Saving Path To Image In Folder

I have 1 form that put some text in Acces. After submitting that form there comes a form where 4 images can be uploaded. These image are stored in a folder on the webserver. Can I save the path to the image in the record (id) of the textfiles in Acces?

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Folder Path

im having a problem with folder path in include files. I have a solution, but there must be a way better one. The problem is when i have an include file... in my root directory root/. This references images in the root/images/ folder.
I also have an articles folder root/articles/. The is included in files in the articles folder, however this messes up the image paths and files in the articles folder are looking for the images in root/articles/images/.
to combat this, in front of every image reference in my file, i have a variable <%= pathVar %>. At the top of every file in the articles folder, i have the command <% pathVar = "../" %>. this will insert a ../ before the images folder in the reference therfore correcting the image reference. In the root folder I use <% pathVar = "" %> , so the <%= pathVar %> amounts to nothing leaving the paths correct.
This works, however means having to switch from HTML to ASP mode for every image in the include file, which is not efficient. Is there a better way around the path problem.

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Get Folder Path And Append

I'm trying to use the following script to copy the files from 'foldera' to 'folderb':

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Image Saving

I am using this :

<IMG SRC="calendar.gif" Align="center" Border="0" onMousedown="alert('Please! Do not download this image. Thanks!')">

Now what this thing does is that it displays a dialog saying "Plz DO ..." ...
What should i do if i want that NOTHING should happen when a User right clicks on IMAGE ..absolutely nothing should happen ...


Another thing ... When the MOUSE moves over the image a FLOATING TOOLBOX kind of thing appears which has buttons likes SAVE,PRINT,EMAIL and things like that ... so what should i do so that NOTHING happens when the mouse moves over the IMAGE ...

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Image Saving

I am using the following:

<IMG SRC="calendar.gif" Align="center" Border="0" onMousedown="alert('Please! Do not download this image. Thanks!')">

Now what this thing does is that it displays a dialog saying "Plz DO ..." ...
What should i do if i want that NOTHING should happen when a User right clicks on IMAGE ..absolutely nothing should happen ...

Is It POSSIBLE ?????

Another thing ... When the MOUSE moves over the image a FLOATING TOOLBOX kind of thing appears which has buttons likes SAVE,PRINT,EMAIL and things like that ... so what should i do so that NOTHING happens when the mouse moves over the IMAGE ...

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Image From Image Folder Into Byte Array?

I can convert an image that is retrieved from a FileUpload object into a byte array and insert it into the database..

When the user signs-up i wish tosimply insert into the Picture (DB Type = Image) field to an image i already have saved in my images folder?

Anyone know of a way to do this? Tutorials, articles or advise??!

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Automatic Image Saving

I need to build code to download automatically image to my local disk.
somethink like
i will specify url in code and it fetches image from that location and save
in my local disk.
for example
and it will store test.jpg in my local folder.
how to achieve this?

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Prevent Image Saving

Well i am developing an application in which few pages display just images ... (*.jpg)

format ...

now what happens is that i dont want to allow the user to SAVE these images onto their

disks ... when a user RIGHT CLICKS on the images menu pops us which gives option SAVE


well so is there anyway i can prevent that ... i thought of following way ...

(1) If I can override the RIGHT CLICK event handler and replace it with my own custom code

in which i may just display a Messagebox say ... "you cannot save this picture" ...but the

problem is that i dont know how to override this event ...

i am using ASP with VBSCRIPT and i dont know anyother scripting language .... so plz help

someone as soon as possible ...

any other method is WELCOME but keep it in VBSCRIPT ...

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Upload New Image Get Path Of Old Image

I'm working on a project where I'm suppose to upload a image to a server. The uploading works fine but when I want to change the image I uploaded to another image I can't get the filepath of the old image to show in my "filefiled" it possible to set a "value" where I can retrieve a filepath in a form if the input type is "file"?

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Uploading Image And Saving Details To Database

I have been using the following code to try and upload images to the server but I also want to svae th details to a database table. I am trying to get the caption entered by the user butI keep getting an error.

"Cannot call BinaryRead after using Request.Form collection." when ever I try request.form("caption")

The files are upload to the server when I don't try to request the caption value.

how would I get the caption value from the form....

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Image Path

when using a relative image path

const imgDir = "_images/divisions/"

the relative path is converted to a physical path in an img tag as <img src="c:app\_imagesdivisionsmypicture.gif">

how can I prevent this from being converted to a physical path ?

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Store The Path Of Image

I created a table with varchar field where i want to store
the path of an image.

I will then use this file to retrieve this image on my
browser. Everything goes fine when i use a simple html
command as :

<img src="C:InetpubwwwrootMyWebimagesone.jpg"
height="200" width="200">

this is a hard-coded path. Hence no problem.

But when I store in the database path value: Code:

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Server.Transfer And Image Path

I have a subdirectory with it's own images folder. All the image paths in the pages in the sub directory are "image/image.jpg" When I Response.Redirect to a page in the subdirectory the images are fine but when I use Server.Transfer all the links are broken. I'd prefer to use the relative paths. Is there a way around this in the Server.Transfer?

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Inserting Image Path Into MySQL Database Using ASP

I am struggling to store an image path to a mysql database and in the process copy the image from one folder to the folder I would like it to be copied to.

My code for the inserting the image path and data into the mysql db is below: ....

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Displaying An Image From A Folder From A Name Held In A Database

I wish to display an image from a folder based on the name held in a field in a database.

If len(rssal("picture"))>0 then
Response.Write ("<img src=""/ProductImages/rssal("ProductCode").gif"">")
Response.Write ("<img src=""images/sorry.gif"">")

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Retreive Image File Stored In A Folder

I have a DB table, which contains the name of a image file stored in a folder. What i need to do is somehow retreive this image and display it in an asp page?

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Copy Files From IIS Image Path To Local Client's Machine

explain abt copy files from IIS image path to local client's machine.

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How To Write Form Uploading Image Directly Into The Folder In Server, Not DB?

I need code please..

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Saving Images While Saving ASP Pages !

When I try to save any ASP page, I get the message that "The page will not save correctly". Even though I go ahead and when I go offline the space of images is blank.

I have this website also where I am using ASP pages and my users are facing the same problem. HTML page is created but images are not saved.

What changes are required in ASP code so that images are also saved.

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Physical Path & Virtual Path

I have problem with physical path & virtual path on the server.

<!--#include virtual="country/inc.bottom.asp"-->

In this script it is working.

In all the file i have <!--#include file="../"--> this script.

I have about 10,000 files in the website.

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Saving As ASP

I recieved an FTP address and found no files in html, but in asp. The source code of the site looks like normal html and I updated it locally but don't know how to save it to .asp and replace the file on the server. I can't open the .asp file. What do I need to do this?

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Saving XML As UTF-8?

How do I load and save a UTF-8 document in XML in ASP/VBS?

Well, the loading* is not the problem actually -- the file is in UTF-8,
and understood correctly -- but once saved, the UTF-8 is replaced by
what seems to be iso-8859-1 (which Flash doesn't understand, but that's
another problem).

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Display An Image From Access, Stored As Location Name Not Actual Image.

I have a client who has had a ASP site with an Access database for several years. It stores information for the used cars on his lot. I have stored text in the database that points to the location of the image for each record. Each record will have a thumb image that is supposed to display in a list of vehicles available then the user can select an item from this list and a new page displays with the information and the regular size image. So far everything has worked fine exept for the display of the images which are stored in a separate directory called veh-photos. All I get are image place holders. I am using Dreamweaver 2004 and and Access 2000 for the database.

Following is the code to list vehicles: ....

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Open Image In 'Kodak Image Edit Control' With Web Browser

1.I want to show a image file of type '.tif' in the browser window; for that I'm writting as ASP code page.

2.This '.tif' type image can be shown better with 'Kodak Image Control'.

3.To have this 'Kodak Image Control' on my code page I just add it's ..ocx to tool box and then drag it from 'Toolbox' to the page.

4.Now after dropping this control to the code it's type is getting changed to 'object' instead of type 'ImgEdit'(and I think this is the
reason I don't get correct result).

5.On one button's 'Onclick' event I'm calling a javascript function with which I'm setting a 'Path'and'Display' property of a control.

6.And want to show a image at location -- '..MFTDRCMF919685173-62.tif' which get shown in new browser window but could not get shown in that particular control. That means the path is correct, then what is the problem?

For better understanding of problem I'm pasting a following code which I've tried up till now......
<%@ Language=VBScript %>

<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
function showpic()
var path;
path = document.frmtif.path.value;
document.frmtif.ImgEdit1.Image =path;


<BODY bgColor=#ffe4e1>
<form name="frmtif">
The Image
<OBJECT id=ImgEdit1 style="WIDTH: 409px; HEIGHT: 218px" type="ImgEdit"
border=1 classid=clsid:6D940280-9F11-11CE-83FD-02608C3EC08A

<input type="hidden" name="path"
<input type="button" name="show" value="Show" onclick="showpic();">



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Saving CSV Format In Asp

i am encountering some problems in converting some data into CSV format..i have alreadi retrieve the data however i do not knoe of ani methods of converting to there ani method to save the directory to .csv

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XML DOM And Saving Formatting?

I'm currently doing some work with ASP and XML DOM.

Is there any way when saving XML to get ASP to save it in a formatted way? Similar to PHP's formatOutput setting? At the moment my xml is being appended on line e.g

Is there a setting to get ASP to save XML like:


The XML document I'm working on is fairly large and its proving very difficult to read through the xml at the moment.

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Saving To Another Server

i can't seem to think of a way around, this maybe more of a security question but htought i'd give this forum a shot first.

I have server A and server B

IIS on A but not on B

I have a webapplication that needs to save a file on server B. I can't set up a virtual directory with B since it doens't have iis i believe. If i were to do shortcuts or mapped drives those i think would use the credentials of the internet user i believe which won't have access to the directory, at least that's why i think it won't access them.

Can any one think of a clever workaround this? Can i just set the permissions to allow internet users to write to a folder on server B and it'll save that way?

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Saving Date

ive got a feature on my site where i need to save the time and date into a database i woud like it to be written like Friday 6th August 2004 13:34:02

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Saving Cart

Is it possible to remove just the session.sessionID, I have other session variables that I would like to keep?I use this for saving cart information but it needs to be different each time.

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Saving Unicode In SQL Using ASP

I have an asp application that should allow the user to enter Unicode characters.

The characters appear correctly in the browser. When saved in sql 2000 thought they are converted to question marks

When I enter the characters directly in SQL (using enterprise manager),
they appear correctly in sql as well as in the browser when the asp
page retrieves them.

As soon as I hit save they get overwritten in sql incorrectly.

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Saving A Webpage

does anyone know if there is a way to save a webpage to file after the user presses a button?

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Saving A File

I am using IIS as a remote configuration tool to modify an XML config
file on the server. So I pull my XML config file through XSLT to give me
an HTML file with forms on. Something like this: Code:

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Error Saving

Forme time to time, when attempting to save a webpage in IE6, I see the
Error saving web page
The web page cannot be saved to the selectged location
It would not save on any other location.
What is the reason for this error?

Is this a code (server side or client side) to prevent a page from being

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