Saving Querystring Values Into Session Variables

In a earlier post I made to find a solution a member suggested I save my querystring values into session variables. Code:

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Session Variables Store Array Of Values?

I know that cookies can store an array of values, which can be accessed like this:

tempid = Request("cookiename")(i)

Is it possible to use session variables in the same way? Store a array of values in the same session variable and access them on another page by indexing?

I've looked around alot and I've not found anything suggesting that this is possible.

Right now I'm using a single set of cookies to store info on a series of purchaces of the same type of item. I'm hoping to use session variables to replace the cookies.

Does anyone know for certain if this is not possible?

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Session Variables Retain Values Even After The .Abandon

I am developing a membership based website for car auctions. It uses the session object on many pages, most importantly on user personal pages. When the user session ends, i.e., on logout, I use the Session.Abandon to destroy a session object associated with a particular user, and also turn a boolean variable session("Valid_User")=False (which was turned ON at the time of successful login and used on user personal pages for authentication).

But, when I go BACK and browse the previous pages, they still appear with the specific user's data, who logged in last time on the same browser. Why is it so? When I refresh the pages, only then the session variables' values are erased.

Secondly, my site doesn't allow me to login as a different user, even after logout, because I have put a check on the login page so that it doesn't allow a user to login again during his current session, which again means that the logout process doesn't destroy his session.

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QueryString Values

I need to pass a lot of QS variables to another page. Problem is, the form being submitted is dynamic, so I don't always know how many values I am going to be passing.

At work, we use Site Server Commerce Edition which has a nice function to pass all the QS variables ( mscsPage.URLShopperArgs() ), but it seems like this only works in the Commerce Sites because the object needed to make this function work is only available in SiteServer web sites.Is there a way to grab all the values from the QueryString and place them into a link or form? ....

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Keep QueryString-values

to change the colors of a forum I am using request.querystring("cellcolor"). That works fine for my default.asp. Now I click on a topic and it links to topic.asp where the values of the query string are gone.

Which approach would you recommend? How can I store the values? The general idea is that I have got 5 main-navigation-links which point to 5 different forums, each with separate colors. So the query string can be hardcode in the HREF, but should remain if you click
further in each forum.

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Passing Values As Querystring

I,am passing form variable monthsenrolled as a query string It does not work as i get a error what is wrong here

function previous(){"http://localhost/college/basic.asp?status=2&test=<%Request.form("MonthsEnrolled")%>");

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Hiding Querystring Values

How we can hide values of variables in our querystring those are readable in the address bar? is there any way we can encrypt the url and when it is required we can de-crypt it also like yahoo do?


It does not change the domain name but change the folder name and query string's values.
and url encryption should be automatic.

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Multiple Values From QueryString

how i could put multiple values on to a Query String and get them on the next ASP page. Currently on wy website, i know how to get one, but i am not sure how i am able to get more than one assigned to a specific variable.

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Querystring Variables

I'm trying to include querystring variables in a #include but it's
not working

this works:

<!--#include file="calendar/calendar.asp-->

this does not:


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Get Original Querystring Values After Decryption

Anyone have a VB function or know how to retrieve original querystring values after they have been decryted and lie within a string? Code:

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Request.querystring, All Values If Empty?

How do I get all walues if my querystring is empty?

If I have a table with let's say 10 rows/records, (ID 1-10). I then have a
recordset with request.querystring("id") and get the record having the id
thats shown in the address bar ("" would get the record with the
id 4). How do I get all records if the querystring is empty ("")

I have: Code:

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Pulling Values From Request.QueryString

I need to pull values from another page to a form in my script. Basically i want to update an entry in my dbase and populate those current values to a form which is working fine for most of the form except the dropdownlist. Also i dont know if this is an issue but i have a "FOR" Script running in my dropdownlist constructed as follows:

<% For x = 0 to 1000%><option value="<%=x%>" selected="<%=Request.QueryString("CabN")%>"><%=x%></option><% Next%></Select>

As you can see i place the Request.Querystring object in my code but the dropdownlist doest recognise this and continues on until it reaches 1000 which at this point it stops. I want the drop downlist to reflect the same value as that which exsist already in the datebase for it. What am I doing wrong?

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QueryString, Forms, And Variables

I have a page with a link. The link says "Contact Me" and the code behind it is:

<a href="testcontact.asp?Recipient=dhalro">Contact Me</a>

Then when you are sent to the testcontact.asp page I have:

<% vName = Request.QueryString("Recipient") + "" %>

<form method=post action="/email/forms/contact.asp">
<input type=hidden name="Recipient" value = "<% =vName %>">
<input type=hidden name="Subject" value="Test">

Followed by the rest of the form.

I know my contact.asp page is funtional because if I put my actual e-mail address in as the value it works.

Now I'm wondering if this is correct or even close. The reason I am doing this is because I have multiple pages with different usernames and I want it so you click a link and it passes the username to a form (i always want to use the same contact form) and then the person can just fill out the form and it send it to the appropriate person.

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Querystring Values Spaces Causing Errors

I am trying to update my table with a value passed though the
request.querystring method but as you can see from the sql statement below
it is causing errors.

In this case the name of the department as displayed is "Arts and
Entertainment" but it is giving me something strange when I try to use the

update empprofile set department ='Arts%20%26%20Entertainment' where
employeenumber =219104
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in
table 'Departments'. Code:

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Querystring Passes Variables But Can Not Retrieve

Querystring passes variables but can not retrieve????

Response.Redirect("Comfirmation.asp?requested= post & filename=" & filename)

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Values To Variables

How to store form's textbox values in VBScript variables?
I tried something similar likr this:
Dim myVariable

This is not working.
Tried this too.


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Tracking Session Variables From Outside The Session

I want to create an administration page which lists all the current users who are on the site at the moment.

I know coldfusion has this feature built in using the SessionTracker class... does ASP have something similar? If not... is there any way I can just iterate through all the session files on the server...?

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Accessing Values Of Local Variables

I have created a nice funky 500 - 100 error page which gives a nicer error; happily loops through and supplies querysting information, all headers, server variables..etc but it has a limitation. On a normal error page you can always use a response.write then
response.end to look a the value of a local variable.

What I would LOVE would be to be able to loop through all the local variables (not
form or querystring, they're sorted) on the previous page and display their values so a developer would see the complete state of the page on the error page without having to use any on error statements. Has anyone achieved this, I can't think of a way at all.

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Saving Images While Saving ASP Pages !

When I try to save any ASP page, I get the message that "The page will not save correctly". Even though I go ahead and when I go offline the space of images is blank.

I have this website also where I am using ASP pages and my users are facing the same problem. HTML page is created but images are not saved.

What changes are required in ASP code so that images are also saved.

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Session Variables...

I am using Session variables in my ASP application. I have tested the
application on a Win2k professional and it works fine. When the same web
app is installed on a win2k advanced server from the client browser when the
app is accessed the session variable returns null inspite of a value being
already set. I have checked the IIS enable session state settings. When i
use the server machine as client and access the app as localhost then the
session variable has correct value.

How can this be solved? What other settings if any, need to be changed to
get it work.

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Session Variables

Do session variables carry over if you've left your site and come back?

My shopping cart uses PayPal/IPN to transact and then enter details of the transaction into my database. All of the data entry takes place after IPN has returned all of the data to my site.

A couple of the fields I need to populate are held in session variables throughout the application. When the customer clicks on the checkout button, and is sent over to PayPal's server to complete the transaction, will the session variables still be available to me upon returning to my site?

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Session Variables

Is there a way to close a single session variable, once it's been created? I have an application that requires a several session variables to be created once a person enteres a certian section of my site. When they leave the variables are set to nothing, as they are no longer needed. I'd like to just close them out, but I will still need to keep the session open, so Session.Abandon will not work in this case.

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IIS And Session Variables

I recently reformatted my PC and reinstalled ISS onto Windows 2000.

Since I have done that, my local sites don't work as they used to.

By that I mean, if I have a login page, such as this: Code:

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On my IIS 5.0 i have enable session state set to 20 minutes
ASP SCRIPT TIMEOUT set to 200 seconds.

On my asp pages i even coded in session.timeout = 60

When i check the value of one of my sessions on a page i
am being returned to main page.

i.e If session("basket") = "" then
go to mainpage.asp

When i check the session.timeout on the page this is set
to 60

If i wait around for a few minutes i.e 5 then i am taken
back to mainpage.asp...

The server is not given me the 20 minutes session state.

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Session Variables

I cannot seem to get session variables to work on our test server.

The test server is running windows server 2000 with service pack 4, iis 5.0.2195.6620, and sql server 2000.

However, on our main server, NT 4.0 fully updated, they do work.

Could anyone enlighten me as to why session variables don't work on Windows Server 2000?

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Session Variables

We have different types of logins for our accounts on our intranet. When a
person logs in, a Session variable is set to determine their level of
access. For sake of argument, say the two LoginTypes are Manager and
Employee.When I log in (as a Manager), I get a certain set of options on the
homepage. Then I return to the login page, after logging in as myself, and
log in as an Employee. For some reason, the page seems "cached" and the
manager options will still display. If I refresh this page, it will appear
the way it should. I *think* this only happens when I copy/paste a URL that
I was at as a Manager. I believe that if I click a link, it displays
properly.Is there a way to prevent this? I do a ton of copying/pasting

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Session Variables

I would like to declare a session variable.
' Use session variables for the recordsets for the GetSubordinates and IsManager functions
Dim orgStructRS
set orgStructRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

Where can I declare this session variables?
Once I use the recordset in both the functions, where do I close these recordsets?

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Session Variables

I have read couple of articles warning against the use of storing VB COM
objects (Apartment Threading) in Session Variables due to the fact that
these variables could go bad.My question is what's the workaround this?
I have also read about making ASP Stateless...I'm guessing that means
turning the session and application variables off and if you do that
then how do you pass information for a particular user from one page to
another?I'm confused about how to get an ASP site working without using
Application and Session variables as well as not storing VB COM objects
in Session Variables.

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Session Variables

I have a session variable in a login page. Then I go to a form page where I
uses the ProfileID and the UserID. Then I go to a result page where I would
like to use the UserID as a filter, but I can't get the value is stored in it.

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Session Variables

I'm loading a variable into the session variables that will be for checking to see if the user can access a certain area of the website. When the user logs out or gives and incorrect login password is it better to kill off all the variables using session.abandon or to set the session access variable to False?
I'm not really concerned about using the servers resources with this one variable, but I would like to keep the server as free as possible.

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Session Variables

I've noticed that in my ASP application that session variables are not carried over from
one IE6 open browser window to another.
Can anyone tell me how IE can do this? It seems like it's a useful protection mechanism
that I can add to my application.
BTW, I'm looking for a way to determine if someone is moving cookies between computers.
How IE and/or ASP handles sessions might give me some insights (and I'm open to
suggestions as to how to prevent cookie stealing?)

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Session() Variables

I have an ASP [Classic] application running under IIS 5 & 6 [on different
servers (obviously)]
I need to implement Session() variables to cache some frequently looked up
data. Because of the nature of the data, it is best held in the Session()
rather than the Application() object.Is there a limit to the how long the parameter name can be?
For example:
Session("HairColour") - the parameter name length her is 10 characters -
what's the max length (is there a max length)?
I ask because my code will generate these parameter names on the fly and I
don't want them to break anything

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Session Variables

I have a question regarding ASP session variables.
My assumption was that a session variable has the same lifetime as the
session itself: as a consequence, given that closing the browser doesn't
terminate the session, the session variable is kept alive until the
session expires.But, surprisingly, I've found this to be true for the session variables
whose value is set in the global.asa file, but if the value is set in an
..asp script, it appears to be erased from the session object as soon as
the browser is closed although the session is still alive. Strange. Is
this a bug?What I'd need to know is: how I can make session variables whose value
is set in an .asp script persistent as long as the session is alive.

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