Same Problem New Instance. Insert Radio

need inserting the radio buttons that are checked. Ok I'm trying to insert the user picks but i need help on first renaming each set of radio buttons so they can select one from each group then i need help on inserting the ones selected. Code:

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How To Validate One Radio Button Against Another Group Of Radio Buttons?

I have a group of radio buttons with the same name (which are in turn generated by the database). Since they share the same name, I can select only one of them.

Now I have another radio button which is not a part of the above group, but this radio button opens up a report which has different set of parameters to open a crystal report.

Now I want to know how to select only one radio button. Either from the group or this single radio button. User can select only 1 radio button at a time. Code:

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Select All Radio Buttons When Clicked On A Certain Radio Button

what coding used to select all the radio buttons when clicked on a certain radio button? example is the delete of the mail of radio buttons?

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SECOND Instance

I have a script that looks for a phone number. I use an instr to see if
it finds a - for the phone number. I them grab the 3 characters before
and 4 after for the phone number. Works well, except when someone uses
the - in the text.How can look for the second instance of the - if the right 4 characters
past the - are not numeric?

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How To Use Class Instance In

I have a Class and i want to be able to use its instance
public class Enrolltest : System.Web.UI.Page
MyClass mc = new MyClass();



when i do this i get an error telling me there is no name space what should i do .,,.
i dont want to create a dll and add it to assembly and all that stuff.

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Creating An Instance

How to create an instance of Internet Explorer from classic ASP? I want
to create an instance of IE and then subsequently load a webpage through
this object.I am aware of creating web pages through scripting.
Long way to go before I sleep .

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Another Instance Of Explorer

How do i lanch a new instance of explorer from withing a current web page.I want to click on a link that take me to a new page in another "window" so that when i close it i see the old window.

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Display Only First Instance Of Record

.asp, vbscript, ms Access

I want to display a list of records on my page, like this:
California - Los Angeles - Sheraton
- Los Angeles - Meridian
- San Diego - Mercury
Colorado - Denver - ..................

ie. only display first instance of California..

Can this be done..

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Instance Of An Object"

A three-tier user authentication system was running without a problem for almost a year and now is suddenly dysfunctional. We don't know of any changes to any of the servers. It's quite maddening. The details:

1) We know the COM+ app is instanced on the COM+ server (Win 2000). The component graphic spins when CreateObject is called.

2) The proxy is installed on an IIS server (Win 2000) with delivers the interface, written in ASP, to the client PC.

3) These are the error messages displayed when a method of DAMS is called:

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Opening Instance Of Excel Through Asp

when i try to open an excel spreadsheet using the
following code, the process just hangs IF the spreadsheet
contains macros:

Set objXls = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objXls.DisplayAlerts = False
objXls.Visible = False
objXls.Workbooks.Open my_excel_path '<-- hangs here

this worked on iis4, but since moving this to iis5 it
fails under the aformentioned circumstances. my guess is
that the macro security has something to do with it as a
dialog box will pop up if macro security is set to medium,
but i'm not sure this is really the problem. if it was,
what profile should change the macro security on the
server? when task manager is opened on the server to see
the hanging task, it shows SYSTEM as the process owner...

any ideas?

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Create Instance Of Filesystemobject

My server chokes when i try to use the filesystemobject. I'm running IIS v5.1 on XP Pro and it stalls when i try to create a text file or open one. Here's an example script that fails on the 3rd line.

dim filesys, filetxt
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set filetxt = filesys.CreateTextFile("C:InetpubwwwrootAIS estfile.txt", True)

filetxt.WriteLine("Here's the text...")

set filetxt = nothing
set filesys = nothing

Am not sure where to start troubleshooting .

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Killing COM+ Object Instance

How to set timeout for COM+ object instance? If any instance is running more than 15 minutes, I want COM+ application to kill the instance automatically. Is there any way to set this?

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Show Only One Instance Of Multiple Identical Items?

If I have 30 of the same cmpycd in the column, it brings it all up. I think this is one of those IF/THEN things, but not sure how to impliment it in the code.

All I want to do is show one instance of each unique item that exists in the cmpycd column. If it exists 300 times, I just want to show it once. Then also show the compFN that is also in the same row.

I can make it count and show how many are of each, but I cannot seem to get it to display just one of each. Code:

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How To Prevent Duplicate Values When Using BULK INSERT To Insert CSV To SQL Server?

How to prevent duplicate values when using BULK INSERT to insert CSV to SQL Server? Code:

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Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object.

We are using .net 1.1 on windows 2003 server. This is we are facing in our
production server.

When we are doing the load testing we are getting the bellow error. While
the load testing this error is not coming frequently. When we run 20 threads
for 3 mins we are getting this error message 2 or 3 times. But this line of
code is executed by all the threads. Code:

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3 Radio Buttons

i have 3 radio buttons on the form plain simple form

<input type="radio" name="Cars" id="Cars" value="vehicles_Cars">Cars
<input type="radio" name="Trucks" id="Trucks" value="vehicles_Trucks">Trucks
<input type="radio" name="Bicyles" id="Bicyles" value="vehicles_Bicyles">Bicyles

what i want to do is when the user clicks on one of them show a different form
if the user selects cars show cars forms this form will have different fields and different validation
if the user clicks on trucks show trucks form and that will have different fields and so on

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Radio Button

I have two radio button and one input filed on my form. What I want a do when user change the selection then I want a display the today date into enterdate input filed. Then later I can add this date into database.
How can I do that.

input type="radio" name="GType" value="Pending" <%=iif(GApproval="Pending","checked","")%>[PHPNET][/PHPNET]>Pending

<input type="radio" name="GType" value="Approve" <%=iif(GApproval ="Approve","checked","")%>>Approve

<input type=text name=enterdate value="” maxlength=5 size=3>

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Radio Button

I have a search form. It has 2 radio buttons - 'all words' and 'any words'. The 'all words' is checked when the page is loaded. If the user checks the second radio button, then searches, on the results page (the search inputs stay at the top of the page as the form submits to itself), the checked radio button goes back to its checked default of 'all words'. Is there any way of making the checked button stay on the button the user clicked when going to the results page? Hope this makes sense.

<input type='radio' name='mode' value='allwords' CHECKED>
<input type='radio' name='mode' value=anywords'>

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Radio Button Value

i need your help, i have a form with 2 radio buttons(title1 and title2), a textbox and a submit button,(the form is called search and its posting to searchresults.asp) and i have 2 procs corresponding to each radio button.

what i want to do is,when a search button is clicked, radio button value checked must execute a specific proc(meaning the value must be passed to searchresults.asp and execute a proc accordingly)

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Radio Button

If i design a page(registration) in html.Can i use 2 radio button inside 1 from which method is post.If 1end user click 1radio buttonthen corresponding some text field will visible and vice versa for another radio button.after filling the values click submit to hold all the values.Can it be possible if yes then how can i do that?give me tutorial or anything which can guide me reagaring this.

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Radio Broadcasting

I would like to allow users to listen to live radio broadcasting within my ASP page, is this possible?show me some code?

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Radio Button

I am displaying a student id and then the name the student id is stored in a radio button and when a user selects the radio button i refresh the page and display all the information for that student

whats happening is the user selects a student and the page is refreshed but the radio button is unchecked after the student is selectedi have a if loop to check but its not working.can any one tell me why is it so?

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Radio BTN Results

I have a form email that was built in a .html doc that posts to a formsubmit.asp page. I have radio buttons in the form email-how do I get the results of the radio button selection to post in the email?

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Value Of Radio Button

I have a page that displays records from a table. I have a form on the page that contains radio buttons so that the user can choose the types of records to display. This works fine and the display is changed when the user selects a radio button.
When the page displays the records, the radio button the user selected is not highlighted. How can I show the radio button selected?

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Checking Radio

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'email'.
/sois/process.asp, line 142

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM email WHERE email =" & email & ""

set objNO = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
142: strSQL, db, 1,3

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WebCam With Radio

I need to start a project by putting a Radio on the Internet and at the same time 10 - 20 different WebCams at strategic points in the country.. how can I do this and what should I keep in mind (Technical details).

Never did something with radio or WebCam's before.. only normal Web Designing and ASP programming. Should I handle everything with a Linux Server and SQL Dbase?

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2 Radio Buttons

i have 2 radio buttons i want to fire a alert if the first one is selected here is my code

<input type="radio" name="vehicles" value="Cars"/>Cars
<input type="radio" name="vehicles" value="Bikes"/>Bikes

and here is the javascript

alert("Cars was selected");
return false;

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Radio Button Question

I currently have 3 radio buttons... depending on which button is selected It writes a value to SQL... how can i get the page to remember which value was selected and have that value remain selected when the page reloads??!

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Radio Button Updating SQL

I have 3 Radio buttons that have the values 1,2,3 attached to them.... I'd like to be able to post the value to SQL according to which Radio Button is selected....

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Radio Button Selection

I have this code the value thats stored in table is Yes in College_Assistance field

so i want to select the Yes radio button

but its not selecting

when i see he view source it doesnt say checked="true"

any idea why. Code:

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Disable Radio Button

here is the script

<input <%If (CStr((Recordset1.Fields.Item("co1").Value)) = CStr("Mercedes")) Then Response.Write("checked=""checked""") : Response.Write("")%> name="radio1" type="radio" id="bbd" value="Mercedes">

I need the radio button disabled if the value in the string matches "Mercedes" and not checked. How do I change it?

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Modifying A Radio Button

I cannot remember how you modify a radio button value that comes from a database. Here's my code:


<td align="right"><font face="Arial" size=-1><strong>

Show Email Address?</strong></font></td>

<td> <input type="radio" name="radEmail" value="<%=ShowEmail%>" checked>


<input type="radio" name="radEmail" value=No>


I am using a SQL Server database. I am using a bit datatype. O is true and 1 is False. How do I get the radio button to have the correct value checked for a certain record?

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Radio Button Selection

I have 4 radio buttons

<input type="radio" name="One" value="One" checked
<input type="radio" name="Two" value="two"
<input type="radio" name="Three" value="Three"
<input type="radio" name="Fout" value="Four" >

How do i remember wich one was selected when the page is posted back.Meaning having all options back with the selected one being checked.

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