Saving Current ASP Page

I would like to know how I can save my current ASP page
to the server side in html file format.
Then I would like to stream it back to the client side.

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Saving .asp Page's Output As .htm

I need to publish and save the output of my .asp page as .htm

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Disable Page Saving

I don't whant to let the users to download my page by going to the File -> Save menu.
Is this posible? Or/And disable the View page source? I have already done the "Disable Right-Click" function.

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Saving And Display Of Records In Asp Page

I need to build a asp page where it would serve as a data entry record page
as well as display page for records saved. This page should also allow
editing of records that has been saved. e.g.

SS# EntryBox Name EntryBox Date EntryBox Revenue Generated EntryBox


---------- ------------ -------------
---------- ------------ -------------
---------- ------------ -------------

The process of the first part of saving record is fine. However, the second
part of displaying all the records that has been saved including the current
record saved is where I am having problems.

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Current Page

how to print or get the name of current page using ASP

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Using ASP To Get Current Page

I'm not sure if someone has requested in the past (I know I've looked for a solution for a while) but I've just developed a very neat way of getting the current page name in ASP:

url = request.ServerVariables("URL")
page = right(url, len(url) - instrrev(url, "/"))

I've finally found a use for the instrrev function

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Current Page Url

How can I retrieve the current page url(and parameters/arguments) using ASP code? The current page is an asp search results page so the url includes the page name and the criterion(sorry I don't know what they're called) I had the 'post' method tag on the end.

I need to get it and store it so I have an easy way of getting back to this page at a click of a button a few pages down the track. I've tried using location and history but I'd like to manage it myself.

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Get The Name Of The Current Page

is there a command in asp to get the name of the current page?

furthermore, is there a way to retrieve the name of the current page within
an 'included' file (not the name of the included page, but the name of the
page that is including the file)?

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URL Of Current Page

I am using an include for a navigation bar, This nav bar appears on many different pages and the help facility a button on the navigation barneeds to launch a help box relating to the page it is included in.

The help files are .html but the file names relate directly to the asp page in which the navbar is included. To get the javascript in the navbar to correctly display the correct help window, I need to get at the page name. I am using

dim thisPage
thisPage= request.ServerVariables("URL")

This will hopefully return me the full file path of the page that the navbar is included in. I then need to take the filename out of this URL and remove the .asp from the end so that i can use it in my javascript function to open the corresponding .html help file.

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Get Current Page

I'm just working on this big newsletterscript, wich will be working with templates (preformatted html code), stored in the database. I've already started but i'm still looking for suggestions or methods to do this more easily then i'm up to right now. So when you you chose another design your content will be loaded in this other template/ html design.

Right now i'm having troubles with the fact that i have a page; nice formatted with the right content! Generated from asp visual output in pure html in my browser. What i want to do now is to get this page structure/ content as it is shown in my browers (html output) INSERTED into MS Access.

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Printing Current Page And Another Page

Is there any way I can print the current page(page1.asp) and another
page(page2.asp)from the current page(page1.asp).

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Can't Get Current Page After Transfer

I'm trying to add logging to my web application, but I found a strange problem. Whenever I execute a Server.Redirect(Page1.asp) I can use the request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") to get the current page name. However, if I use Server.Transfer(Page1.asp), the value of the server variable equals the refering page (In this case default.asp). How do I get the value of the working page regardless of the transfer method.

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Check Current Page

I want to check if the name of my current page is index.asp for example, to specify a certain css class but this doesn't work

<li <% if Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") = "index.asp" then Response.write "class=""here"""%>>

What's the proper method?

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Current Page Title

I am trying to display the current page that is being view with asp.The line i am tryng to add is "You are editing: CurrentPageName".I can't find any code examples to help with this.

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Request Current Page Name

i want to link to another page and include the current page as a querystring in the filename like .ASP Code:

<a href="newpage.asp?previous=currentpage.asp">my link</a>
which is a simple matter of explicitly writing it

however, if the script is #include d on every page (so i don't know which page is using it), how can i reference the current page and pass it to my link.

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Save Current Page

is there an easy way to save the current page in asp through code. for example if I dynamically created a page and then wanted to save it without requiring the user to do anything.

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Save Current Page

I want to be able to save a file created by an asp file somewhere. Or even email the file if possible. I've searched google extensively and only found people with the same problem but no answer. He solved the problem but didnt post the solution.

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Finding Out The Path Of Current Page

Is there an easy way to find out the path of the current asp page? When looking at http://localhost/images/listing.asp I want to be able to extract "http://localhost/"

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How To Get Current Page As Attachment In Mailto Tag

i have a page and i have mailto tag in it. when i click on that i has to get that page (page containing mailto tag) in the outlook express body . or the URL of the current page in body of the mail.

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Saving Images While Saving ASP Pages !

When I try to save any ASP page, I get the message that "The page will not save correctly". Even though I go ahead and when I go offline the space of images is blank.

I have this website also where I am using ASP pages and my users are facing the same problem. HTML page is created but images are not saved.

What changes are required in ASP code so that images are also saved.

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Send Email With Link To Current Page

How would I send an email to someone from a webpage with a link to the
current page? I've seen this where you can put in your email, the person's
email that you are sending teh page to, a subject for the email, and a
message along with the link.

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Recordset To Only Contain Current Items (i.e. If Date Of Item Is Past Current Date)

I have a noticeboard that the user inputs items into. One of those is the date of an event. Once that event has passed I want it to disappear from the page.

So I need to do a comparison with current date to the date in the "datestarted" field. My table is called "notices." Using Access and ASP VBscript.

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Saving As ASP

I recieved an FTP address and found no files in html, but in asp. The source code of the site looks like normal html and I updated it locally but don't know how to save it to .asp and replace the file on the server. I can't open the .asp file. What do I need to do this?

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Saving XML As UTF-8?

How do I load and save a UTF-8 document in XML in ASP/VBS?

Well, the loading* is not the problem actually -- the file is in UTF-8,
and understood correctly -- but once saved, the UTF-8 is replaced by
what seems to be iso-8859-1 (which Flash doesn't understand, but that's
another problem).

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Saving CSV Format In Asp

i am encountering some problems in converting some data into CSV format..i have alreadi retrieve the data however i do not knoe of ani methods of converting to there ani method to save the directory to .csv

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XML DOM And Saving Formatting?

I'm currently doing some work with ASP and XML DOM.

Is there any way when saving XML to get ASP to save it in a formatted way? Similar to PHP's formatOutput setting? At the moment my xml is being appended on line e.g

Is there a setting to get ASP to save XML like:


The XML document I'm working on is fairly large and its proving very difficult to read through the xml at the moment.

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Image Saving

I am using this :

<IMG SRC="calendar.gif" Align="center" Border="0" onMousedown="alert('Please! Do not download this image. Thanks!')">

Now what this thing does is that it displays a dialog saying "Plz DO ..." ...
What should i do if i want that NOTHING should happen when a User right clicks on IMAGE ..absolutely nothing should happen ...


Another thing ... When the MOUSE moves over the image a FLOATING TOOLBOX kind of thing appears which has buttons likes SAVE,PRINT,EMAIL and things like that ... so what should i do so that NOTHING happens when the mouse moves over the IMAGE ...

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Saving To Another Server

i can't seem to think of a way around, this maybe more of a security question but htought i'd give this forum a shot first.

I have server A and server B

IIS on A but not on B

I have a webapplication that needs to save a file on server B. I can't set up a virtual directory with B since it doens't have iis i believe. If i were to do shortcuts or mapped drives those i think would use the credentials of the internet user i believe which won't have access to the directory, at least that's why i think it won't access them.

Can any one think of a clever workaround this? Can i just set the permissions to allow internet users to write to a folder on server B and it'll save that way?

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Image Saving

I am using the following:

<IMG SRC="calendar.gif" Align="center" Border="0" onMousedown="alert('Please! Do not download this image. Thanks!')">

Now what this thing does is that it displays a dialog saying "Plz DO ..." ...
What should i do if i want that NOTHING should happen when a User right clicks on IMAGE ..absolutely nothing should happen ...

Is It POSSIBLE ?????

Another thing ... When the MOUSE moves over the image a FLOATING TOOLBOX kind of thing appears which has buttons likes SAVE,PRINT,EMAIL and things like that ... so what should i do so that NOTHING happens when the mouse moves over the IMAGE ...

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Saving Date

ive got a feature on my site where i need to save the time and date into a database i woud like it to be written like Friday 6th August 2004 13:34:02

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Saving Cart

Is it possible to remove just the session.sessionID, I have other session variables that I would like to keep?I use this for saving cart information but it needs to be different each time.

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Saving Unicode In SQL Using ASP

I have an asp application that should allow the user to enter Unicode characters.

The characters appear correctly in the browser. When saved in sql 2000 thought they are converted to question marks

When I enter the characters directly in SQL (using enterprise manager),
they appear correctly in sql as well as in the browser when the asp
page retrieves them.

As soon as I hit save they get overwritten in sql incorrectly.

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Saving A Webpage

does anyone know if there is a way to save a webpage to file after the user presses a button?

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