SaveToFile Relative Path

Is there a way to save a file to disk using objStream.SaveToFile using a relative path instead of an absolute path?

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Vbscript Src Does Not Load From Relative Path In IIS 6.0

I am loading a vbscript source file on the client. Here's the code:
<script language="VBSCRIPT" src="../vs/systableEdit.vs">

This code worked on IIS 5.0, Windows 2000 but doesn't work on IIS 6.0, Windows 2003. This is client-side vbscript. I have the parent paths enabled but that only applies to server-side include files, I think. Anyone know why the src does not load and what I should do to fix?

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Check If A File Exists - Relative Path

ive got a bit of code to check if a file exists and it works if I use the full path ie "C:Inetpubwwwrootfile.txt" can someone advise me how to get it so I can use the relative path ie "file.txt" where the file and the code are in the same directory? Code:

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Keep Relative Links Relative!

I have an email application that builds an email body; I got it from IE's online tutorial with the whole "" thing. Basically my email body is held in a DIV tag, nicely name "oDiv", and then passed to another page for processing.

I send the email using CDONTS.NewMail object. Basically it's a long email and I need a way to hyperlink to the next section. The problem is when I recieve the email, all the relative links are now absolute links. I've tried playing with ContentBase, but nothing is working. Any suggestions?

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Problem With StreamFile.SaveToFile

I downloaded the code for file uploads from freeaspuploads. but my system keeps giving me the same error: write to fail failed. With the Line: streamFile.SaveToFile path & fileItem.FileName, 2

path is a folder in wwwroot

I'm using XP Pro.

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.SaveToFile Fails In Firefox/Mozilla

I have an upload script that seems to fail in Firefox and Mozilla based browsers when it hits the .SaveToFile Method. It works fine in IE. Is this a documented bug? Is there a work around?

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Relative Dates In ASP

I am editing a script that requires me to output:

Today's date
1 week from today's date
and 4 weeks from today's date.

I am quite new when it comes to ASP programming, could I get some assitance? I need it in MM/DD/YYYY format .

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Relative Paths

Our web application is currently using relative paths in various places throughout our code. im working on eliminating this, but not sure of the best way to go about
it. i want to avoid hardcoding the path to make migration easier and more manageable. i thought there is a way to user the request object?? request.servervariables or
something -

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Relative Paths Solution

Can anyone help me find a solution to quickly working out relative paths to
a folder in the root of my server...

Although it easy when you go - say - two levels down:


it becomes increasingly difficult to ball park the folder when you go deeper
and wider down:


....How do you guys get a quick fix on where the hell the folder or file is
and use that path in asp?

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Relative Db Location(from Global.asa)

I'm using a segement of code in my global.asa to open a db connection check a users ip address against those i have in a recordset and then take the appriopriate action, very handy for banning bad bots who ignore my robots.txt and users who abuse my system.

Anyways the connection im using is Code:

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Relative Paths For Include

i have about 5 files included in all scripts how do i give relative paths to them?

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Relative Addressing For URLs

Anyone know of a site that gives all of the syntax of relative addressing for URLS?
for example: /, ./, ../, etc.

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Relative Reference To Parent Folder

I have a rather large classic ASP application that uses relative references like


all over the place in about 60 pages. The application works OK on my XP Pro machine but does not work on a Windows 2003 Server. Is there a way to set the server to accept the reference to the Parent folder? Does it have something to do with IIS lockdown? Or IIS Version 5 instead of 6?

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Uploading Files Absolute & Relative Paths

I got a problem when I uploaded a file with the input tag of type file "<input type=file.." using the FileSystemObject where The page not opens and there is no any respond, but I tried to see if the folder that is already exists xan I see by that object I discovered that it is not exist.

The main problem I put my files in a folder that I dont know its absolute path , just a relative that always not exist.

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Physical Path & Virtual Path

I have problem with physical path & virtual path on the server.

<!--#include virtual="country/inc.bottom.asp"-->

In this script it is working.

In all the file i have <!--#include file="../"--> this script.

I have about 10,000 files in the website.

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Pic Path

help on the correct "url" or path of pictureds to be appended in the database

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Asp Path

i'm working on uploading images to the webserver.Got a "test" version working, but as soon as i try to modify it.on my server i've got an Upload folder in the same folder as my aspUpload page.the path connection is as follows:Code:

sPath = Server.MapPath(".Uploads") & ""

but now i don't want it saved in the Uploads folder.The folder path i want is ../../../images/models/

how do i modify the above code to this path?

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DB Path

Main folder is "Web". In the "WEB" folder some asp file resides. another folder named "Admin" also reside in the "WEB" folder. My DB resides in the DB folder that is outside of the "WEB" folder and on the same root where "WEB" folder is.

I have a file named Connect.asp which contains the path for DB. I have included this file in both user files (which are simply in web folder) and in the administrator files. But when the admin tries to log-in the file didn't read the appropriate path as it finds the DB in the WEB folder. But it works fine when i communicate with the DB through user files.

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Path Error

I want to write logfiles to a textfile. But when the file doesn't exist, then the file should be created. But the code gives an error at this part of the code. I have no idea of what the mistake could be. Here's the code:

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Get Cookie Path

Is it possible to get the physical path of a cookie? (C:Document and SettingsmyLoginCookies)

Because I need "myLogin" (the Windows Login), and I can't get with request.ServerVariables("logon_user") or ("author_user") or whatever...

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I'm writing an ASP validation script that uses a cookie that is created by a user validation page and has a single value. This site will be used only under Internet Explorer 5 and more recent.

My problem is that the page called after the cookie creation can't read the cookie unless I set the Cookie.Path attribute to "". All the documentation that I found about it is very brief, don't explain how it really works and if there's any kind of "side effects". An even stranger fact is that some people of my team can read the cookie without setting the Cookie.Path attribute.

Can anyone tell me how the Cookie.Path really works or witch browser settings make it needed (or not)?

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Mapping Path In Asp

I have created my asp pages in "D:/test" . This i have created as a virtual directory.
i am having some files in "D:/download/cont/somename" From the asp page i want to access the files in the d:/download/cont/somename folder. Here somename changes according to username. i.e first i want to check whether this path is valid and then get all the files from it but its giving me the following error

Server.MapPath(), ASP 0174 (0x80004005)
An invalid '/' or '' was found in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.
/test/contractsfile.asp, line 11

somename = Request.cookies("username")
source = ".. est" & "/download/cont/" & somename
if fs.folderexists(server.MapPath(source)) ---------------------------> line 11

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ASP Uploader Path

I'm developing an asp uploader to upload word documents, but having problems getting it to upload, I think it may be a path problem.

Here's the code:

Dim rs_upload
Dim rs_upload_numRows
Set rs_upload = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs_upload.ActiveConnection = MM_conn_watershed_STRING
rs_upload.Source = "SELECT * FROM tbl_upload"
rs_upload.CursorType = 0
rs_upload.CursorLocation = 2
rs_upload.LockType = 1
rs_upload_numRows = 0

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Path Variable

I'm trying to concatenate a path of Application("WebSiteFullPath") which
equals and an image file like CODE below. My
problem is the full path listing in RESULTS below adds an extra " quote and
obviously breaks the path to the image. How can I script the quotes to not
add the extra double quote between my website path variable and my image

Response.Write "<img border=""0"" src=""" &
Application("WebSiteFullPath") & """images/edit.gif"" width=""15""

<img border="0" src=""images/edit.gif" width="15"

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ASP Uploader Path

I'm developing a content management system that uses a file uploader. The uploader works fine and uploads the file when using a mac computer, but doesn't upload the file when using a PC. I am thinking this is a path issue??

Here's the path in the uploader script:

File.SaveToDisk "D:/virtuals/cwh/victorbernard/restigoucheriverwatershed_ca/web/download/"

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Could Not Find Path

if i use the physical path where the database is located then my code works fine
such as ("e:folderabc.mdb")

but when i use the server.mappath("abc.mdb") , i get error

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Missing Path

My error is as follows:

Server.MapPath()error 'ASP 0171 : 80004005'

Missing Path

/raven/aspBoardFunctions.asp, line 19 The Path parameter must be specified for the MapPath method. Code:

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Download Path

While my wwwroot is under C:inetput, how can I make URL pointing to the
downloadable files on D:downloadmyfile?
Do I have to use download COM? If yes, which one is recommended for free?

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Variable = To Path

I want to create a temperorary variable that is equal to a path that contains two
temporary variables fldr1 and fldr2. I can't seem to encode this...

Here is some of my code below:

Dim TempPath

Set TempPath = ("" & fldr1 & "" & fldr2 & " ")

Dim RequestFolder
Set RequestFolder = fso.GetFolder(Server.MapPath(TempPath))

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Folder Path

im having a problem with folder path in include files. I have a solution, but there must be a way better one. The problem is when i have an include file... in my root directory root/. This references images in the root/images/ folder.
I also have an articles folder root/articles/. The is included in files in the articles folder, however this messes up the image paths and files in the articles folder are looking for the images in root/articles/images/.
to combat this, in front of every image reference in my file, i have a variable <%= pathVar %>. At the top of every file in the articles folder, i have the command <% pathVar = "../" %>. this will insert a ../ before the images folder in the reference therfore correcting the image reference. In the root folder I use <% pathVar = "" %> , so the <%= pathVar %> amounts to nothing leaving the paths correct.
This works, however means having to switch from HTML to ASP mode for every image in the include file, which is not efficient. Is there a better way around the path problem.

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Database Path

if you need to place the path to your database, what path do you place when you are having you site hosted by a web hosting company. For example my database is in a folder called "db" and its called "company.mdb"

the path I'm using is: "Data Source=c:dbcompanx.mdb"

but I keep getting a "database can't be found error" what path am I to assume they used. I mean its probably not a "C" drive so what do I place? I tried it without placing the drive but it doesn't work it seems to want only the direct path.

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Absolute Path

Why it is that to saVE a file an absolute path is required and to read a file or pic an relative path is required.can any one ellaborate it and also diff between relative and absolute path

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Finding A Path

Is there something similar to PHP's php_info command to tell me all about the server? I need to find the actual path where the site resides.

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