Saving File To Server

What I´m trying to do is, after the page is printed in users IE, it saves the HTML page in the server. Doing something like this, it´s just too much ugly for my code:

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Getting HTML Content From One Server And Saving It On Another Server

I'm incharge of updating the stats on a chl hockey teams Web Site. I
would like to know if there is a way to be able to save
the content of the CHL Statistics WebPage on our Server and using it
to update our Microsoft Access 2000 database.

If it possible, then I would take the content of that page. Execute
some code that will take this information an place it in our
database on our server. By doing this, our Team WebSite would be
update automaticaly at a time that I specify on our server.

At this time, I have to open the CHL Statistics WebPage. Then Save the
HTML page as a txt file, upload it on our server via FTP, then execute
my my code that places it in our database.

Could you send your suggestions to Join Bytes!?

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Saving To Another Server

i can't seem to think of a way around, this maybe more of a security question but htought i'd give this forum a shot first.

I have server A and server B

IIS on A but not on B

I have a webapplication that needs to save a file on server B. I can't set up a virtual directory with B since it doens't have iis i believe. If i were to do shortcuts or mapped drives those i think would use the credentials of the internet user i believe which won't have access to the directory, at least that's why i think it won't access them.

Can any one think of a clever workaround this? Can i just set the permissions to allow internet users to write to a folder on server B and it'll save that way?

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Saving A File

I am using IIS as a remote configuration tool to modify an XML config
file on the server. So I pull my XML config file through XSLT to give me
an HTML file with forms on. Something like this: Code:

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Saving Word Document To Web Server Using Macro?

I have a web application that enables a user to download a word or excel file. I want them to be able to edit the file and then when they close the file I then update the image that contains the file in the SQL database. This is all quite simple apart from I can not see how I can get the cotents of the file.

Things like "ActiveDocument.Content.Text" seem to work in word just for the text but I need to get the lot in order that I can then post it back to the webserver when the file is closed.

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Saving .Doc (office) File

I have to allow users to download files after checking users validity and I
cannot give full URL of file to download e.g

I have seen ASP code some where in MSDN where users has to enter URL like and this will download the doc file.

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Saving Recordset To XML File

On this page... describes how to save a recordset to file with the following...

You can save a Recordset in XML format:

set xmlDoc=CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "c:/webdata/northwind.mdb"

set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
rs.Open "Customers", conn
'Save the Recordset into a DOM tree
rs.Save xmldoc, 1

What I don't get is where does one stipulate a filename? I put the above
code in my page and it appeared to load and execute without error. But no

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Saving An Attachment File

I have a basic classified as form where people can enter their name, title, message, and include an attachment. I have it working so that it will save the name, title, and message into my database. However, I don't know the code for the attachment.

What I'd like to have happen is this:

When they click save, the path name that was entered is saved as the Internal_Name and the actual attachment itself is placed into a file called ClassFiles. They are connected through the use of a class_ID number.

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Saving Site As WORD File

Just a thought...Using


Response.ContentType = "application/msword"

to save asp pages to MS Word, saves the text on the pages OK, but, pictures, icons etc are just saved as a link to the original picture file . If the picture/image is not on the current PC opening the WORD file, then none is shown..

I was wondering if I could save the asp pages WITH images/pictures & icons using MS WORD on the server and then the users downloading the .doc file from the server to their PC, would this embed the pictures etc in the .doc file, so it could be shown on any PC. (which has WORD or a WORD Viewer installed).

If this is possible could someone point me in the direction as to how to get started opening WORD on the server and saving the .doc file on the server.

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Problem Saving Xml.responseText To File

i'm using the following to fetch an xml feed from a server and save to a local file:

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Saving Images While Saving ASP Pages !

When I try to save any ASP page, I get the message that "The page will not save correctly". Even though I go ahead and when I go offline the space of images is blank.

I have this website also where I am using ASP pages and my users are facing the same problem. HTML page is created but images are not saved.

What changes are required in ASP code so that images are also saved.

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Saving A File As An XML File

I am trying to create an XML file from a recordset. I know that there are conversion methods out there, but for what I'm doing, everything that I have found doesn't seem to work correctly.What I decided to do was to create hidden fields from a recordset and pass those variables into a page that has XML template tags already created. I am simply passing the variables into existing tags. I now need to save that page as a Text file or and XML file.

It shouldn't matter what kind of file it is as long as I can save the XML tree structure that is being shown on the page. Keep in mind that my users want simplicity, so they don't want to have to cut and paste what is on the screen into notepad or something like that. They want to be able to push one button after the recordset is presented and have all of the tags filled in with the variables and then have a "Save As" dialog box pop up guiding them to save the contents of the page. Is this even possible?

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Copy Or Upload File From Server To Ftp Server

I want to copy or upload a file from server say some lanserver to ftp server through ftp. Is it possible.

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Upload File To Server And Get File Properties

I would like to add a facility to my web page which allows users to upload basic files (word, excel, text, gif, jpg etc) to the server.

I know there's a facility to do this using HMTL forms, but I don't know how to handle the file on the server side.

What I think I need is an ASP file running some code to manipulate the filesystemobject, allowing me to receive the file and store it in the filesystem on the server. It would be nice to access some of the file properties too (name, type etc).

I've seen a few custom components online which allow you to do this, but I can't depend on installing them. I need to be able to script it myself.

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File Held On Server's File System

i am currently working on a project in which part of the requirements are to store files on the Server filesystem and make these files available for download by users. Is there a simple way to provide the user with a link which starts downloading the file when it is clicked?

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To Save A File To A Server And Retreive The File

I have an asp page, which displays graphical images.I am using Flipper graph in my application.

There is a link in the asp page "Click to view Image file",On clicking on this link,The graphical image need to be stored(Preferably in the server machine) and has to be opened in a new browser window.

To explain in detail. On clicking of that link"Click to view Image file" a function is called which does the following

1)Save the image file(.gif file) on the server machine
Graph.ImagetoGif("Location to be saved",100,200);
2) Opens the image on a new browser window.'from location from where the image is to be retreived',100,some more properties) So i need the image file to be saved in the server and retreived from the server.

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Post File From Server To Another Server

I accept a few user inputs and a file from the user, post it to my ASP page.
I'm able to receive the data as well as the file properly in Receiver.asp.
In my receiver.asp, I need to process the user inputs and subsequently POST
this data and the file again to a different server. I would like to use
ServerXMLHttp. Now, how do I simulate Form creation in receiver.asp.

I use the following code to post to the second server "post", myTargetURL,false
MyXmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data"

Now here's where I get stuck.

1) How do I construct the form data? How can I put together the data i
received (which is text) as well as the received file (which is Binary) in
the same Send statement for the Post? -- I assume that if HTML forms do it in
some format, I should be able to simulate the same through ASP, but how???

2) The received file will not be stored anywhere in my server. It has to
be forwarded in memory.

Should it look somewhat like the following?

MyXmlHttp.send ("userId=" & someUserId & "&privateLabelID=" & someLabel &
"&File=" & receivedBinaryFileInMemory)

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Saving As ASP

I recieved an FTP address and found no files in html, but in asp. The source code of the site looks like normal html and I updated it locally but don't know how to save it to .asp and replace the file on the server. I can't open the .asp file. What do I need to do this?

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Saving XML As UTF-8?

How do I load and save a UTF-8 document in XML in ASP/VBS?

Well, the loading* is not the problem actually -- the file is in UTF-8,
and understood correctly -- but once saved, the UTF-8 is replaced by
what seems to be iso-8859-1 (which Flash doesn't understand, but that's
another problem).

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Get File From FTP Server

Response.Buffer = True
Set objHTTP = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
' "GET","", false, "username",
"password" "GET","",

Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Response.BinaryWrite ObjHTTP.responseBody

why the above code does not let me access the file on the FTP server? Neither method to authentcate seems to work. Also tried "OPEN" but I don't think that worked either.

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File Server With Img Tag

I have images on a file server with the name convention of lastname, firstinitial, and last 4 of SSN. I already have the select statement to concatenate all three from my sql server database. Now how do I get asp to query the statement in a IMG SRC tag calling the images from my file server?

here's my sql statement:
Select 'srv-file-b/j:data/cert_pics' + rtrim(lastname) + left(ftrim(firstinitial),1) + Right(SSN, 4) +'.jpg'
from customerInfo
where customerID = 1116

My problem is that when i execute the page i get an X where the image should be.

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Saving CSV Format In Asp

i am encountering some problems in converting some data into CSV format..i have alreadi retrieve the data however i do not knoe of ani methods of converting to there ani method to save the directory to .csv

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XML DOM And Saving Formatting?

I'm currently doing some work with ASP and XML DOM.

Is there any way when saving XML to get ASP to save it in a formatted way? Similar to PHP's formatOutput setting? At the moment my xml is being appended on line e.g

Is there a setting to get ASP to save XML like:


The XML document I'm working on is fairly large and its proving very difficult to read through the xml at the moment.

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Image Saving

I am using this :

<IMG SRC="calendar.gif" Align="center" Border="0" onMousedown="alert('Please! Do not download this image. Thanks!')">

Now what this thing does is that it displays a dialog saying "Plz DO ..." ...
What should i do if i want that NOTHING should happen when a User right clicks on IMAGE ..absolutely nothing should happen ...


Another thing ... When the MOUSE moves over the image a FLOATING TOOLBOX kind of thing appears which has buttons likes SAVE,PRINT,EMAIL and things like that ... so what should i do so that NOTHING happens when the mouse moves over the IMAGE ...

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Image Saving

I am using the following:

<IMG SRC="calendar.gif" Align="center" Border="0" onMousedown="alert('Please! Do not download this image. Thanks!')">

Now what this thing does is that it displays a dialog saying "Plz DO ..." ...
What should i do if i want that NOTHING should happen when a User right clicks on IMAGE ..absolutely nothing should happen ...

Is It POSSIBLE ?????

Another thing ... When the MOUSE moves over the image a FLOATING TOOLBOX kind of thing appears which has buttons likes SAVE,PRINT,EMAIL and things like that ... so what should i do so that NOTHING happens when the mouse moves over the IMAGE ...

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Saving Date

ive got a feature on my site where i need to save the time and date into a database i woud like it to be written like Friday 6th August 2004 13:34:02

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Saving Cart

Is it possible to remove just the session.sessionID, I have other session variables that I would like to keep?I use this for saving cart information but it needs to be different each time.

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Saving Unicode In SQL Using ASP

I have an asp application that should allow the user to enter Unicode characters.

The characters appear correctly in the browser. When saved in sql 2000 thought they are converted to question marks

When I enter the characters directly in SQL (using enterprise manager),
they appear correctly in sql as well as in the browser when the asp
page retrieves them.

As soon as I hit save they get overwritten in sql incorrectly.

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Saving A Webpage

does anyone know if there is a way to save a webpage to file after the user presses a button?

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Error Saving

Forme time to time, when attempting to save a webpage in IE6, I see the
Error saving web page
The web page cannot be saved to the selectged location
It would not save on any other location.
What is the reason for this error?

Is this a code (server side or client side) to prevent a page from being

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Saving Passwords

I made a website for my work and we have it secure to where you have to login when you come to the site. But for some reason when you use the check box to SAVE PASSWORD it will not save the password.

So each time a client comes back to the site they have to put thier password in (and they arent happy about it) Just wondering if there is a setting I can turn off or turn on to enable the passwords to be saved.

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ASP/SQL Date Saving

I live in the UK and thus our standard date format is:


In my ASP page, when i try to save a date value to a date field in my MS ACCESS database, it will switch the day and month around if the day value is less than the month value. EXAMPLE:

Try to save the 1st of February 2004 as 01/02/2004. When this is saved in to the database, it is saved as 02/01/2004. This plays havoc with my search pages as they cannot find that date since half of it has been swapped around. Ive tried saving it as a string in to a text field and it still does the same.

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Saving Data

i have been trying to save data collected from a form to a access db. The problem is that whenever the page refreshes the asp script to save the data is executing. how
can i make sure that the insert statement is executed only if the button is clicked.

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