Save Session In Firefox After Reload

I have an problem with Firefox. I'm using an username and password session in asp. And IE uses the sessions after i reload/refresh a page. But in Firefox i have to login again. It doesn't save the sessions for later use.

Does anybody know the sollution? Because I've searched everywhere.

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Session End Warning On Refresh / Reload

when the senssion ends a message box pops up and alerts the customer that it has ended, but I would only know how to do it after they reload the page or soemthing to check if the session ended. Anyone know how to make a msgbox pop up as soon as the session ends? Also in IIS, is there a place where you can set the sesssion length?

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Session Variables Dropped In Firefox

I'm developing an online shopping site in ASP using session variables for the basket held in a global.asa. The site works fine in IE but Firefox doesn't pick up the session variables. I've searched for an answer to this but with no luck.

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Reload Itself

I have a page and on submit it creates hidden fields that are populated with required data, but at the same time it creates another form below it and that form is to call some data from the hidden values.

I am wondering if there is a way to have the second form "resubmit" once it is created?

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I am looking for some sample code. I have an ASP page that uses frames. I will call them Frame 1, Frame 2, Frame 3. Frame 2 has a three dropdown lists, I want to utilize Frame 3 based on what was selected in Frame 2. I kind of understand about the client/server thing, I think all I need to do is re-load the page somehow. Maybe onchange event with the passing of a variable or two.

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Reload Problem

I have a data entry page which allows a user to insert or edit values
in a SQL-Server 2000 database. A section of the page also displays any
existing values already in the database, and allows the user to delete
them. Exisitng values and the cooresponding delete button are
generated on the page dynamically, with one form created for each
value to delete. JScript is used to submit the appropriate form.

On my test machine with NT4.0, PWS, and IE6.0, the delete function
works fine, and the page is re-loaded with the deleted value removed.
However, on the production environment, which is NT4.0, IIS4.0, and
IE6.0, when the user deletes a value, the form seems to be re-loaded
from the cache, and the 'deleted' value is still displayed. Refreshing
the page manually, however, eliinates the deleted value.

So - the delete function is woking, but the page does not seemd to be
refreshed in the production environment. Does this all make sense so
far? Code:

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Reload SQL Data

I'm running a company intranet and the portion in question is the
company message board. Its becoming a very integral part of company
discussion on most of our projects. What I would like to be able to do is
have it so that a user can leave the message board opened and minimized and
have it alert him in some way when something new has been posted.
Unfortunately i dont want to just keep auto-refreshing the page at certain
intervals because i'm concerned about xp users (if it refreshes it'll start
flashing at them even if there is no new data, this could get annoying).

Is there a way to alert the page when posts occur or have the page check the
SQL database every so often without fully refreshing the page unless there
is a change to the database? I'm currently working in vbscript with some
javascript thrown in on some pages so an answer in either of these languages
would work for me.

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Page Reload

on my site, things update alot, and someone might not know something's changed if they come back in an hour...because of the cache. is there a object or something that can clear the cache? a good object would be:Code:

Response.Cache = Erase

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Reload Page

How do I get a text link a href to create a session variable and then reload the current page?

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Reload Forms

I have a database with clients. I have 3 types of clients.My table has the 3 categories of tables and in another table i have the properties of all the 3 different clients.I have a form now. The first field prompts the user to select the type of client he is. Depending on the category he inputs i want my form to reload and bring the exact properties to can i reload the form and bring the required fields each time the user selects a category.

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Reload The Page

How can I reload the page on click on the BACK button in browser? Or what's event happened on that click?

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Reload Options

We are viewing the same page on my server in New York. I submit or send something in to an ASP, and it returns to me an updated page. How do I get it to reload showing changes for you in Florida who is just sitting watching the page not touching anything?

I have a frames page setup. When I send in info, I have this code to show changes for me by an automatic reload. it works for me:

<javascript blah blah blah

parent.frames[2].location = 'dataRecov.asp?view=rs';"

How do I update your page in Florida live?

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Reload Frame

The page has Top frame (input) and bottom frame (result). The input html page send input to asp to generate result to bottom frame. The page works. But i wish to refresh bottom frame once i click the submit button to see the result by the java function

<script language =javascript>
function button1_onclick()

But the bottom frame does not reload. is my logic wrong? is it conflicted with form action or method?

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Reload A Page

On my web page the user first views a list of items, then he goes to the next page and makes changes. Then he is sent back to the first page. But the page dose not show the changes unless the user reloads the page. Is there any way to force the page to be reloaded up on return? Either from the page that sends the user back or from the list page its self? Here is a sample of the code that sends the user back to the list page:

<input type="button" value=" Go back to listings "
OnClick="javascript: history.go(-1)">

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Forcing A Reload

I've got a little shopping cart app which when you use all of the links on the pages, and buttons etc, things are good, the "shopping basket" on the left navigation updates and shows a sum of items and cost.

However, if you arrive at the home page for example, proceed to the products page, add an item and then click "back", you get a cached page.

I appreciate there are some lines of code I can use, both ASP and html to prevent the cachine, but what I dont want to incur instead is that error IE (and other browsers too I guess - how very Microsoft of me - shows when the page has expired, I think that would probably be worse than the cart not showing any items (or not showing the update) until a link was pressed.

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Reload Page

Im building a site which has a login field on top of every page. When the user logs in it is currently set up to go to the default.asp page

My issue is this: since the login is on every page I only want the page to reload when the user logs in. (it must reload to remove the login fields and replace them with the user account menu). I want the user to stay where they are when they login and not be sent to the default page

Right now in the Form field the action is set to:


<FORM ACTION="default.asp">

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Odd FireFox

The site in question is Roger Funk Cars
In IE it works fine. In FireFox when the page is displayed the navigation bar on the left side does not expand down, it leaves a gap. This happens on all pages depending on how much the side bar has to expand. The strange part is that if I refresh the page it will start working right.

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Firefox & ASP

why Firefox is displaying some of my ASP code to the user, it works fine in IE, is there a fix for this?

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Reload Part Of A Page.

is it possible to reload just one table row with out reloading the entire page? Or reloading just a table? i'm not thinking it's possible but if it is it's worth asking a qustion.

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Reload A Page From Its Iframe.

I cant get around this. Im working on a job interview scheduling system, and i wanna set my recordset to all the interviews scheduled from "tomorrow" and on....
so far I've got this query. Code:


this half works, since i dont get the dates from "today" but i do get results from "yesterday" or the day "yesterday" any suggestions?

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Submit Form Without Reload It

I want to be able to submit the form without refreshing or reload at all and keep the values. how it works?

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New Window Unexplainable Reload

i'm loading a new window from another page. but when i do for some reason the page it was loaded from kindof reloads, and all you see at the top of the page is

and the title has changed to a bit of this code i used to create the new window. also when i view source for the page that i loaded the new window from all it says is [object]. what am i doing wrong? here is the code i'm using to open the new window.
[CODE<a href=" ('details.asp?detail=<%=rsURL(0)%>', 'newwindow2', config='height=300, width=300, toolbar=yes, menubar=yes, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, location=yes, directories=yes, status=yes')"><img src="images/detail.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt=""></a>[/CODE]

any idea what i'm doing wrong?

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Function Reload Not Working

I took some code reference form a site using reload form after getting data based on drop-down box value. I changed all parameters as per my db, page is loading properly but after select item from drop down box, it does not reload and output query data. Code:

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Cookies IE Vs. Firefox

I am trying to create a cookie based on a querystring. Firefox creates and displays the cookie without a problem. IE on the other had seems to not even create the cookie. I HATE BUILDING FOR 2 BROWSERS!

Here is the creation code:

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Links In Firefox But Not IE

I wish to hide links, i'm at present trying to 'float' as such invisible links over a background image....
the line i'm wishin to use that i think is right is

#links a i {visibility: hidden;}

when taken out we can see the links, as needed, but the minute i add this line, they should be invisible but still there, this is the case in IE but with FF they disappear completely...

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Firefox Problem For XML

I'm almost finished with an ASP app that takes HTML form input and outputs that info into XML-ready text. The ASP creates the tags as follows:

Response.Write("&lt"&"item"&"&gt"), which works fine in IE, I get a nice

But in firefox I get:

Any ideas?

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ASP Different Results In Firefox And IE !

I have following code, picking an ID and saving it to Cookies.

ItemID = Request("prod")
Response.Cookies("THREES")(ItemID) = Request("prod")
Set rdset=objConn.Execute("SELECT ID, Name, Large, Description
FROM shop_products WHERE ID=" & ItemID)

In IE it works fine as it should, adding item id to Cookies

In Firefox it gives me the following error:

Cookies object, ASP 0102 (0x80004005)
The function expects a string as input.
/shop/addcart.asp, line 27

Any information on that. Any idea what is going wrong.

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ValidationSummary With Firefox

I'm using a ValidationSummary with ShowMessageBox set to "True". It's
working fine with internet explorer but when it comes to Mozilla
Firefox it's not the same. No window is opened.

What can I do to make it work properly?Is there a way to do it?

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Firefox When Using AJAX

I put some code together below, so you can see what I

If you test the link above with IE works as it is supose to, however it doesn't display any elements withing the <form> tags in Firefox.

By the way, I am loading the page using AJAX, if you call the ASP directly in Firefox then it works fine, but that's not what I am trying to

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Viewing Firefox

i have work on this 4 days already but still cannot find a way to the way i code cannot be support by firefox?it work well in IE,but firefox cannot work.i have upload the file, can someone pls help me on that?

the asp.txt is my asp page, while the menubar.txt is the js file that i include in the asp should work like ie.jpg but when i use firefox to browse,it show like firefox.jpg. is my code got problem?

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BinaryWrite And Firefox

I am using Response.BinaryWrite to write a PDF to the browser. Everything works great on IE and Safari but when I try to use Firefox the browser hangs. The title bar says application/pdf but nothing ever shows up. Going directly to the pdf works fine but unfortunately am unable to do that in the long run and must use BinaryWrite.

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Viewing In Firefox

i have work on this 4 days already but still cannot find a way to solve. is the way i code cannot be support by firefox??it work well in IE, but firefox cannot work. i have upload the file,. the asp.txt is my asp page, while the menubar.txt is the js file that i include in the asp page. it should work like ie.jpg but when i use firefox to browse, it show like firefox.jpg. is my code got problem?

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Firefox Problem

I was informed that one of out pages wasnt working. the user was on firefox and said our page wasnt functioning but whenever i use IE it works fine. is there any reason or something in the code that wouldnt allow a page to work with FF.

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