Search Auto Complete Box

We are planning to improve the present search (Product DB search). Is there
any way on ASP script to make an auto complete text box, loaded with the
product names (like in google suggest). I hear AJAX, can that be used with
ASP scripts?

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Auto Complete Combo Box

I've got a combo box with the values:


If I type the letter "A" it jumps to "AAA" in the list. If I type the letters "AB" it jumps to "BAB" as "B" was the last letter typed. Is there a way to have it accept "AB" as "AB" and jump to "ABA"?

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ASP/AJAX Auto-complete Textbox

I am trying to find ASP code so I can use auto-complete with a textbox by using ASP and Ajax. I can find and php, but no luck with asp.

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2 Qns - Auto Send Email And Search

1st, i want to auto check my db to see if there's any mails to be sent on that day, at 12am everyday... i should create a batch file or create a asp script and use vbscript to call my asp file? How to create a batch file?

2nd, i go a search function..

In my db, i got a column with data like this "a , b , c"
When the user entered "a", i want the information that have "a" in that coulmn to be taken out... i want an exact match of the word (seperated by the comma).. But when i search, how do i seperate the data in the column by a comma to see if i have an exact match?

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Disable Auto-search In Listbox Control

I've got an asp page that populates a listbox with info from a db.

The list box ends up being pretty big, so I want to be able to search
it effectively. I like the method wherein the user types the letters
of the word they are looking for from within the listbox and the
control automatically scrolls to the item matching the chars they have
typed thus far.


If the listbox were to contain states Alabama, Alaska, and Louisiana,
when the user clicked in the listbox and typed "Ala" the box would
scroll to Alabama, and when they typed an additional 's', so the typed
string was "Alas", the box would scroll to Alaska.


I've got javascript that does this very well, but the listbox control
default search behavior overrides my javascript. So, the javascript
will correctly index to Alaska when "Alas" is typed, but when the
javascript function is done running, the list moves down to Louisiana,
because the asp control thinks that by typing 'l' the user wants to
move to the first item in the box beginning with an 'l'.


Can I disable the default search behavior in the control? If so, how?
If not, does anyone have any thoughts on how else I might get around
this problem?

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File Complete

I have a machine ftp-ing a file into a directory where a script picks it up and does something to it. I dont want the script to process the file if the file is still being copied.the only way I can figure out to do this is to check the size of the file... then wait 'n second and check the size again. and if the size is exactly the same... then asume its all there. but this doesn't seem like the right way to do it. is there no easy way or simple property I can check to see if its done?

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Complete Value Of Variable

I've got a variable that can hold one or more words called strUserName. I want to display the complete value of that variable in a form field but I only get the first word

Agent:<input type="text name="agent" value=<% =strUserName %> size=30>

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Retrieve Complete URL

I searched this forum but couldn't find:

How can I retrieve the complete URL of the current page? (by using ASP, not Javascript!)

What I mean is this - I have a long URL something like:

I know I can read parts of URL through server variables, such as PATH_INFO, QUERY_STRING etc. and then concate the string variable, but that is not enough! I need to request the COMPLETE URL like I mentioned in the example.

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Complete Dollar Value

I need a function that would retain a value like 112.50 as opposed to 112.5. It is needed for currency values and display. I tried using cSng, cCur, but they all seem to trunicate the zero.

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Complete Order Total

i dont know if this should be a mysql question or a asp question...

i have a database that stores all the orders and each orders total. How can i make it so that i can add all the order totals together, to get a final total

Im using mysql.

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Delete Complete Folder

How can i delete a complete folder including subfolders
and files in the subfolders. Or do i to delete one by one

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ASP Email To Complete Registration

is this one possible with ASP?

"To complete your registration, click on the link below: "

if this is, can someone please explain how to do it?

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Complete Error Message

I have problem with my page, but IIS only show "The page cannot be displayed". How to display complete error message ? I think I've read this sometimes ago here, but I can't find it.

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Close To Website Being Complete

Right Im close to finishing this nightmare of a website now! 2 things left to do. First is insert images. OK I have done this using Shadow Wizards 'ShadowUploader'. So the way it works on my page is that the user has to upload the file from there local hard drive into the server folder.

Then they browse for that file, hit ok, then submit the form.
Can I restrict that browser window only to look in that Images folder on the server instead of being able to browse the whole computer?

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Accesss Complete Reset

is there a small command that resets a whole accessdatabase? I need a code that deletes all records in a database. Does anyone know how I can do this?

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Knowing When A File Download Is Complete

I have a requirement to record in a database when a file is finished
downloading to the end-user. Currently when a user clicks a download icon
for a file it directs to an ASP page that records the "hit" into a database,
then I use a response.redirect "filename.exe" to point the user to the

What I'm missing is knowing when the download is complete so I
can update the database to show the file successfully completed its
download. Is there a way to do this with ASP? A way to do this with an
aftermarket component?

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Buliding A Complete Mailing Site

i ve a project to build a complete mailing site like hotmale or yahoo.i ve not any idea of doing this..i am a APS/PHP developer but this is a totally new project for i d be thakful if some1 gives me the idea of whole setup...what kinda setup i ve to Which Mailing Server (Exchange Server) and complete setup.its 'd be nice if soem1 send me any URL where i can find any tutotrial on this kinda solution.

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Asp Writes Csv WITHOUT Complete File Path?

I have a simple asp form which writes to a csv.
The code it's based on (from "ASP for Dummies") is:

Set peoplefile - _
filesys.OpenTextFile( _

The form is going live soon, and I'd like just a dash of due diligence
in terms of security. I tried using a relative link to the gbpeople.txt
file which didn't work. Is there a better way around this without

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Complete An Access Table Through A Select List

I would like to know if it is possible to fill in an access table through a select list inside an APS 3 web page. If yes, how ?

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Wait For Connection.execute Method To Complete...

I 've coded an asp webpage where a user could toggle a boolean value through a checkbox.
When the checkbox was pressed, the page posted the toggle action to itself, a

connection.execute "UPDATE tableName SET fieldName=(Not fieldname) WHERE field_id=1

query was performed and the checkbox, after I had retrieved its new value through a recordset, changed its appearence(state). At first I used an MS Access DB and it worked fine.

After I had switched the hole application to work with MS-SQL, although I changed the above query to Code:

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Complete Function To Create Table And Columns

I have been looking everywhere, and can't find a complete function to create tables and columns in access .mdb from ASP, while adding columns that are missing in tables that already exist, can anyone post a link or the code to such function?

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Complete News Script, Comment And Check

Just finished creating my own news script and was wondering if someone could look at it for me comment on it, how secure is it etc.

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Storing Complete Dbase Conn In Application Object

I am currently working on a small asp application. Now I would like to store the complete database connection in the application object. Note I want to store the connection NOT the connectionstring. For that purpose I wrote a small asp include which connects to the dbase and stores the connection object to the application object. However when I use this include in my pages then it doesnt work. What I am doing wrong? Here is the code:

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How To Download A Complete Folder From Server To Clients Machine

I am facing a strange problem. I want to give a functionality to the client where he can download a complete folder from the server. but how to give this functionality is the main problem.

I have one ASP page where I am creating various files of vcf extension dynamically and now I want that client should be able to download all those files. Those files are present in one folder and so I want to give that whole folder to the now I want some trickes/code or URL from you guys to achive this .

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"Complete PDF" Option In Acrobat Mixing With CDONTS?

I'm playing around with Acrobat at the moment and here's what I need to do.

(1) Have users online fill in a PDF form in Acrobat Reader.
(2) The users Submit it as a "complete PDF".
(3) It is emailed immediately via CDONTS (MS IIS platform).
(4) Users get a thank you message.

I'm currently using an ASP/VBS script for "pure ASP" upload. This script works fine as tested with a standard HTML multipart/form-data form. However, when the PDF is "submitted" the file appears to be lost. ASP can't get hold of it to save it to the server. How on earth do you get this to work?

My required steps are:

(1) Acrobat PDF file submitted.
(2) PDF file saved to disk on the server.
(3) PDF file attached to email and sent.
(4) PDF deleted from server.
(5) Thank you message served to user.

Step (2) is the sticking point! (Or rather, somewhere between steps (1) and (2)!) Everything else when independantly tested is fine.

I have already looked in to the FDF stuff at, but I can't use the FDF Toolkit because I can't get it verified, signed off and installed by IT in time for this project's go live date, so I'm bound in to the route I'm taking!

Can anyone shed any light as to why this isn't working, how Acrobat posts the file (the form enctype) or any other sticking points I haven't thought of. Perhaps I can skip a step and just take the file straight from the buffer to the mail attachment?

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Need To Convert Google Search Ref To Find What The User Search

i get the ref url that come to my site and i want to convert it to find
out what was the query in (google or other searcher sites)

foe example : if someone goes to google and search some text and my
site was in his resaults and he click on it , in my site i see his link
ref like

i want to know (in asp and save it to DB) what was the word or words
that the user write in search engine.

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Auto Run

i have a page with top frame (html) and bottom frame (asp)the top frame come with choices and then submit value to bottom asp page by submit can i do it if i wish the bottom asp to run automatically in specific value when the html is loaded.then the user can change the choices after.

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Auto Fill

Is it possible in ASP to have an Auto Fill option? For instance, if I am typing in a name and I type in the first few characters, can ASP recognize a similar name in the database and begin filling in the rest of a possible match?

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Auto Fill Using Asp

ive got an online system which allows people to enter info into a database about an absence request they have - at the same time this emails the person in charge of absences.

The form is setup now but to make it easier i want to alter the "Name" and "email" fields so they require no filling in ie - a staff members name will be chosen from a drop down list (ive done this bit fine) and then once this is done the relevant email for this person is automatically placed in the email field. This bit i am struggling with - anyone any ideas how this can be done??

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Auto E-mail

does anyone in here got an idea on how to automatically send an email message once a person signs up for a website? i'm doing a small website right now and if a person signs up on the website details about the non profit organization would be send automatically to their email.

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Auto Text Box

In my form I placed a text box, in which I want when the users writing something some choices from a database table to be presentes for example:

if they wrote
a drop down list to be showned which contains.

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Auto Authenticate

I am running 2000 server, sp4, IIS 5

I need to be able to autoexecute an asp page from a batch file that is placed in the windows scheduler.

I can execute the page fine, but I can't get past the authentication. How do I pass the username and password to windows via the URL automatically so this can be done without any user action? This is not a https but it uses integrated windows authentication.

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Auto Add Record

I work for a large company and the outside supervisors are not that computer savy. The simpler the better. Each supervisor has 15 employees that he must assign work for each day(Monday through Friday and sometimes Saturday).

I am trying to create this so they can click on a button it will add 15 new records to Table A that are copied from the day before. Then they just have to update the new records with today's LocDate and a new location if needed. Code:

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