Scanner As An Input Device

I have a list with product names (the list will grow),each of those products could be read as a barcode as well,so I was asked to change my web site so that users are able to scan that barcode, that would be easy if I didn't have to look after users who have a scanner and once that don't,

so the idea was if they have a scanner they scan in into a input box(not sure if combo box can be used) and according to the product code scanned that automatically populates the combo box list with the relevant product name, if they don't have a scanner then they just manually select the product name from the list.

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Using Barcode Scanner With ASP / ASP.NET

I am working with a client who wants to integrate barcode scanning
technology into a website I'm building for him (ASP and ASP.NET site).
Specifically, he wants to use barcode scanning in his order
fulfillment process. He wants an employee to bring up an order, then
scan in the products being shipped with the order, then mark the order
as processed.

I've read posts that point to barcode scanners that will simulate
keystrokes and simply input the scanned information directly into a
web form. This sounds like the direction we need to head.

Does anyone recommend a particular company's scanner and / or
communication software between the scanners and the website? I've
heard about Symbol and L-Tron, any others? Can anyone give me any
pointers on how to establish communication between the scanners and
the website, as I'm still a little fuzzy on how to accomplish this?

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Vulnerability Scanner

Would you recommend a ASP (IIS) web server vulnerability scanner? If I install the all the updates from Microsoft, then I don't need vulnerability scanners? I was on a chat, I installed all the updates, but the other guy said he found some vulnerability from my web server and he could attack it. I think that guy used some tool to check vulnerabilities. I treid to find a scanner myself, but I don't know which is the best.

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Barcode Scanner

I have tickets printed with barcode. When i scan that code is placed in a text box of my form. How can i read from the scanner and put it in a specific text box? Or i directly want to insert into database. This is my actual requirement.

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Bar Scode Scanner & ASP..

I've been making an html/asp code that uses a barcode scanner.. Currently, when scanning an item, the user scans an item and then clcik a submit button to add the item into a database..

Now, its a hassle for the user to scan a hundred items scanning and clicking, scanning and clicking until he finished the last item.. Now what i want to do is to scan all of the items first using before pressing the submit button..

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Device Filters

I was wondering if anyone can tell me the effect of having device filters
such as for isnokia7110 in your web.config on IIS/ASP peformance? Is there
anything to be aware of here?

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Handheld Device

Is it possible to run ASP on a handheld device? There's information on my website that I would like available on a portable device without connecting to the internet. Basically, I'm looking to run a ASP site locally on the device.

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Connecting To A Mobile Device

I need to dial in and connnect to mobile devices from my asp website over internet(using VOIP) and sent numeric messages to that mobile device (not just the sms or email). I did some reading on VOIP but couldn't get usefull info. If any of you could help me out on how to do this.

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Running On A Portable Device

i need to retrieve data with a portable device inside a building that don't have wireless network.i need to run some application/page/whatever saying "person name" and a "[check box]" for true/false . wich device (the most inexpensive) could i use ?
can ASP help ?

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Communicating With External App/Device From ASP Page

I have a project in which I need to send info to/get info from a RS-232 port of the server depending on the client clicks on a asp web page.

How can I access a serial port from the ASP code itself. I tried to use MSCOMM... But it is not working. Is there any way to do this?

As an alternative mechanism, we planned to shift all the communication related stuff to Visual C++ application which sits as a service in the Server and do the necesary communication stuff whenever it receives any request from an ASP page. We planned to use socket communication between ASP page and VC++ application if we go with this way. What are the other ways that a VC application and a ASP application can talk to each other...?

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Code To Detect User Device

does anyone know some code to be able to divert mobile phone users to a different site (wap version) clicking on the same link as a pc user would.I have been able to get the browser by using Request.ServerVariables("http_user_agent")Though it is only mobiles that i want to divert else where (this does not include PDA's).I'm guessing it is via an 'IF' statement but I don't know?

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Web Page Viewed From A Mobile Device

How can i build a simple (Classic) ASP page which can be viewed from a mobile device?

Can someone give me an example.& is there any way that i can test these asp pages of mine using some emmulator of some sorts. as i do not have any mobile devices to browse the net.

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Create Dynamic Input Names Or Input Fields In Asp

I have a little code to add multiple items to a shopping cart based
page. This code works perfect, but it adds all of the info to the
same input fields every time it loops. I need it to change the input
names each time it loops. Here is the code:

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How Can I Change One Line Input Field Into Larger Input Field

I have being working with making an edit field over the past few days. The edit function is now working fine. The edit fields that i have are for id, subject, notes, timedate.

All of the edit screens are one line text screens. What I want to do now is increase the size of the notes box to a larger textarea type box to make it easier to edit notes. The notes field in the db is a textarea field. Code:

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Input Box

I have an input box that sends data over to the next page. This
input box was in a loop, there creating data looking like this: 2, 0,
0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0

How do i break the data up in such a way that i can populate it into my
db while running through a recordset?

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Input Tag In MAC

I have a problem with :

<input maxlength="10" name= "DateRep" type="text" style="width:115" onchange="UpdateCentralRep();" value=<%=Date()+1%>>

when its run in a MAC machine, it reload de whole page, instaed call UpdateCentralRep.
It works ok in PC!!!

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Asp Input

i create a dynamic table to modify user/account for administrative management.
I have modify & delete function to be performed.

The idea is that when the admin click the Delete link, he can delete a particular account/user. is it possible to pass variable of buff value to recID??

because when i see the result of request.querystring("recID"), i does not pass the mumerical value sound pretty simple but i can't get it. Code:

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Input Image Box

when I use:

<input type=button id=Test>

the following code works

myform.Test.disabled = true

When I change the input box to type image none of the properties are available. I get the message "object doesn't support this property or method"

Can anyone tell me how to fix this.

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ASP And Input Parsing

I am looking for something similar to "preg_match" and "preg_match_all" in PHP.

I have searched the forum with no luck. I hope you are able to give me some pointers

Basically I want to match some text from a form and loaded it into new variables making use of regular expressions. the text comes form a textarea input type. Code:

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Using An Input To Call A Sub R.

I have a bummer here. I have 3 sub R. that I need to call from a input button. I set up the following line, but the script just calls them with out having the button pressed. OOOO! Any ideas?

<form method="submit" name="nreg" onsubmit="(this)" action="call readitme, call saveitme, call reduce" >

I have also used method="POST" same darn thing, script just runs the sub R. with out being pushed or cliked. UUUGGG

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Clean Input

Is there any way to clean the user input before saving to the database.I tried to use..

Function StripNonNum(strInput)
Dim regEx
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern ="^[w-.]{1,}@([da-zA-Z-]{1,}.){1,}[da-zA-Z-]{2,3}$"
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
StripNonNum = regEx.Replace(strInput, "")
End Function

But It doesn't work when user cut&paste the information to screen.For eg.Cut&Paste from a CV which contains Bullet points is there any way to remove these bullet Points before data saving..

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File Input

when using a file input it only returns the filename

is there any way of returning the full path and file name?

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Html Input Tag

<input type="radio" name="dewey_loc" value="dewey" onClick="toggledewey()" checked>Dewey
Can't seem to work out how to call an ASP/VBSCRIPT function from within html, is this able to be done? Can call JS without issue, but need to change a Session variable when this radio button is clicked.

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I have found that places double quotes ' "text" ' around text inside (INPUT) tags results in everything after the initial quote, '"' gets truncated.
I'm passing the form information to another form to allow the user to look over and validate what they're submitting, then they will click the submit
button to send it all along.
I'm finding that in the validation form, the quoted text inside the (INPUT) tag gets truncated. However, the quoted text inside a TEXTAREA tag does not.

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User Input

I'm using the following code and if someone enters something in the "instructions" field with characters -"', - it causes the SQL statement to change using those characters.

Dim strSQLadd
strSQLadd = "INSERT INTO orders" &_
"(form_number, orig_number, order_loannum, order_date, order_time, order_address, order_city, order_zip," &_
"order_contact, order_lockbox, order_agent, order_homephone, order_workphone, order_cellphone," &_
"order_legal, order_instructions, order_deliver, order_pay, order_altmail, order_appraiser) " &_
"VALUES (" & FormNum & "," & OrigNum & ",'" & CaseNum & "','" & OrderDate & "','" & OrderTime & "','" & pave & "','" & City & "','" &_
Zip & "','" & Owner & "','" & LockBox & "','" & Agents & "','" & BorHmP & "','" & BorWrkP & "','" &_
BorCellP & "','" & Legal & "','" & Instruct & "','" & DeliverType & "','" & Payment & "','" & AltMailType & "','" & AppName &"');"
objconn.Execute (strSQLadd)

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Input Automation

i have a software application and i have to import around 250 users data into the app.
I want to automate this step,it the most common info
like FN,LN,e-mail etc.
The app runs on IIS and uses ASP. I am looking for a GUI input Automation tool which will have scripting capability to take input from a text file and fill the user input fields "automagically".can testing tools like winrunner do this for me?

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Input Textfield

how to input textfield in popup window to search from a database and generate the report in another page?

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Input Boxes

I am in the process of writing a website which has an access database
and uses asp to access it. Part of the site is a search facility. I
have heard that it is possible for hackers to gain access to the
database by entering SQL in to the search box. First of all is this
possible? Secondly if it is possible, what sort of syntax should i be
checking for on the text entered in to the search field

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XML To PrePopulate An Input Value

I have an ASP page that has a Form & Inputs that are related to an XML file. I would like to prepopulate the value of the Input with the corresponding field from the XML file.

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Hidden Input

I have a simple problem :

When I try to pass a variable via an hidden input and it contain a word with a space (ex :The Wall), only the first part is sent(ex: The).


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Limit The Input

I limit the quantity of characters in an input box. I need to limit the input to 10 for example.

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Input Mask And ASP

i let the user go and submit his phone number in a particular page. on the other side on access i adjusted my input mask of that particular field to the following set (999) 000-0000;0;-
or (&&&) &&&-&&&&;&;- or (@@@) @@@-@@@@;@;-

when i open the database i see the phone numbers are stored in the fine format which i wanted, however when i try to retrieve the data using the browser, i just gets me the phone number like 29384838283 without any brackets or spaces.

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Form Input

How can I create a query based on the form input. I want to have a pulldown menu (list of states). The user can select the state, lets say VA and click on "go" button. I want the page to return results that has state=VA. So how do I create that statement and send to aspx ?

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