Search Engines Finding ASP Pages?
I have a website using a SQL database that is called by ASP pages and I want the search engines to crawl through and index each of the items in the database. I've tried making one page with all of the items in the database but it takes way too long to load. I have over 2,000 items.
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I have a client who has repeatedly asked about getting a site-wide search engine for their website. There's arguments for and against, but I'm more worried about the practical aspects of the request.
The site is largely composed of password-protected pages. Member data is stored in an Access database. The pages are all secured by a basic include file that checks against session variables to see if the user is logged in. If "yes," they can see the page. If "no," they are redirected to a login page. Standard stuff.
One of my biggest arguments against the search engines is that since they can't get into the protected pages to index them, those pages will not be included in search results. Since the protected pages make up about 90% of the site, this pretty much renders the search engine useless.
Have any of you encountered a similar situation? Any thoughts on a way for the search engine to index those protected pages?
As far as the search engine goes, I was planning on cheating and using a form that sends requests to a simple google site search (it works surprisingly well on the non-password protected pages), although I'm open to other suggestions if you have any.
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I want to implement a search engine which query other search engines like YAHOO, GOOGLE, ... and show the results to can I do this?
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i have a site that is in the almost ready to be launched and it uses asp with an access database. i have lots of info in the database that i definately to stay indexed in search engines once i switch to the new dynamic site.
what is the deal with such a situation, i was told by someone who helped with the asp that they wouldn;t index the database info. anyone know how this all works, or how to get the site to be indexed the same?
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if anyone can shed some experience on how to have search engines index a website that is a store using products stored in an asp database. I've been creating static html pages each time I update my inventory but it seems like there has to be a better/quicker way.
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Is it possible to hide code from search engines. We have a dynamical asp-home page that takes two text files per page. One text file contains meta information. I want to stop all search engines to include this text file in the search result.
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I want to have a list of businesses stored in a database. When some one does a search, a list will come up with a few businesses shown according tot he search criteria.
When one of the businesses is clicked on from the resultant list, the
details of the business are shown.
I want the contents of the database to appear on search engines.
I can't see how this would be possible if I am drawing that information
out from a database?? Code:
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one cant do a straight division because if i have 20 per page and 22 records, that's two pages. best i've come up with so far is
iPageCount = fix(iNumRecords / iPageSize)
if( iNumRecords mod iPageSize > 0 )then
iPageCount = iPageCount + 1
end if
anyone managed it better? is there a function like fix that forces a round up?
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At the moment, I'm working on search engine based on several crtierias. Upon submiting their query, the system will then compare the values entered with the DB and return the search results. Those search results are displayed in a table and users are able to print out that search result page for reference.
However my problem now is if there are more than say 4 search results, though they can view it on screen, they cant print out the whole table! The table will be cut into 2, leaving the rest of the data out. So I was wondering if I can program it in a way where if there is more than 4 rows, it will break into 2 tables. I've attached my files for references. Code:
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Can anyone suggest a (preferably site based ) component for searching asp
pages that are protected by sessions?
A client wishes to enable a search that can index pages irrespective of
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I have a database with date of births stored dd/mm/yyyy (english dating
system) and =date() returns a date in the same format in my server.
how do i find the persons age using these two pieces of date.
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I need to create a new application in our test server. I am using VID for
that purpose. In order to set up the project in VID, it asks me 'which server
you want to use'. However, I do not have the name of the test server. Is
there any way to configure the name of the server here? I have full rights to
the server directory and is mapped on my machine as G drive.
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Here is a function where you don't have to worry about the leap year.
You will have to still be aware of time differences between you and
the server, and correct your data before entering it into the
function. And of course time zones, yada yada ....
BUT I think that most people using this will just want to say if today
is there bday than they are their new age. Code:
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I am developing a hotel finder solution in Canada. When some one enters a Postal code, it should be able to display the hotels in 5 KM radius. (With nearer PIN numbers?) I am deleloping this application using ASP, and is there anyway I can such searches?
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Set ObjTest = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
I need the space occupied by the ObjTest in RAM. Is it possible ?
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I am trying to find total number of parts in the database for a user by using the COUNT function:
max = HelpDesk.Execute("SELECT count(PartRef) AS 'maximum' FROM MISC_PartInfo WHERE Username = '" username "'")
but when i try to output the result by:
Response.Write max("maximum")
I get the error:
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal./Intranet/test/PartInfo.asp, line 82
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if anyone can point me in the right direction or has code on this. i'm trying to display the number of occruances of an event during each week of a given month. basically, i'm looking for code that finds every monday of a given month.
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I'm creating an array from the querystring, then I want to find if something is in that array..
url = quiz.asp?done=6|3|4
done = Request.QueryString("done")
myArray = Split(done,"|")
For Each i In myArray
If myArray(i) = x Then
do something
End If
I keep getting a "subscript out of range error"
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I have a form. When I do action="POST" I can see the changes done by looking at ---- for example request("MyBox")
Where MyBox is a dropdown box and by doing request("MyBox") I get the selected value.
Is there a way I can get the number of requests done? (i.e if I had 3 dropdown boxes then I get 3).
Also is there a way to get a list of the names of all the requests (i.e if I had 3 dropdown boxes then I get MyBox1 MyBox2 MyBox3)
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I have a section of code that is supposed to search through a DB comparing a field of when the record was added. Its supposed to find the latest record and move to that record so it can process some other code:
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Heres what im trying to do, I have mssql databse full of about 15,000 item ID codes. For Example of the ID Code:
The first 2 sometimes 4 letters represents the distributor name, the numbers are the item number and BX for example means Box.
And I have about 15,000 images from my distributrs that mostly match up to the actual ID number, but still a lot dont match up because of a small extra letter like BX Or somehting like that.
So what ive done was write a code that Splits out the Manufature code for example DJ from DJ3726BX, and also the same for the item ID 3726 from DJ3726BX, So when I put thos to together I get just the manufature name and ID code instead of the extra crap I dont need.
And now I take just the Manufacutre name and ID and looping through my database and all of the (images via File Scripting Object).
Then I check to see if the manufacure code and ID is in the item name. For Example
Check if DJ74637
IS In: DJ74637BX.GIF
Then if it finds a match it gos and renames the gif for me. And it loops through untill its done.
My problem is that it just doesnt work, no errors no anything it just doesnt pick up any images when I can visualy go through my self and find some matchs.
Heres my code that I came up with so far ....
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How can I find out the full directory path (i.e. c:path ofile) of a file? I'm logged into a server and the of course, I have an FTP directory root, but I need to know the absolute path.
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I have this page that gets a list of catagories from the database and displays them with there id numbers in a select box like this
<select name="catagories">
<option value="1">Catagory 1</option>
<option value="2">Catagory 2</option>
Then I post it to another page to process the information. This is written in asp and vbscript.
I open a dsnless adodb connection to the database then use it to create a recordset for the catagories table.
the problem is when I check the idnumbers in the database with the one posted selected by the user in the previous page none of them match. Code:
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I am using Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") to get the extention from the url and need to know if I am in the root or down a directory. i have two folders, one called 'local' and one called 'group'
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I'm using vbscript in ASP to loop through and rename the files passed to it in a form. When I output the text to the screen of the filenames etc it's all working fine.
However, when I try to get the rename code working, if I select more than one, ASP tells me the 2nd/3rd etc file does not exist. The first one always renames ok.
I presume this is something to do with the Server.MapPath, but what exactly I have no idea! My code is below, can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? Code:
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I'm looking at including the functionality of allowing the user to enter their ostcode / number and for the rest of their address details to be retrieved and populated.I have seen one or two solutions via google but these require you to pay, and I was wondering if this is something that can be achieved for free?
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i have a person upload a file, that is done, then i want to email the file. I know the location, but not the file name. How do i find the file name to attach to the location addy?
objEmail.AttachFile("d:greguploads" & filename & """) , "SNAIL_File" , 1
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