") else response.write("No")

How can I acheive this?

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If Statement

I'm trying to write an if statement that shows a message if there are no records to display that match my select statement:

employment_op.Source = "SELECT Employment_Display, Employment_Link, Employment_ID, Employment_Category, Employment_Position_Title, Employment_Qualifications, Employment_Description, Employment_Application_Details FROM dbo.hr_employment_opportunities WHERE Employment_Display = '1' AND Employment_Category = 'Staff' ORDER BY Employment_Position_Title"

I was trying to use

if employment_op_numRows = 0 then
response.write "No Current Openings"
end if

Which doesn't return anything - can somone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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LIKE Statement

In an sql query in my asp page, how do i find all records that have the word ERROR: in the first part of it?

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If/Then Statement

I have been screwing with this for over 1 week now.The only time this works,is when the if statement is at the very top of the page.This presents a whole new problem because now I can't grab the variable from the recordset and I need to get it from a hidden field "request.QueryString.

How can I pass the users email address variable from a hidden field to the CALL statement without anyone seeing it in Source View?Quote:Originally Posted by janusz-jasinski I'm not sure what's going on in that case.I used same script and worked here.

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