SSL Port 443 Only For Certain Pages

I've got an asp app that needs to use SSL only for certain pages. Is there a way to shut off port 80 for certain pages (HTTS pages), but have it open for other pages? Can this be done in IIS? OR is this something we can do testing server variables in the asp classic vb script code? OR, do we set up another web site that has port 443 closed and only have the secure pages on that web site with port 80 closed?

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Com Port Or Print Port

do u have experience in using browsers (IE or Firefox) control hardwares like barcode printer or com port before? can it be done? if yes is it using ActiveX to achieve it?

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Opening Port 80

how to open port 80 so that I can access my website from other computers?I am using Xp professional.

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Port Trought Asp

i use a dll (ASP) that uses the serial port to connect to a out of date disk reader
that work fine if the disk reader is hook up to the servers serial port

is there any way to hook up the disk reader to a CLIENTS computer let im navigate to my web page(ASP) and use it trought web
what technologies are involved

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Changing The Port (80) Of IIS

i am running iis and apache i want to change the port of iis to e.g can i change it?

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Default Port

i set up iis 5.0 on my local machine(win2kpro) (on a pvt LAN) at the default port. when i try to access asp it gives http 500 error. i have been able to configure cgi scripts but asp still doesnt work.

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Finding A Port

i know how to find the available server names, how can i find the ports?

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Port Interface

Is asp/ able to interface with the PC's I/O ports? I'm currently doing a program on VB using the SDK from the vendor to interface my biometric scanner to my PC using usb port. Can this same thing be done using asp?

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Port In Connections

i have a connection string (this all in asp )

tCSCst = Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=test02x2;Port=1444;Initial
Catalog=<cataloge>;User ID=<id>;Password=<password>

Set testCaseServerConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
testCaseServerConn.Open tCSCstr

but i get the following error

An error occured:-2147467259 - Invalid connection string attribute

the problem seems to be the port itself, if i use 1433 then it works fine.

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ASP Port Script

I need a asp script which can open port on a server. I have ads running in a server. Since there r too many http requests, server is hanging.

The server load is 100%. I plan to switch from http to port technology. I need help to write a script in asp which can open port on a server, so that there can be free flow of data.

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Enterprise Manager Port?

I'm trying to use Enterprise Manager to manage my remote SQL database, but I can't seem
to get a connection. I think my cable ISP Comcast may be blocking the port EM uses.

What port does Enterprise Manager use to communicate with SQL?

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Printing To Serial Port

I have to setup a point-of-sale system for a friend. He has a PC, barcode scanner, receipt printer and cashdrawer.

The receipt printer connects to the serial port.
The cashdrawer connects to the printer.
The barcode scanner has a keyboard wedge.

Do I need to setup the receipt printer as a windows printer?
OR can I send output directly to the serial port using ASP?

The salesman told us that there is an epson escape sequence that you append to the end of the sales receipt information, which will kick the cashdrawer open, so that sounds simple enough. Just not sure on how the printer should be setup/configured so I can send the escape sequences to open the cashdrawer.

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Getting Client (RemoteHost) IP And Port

How do I get the client Ip and Port in an ASP page. I know about server.variables (REMOTEHOST) for the ip address, but how do I get the port of the remotehost (client).

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Port Connection Counting

i have a server and client game that uses a port for ppl to connect to. so they can play

port : 7234

i want to create a asp page that tells you how many connections are currently connected to the port (ie users playing)does anyone know the code to do that. ive spent all day looking for some code but cant find any.

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ASP Code For Connecting To A Different SMTP Port

I am trying to find out how to connect to a different SMTP port
in ASP.

My default SMTP Port 25 which has been setup for SSL authentication
and works fine.

From ASP pages, I do not want to do SSL and therefore, need to send mail
through a different SMTP port (997). How can I do this?

Here is my ASP Code:

Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("TCPObj.SMTP")
Mailer.FromName = "my company."
Mailer.FromAddress = ""
Mailer.To = Email
Mailer.SMTPServer = ""
Mailer.Subject = "test email!"

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Specify SQL Server Port In Connection String?

We are planning to change the port that SQL Server is listening on at our Web Hosting company(TELUS).

Our SQL Server is being attacked. There are thousands of unauthorized attempts to login.

Is it possible to specify port number
in ASP code?

here is my cn:

How should it look like if let's say our SQL port is 32566?

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Error Using The Port In Connection String

i have a connection string (this all in asp )

tCSCst = Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=<bd>;Port=1444;Initial
Catalog=<cataloge>;User ID=<id>;Password=<password>

Set testCaseServerConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
testCaseServerConn.Open tCSCstr

but i get the following error:

An error occured:-2147467259 - Invalid connection string attribute

the problem seems to be the port itself, if i use 1433 then it works

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ASP.NET Capturing USB Port Events In Both Windows And Linux

I need to develop a web application in which can detect a USB device and capture its

For example when a person access the web page and connects the device to his machine he shld be

able to detect the device and shld be able to read or write into it.
I wrote a java program using jusb and called that in an applet..though it worked it needed lot

of client side configurations.

My requirement is that there should not be any configurations in client side and things shld

work smoothly.
I know some one had done this in asp and javascript. but i don't know how its done.

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Asp Pages Randomly Showing As Blank White Pages

Using IIS 5.0 and sometime some asp pages (absolutely
randomly) showing as blank white pages. So far only one
way of fixing it - restart whole server. Restarting IIS,
or specific web server not helping, only whole server.

I enable server side and client side debugging, but no
errors showing up...

In view source pages always look like this:
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;

Any idea why it can happened and how to fix?

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Old Pages / Cached Pages

I am always getting cached pages even contents of the page changed on the server but I am getting old page (data).How to solve this.

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Creat Pages Using Other Pages

is it possible to create pages using other pages. Here is an example... Can I make a page that has a menu on it, but the menu is actually a seperate page that I call with ASP?

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ASP Pages

We run a website with pages that are created using ASP. The website is
used by different people from different networks. For some people, the
pages are stuck. It looks like the were able to open the page, but it
is not displayed on their browser. We think that it might be something
to do with their proxy. Does anybody know how to solve this problem?

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IIS 6.0 404 Pages

I had a 404 page set up in IIS 5.0 that would the the URL of the requested page from the query string. i recently upgraded to IIS 6.0 but it doesn't seem to put the requested URL in the query string as it did in IIS 5.0 and 3.0. Does anyone know how i can get the requested url property in IIS 6?

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I have a bout 5 different pages of which each will contain a form requiring users to complete. These forms are all related as one project. It is necessary that if the user was to only complete the first form they could theoretically quit, come back later (time not dependant) and complete the remaining pages. Therefore I think the best way to do this is to write the values to the database upon each click of the next button. The only other issue with this is that the user will also be receiving a pdf file at the end of the full form submission with all their information inserted into this pdf and finalized. Now. I am aware of pdflib in which I need php but my choice was to do this in asp. What are my options here? Should I combine them, should I draw all the info from the db at the very end with php and then create the pdf, should I use sessions during the entire process

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When pages are made in, loading on the
local host displays the labels all in the top left corner
of the screen. Also, all textboxes and image buttons are
not even displayed at all. If pages are made on a remote
server, they load perfetly fine, it is just the local host
displaying them incorrectly. Is this a common problem?? I
have iis 5.0 installed with windows 2000. i use the full
version of to make pages.

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ASP 3.0 Pages

I have a web site I've recently moved to a new provider.It has
worked for years.On the new provider's servers ( Win2k Server .NET 1.1 )
my asp 3.0 pages often don't completely execute.
Here is what happens: Most of the page starts displaying in the browser,
then you see some HTML, then nothing.
If you refresh a few times, the page finally completely loads. There is
never an error reported during any of this.

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Cannot Run ASP Pages

I have installed IIS 5 on Windows 2000 Server and have applied all the neccessary updates and patches. I am unable to run any ASP pages on the local server. I am able to view the HTML pages though. I have checked everything but cannot seem to figure it out. I end up getting HTTP 500 for all the web pages.

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I am trying to setup a demo server for an web site that is working on my real website. The demo is Win2K and I have installed .net framework and IIS, both successfully,I think.
The problem is that when I try to access the demo site, the pages are not being served correctly - only lables are displayed, and not as configured. HTML pages display correclty. I tried to run aspnet_regiss, but get an unkown function error.

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How To Do ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ) Pages

i can make a database, add entries to database, delete from database, but the only thing i want is "How to divide entries in Pages" like we can see in the guest-book etc Scripts.
This is an Example: Quote:

Entries: 500 Pages: 1|2|3|4|5

how to divide the entries in pages, like 10 entries per page..?

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Same URL Different Pages

I've got a site that's been up and running for a couple of years.I've added some new stuff and it looks fine on my computer. However other people are seeing the old stuff.

I've tried a manual refresh of both my browser and theirs but nothing, the URL's are identical . This is a real problem as i'm away for a month as of Friday and the site is needed for a project.

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Htm Pages To Asp Pages

Our website is in html format. I want to change it to asp. I have already created my index page and have it on the server as index.asp. When I load the website it brings it up with no problem. On this index page I have links to all the pages on the website which are basically articles of varying lengths.

I want to use the query string (i.e. page.asp?pageid= or authorid=) ect. to load that article. Do I need to develop a database to store these articles in? If so can I include the formating code in the database field for the article itself. My fields in the database (ms access) would have for example article_id, author_id, article_txt, ect. How much can I place in a particular field (txt wise)?

I understand that the information passed in the query string after the ? searches the database for a match. Once it finds a match how do I display the article and have my formatting included, ect.? I hope this makes some sense.

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IIS(5.0) Asp Pages

We have moved a web site from a development server running Windows 2000 and IIS 5 to a Windows 2003 server running IIS 6.0 Now the asp pages do not work correctly. For example, request.form() no longer returns data from the calling form.

I have turned web services extensions on to allow active server pages. The pages do work to some extent, I can even setup a connection to a database and retrieve stored procedure parameters, but some elements do not work. What else do I have to do to make an IIS 6.0 server run asp from a previous version of IIS?

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401.2 On Pages

I have IIS running and can get it to display htm pages, but not ASP. I get 401.2, invalid config on server. I've run authdiag, but can't glean the answer from its results.

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