Scheduling Drivers,Missing Logic

Something is not right when I generate the results for assigning drivers to routes...My [ response.Write(rs5.recordcount & " " & rs5("Tot") & " " & rs1("Full_Part") & "<br>") ]

The rs5("Tot") is always zero when the recordcount is 1...with rs5 I am trying to control not to assing more than 42 hours for full timers and 22 hours for part-time drivers per week.... What is wrong with the logic ?

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Scheduling Application

I am creating a scheduling application like that of what Mcdonalds' uses.The screen shows which cars are in need of services in which they were entered into the system. The application will refresh and show the mechanics, which car arrived first for an oil service. Does anyone have any demos, samples, or examples of something like this? This is my first full-fledged ASP application and I need some help getting started.

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Scheduling ASP Without Cron

I've seen questions about scheduling ASP scripts posted in this group
many times so hopefully this will be useful information to a few

I just wanted to let you all know that our script scheduling service at has been rewritten from the ground up and is now
better than ever. If you are looking for a way to schedule your ASP
scripts and don't have access to cron or task scheduler then you need
this service.

We've also just launched an affiliate program so if you run a Website
for ASP/Web Developers why not sign up as an affiliate?

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Scheduling An Asp Page

I've got an ASP page that needs to run once a day at 7:00 AM. I've currently got task scheduler setup to run it then but have come across a limitation. The task scheduler doesn't think the task (the ie window) has finished running because the window doesn't close itself. Can you come up with some suggestions?
I've tried making a page that closes itself, but that doesn't work because the page that closes itself needs confirmation from a user that the page close request is true.

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Scheduling A Script?

I'd like to run an asp script at a specific time on a Windows 2k/IIS 5 server. (The script queries a database and sends an email to an administrator if a record has a datestamp older than 24 hours and another field = no).

I've tried the following method but can't get it to work: ....

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Scheduling The Execution Of An Asp Page

I'm using Asp 3.0 and windows 2000 and SQl server 2000 as back end My problem is every day morning 8 i want to take some data from the data base and send a mail to some mail ids which i retrieve from the database.

I want this to be executed at 8 Am every morning automatically. Is there any way to schedule the execution of the asp page at a particular time. Or any other ways r there like using vb script?

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Pick Wrong Time Interval,scheduling

The interval that a driver is available from 5:00:00 AM to 8:00:00 PM....
And I dont want to pick this route that runs from 10:15:00 to PM 4:00:00 AM...because the driver is not available btw those times..However my query picks that tooo..Why? Code:

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I have a recordset that returns company names, their are duplicates, sorted
by company name.

sCompanyName = ors("company")

How can I show only one company name from each company and display nothing for the next name if its the same in the previouse row,

COKE $2.14
PEPSI $3.13
FANTA $1.26

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Logic Of Listing

as i enter text in the textbox i want to narrow down there result in the box below that has all the listing of the products. i.e as i enter 'a' in textbox it will filter all products starting with 'a' then if i enter 'b' as second character it will show onlythose products that are starting with 'ab'... so how could i do that.

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Weekday Logic

I have an MySQL query that counts the number of clients that have been added in the last week.

strsql = "SELECT COUNT(visitorref) As no_visitors FROM visitors WHER datediff(curdate(),date(loa))<="&weekday(date())-1&" AND client_count IS NULL"

This works fine for Monday through Friday. But, I want to change the week etaphorically speaking! ) to run from Thursday to Wednesday, so on a Tuesday it'll show the count from last Thursday to the Tuesday.I'm gradually beginning to think I can't do it this easily anymore and just can't figure out what I want the datediff to equal.

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Logic To Change

i ussually use .this one use request.quarystring right?so, what is the logic to change to

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Fuzzy Logic

i was building a internet based search engine and heard of fuzzy search algorithms.
Can anybody give fuzzy logic search algorithm for string search.

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Exe/dll For Logic From Data Thru .mdb And Display In Asp ??

Write an exe/dll (which will be better please tell me)..which has code to only control my logic or rather data conversion/manipulation of the raw data recieved thru and .mdb file and then display the exe/dll manipulated data thru an asp page.??

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Table Building Logic

I am working on this for someone: the user sees a list of chocolates which they can click on to add to a virtual chocolate box.

Each choc. is represented as an image of the choc - clicking on the image adds that choc. into a db. storing the product id of the selected choc. The user can select 8 chocolates. When the box is full, they can select no more chocolates.

I loop through the db. to display the number of chocs in the cart, like this: Code:

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Page Navigation Logic

Up until now I have mostly used a script that I got from somewhere way back for adding the page navigation on a results page ie.
<< 1 2 3 .. 4 5 6 >>

Ive decided to make my own but there seams to be too many cases/options in my script.I am using an array to store my results so if anyone knows a place where I can view a simple one or even some logic behind it.

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Logic Of Uploading From A Form

I've been looking at pure ASP solutions to uploading a file from a form, and I'm a bit confused just on the logic.Each solution I've seen includes a binary read of all of the POST data and a parse to find the file.

Why can't the request.form collection just be used to get the binary directly? I mean, even if the request.form collection reads an ASCII value, isn't ASCII just an interpretation of binary (so shouldn't we be able to simply write it to a file and be done with it)?

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Organization Chart Logic

We need to create an org chart from our employee data but struglling. We are using ASP with SQL Server 2000. Does anyone know of a commercial component or some sample code to help us get started?

Ideally a component will be great as we need to turn this around quite quickly and also the chart needs to be interactive so various nodes can be hidden or expanded by the user. Many of you have been in development and I am sure would have been asked to present the employee or similar hierarchical data in tree structure.

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Logic For Survey Form

I have created a dynamic form ,different under different conditions. The elements of the page are dynamically created with the required infor . coming from tables. Now, i have to store the values, states of all individual elements of the form, for future processing . The values are the part of a survey. I hav to analyse the values and create a report.

Now , i m getting confused in the way , the values of all dynamic fields to be stored. I m not getting a good way to store the values and later process for survey analysis.

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Some Logic For Page Navigation

i am having a hard time finding out whats wrong i get the users login name from the first page and then i have this page which displays the abstracts

whats happening now is if the user has 9 abstracts assigned to him he sees 5 abstracts on the page and then there is page navigation so he sees the number 2 when i click on number 2 i should see the rest 4 abstracts but i cant see anything it doesnt give an error can anyone tell me whats wrong Code:

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Wrong Logic,select Data

I am using access with sch_time_start,end,start_time,end as text fields not as Date/time....I am getting wrong amount of record...Example:

If db has 6 records like start_time and end_time = 12:00 AM- 05:15 AM,
and person has sch_time_start and sch_time_end = 12:15 AM-05:12 AM.....I am missing smth...maybe logic is wrong.. Code:

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Enter Table In Front Page Say The Logic

I'm trying to put the 4 latest(by publication date) articles published in my press table on the front page of my site. What's the logic here:

Show only the 4 latest articles

and if there is no addition to the article db:

Show latest articles for 1 month.

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ODBC Drivers

On executing the following code , I am getting the error:
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '<'.
/Airtel2/outgoing/operator/Circle/newc.asp, line 75

Sql_Insert="INSERT INTO Customer(devices,handset_id,cust_name,address,mobi le,email,Gender,locid,otherBrand,otherModel,fax,cu st_connection,landlineno,cust_connecting,alt_mobil e,company_name,os,simno,priority,UsingInternet,tra ns_date,Trans_Type,Trans_UserID,InsertedByArea) "&_

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ODBC Drivers Error

I'm trying to update data to a mysql db, and this is the error that I get

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driverserror '80040e21'

Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done. /systemnotes/updatenota.asp, line 116

I don't know if in this part of the code is te problem

objNotas.Open SQL, DBConn, 1, 3

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ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)

PHP Code:

 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x51c Thread 0xc90 DBC 0x105a9c4 Jet'.
/store3/insert_store.asp, line 5 

What am I doing wrong?

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ODBC Drivers Error '80004005' ???

I get an email from an organization I developed a template web site for. They are offering the site to their clients. The site has two features, one of which is an FAQ page and another is a make an appointment page. Both use ASP, the FAQ sends a cdont email and makes an entry to an Access database. The appt. form just sends an email. Anyway, one member of the organization sent an email to say that when ever he submits an faq, he (and his friends???) get this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary(volatile) Jet DSN for process 9x11c8 Thread 0x192c DBC 0x1796a9bc Jet

I went to the site and submitted an FAQ entry and it worked perfectly. Then, like a good little web master I Googled that error message and got this page -;en-us;Q306518

This is where I need your help. There is something about a registry key but I haven't a clue what is to be done about it. The members at the organization can also submit the FAQ form, or so I understand they can, but the web site owner in Missouri gets the error. Can anyone shed some light?

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ODBC Drivers Error '80040e14'

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid bracketing of name '[210.00]'.

bidProc.asp, line 100

strSQL="INSERT INTO bids(bid_amount,user_id,bid_item_id)"
strSQL=strSQL&"SELECT """& iBidPrice &""" AS Expr1, """& iUserID &""" AS Expr2, """& iBidItemID &""" AS Expr3;"

con1.execute strSQL'here is line 100
This code worked when I tested in on my own computer with iis on windows 2k. Then I uploaded it to the website and it returned this error. Any idea how to correct it?

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ODBC Drivers Error 80004005

I'm running IIS 6.0 on my server 2003 machine and i'm hosting a simple website that reads off a database. I keep on getting the same error tho. I'm using a dsn connection (because i understand that a bit more) and the error message is as follows:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source
name not found and no default driver specified

The thing is, i've made the system dsn for my database and assigned it the .mdb driver (I'm using Access). I'm losing my mind and a lot of sleep because of deadlines. Has anyone seen this problem before and does anybody know how to fix it?

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Microsoft OLE DB Provider For ODBC Drivers

i have a project which is running on my webserver and is live for people to view on the intranet.. i have copied a copy of this project and i want to be able to make some changes to it... when i am trying enter the name of the project in the address toolbar of internet explorer i keep on getting this error message

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
/copy of project/Default.asp, line 9

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ODBC Drivers Error ''80004005''

i got this error message when trying to view .asp file. could anyone help me to translate what are wrong?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error ''80004005''

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/uitm_perak/uitm_seri_iskandar_pengurusan_atasan.asp, line 8

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Error: ODBC Drivers (0x80004005) With Access.

I have an ASP page (deleteselect.asp) that is set up to query an Access database, list the records in the table, and then create a link for each record that calls on another asp page (deletepublication.asp) and deletes the record from the database using the primary key (ID) field.

I got this exact same code to work for another page to delete users from the database. I copied the code exactly to create the delete publication page but then I started getting the error (the delete user page still works, just not the deletepublication page). Basically I have 2 tables in the dB, one called "users" and one called "publications", so I just changed the code accordingly and started getting the error.

This sounds quite complicated, but basically I can't figure out why one works, and the exact same code for another page doesn't work and generates this error: Code:

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ERROR!!! Microsoft OLE DB Provider For ODBC Drivers

For some reason, my asp pages that establish connections with the Access Database are very erratic. It often gives me an

this error:
Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x7c0 Thread 0x70c DBC 0x21f6024 Jet'.

It throws me the error at times, but sometimes it works fine, and I'm sure the physical path of the database is correct as well. What is going on?! Is there a problem with the IIS? I use IIS 5.0 with W2K by the way.

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Microsoft ODBC Drivers Error '80040e14'

I'm having a few problems trying to access my database and would appreciate some guidance!

The error I get is:

Quote: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Unknown
/includes/connection_open.asp, line 22

I'm currently coding on a Windows XP SP2.

My connection_open.asp code is as follows:


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OLE DB Provider For ODBC Drivers Error '80040e21'

A user is getting the following error message;

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e21' value, no work was done
Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status

then gives the page address and 'line 1127'

I have both English and French versions of the form and yet only the french (really only field labels and error messages) gives this error message. the form supporting english users works without issue.

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