SQL Statement For Creating A Checkbox In Access

Can anyone tell me the SQL statement for creating a Yes/No checkbox column in Access.

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Creating SQL Statement

I have a search page to which one of the search criteria is Value. For this i have created two drop down menu's and populated them myself with the values i want the user to search by i.e between 0 & 500000 etc. I just cant get it to work, can someone pls check out the SQL code below and see where i am going wrong. firstvalue and secondvalue are the names of the dropdowns on the search page.


WHERE project LIKE '%proj%' AND location LIKE '%loc%' AND project_type LIKE '%type%' AND client_name LIKE '%client%' AND value_id >= 'firstvalue' AND value_id <= 'secondvalue'

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ASP Checkbox Default Checked From Access

I have a contact list in an Access database.

I have a table that contains contacts a table that contains categories and a third table that is a join table that assigns users to categories in a many-to-many relationship.

I have a script that creates a series of checkboxes from the categories table so when a new contact is added the user can select multiple checkboxes, categories, to place the user into.

I want to be able to edit a contact by clicking their name that takes them to a ContactUpdate.asp form that is already filled with all of the values for the contact. Their name, address, phone number etc. however I want the checkboxes,categories, that the contact is already in to be selected on the ContactUpdate.asp page.

I need the user to know what categories the contact is already in.

Here is the code I already have that creates the checkboxes. When a contact is added so I'm sure the contact update will be some variation: Code:

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ASP, Access, Checkbox, Multiple Delete

I have to develop a page where, based on status some records are selected from the Access database and displayed. A checkbox is displayed beside every record.

Some checkboxes can be selected and the corresponding record should be deleted if the delete bottun is pressed.

I know how to select the records from the database and perform multiple delete. But do not know how to link the database and the checkboxes. Anybody has any ideas??

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Form Checkbox Access Yes/No Field Entry

i have a checkbox Code:

<input class="txtbox" type="checkbox" name="C1" value="ON">

it will correspond to a field in my ms access database that has a Yes/No data type. when the box is ticked, i would simply like the value Yes to be entered into the database..

i enter other elements of my form (a input text box for example) using Code:

rsAddComments.Fields("area") = Request.Form("area")

so what would the entry code look like similar to this.. and what would the for checkbox code look like?

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Creating PDF From Access

I have a need to have an end user enter information into a database from the web and have them be able to produce a pdf document/application to be able to download in the pdf format.I need to know how to create the report in Access FROM the web.Is there any routine that can call an Access report from the web? and, create a pdf from that call?

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Creating An Access Database

Is it possible to create a database of any sort not only Access using nothing but code?

To this day I still create databases using Access on my hardrive then upgrade them and use code to modify them... would be very convinient if there was a way to just create with ASP code and edit from ASP as well...

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Creating Access Tables

if its possible to create a database from an asp script? My task is to make user surveys where a user selects elements such as text boxes,drop down menues etc from a form, I then have to to make the corresponding table in Microsoft Access.

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Sql Statement In Access

I am trying to do a simple insert statement in asp (ado) to access.

If I take the same statement and run it in access it works.
If I run it by doing conn.execute in sql I get
an error

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'

Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

Does anyone have any idea why?

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Access SQL Statement

I have an SQL statement which is acting funky. I can't get the result set I want.

SelectStatement = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE (publish <= " & dateToday & " ) AND (expire_date >= "& dateToday & " ) ORDER BY first_day ASC"

publish = date/time
expire_date = date/time
first_day = date/time
dateToday = Date

All I want are results that the:

'publish' date is before and including today
today is equal to or less than 'expire_date'.

These are articles that have a publish and expire date. They should be included in the result set if 'dateToday' fall in between those dates.

I don't get any results with this query - but no errors. Am I missing something?

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SQL Statement Using Access

I'm trying to generate this basic recordset within Dreamweaver and I'm having trouble figuring out the correct way to write out this SQL statement. I would like to pull out everything from my products table that has the word Ash in the description. I'm using the following:

SELECT * FROM products WHERE productDescription LIKE 'Ash'

I don't get an error, but it returns nothing.

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Access Iif Statement

I currently have to make a change to a file where 123405678 has to be changed to 1234X5678. I am changing numeric to alpha for multiple records...the values are 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, and so on. i am only making the change in the 5 position. Would this be an iif statement? If so, how would I begin the statement.

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INNER JOIN Statement MS Access

What am I doing wrong in this statement?Code:

SELECT * FROM hebbooktable INNER JOIN hebrewbibletable ON hebbooktable.book = hebrewbibletable.book WHERE text_data LIKE '%bra%' ORDER BY id ASC

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e10'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.

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Access Like Statement Problem

From a search form I perform a query on an access table that uses the like statement on many columns. e.g.

select ____ from people where specialty LIKE '%%' and firstname like '%%' etc etc

The problem is that the statement does not pick up null values, so it omits certain records. This table is constantly updated and when I import the updates null values go into the columns where there is no value.

My question is this: is there a way I can include records with null values for my query WITHOUT having to change the query? I realize I might be able to use where specialty LIKE '%%' or specialty IS NULL, but I would really prefer not to change the SQL.

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Access Insert Statement

I am used to SQL Server, no Access, but this one thing has to be done in
Access. Can you tell me if this query will work, based on the syntax?

I am trying create a new row on the database, in one table, and the primary
key is an Autonumber called PersonalID. This is on the second page, which
shows after the personal has filled out some info on the first page, then
submitted the form using POST. Database name is Shape, and table is named
Personal. Code:

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Would anyone know how to write an UPDATE Statement in ACCESS that contains more than one variable? For instance, something like this: Code:

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"OR" Access Query From ASP (via Checkbox)

The setup:
Access database of vendors. A vendor can offer one or more services.

ASP page provides user a checkbox of services. User clicks one or more options and submits. The database should return all vendors that match the services selected.

No dice. I can of course easily pull up vendors that match one service. But the multiple options are treated as an AND search. I don't want to find only vendors that provide all the services checked, but all the vendors that provide one or more of the services selected by the user.

I have tried stored procedures in Access and SQL statements. I either get data type errors or nothing found.

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Error :: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

I have this insert statement where instruction field in the DB is a memo field.

SQL="INSERT INTO int ([instruction]) VALUES " & _


Its giving me error:
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

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Checkbox Value?

is there a way of having a dropdownlist and a text field with a checkbox so that you can check a box and have the vaule assigned from a option selct list or check another box and have the value assigned from a textfield?

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Asp And Checkbox

I would like to make an interaction with a database using ADO and SQL. I would like to display some parts of the database using checkboxes to choose the different parts. But I don't know how to build the SQL command in fuction of which checkbox is checked.

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Checkbox Value

how to write sql to give value true in db?

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If Else Using Checkbox Value

I have a checkbox which is used to determine whether or not the user wants to display a map of their business with their listing the value of which is being written into a database.

When I am outputting the listings I am just trying to use a simple if else statement

i.e. If(ShowMap = true)Then
Response.Write("<td>Show Map</td>")
Response.Write("<td>No Map</td>")
End If

Problem is I know the database contains different values for ShowMap i.e. some true, some false. Yet when I use this code, No Map is output for all records.

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Using A Checkbox

I have a profile search where people can search through our dating profiles. I want to add a checkbox which when checked filters out those records where the recordfield pictures is empty.

I have problems figuring out what the checked value of the checkbox should be and how to use the information from the checkbox in the searchresults page to build the record set. For understanding, if a user does not have a picture the picture field is empty.

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Value In Checkbox

I am trying to display the value of a true/false value in my table through the use of the following:

<input type=checkbox name=FieldLabCheck value=" &
objRecordset("FieldLaborSuper") & "></input>

it doesn't work though.... what am I doing wrong.

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Value Of Checkbox

I have a checkbox in a form from which I want to collect the value.
<input type="checkbox" name="Question11a" value="a">

In the asp page that is called on submit of the form, I declare a variable, iQuestion11a, and request the value of this checkbox:
iQuestion11a = Request("Question11a")

When I print out the value to an html page <% response.write(iQuestion11a) %> it is empty.

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Checkbox's Value

I made this code:

dim xyz
xyz = Request.Form("checkbox1")
<FORM action="Forwarding.asp" method=post id=form1 name=form1>
<INPUT type="checkbox" id="checkbox1" name="checkbox1"><BR>

but, xyz can't get the "checkbox1"'s value.

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Checkbox Set To OFF

When using checkboxes on a form, if you uncheck them, the unchecked name/value pair in the Request.Form collection doesn't show up. It only shows when the checkbox is set to ON. Is this correct? What's the workaround if it is?

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I know there is a way to update records with a checkbox. Is there a way to update this records (with different value)by unchecking the checkbox?

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Checkbox With Textbox

anyone have any idea how to do checkbox with textbox beside.

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Checkbox Disable

if i want to display many records from database with each record has one checkbox.. if the record do not meet the constraints.. e.g. if supplier name has no email address.. then that checkbox will be disabled....the rest will appear.. i tried the disabled/// but no result.

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How To Update Checkbox !!

I have problem in updating checkbox (true-false) using SQL statement.

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Checkbox And Javascript

I have a JavaScript function that gets a boolean value and checks or unchecks a checkbox based on the boolean value.

function initialize_p(thevalue) {
if (thevalue) {

else {


In the example, I want form.cbx1 to be checked if 'thevalue' is true and unchecked if 'thevalue' is false. However, it's not working as desired. I used the alert stmt to see what it does:

- When 'thevalue' is true, it goes to the 1st part of the if stmt and checks the checkbox.
- When 'thevalue' is false, it still goes to the 1st part of the if stmt and checks the checkbox

It looks it never goes to the else!! I used alert stmts to see where it goes if the 'thevalue' is false (used alert to show me the value of 'thevalue' and where it is in the if stmt). I don't understand what's going on. Can anybody see what is wrong with the function?

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Checkbox And Two Variables

I need to assciate two varaibles dyanmically in value of the checkbox.
How can I do that? For ex., I have the following:

<td><input type='checkbox' name='chk<%=i%>' value='<%=rs("Field1")%>'>

Above, I need to add second fields value from database in value
property of the checkbox.

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